
Forget-Me-Not127 tarafından

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Y/N L/N recently moves from LA to Paris. As the guardian of the phoenix miraculous, she's devastated to leave... Daha Fazla

End Of Season One


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Forget-Me-Not127 tarafından


"And 5,6,7,8." 

My choreographer yelled as the music blared through the speakers. I looked at my self through the mirror and began to hype myself, up, getting ready for the combo. Once she finished our count in, I got into performer mode and smirked, starting the combo. 

It focused more on isolations and control of our body, really challenging us to be in charge. I threw my hands up moved to the fast tempo, letting my body take over. The footwork wasn't hard, just basic steps, but it was fast and the transitions into it were next to impossible.

Sometimes I wonder how I am even in this class.

We continued the dance, our instructor hyping us up and constantly shouting our next moves. Eventually the music and combination came to an end, and I was left breathless and in need of water. This was probably our fifth time going over the choreography and I haven't been able to take a sip since we started.

Thankfully the class was almost over and we were able to take a drink and pack up. As I gulped the last of my water, our choreographer came up to me. "You're really good," She complimented. I smiled, "Oh thank you!" She smiled back, "Have you ever thought of joining our crew here? You have enough talent work professionally."

I smiled brightly, "Thank you! It would be an honor." She nodded and smiled before handing me her card, "Okay, whenever you're ready, let me know. You're spot will be there." I looked at the card to see our studio's logo and a picture of their award winning crew along with a contact. 

I smiled to myself as I headed out of the studio, examining the card. As soon as I passed the exit doors I leaped into the air and danced to myself in celebration.

Dancing professionally has always been a dream of mine. To be side by side with the most famous musical artists, to be in music videos and dance on world stages. It would be amazing.

I have to tell my mom, and Adrien!

I ran to the school, knowing that he'd be at fencing practice around this time. He told me about a spot opening on the team and that he would be there to help asses the trainees. He also hinted at me trying out as well but I told him straight out that I'm a hopeless case at fencing, plus I had dance. I couldn't give that up.

And I'm glad I didn't, because I would not be running to the school right now, ready to tell him that I have a shot to dance professionally.

Smile wide, I entered the school, but found everyone scrambling up the stairs. Confused I tapped one of the students on the shoulder, "What's going on?" I ask and they turned to me, "Adrien is facing a new student, and it's crazy!" 

Curious and worried, I ran to the top of the stairs and found Marinette at the entrance to the Library. I tried to ask her what's happening, but she ignored me. Eventually, when I stood beside her, I noticed how intently she was staring. Following her gaze I found Adrien neck to neck with a fencer in red.

And to say the least, they were good.

I continued to watch in silence with Marinette as they continued their sword dance, when suddenly they both lunged and hit each other at the same time.

There was no room to see who was first, so I couldn't decide. What I was more curious about is how they got up here in the first place. 

Wasn't there some violation against this?

The one in red spoke first, "Who got the first hit, who?"

They seemed to not notice me, as I was kind of hidden from the doors view, and stared at Marinette. "I- uh" She hesitated before answering, "I think it was -uh, Adrien?"

Instantly, the fencing instructor pushed passed me and rejoiced, "Ha, ha. Wonderful. This victory  is an honor to D'Argencourt Academy."

He then walked off before noticing me, "Ah, Miss L/N, here to tryout?" I smiled politely, "Um no sir, just here to see Adrien." He smiled as well, "Well I hope you congratulate him on a victory well earned." He then walked off with a proud beam on his face.

I watched him walk away, confused, and I decided I would just wait for him outside. I saw the red girl walk away without her saber and Adrien ran after her holding her saber.

Is this a Cinderella moment?

They talked for a bit before she left, disappointment written on her face. He was left hurt and confused before he turned around and saw me.

"Y/N? What are you doing here?"

I walked towards Adrien, but was surprised to see his hurt expression. "I was going to tell you something, Is this a bad time? Are you okay?" I went to console him, and he melted into my touch, smiling, before pushing my hand away, "I'm okay now, what is it you wanted to tell me?"

I took a deep breath, "Well, you know how I've been doing dance, right?" He smiled, "Of course, It was your dream to be a dancer." I nodded and showed him the card, "I was just offered a spot on a major dance crew and have the opportunity to dance professionally!"

