š˜šŽš” š€š‘š„ šˆš š‹šŽš•š„ āŽÆ...

By -swiftieszn

46.2K 1.5K 328

šˆš š–š‡šˆš‚š‡ marley can't help but to be in love with her best friend, olivia rodrigo. even though olivi... More

š’šš’š’– š’‚š’“š’† š’Šš’ š’š’š’—š’†.
š’Š. uncle alejandro
š’Šš’Š. memories
š’Šš’Šš’Š. see you then
š’Šš’—. im gay bitch, face it
š’—. we got this
š’—š’Š. superior lesbian
š’—š’Šš’Š. this shit hurts
š’—š’Šš’Šš’Š. ideal date
š’Šš’™. seven fucking nominations
š’™. adorable date
š’™š’Š. she didn't even tell me
š’™š’Šš’Š. feel so bad
š’™š’Šš’Šš’Š. long radio silent month
š’™š’Šš’—. jason, her boyfriend
š’™š’—. i have fucking feelings for you
š’™š’—š’Š. it's his attitude right?
š’™š’—š’Šš’Š. christmas day
š’™š’—š’Šš’Šš’Š. you're my best friend
š’™š’Šš’™. oh no
š’™š’™. today it's marley day
š’™š’™š’Š. a piece of cake
š’™š’™š’Šš’Š. it's giving reputation era
š’™š’™š’Šš’Šš’Š. the london look
š’™š’™š’Šš’—. nineteen is special
š’™š’™š’—. you, me, our friends
š’™š’™š’—š’Šš’Š. unfortunately i'm sick

š’™š’™š’—š’Š. a punch to the gut

1.1K 51 17
By -swiftieszn

YOU ARE IN LOVE,  olivia rodrigo.
chapter twenty six, 𝖺 𝗉𝗎𝗇𝖼𝗁 𝗍𝗈 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗀𝗎𝗍!

IRIS APATOW OBSERVES HER BEST FRIEND with a knowing look in her eyes.

Olivia's gaze is stuck on a certain person, and has been the whole night. Which haven't gone unnoticed by her friends who've been exchanging smirks and glances during the whole dinner.

Across the room, Marley is giggling with Jessie as they cling onto each others arms. In front of them stands Jessie's boyfriend Chris, trying to order the correct desserts the group have chosen individually.

"Continue staring like that and someone might think you're in love with the girl." The brunette clears her throat awkwardly as her staring gets cut short due her friend's interruption.

"What?" She looks around the table. To her right, Madison sits with a teasing smile as she trades looks with Conan who is seated in front of her. He mirrors the same facial expression as their friend.

Seated beside Conan, Iris is smirking. "You've been ogling Marley the entire night, Liv," She states.

Olivia lets out a snort as she laughs loudly and awkwardly, heat rising to her cheeks. "No," She shakes her head. "I've been admiring her."

"Same shit," Iris argues. "What's going on between you two?" The girl questions raising her brows, Conan nods in agreement as if he's wondering the same thing.

When they don't receive a response from Olivia right away, Madison chimes in. "Ever since her birthday the air between you shifted," Iris nods eagerly as she points a finger at Madison. "I was just about to say the same thing."

"Nothing!" Olivia quickly denies. "Nothings going on. And nothing happened on her birthday. Okay?"

"You sure? Because you're staring says otherwise. I mean it's the same look you used to give Jason," Conan pushes further. He groans when Iris elbows him in the ribs. "Right, sorry! We don't mention his name!" He corrects himself when he receives the same look from the table.

"Before he started acting like an asshole," Iris continues on Conan's statement. "When you were in your freshly in love state."

Olivia lets out a exasperated groan. "Stop talking!" She hisses. "Whatever you guys are thinking stop! It's not like that, at all. So don't push it any further!" The girl insists as she shoves her face into the palms of her hands.

The group of friends share looks of concern, before their attention returns to Olivia again.

"Liv," Madison reaches out and squeezes her friend's hand. "Are you okay?" She asks.

