Від LoLmyisYUGi

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Somewhere in earth, it was peaceful day for the Malto family having their time in the picnic out in the wilde... Більше

Chapter 1: Ship's Arrival
Chapter 3: Corner Them
Chapter 4: Captured

Chapter 2: Mysterious Bots

730 21 45
Від LoLmyisYUGi






The bot stood there, awkwardly as Croft and Dot look at him. "You can speak English, right?" Croft stated as the bot nervously look at them. "Y-yeah! I can! Uh....." he said before drifting his eyes somewhere else until he look back at them once more. 

"So......uh can you tell me where am I?" he asked as Dot put her gun away. "Your on earth." Dot said as the robot look around his surroundings. "Earth.......huh?" he said, looking around before realizing that they're pointing guns at him. 

"Are you the only one in the ship or there are more others like you?" Croft asked, holding her gun as the robot felt very nervous of what to do. "U-uh no?" he said as Croft signal them to put their guns down. 

As they put their guns down, Dot felt something was wrong until gun started shooting from the direction of the ship. "Take cover!" Croft said as they both went into hiding, leaving the bot nervous and freak out that their plan was failed. 

Suddenly, another robot came out, but this time is female robot as she quickly ran towards the robots and the humans cutting off their guns before beating them up. 

Then, 2 more bots came out and fight against them as the robot took the ansty teen robot from going into battle. "Uzi! Just stop! We're not here to fight the humans." he said as Uzi raise a brow at this. 

Before she could speak, drones started to come and aim at them as the robot quickly took Uzi from getitng hurt. "Are you alright?" he said as Uzi rubs her head. "Yeah, I'm alright. Next time a little warning will do." Uzi said as he sheepishly rub his neck.

It wasn't until a drone was aiming at them as Uzi tried to cover him. "N! Duck down!" Uzi said as the drone aim at them. 

When the drone was about to click a button at them, suddenly something cut off the drone that was on the human as it landed on the ground with a thud as they both turn around to see a robot with a helmet on that covering up her whole face and a black leather suit. 

The bot look at them with a seriously look as N rub his neck at her. "Hehe, sorry about Y/n." which made Y/n shook her head as if she was lecturing him. She motion them that they need to get going while V, J, and her will take care of those humans. "Hey! At least, let me fight will the humans as well!" Uzi called as Y/n shook her head no. 

Then, came by a sudden blast at them as they dodge over to the other side as they all all on the ground. Y/n look up to see more drones coming in as she turn to N and Uzi to go while V, J, and her will come after them later. "But, wait! You promise me that we'll go through together! I can't just leave you here with the V and J." N said, seriously as Y/n pat his shoulder. 

She then turn to Uzi to care of N which Uzi notice and nod as she grab N's hand. "Come on, N. We gotta get moving." Uzi said as they went to the other direction to the forest. Croft notice and called the soldiers to go after those bots. "We got 2 robots running away! After them! We cannot let them let go!" Croft commanded as a couple of people went after them. 

When they were about to go after them, Y/n quickly came and kill all of them before they go could go after her companions. She turn to Croft and Dot with arm guns as she tilt her head with an almost angry look that was about to beat the shit out of them. She slowly walk over over there before zooming in fast on them as she got close to her face. 

Croft quickly held her gun out and aim at the robots as she gun until a blade hit the gun which made her hurt her hand as she look at the robot who had a black hemlet and a black suit. The robot spin the blade with her wrist and place on her waist before her both hands switch into blades.

Croft and Dot notice this and quickly tried to find a way out of here until a large vroom was heard as they both turn to see no other than Optimus and the rest of the Autobots coming in to help them. "Optimus!" Dot called as Optimus arrive to see 3 small bots fighting against the G.H.O.S.T. soldiers. "Autobots! Prepare to fight!" Optimus called as they all started fighting as well Megatron. 

The Autobots started fighting and aim at the 3 small bots as the hot pink bot started shooting at them. V notice this and dodge it as J kept on destroying the humans that were in her way. Y/n turn her head to see big robots that were tall as a building as her hand switch out to a gun. 

V turn to Y/n who look at her and nod as they both charge at them while Megatron took of this as if he recognize them somewhere. "Those bots there......they seem so famailar......" he thought as he watch fought them against Elite-1 and Acree. 

Meanwhile with J, she finished destorying the humans until something hit her  as she fling back and look to see a big bot that was bigger from her size as she snarl at him. The Autobot proceed to keep on shooting at her as she dodge the laser coming out from gun before moving back and went to aim him. 

The Autobot notice it and tried to block it with his gun, but made J went head on attack him as she switch her hand into guns and started shooting at him. The Autobot was having a struggle and Optimus went to go aid him until he got kicked by a small bot. Optimus was hit against the tree and look to see a bot wearing black helmet with small black pointy ear and a black leather suit, covering their hold body. 