His eyes widened in shock and amusement and suddenly I didn't feel the ground. He carried me by the waist and spun me around. "Are you serious?" He said, his eyes sparkling. I nodded vigorously as he squeezed me into a hug. 

"I'm so proud of you."

I chuckled, "Thanks." But then I looked down at his uniform, remembering his fight. "But seriously are you okay? Who was that?"

He shrugged, "I don't know, but she was a good fencer. It's too bad she won't be on the team. She would be a great addition."

I nodded, "Yea from what I saw, she was really good."

He looked at me, "You saw?" He asked and I nodded, "Yea it was a close match." He then stared at me intently, "Then who touched first?" I shrugged, "I don't think it matters." 

He stared at me blank. "Princess, I know you're not this stupid. I literally taught you the rules." I smiled, "I know. Geez. I meant I don't think it matters because there must have been some unfair play if you two ended up in the library. Also, she parried your attack, so I'm pretty sure you won."

He started at me in shock, "wow, I'm impressed." I laughed, "well I wanted to know what's going on if I'm going to cheer you on." He laughed as well, "You're adorable." He then remembered the card. "How about, I go get changed and we can head out for smoothies to celebrate our victories."

I smiled, "I'd like that."

He then kissed my cheek and headed back inside. But when he did, I noticed Marinette walking out of the entrance. 

"Marinette?" I called out, but she looked at me with confusion, "What are you doing here?" She asked walking up to me. I looked at her uniform, "I could ask you the same thing? Are you trying to get on the team to be closer to Adrien?"

She smiled sheepishly, "Yeah, but why would you care?" I noticed her sudden change of expression and I inwardly gasped.

She's onto me. Did she see us?

I decided to keep up the act, "Because I'm your friend, and I'm nosy." I laugh and she smiles but then notices something behind me, "Well I have to go, see you around?" I wave her off, "Yea."

She then left and I stayed to wait on Adrien. I looked out to the street when I felt someone pinch my sides, "Ready to go?" He asked as he opened his car door. I smiled and stepped inside.

We continued our ride, but Adrien seemed fixated on his phone. I leaned onto his shoulder and watched him scroll through various symbols. "What are you looking for?"

"The girl that I was fencing with, she had a ring with a symbol on it." He then stopped on one. "There. This is the one. It says here that she's the only daughter of a family of prestigious fencer's."

I widened my eyes in surprise, "Weren't those people champions or something?" I asked and he nodded, "Yea her mother and grandfather were. I've read about them. She just recently moved to Paris, how incredible!" Plagg let out a low whistle, "Yea and crazy. She almost slammed you into a pulp." 

I laugh, "I told you. Her unfair play is what made her lose!"

Suddenly a sliver thing came flying towards us, cutting our car in half.

Luckily, I was wearing my seatbelt and stayed on my half of the car, but Adrien flew out. I tried to get out and help him but stopped as I felt a thud on the roof above me. I slowly look up to see the girl in red, now dressed in silver, her arm sharpened into a sword.

"I'm taking you up on your offer of a decisive match." She yelled from atop of me. Adrien grimaced as he stood up. "I can't fight you, you're not yourself." She growled and lunged for Adrien, giving me time to get to the sidewalk for safety. 

The silver fencer suddenly halted and then smirked, "Understood, Hawkmoth." She turned to Adrian, "Stay there nice and patiently." She said and started to run away before Ladybug's yo-yo stopped her.

"How'd you like to start a duel with me!" She yelled and pulled her yo-yo, but her sword didn't follow. Ladybug's eyes widened, "It's merged with her hand." She yelled and jumped out of the way as the girl slashed away close to my direction.

I braced for impact before Adrien ran towards me and pushed me out of the way. When I opened my eyes, I found my self on the ground, Adrien on top of me.

"Are you okay?" He asked, eyes filled with concern. I nodded as I looked into emerald jewels.

God, he's so handsome.


I looked away from embarrassment, "Thanks for saving me." I said as he got off of me, helping me up. "Of course, but now we should go and help." 

We stood up as the girl turned to us, "Give me a moment Adrien, I must finish her off first. But don't worry, I haven't forgotten about you. I won't be long."