Taking a deep breath, Olivia sighs softly and raises her head. "I'm sorry," She apologizes, leaning her chin against her palms. "It's just so complicated."

Though before Olivia has the chance to elaborate, the group are interrupted by the one person they were talking about.

Marley who has stumbled her way back to the table, without falling luckily, stands beside the Rodrigo girl with a grin on her lips. In order to not trip over her own feet, Marley leans against Olivia who unconsciously wraps an arm around her waist.

Olivia tries her best to hide the blush that creeps onto her face when Marley glances down at her. "Hi," Marley giggles causing Olivia to smile.

"Hey you," The brunette squeezes Marley's waist gently. "How are you feeling?" She tilts her head to the side, with raised eyebrows.

"Remind me why did we let Spencer share his alcoholic drink with her and then leave us?" Conan leans over the table to whisper his question to Madison who shrugs. "I have no idea."

Marley licks her lips, the whispers from her friends going unnoticed as she tries to remember why she went back to the table. When the memory doesn't come back to her clearly, she pouts in disappointment.

"I can't remember why I went back here," Marley mumbles. "There was something I was supposed to tell you but I have no idea what it was."

Iris snorts in amusement. "How much did she taste of Spencer's drink again?" Olivia sighs, tightening her grip on Marley's waist when she feels the girl sway back and forth.

"She's a lightweight," Olivia tells them.

Suddenly Marley's legs wobbles beneath her, and before she looses her balance, Olivia pulls the girl towards herself. With a huff, Marley plops down on Olivia's lap.

While Iris and Conan observes the scene with matching smirks, Madison grips Marley's elbow to keep her still. Olivia's cheeks are now burning.

"Here why don't you take my seat Marls? And I'll go check on Jess and Chris and our deserts," Madison suggests as she rises from her spot, nodding subtly when Olivia sends her a thankful look. Marley quietly agrees as she slides off Olivia's lap.

As Madison leaves, Olivia begins to fuss over Marley who only leans back in her seat, letting the brunette comb away any hair from her face.

Conan and Iris share a look. "I have to pee!" Iris suddenly stands up, causing Olivia to glance her way. "Me too!" Conan squawks, getting up as well.

Olivia narrows her eyes at them for a split second. "You're gonna pee together?" She asks, her friends nods rapidly before shuffling out of the booth.

Within a mere second the duo disappears towards the bathrooms, leaving Olivia alone with a tipsy Marley.

"How are you feeling?" The Rodrigo girl glances at the girl beside her, a hint of worry visible in her eyes. Marley shuffles in her seat, grinning at Olivia. "Never better," Marley slurs.

Olivia raises her brows at the state her friend's in, before leaning across the table and grabbing the jug of water. Carefully she pours a glass, and shoves it into Marley's hands. "Drink," She orders.

With wide eyes Marley stares down at the glass in her hands, and then back at Olivia. Her gaze is hesitant. "It's water. You need it to sober up." Marley sighs loudly as she raises the glass to her lips, and starts sipping the liquid in a slow manner.

"You're pretty," Marley's mumble catches Olivia off guard. She blinks and swallows roughly. "What?" The brunette whispers back, loud enough for Marley to hear. "I said you're pretty."

Olivia licks her lips and smiles shyly. "Thank you," Marley nods happily. "I've always thought so, you know. That you were pretty. Breathtaking really. And you're so, so nice. And lovely, amazing, everything. You're awesome! I really don't understand why anyone would give you up," Marley drunken ramble is cut short when Jessie arrives back at the table, followed by Chris and Madison.

"Finally!" Jessie exclaims as she takes the spot beside Marley. "The desserts are now ordered," She informs the two, throwing an arm around Marley's shoulders in the process.

"I don't think I've ever taken that long on ordering desserts," Chris clears his throat as he slumps down on his chair. "Never ordering for all of us again."

Jessie and Madison chuckles and nods. "Yeah next time everyone orders separately or something."

While the group goes in with their night, accepting their plates of dessert when the waiter comes to their table, Olivia can't help but to keep a close eye on the girl beside her. Sure, Marley has now sobered up thanks to all the water both Olivia and Jessie have been forcing her to drink. But she remains slightly tipsy.