For Optimus, however, he was kinda impress by the bot's attack and it's small height due to him being bigger from theirs. Y/n slowly got up and switch her blade and gun into hands as she took out daggers from her sides as she spin them and held them. 

Optimus got ready for battle as his mouthintake appears in his mouth and went to charges towards her. Y/n ran towards him as they both clash together. They both look at him and they move away as they held their ground. 

Then, Megatron came in and use his mace and swing it at her as she dodge it move away from them. She look at the two and recognized one of them as she look at the symbol. She felt herself, anger and hatred by this as she glare at the big gray bot. She wanted to kill him in the spot for what he have done before the other bot......which she can't recall who was it. 

Y/n look at them and and ran towards them with her quick speed as she held her dagger and tried to get a scratch out of Megatron. Megatron blocked it as Optimus went to go help him until you look over and threw your dagger at him. Optimus then dodge the dagger as you went back and attack Megatron even though your body is average like a human height, but still fought back. 

You look up and took notice that Optimus was gonna use his axe on you as you dodge as well Megatron counterattack. You also dodge that as well while looking over your teammates to see them well......................going crazy with the kill if you know what I mean. 

Megatron and Optimus started to fight against you as you dodge until your teammates got into a corner between those bots due to their sizes. "Ugh......This is getting worse and worse every time.........." J thought as she backed up against V who was also behind her. 

"How's (N/n) doing?" J stated as they slowly spin around those big bots trapping them. "Good. She can handle on her own. You know how she is." V stated as she narrow her eyes at the big pink bot and the other bots. "Well, good. Cause they are weak as hell........" J stated as they began to attack them due to their small size of an average human being. 

The bots notice this and went to attack them until small sharps of knives were thrown at them as they went to cover while J and V both fought them. "Holy primus! Where did those knives come from? Especially they are sharp. Ow!" the bot with the green and red stripes when he touch the metal knives on his arm. "Don't know what it is......they could be plotting something......." Elite-1 stated as she look over the sharp knives that were placed on the tree. 

Then, a sudden thud was heard as they turn around to see Optimus and Megatron crash to each other as Y/n landed and look at them. Elita-1 and the Autobots examine her as Y/n turn her head to look at them and tilt her head. She then turn and started walking towards them with the daggers on her hands which caught the Autobots notice this as they held their guard up. 

They all quickly stood up and look at the small bot, holding their guns as the other two small bots came by and watch, closing in on them. The Autobots were surrounded by them as J smirk while V just look at them, examining them as Y/n close in on the Autobots while spinning her daggers by the wrists, readying to destroy them. 

As Y/n, J, and V were going to destroy the Autobots, Dot decided to take matter in her own hands as she quickly thought of a solution while she wait for Optimus and Megatron to get up. She then saw a missile gun, just opened in a case which is a few steps away from her grasp as she sought her plan. Dot quickly sneak behind them and get the missile gun while the Autobots was occupied by the small bots.

As she was reaching for the missile gun, she then got it and started to fired up the missile as she quickly turn and aim them. She then fired at them as the missile came flying towards them as the Autobots went to duck in for cover which made Y/n notice as she look over to see a missile coming at her. 

Y/n quickly dodge it and pull J and V for cover as they landed somewhere near the trees. The missile then came swirling around and hit a bunch of trees as it explode itself, making some trees gone. 

Dot then put the gun down as Optimus and Megatron began to rub their helms and look to see what just happened as Elita-1 and the Autobots got out from cover. Y/n, J, and V got out from their cover as they all dust themselves off while Y/n held her guard up for any surprises. 

Much to her surprised, a few blacks cars of the military has came out which made Y/n notice as V and J got themselves ready. Croft slowly stand up and look them as she order the soldiers to capture them as Y/n protect them. Dot and the Autobots were also ready with their guard up and surround them as Y/n look over them and the soldiers. 

V and J notice that they are surrounded by humans and robots as they took out their weapons, ready to fire at any second as Y/n quickly thought a plan. "Stand down or else we will force those weapons off from you robots." Croft stated with a demand as Y/n look at her. 

Y/n notice that the soldiers were holding some kind an electric spear, lighting off as Y/n grip her daggers while V and J held their guard up from this. "So, they're trying to kill us........" V thought as she look at the electrical spear they had as she look over at Y/n, hoping that she got a plan out of this.

As the soldiers were closing in, Y/n put her daggers on her waist and quickly shot out some kind of web material as claw-like appendages appear behind her back. The Autobots quickly began to fire at them as Y/n went to grab V and J out of harm and went into the forest while jumping one tree to another as they head off the direction where N and Uzi at. 