I rose my brow, "Is she...flirting?"

He chuckled before turning serious again, "We should probably go and transform. Ladybug needs our help." I follow his gaze and saw how the sword-girl swarmed Ladybug.

I widened my eyes, "Yea, that would be a good idea."

He nodded and yelled to Ladybug, throwing her the saber, "Don't let her close in. Fight back." She caught the saber and nodded, "Thank you,  now get to safety and away from her. She doesn't deserve you."

I furrowed my brows, "What did she say?" Adrien shook his head, "Doesn't, matter. Let's go." He held my hand, but I instantly let go and rushed to Ladybug, and pushed her out of the way. I pinned her underneath me and I could've sworn I saw some sort of disdain in her eyes.

"Are you okay?" I asked, and she pushed me off of her, "Yeah, I'm fine. Why don't you go and save your boyfriend instead?"

I stared at her confused, "What?" She stood off and dusted herself off, "Nevermind." I tried to stand up, but a throbbing pain shot up my ankle.


As I winced, Adrien ran to my side. "Y/N. Are you okay." He said and helped me up, and took me in his arms, "Yea, I'll be fine." I say smiling through the pain. He sympathetically smiled back and I swore I heard ladybug groan. 

Suddenly, Riposte, as she called herself, lunged forward and instantly I felt myself lift off the ground an onto a nearby roof. I look at Adrien who still held on to me then to Ladybug who fiddled through her communicator.

"What kind of fencing was that?" She asked and Adrien shrugged, "Nothing that I have ever seen." She sighed, "It's going to be hard to try to protect you two and fight. Where's Chat Noir and Firebird when you need them?" She whined as me and Adrien share a look.

"Maybe they're busy?" I suggested and she sighed and palmed her forehead, "Probably busy with each other." I was left speechless as Adrien tried not to laugh. He tried to defend them.. well us, but was cut off by slashing sounds. 

We jumped out of the way and faced Riposte. "Allow me to explain the rules to you. You're not allowed to call it quits at any time. Adrien is mine! I will defeat you. All of you. I am the best fencer."

I put my hands up, "Don't got to fight me. I'm injured and can't fence." Adrien rolled his eyes before turning back to Riposte, "Look nobody's going to deny that. My friend Marinette made a bad call earlier."

Ladybug continued, "He's right, referee errors can happen in fencing. You don't have to get so bent out of shape about it."

Oh, the sass. That was a little harsh.

I sighed, "I'm sure Marinette wasn't trying to humiliate you."

Ladybug jumped in defense, but I don't know why. "Of course not." She said, "I mean I'm sure that wasn't the case."

Riposte grimaced, "It's too late. The damage has been done. This time I shall be the referee."

I groaned, "Wouldn't that be biased?" I asked, and they all looked at me like I had a death wish. I shrugged, "Just saying." 

Risposte yelled out and ran to attack us. Ladybug luckily defended us as she yelled, "Stay back."

I nodded and tried to run, but a sharp pain ran up my leg, making my knees buckle. Thankfully, Adrien was there to help me. He hoisted me up and let me rest on his shoulder as we hurriedly walked away.

We reached a nearby chimney and he helped me sit as he examined my ankle. I slightly touched it as I winced. He looked at me in worry, "It doesn't look too good." I winced, "Yea, figured."

Plagg and Falare flew out on either side of Adrien to scold me. "You sure are taking risks today." Plagg said and Flaame sighed, "We've talked about this Y/N."

I sighed as well, "I didn't have a choice. Ladybug needed help." We were about to transform when Ladybug found us around the corner. "Are you okay Adrien?"

I'm here too ya know.

Adrien smiled politely, "Uh, yea." He said trying to play off his almost transformation, "You, too?"

"I'll feel better once I know you're safe." Ladybug said as she grabbed a hold of Adrien. He looked at Ladybug suspiciously then to me, then back at Ladybug, "What about Y/N?"

Ladybug casted her yo-yo, "No time, we need to get you out of here. You're the one Riposte is after. I'll come back for her later." He held on and was about to protest, but Ladybug seemed too entranced by him to argue. Instead she tugged on her yo-yo and swung away.