Soon the evening reaches its end, and the group of friends have gathered in the parking lot for goodbyes.

"Sometimes I wonder where your brain is at babe," Jessie mumbles as she walks beside Marley, her arm wrapped around Marley's waist. "What?" Marley yawns loudly, earning a chuckle from her best friend.

"You drove your car here didn't you?" Jessie asks, and Marley winces. Even though she's clearer in the head, she's still intoxicated. And if a cop would happen to stop her driving her dearest car Sue with alcohol in her system, she would loose her license.

"I'll drive her home," Olivia doesn't hesitate when she overhears their conversation. "I carpooled with Iris anyways so it's alright," She shrugs.

"You're staying over the apartment then I guess?" Jessie wonders, as she fishes the Marley's car keys from the girl's handbag. Olivia nods, then glances at Marley. "If it's fine by you guys."

Marley grins and throws her arms up in the air. "Yey! Sleepover!" She cheers, causing her friends to laugh.

Jessie unlocks the car and hands over the keys to Olivia. "I was thinking of staying at Chris's place tonight, so you're free to stay the night."

Olivia nods as she accepts the car keys. "Alright," The two share a quick hug before both of them move on to say their goodbyes to the rest.

"Remember to drink more water when you get home, so you don't have a hungover tomorrow," Iris reminds Marley as they hug goodbye. "Yes mom," The Chavez girl jokes. The group parts their separate ways, everyone getting in to their cars as they speed out of the parking lot.

The ride home is quiet, but neither of the two girls mind the silence. It's quite nice with some peace after the long evening.

When Olivia parks the car outside Marley's apartment building, Marley is seconds away from falling asleep. Which makes it rather difficult for Olivia to drag her from the car and into the elevator. But she succeeds thankfully. With a half asleep Marley resting her head on her shoulder, Olivia presses the button of the right floor.

And as soon as they unlock the front door, Marley almost throws herself inside. Her shoes are kicked off in the hallway, and when she reaches the living room her jacket hits the floor. By the time she has reached her bed, the majority of Marley's clothing have been thrown on the floor.

With a grunt she falls flat onto her mattress, yawning loudly as she does her best to tug the covers over her body despite her tiredness.

Olivia who doesn't share the same rush to reach a bed, enters the room with a soft smile. From her point of view Marley seems to be asleep already. So carefully she tip toes to the side of the bed, and tucks Marley in.

Content with the situation, Olivia turns around and makes a destination for the couch but to her surprise a voice stops her. "Where are you going?" Marley mumbles, not bothering to lift her head from the pillow. "I'm gonna sleep on the couch," Olivia replies.

Even though she's half asleep, Marley scoffs. "Couch? Since when? Be quiet and come here."

Olivia swallows, and curses herself in her head. There has never been a problem when it came to sharing a bed with Marley before. So why did it feel different now?

"Your hoodie is in the closet, the left corner where I usually stashes it for you," Olivia only nods as she opens the wardrobe searching for the familiar piece of clothing.

Not long after Marley feels the other half of the mattress dip down as Olivia lies beside her. Humming in satisfaction, Marley turns around and faces Olivia, whose gaze is stuck on the ceiling.

A few seconds of silence passes.

"Olivia," Marley's quiet whisper reaches the Rodrigo girl's ears as she moves onto her side, now facing Marley who has a odd look on her face, strange even. Yet it feels familiar to Olivia.

"You're my best friend," Marley tells her. As those four words reach her, Olivia discovers a new feeling. It hits her like a punch to the gut, leaving a bittersweet taste on her tongue as she screams at herself to say something, anything.

But it's too late, because Marley has already turned around and gone back to sleep. And Olivia is left alone in the dark with her thoughts that are slowly consuming her whole.

viola speaks . . .
i just want them to confess their love
and get together already (i'm literally the
one writing their story)

also if you see any spelling mistakes or
whatsoever, no you didn't :)

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