The soldiers and the Autobots fired at them as they disappear into the woods, making Croft sought her next plan. "After them! Don't let them get away!" Croft shouted as the soldiers quickly get into the cars and drove off to find them. The Autobots did the same while Megatron transform and fly his way to their location, hoping to find them and ask about them as they went to find those small bots.

Meanwhile with the Malto family and Bumblebee, they were on their way to the hills for cover as they drive through the lane. Mo look at the window, worry about her mother which made the Terrans felt something coming from Mo as they all look over her, wondering what's on their mind. 

Robby notice the look on his little sister face as he turn to her. "Mo, are you alright? You seem to be upset about something?" Robby asked which made the Terrans look at her ask if they were waiting for her to answer. 

Mo sigh and then turn to her brother and soon started to speak up until a sudden being came out from the woods. Bumblebee and the others stop their breaks quickly before they crash as V called out Y/n watch out as Y/n quickly jump over them and landed safely. 

They all stop their tracks to see small bots that are average human-like as they ran over the sandy hills and jump down from the cliff. "What was that?!" Mo called as Robby look at the direction where those bots went off to. "I don't know. But whatever it is, we need to check." Robby stated as they both unbuckle their seatbelts and got out of the car. 

Alex did the same as Bumblebee and the Terrans transform themselves and head over to the direction of the cliff those bots went. "What was that?" Alex said as they reach the cliff and look to see those bots that they almost crash into. Those bots were coming down and landed on the highway as they made their attempt to escape. 

Bumblebee look at them and analyze them with his optics, only to see that there are no information about them as he look at the curiously. "Bumblebee! What was that?" Thrash called as the Terrans stood next to him. "Yeah! It was like rushing out through the forest and almost crash into Alex, Mo, and Robby and jump off the cliff!" Twitch stated while making gestures with her servos. 

"I don't know Terrans.........but it seems that they are not from here from the way they look." Bumblebee said as he examine them as the bots jump and head over to right direction. "Well, are they a decepticon or an Autobot?" Hashtag asked as Bumblebee look at the bots and shook his helm. "Neither. I can't tell since they look like average human robots." Bumblebee said as he watch them disappear without a trace.

Mo and Robby began to question about those mysterious robots until they heard something flying in the air as they look up to see Megatron. Megatron quickly transform and landed on the ground as Twitch's eyes lit up to see him. "Megatron!" Twitch called as she flew towards him with a hug which caught Megatron surprised by this, but nonetheless let her hug him. 

"Greetings Twitch. And to you, Terrans and Bumblebee." Megatron said as they all look at him. Bumblebee nod his helm and slightly look over at the disappearance of those bots earlier before turning to Megatron. 

"So, Megatron, what brings you here?" Bumblebee asked as Twitch flew to her siblings. "I'm here to look for those mysterious bots that were running away from here. Have you seen them?" Megatron asked which made everyone took notice of this. 

"What do you mean those robots that were running away earlier when we almost crash into them?" Mo asked in curiosity. "And, the one that has those spider legs and jump off the cliff with those two other bots?" Robby said as Megatron look at them, surprisingly by this. "Yes? How did you guys know about that?" Megatron said as Bumblebee look concern about this and spoke out. 

"Those bots almost crashed into us and ran off through that direction." Bumblebee said before pointing at the direction where the bots escape from. This made Megatron surprised and concern about this. "Oh no..........." Megatron said as Bumblebee and the Malto family look at him.n"What is it, Megatron?" Mo asked as Megatron began to feel worried about something. 

"Those bots................are not Decepticons nor Autobots......." Megatron stated which everyone surprised by this. "What do you mean they're not decepticons or Autobot? Are they just regular robots?" Thrash said as Megatron shook his helm. 

"They are not just ordinary bots, Thrash. They are very special which I haven't thought to see them again." Megatron said as he tried to remember the time where he once rule over the decepticon and the war began. "But, that is another time for another story. Right now, we need to get them before it's too late." Megatron stated as the Terrans nod. 

"Alright then let's go find them before they ran off to somewhere else." Twitch suggested as they all made an agreement and went to go find those missing bots.






A/N: Someone gave this idea to me on comment and I decided to give them credit for showing me this tiktok video. Not to mention, shout out to the creator on tiktok since it was the creator's oc's design which I thought it was amazing and it was beautifully made. Also, I thank you the person who gave me this design because there is gonna be more of Y/n's designs! Let me know in the comments which design should our reader aka Y/n should have! I will definetely like ideas from our readers like you! Btw, I set up the link down below to the creator's oc's design and it's not mine, but give credit to the original owner of this 👇.


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