As they left, Flaame flew out again. "Okay... that was a little harsh." I glared at Ladybug's disappearing figure. "Ya think. What's her problem?" I then tried to stand up, but the pain was to strong. 

I then turned my head to Flaame, "We need to transform if I want to get down from here." Flaame's eyes widened, "But what about your leg?" I sighed as I struggled to stand, "Weren't you the one that said transforming can strengthen me and also heal any injuries? You said that's the reason I don't get severely damaged when I'm being thrown around all the time."

"Oh!" Flaame yelled in recognition, "I forgot about that."  She smiled sheepishly and I rolled my eyes and transformed.

Once I did, I tried to run, but the pain was still there.

"The heck, I though it would heal?"

Then it hit me, it only counts with injuries while transformed.


I threw my dagger and swung away, tracking down where Ladybug and Adrien went. Eventually, I found myself at the Louvre face to face with Riposte.

"Why hello there," I say with a wink, "Looking for something." Riposte growled and stepped closer. "Out of my way." She yelled and I crossed my arms, "Or what?"

She then jumped up and slashed her sword. sending a shock wave throughout the area and slashing the top of the Louvre. I turned to look at the damage then back at her. "oh shit..."

She yelled and started to approach me as I got ready to defend, using my dagger as a sword and trying to put more weight onto my good leg. She began attacking with every move she had and I desperately defended for my life, struggling not to hurt my ankle even more. There's no doubt she's probably one of the best fencers in the world.

But I got moves too.

She kept attacking and eventually I found a rhythm easily parrying her. She growled as I gained ground, "Get out of my way." She yelled.

I sighed, "But what if I don't want to." She yelled again charged forward. I was ready to take her on when Ladybug jumped in front of me, shielding her attack.

"Nice of you to stop by M'lady." I say with a little smile. "But I got this covered." She playfully scoffed, "Oh yes, because you totally weren't struggling."

I shrugged, "Sure wasn't." She rolled her eyes, "So where have you been? I needed you like 20 minutes ago, and where's Chat Noir."  I shrugged again, dodging Riposte's attack. "No clue, I was uh dealing with some personal stuff before I saw your message."

Hopefully she believed that. 

She did.

I was booked from my thoughts as me and Ladybug were thrown into the Louvre. Riposte yelled again. "Now it's time to finish you off." She then swung her arm and me and Ladybug braced for impact.

But it never came.

Instead I saw Chat struggling to hold her back. "A fencing tournament at the Louvre? How come I wasn't invited?" 

Ladybug stood up, "Let me guess, you were at the groomer's again." Chat smirked, "I was preening myself, M'lady. You know how long it takes cats to get ready." He then looked at me with the slightest of concern, glancing towards my ankle. "You alright, birdie." He asked holding out his hand.

I gladly took it and helped myself up, "Just peachy, kitty. Glad you can make it." When he pulled me up her pulled me close and looked at me with all seriousness, "No seriously, you shouldn't be-"

I stopped him by placing my hand on his chest, "I'll be fine kitty, let's just finish this, alright?" He nodded and turned back to Riposte, helping Ladybug pin her down.

"Checkmate, Riposte." Ladybug declared as Riposte sneered, "You got the wrong sport Ladybug. I think you mean: attaque toi!" She then slammed Chat into a wall and I clenched my teeth, slamming into her and causing both of us to stumble out into the hallway.

I tried to get up, but my ankle started to act up. Chat saw this, "Firebird-" He protested and I put my hand up to stop him "I'm fine." I stumbled to get up again, not realizing that this gave Riposte time to bring the gates down, separating me from Ladybug and Chat Noir.

"It's just you and me, birdie." Riposte mocked, "And it seems to me I have a little advantage." She then glanced at my ankle making me clench my fist in fury. "I can still take you on" I said with determination in my eyes.

I wouldn't let her get away with targeting my boyfriend.

Even if I'm injured.

She charged forward and I stood in a fighting stance, holding a dagger in each hand. "Bring it." We began fighting, neck and neck. Her slashing arm-sword colliding with my crossed daggers. We continued down the stairs and into the Egypt section. I almost had her when I heard Ladybug yell.

"Be careful of the sarcophagus!"

I looked up at her confused, but seeing how worried she was I realized what she was trying to tell me. 

Adrien was in there.

...or supposed to be in there.

Unfortunately, Riposte realized the same thing and smirked, "Of course." She then pushed me off of her and leaped her way to the sarcophagus. I tried to race after her, but my ankle started to sting like crazy. Thankfully Ladybug and Chat Noir ran after her, but it was too late.

Riposte slashed the sarcophagus into pieces, but was left with nothing.

Immediately, Ladybug brought down the gate to trap Riposte. "He's gone." Ladybug stated as me and Chat looked at each other. Chat decided to play dumb, "Who?" 

"Adrien Agreste. Riposte is trying to get revenge on him. I hid him inside that sarcophagus."

Chat shrugged, "Maybe he was feeling claws-trophobic?"

I sighed and deadpanned to Chat.

Bad timing on his part, really.

Riposte yelled, taking us out of our little moment. "Well, let's find him together Ladybug, and finish this match!" She then busted the bars and to counter, Ladybug summoned her lucky charm, revealing a radiator.

Well, that sure will heat things up.

Ladybug focused before speaking again, "The akuma must be in her sword." I turned to Riposte and smirked, summoning my fire, "Then why don't we get to the point." 

I started to fire my flames as Chat held her off, giving Ladybug time to figure out a plan. Eventually she ran up, taking Chat's belt and holding Riposte's sword in between the radiator, breaking it off and revealing the akuma.

Ladybug instantly took out her yo-yo and captured the akuma, purified it, and restored everything back to normal. Including my ankle.

We all fist bumped and Chat, instantly made an excuse to get away. Probably to reassure ladybug he's fine as Adrien.

So, only me and Ladybug were left to help the girl. As we helped her up and out of the room, Ladybug left us saying she had to find someone.

I nodded and helped the girl out.

"I'm glad you okay miss..." I started as I led her out by holding onto her arm. 

"Kagami." She said as she ripped her arm from my gentle grip.


She then walked off on her own with no sign of a thank you, leaving me standing speechless. Eventually I just turned around on my heels and walked back down to meet Ladybug and now Adrien.

"Kagami left safely." I stated as I walked back down. "Have you found Adrien." I then stopped seeing that was a stupid question as he was standing right beside Ladybug.

Ladybug smiled before hearing her miraculous beep."Yes I did, but I have to go now. I trust you can lead Adrien back to safety? Oh and return the saber?" I nodded and saluted, "You can count on me M'lady." She nodded and left but not before taking a good long look at Adrien.

Not going to lie, it seemed pretty Lovey-dovey, but I may just be seeing things.

As she left I turned back to Adrien. "I'm glad you were safe, Adrien." I half mocked, taking step forward and patting him on the shoulder. "Good thing you found a good place to hide from Riposte." 

He laughed as he walked over and picked up the saber. "Yes, right under their nose." I laughed as well and started to walk up the stairs. He followed as well. We walked for a bit before he spoke again, "Aren't you going to transform back soon? Your miraculous should be beeping soon." 

I looked down at my anklet and shrugged, "I don't really use my special ability, so I don't run out of time as fast." He nodded before asking further, "Wait, have you ever used your ability?" I thought back, "Well, once here and once..." I trailed off, remembering that horrible incident, "well you could guess the other time."

Realizing what I meant, he immediately took my hand and kissed my forehead, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have-"

"No it's fine." I reassured before swerving the conversation, "Anyways, you should probably go handle that." I gestured to the saber, then to the girl in red in front of us. He nodded and started to walk over to her.

I watched as they talked, laughing a little to myself as I watched how awkward they were to each other.

Eventually she left and Adrien walked back to where I stood. He saw my little smile and he nervously laughed to himself. "What?" He asked, and I shook my head. "Nothing, just realizing how many girls you can actually pull."

He rolled his eyes, "Whatever, miss Casanova. By the way, is your ankle alright?"

I nodded and hopped on the once sprained ankle, "Good as new." He nodded as he continued, "And how about we go do the thing I promised." I rose a brow as he grinned cheekily. "Smoothie?"

It's in these moments where I see why he's Chat Noir.

I giggled, "Sure, but give me a sec to go get ready." He nodded and walked over to his car, "I'll text you the address then?" He yelled to me and I nodded. He smiled and got in the car. I then swung to a nearby alleyway to detransform. 

As I walked out I saw Marinette hiding behind a sign, talking to what I think is herself. I decided to walk up to her, but was kinda regretting it as she started to giggle as well. 

Trying to hide the fact that I was kinda weirded out, I smiled, "Hey, Marinette. What's up?"

She scrambled as she heard my voice and instantly popped up. "Oh! I didn't see you there. Yea I'm up - I mean I'm good. How are.... oh, y/n" Here initial smile dropped a little and I rose a brow. "You good?" She rubbed the back of her neck, "Sorry, I thought you were someone else."


She began to protest before giving up and nodding sheepishly. I smile softly, "What are you doing here anyways." Her eyes widened as she explained how she was going to visit but then heard there was an akuma attack. 

I smiled, "Well I'm glad you're safe. I'll see you later then, yeah?" She nodded and I left.

But then a stroke of anxiety hit me.

She didn't hear me and Adrien earlier... did she?

I decided to shake it off and tell myself that she didn't. We were probably too far for her to hear. Plus I was still transformed, so it's not as weird. Though, it is a little weird that Adrien would ask a superhero for a smoothie date, but then again it could be interpreted to him thanking me.

Whatever, I decided to leave it alone as I got a text from Adrien, saying that he was at the smoothie bar a street away.

I smiled to myself and started to pick up my pace.

When I arrived I was met with Adrien sitting down at a table for two, with two matching smoothies placed on it.  He smiled, "There's my princess." I lightly blushed as I walked in. 

"Long time no see." I joke as I sit down, taking a sip from my smoothie. He laughs, "Yea, it's been like what few hours?" I giggle, "More like a few seconds." He winked and I rolled my eyes.

"Anyways. I'm thinking about telling him..."

I look up, "Tell who what?"

"My father about us."

"Oh when?"


I chocked on my smoothie. "What tonight? But there's no plan, no preparation. No-" I was then cut off by a page filled with a step-by-step plan, including visuals. I looked at it dumbfounded as Adrien explained how he baked macarons and made poster listing all the pros of us dating and why it is a good thing for us to date. He also said that he formulated a deal in case he initially refuses.

The deal that I will become a model as well. 

"You're serious..." I say as he chuckles nervously, "Yea, I've been thinking about this for a while. You are okay with this, right?" He then looked up with a puppy-like expression and my heart melted at the spot.

"You're lucky, you're cute." I said as he perked up, "I'm down, but me being a model better be a last resort, and we can probably lay off the macarons. We don't want to buy his approval."

His eyes sparkled as he popped up from his chair, "Really? You're fine with this?" I nodded, "Yea. Let's  do it. But we better hurry before we both chicken out." He smiled and hurried out of the door, but made sure I was following. He held the door for me both from the shop and the car and could not stop shaking as we headed towards his house. 

I placed my hand over his knee in hopes to calm him down. He looked down and the hand and back up to my eyes before smiling and sliding his hand into mine. 

We eventually made it to his house and as soon as we stepped inside we were greeted by Nathalie. She smiled ever so softly, "What a lovely surprise." She then gestured to the work room, "He's not too busy, right now, but I'd make haste."

We thanked her and left smiling, not before noticing her wink back.

We then made our way to Gabriel's work room. Adrien knocked first before entering, I followed close behind holding his hand.

"Adrien, can't you see I'm busy." He said and Adrien took in a deep breath before speaking. "I know father, but this is important."

Gabriel sighed as he looked up. He then noticed me, "Oh, Y/N. What a pleasant surprise." He deadpanned and half-smiled, "Good to see you too, Mr. Agreste." Gabriel hummed, "So what is this about."

"Uh, well. I wanted to tell you that me and Y/N are, well, together and that you will let us be together?" 

Gabriel studied us long and hard, he then noticed our hands interlocked and he rose a brow.


Adrien continued, "Father, I have like Y/N for a long time and I just feel the best when I'm with her." He then looked at me and smiled, "I feel like I can truly be myself around her." I smile back and squeeze his hand as he continued, "So father?"

Gabriel squinted ever so slightly before speaking again. 


What will he say? Find out next week here on Firebird ;)

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