If Only He Knew...

meadow_mistique tarafından

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In this captivating muggle alternate universe, the lives of Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter intertwine within t... Daha Fazla

Love In The Dark
Someone to Stay
Safe Place
You're so pretty
Be Slow
If I loved you
I don't wanna go
Feeling You
Sense of home
Slow Down
The Most Beautiful Thing
Still Breathing
Until the end
Fingers Crossed
Come with me
For the First Time
Tell Me Why
Lights Are On
Lost my mind
I will be okay
Be Nice to Me
Looking out for you
Better Than Me
Remember me Happy
Come With Me
I Am Falling For You
In My Mind
Fight them soft
No Point Pretending
Part of Me
For the First Time
You'll be in my heart
Little Dark Age
Everything I wanted
The Loneliest
No Other Heart
Need You Here
Secret Love For Him
Until it doesn't hurt
Not The End
Since I lost you
Already Gone
Love Made me do it
You're so beautiful

She loves control

8 0 0
meadow_mistique tarafından

As Daisy made her way towards work, she immersed herself in her favourite tunes, grooving to the beats of 'I wanna be your girlfriend' by Girl in Red. Daisy opened the bakery's entrance and walked into the staff room where she found Minnie glued to her laptop screen. Minnie beamed at her co-worker, "Good morning, Daisy. You look much better today!" Daisy returned the smile, "Hey, Minnie. I'm feeling good too!" She stashed away her headphones and hung her coat with her bag.

Daisy and Minnie sauntered out of the staff room, chatting amicably when Daisy had something to ask, "I have an extra Harry Styles concert ticket, Minnie. Would you like to come with me next week? Harry gifted it to me on Christmas before we broke up." Minnie was thrilled but had bad news for Daisy, "I'm afraid I won't be able to join you, Daisy. We're both summoned to the Head Office next week. I just received the email." Daisy was crestfallen, her gaze drooping to the ground.

Having arrived at work, Daisy hurriedly went about her duties, slightly disappointed that she couldn't ask Minnie about the concert tickets. Just as she was getting settled, a customer entered the bakery. Daisy looked up to see Minnie coming out from the back, carrying a tray of freshly baked goods. To Daisy's surprise and amusement, she saw that the customer was none other than Minnie's girlfriend.

In a playful gesture, Minnie scooped Daisy up in her arms, lifting her out of the way, as Daisy kicked her legs in mock protest. The two friends erupted in laughter, causing some heads to turn in their direction. Daisy playfully kicked her legs, signalling for Minnie to put her down, and Minnie obliged, gently placing Daisy back on her feet.

After a while, Daisy had finished serving a customer who turned out to be her ex-boyfriend, Harry. The conversation had been short and sweet, as Daisy remained professional the whole time. Still, she couldn't help but feel nostalgic as she watched him leave the shop. She took a deep breath and made her way to the staff room, where she found Minnie replying to emails.

As soon as Daisy walked in, Minnie sensed something was wrong. She pulled out a chair and urged Daisy to sit down. "What's wrong, Daisy? You look a little down," Minnie asked, her voice filled with concern. Daisy hesitated for a moment, not knowing how to express her feelings, but finally mustered the courage to speak. "Minnie, I think...I think I'm leaving this job," Daisy said quietly, barely above a whisper.

Minnie was taken aback, "What? Why? I thought you loved working here." "I do love working here," Daisy replied slowly, "but...I feel like it's time for me to move on. I need a change." She looked at Minnie, who was still trying to process the news. "No, Daisy, you can't leave," Minnie said firmly, "You're the best thing that's ever happened to this place." Daisy couldn't help but feel a little touched by Minnie's outburst.

She smiled wistfully, "Thanks, Minnie, that means a lot, but I think I just need to take some time off and figure things out." Minnie nodded slowly, understanding where Daisy was coming from. "Okay, if that's what you need to do, then I won't stop you." Daisy smiled, feeling grateful for having such a supportive friend like Minnie.

Daisy's shift finally ended at 5 pm, and she thanked Minnie for her understanding before walking out the door. As she made her way home, Daisy couldn't help but feel a sudden sense of emptiness. She walked into her house, only to be greeted by silence.

Daisy sighed, putting her bag down and walking into the kitchen, not feeling particularly hungry. She knelt down, sitting on the floor, and tried to force herself to eat something, knowing that she needed the sustenance. As she ate, she called her mother, Narcissa, hoping to catch up and talk about her day at work.

As she talked to her mother, Daisy heard the doorbell ring. She went to answer it, feeling a little uneasy since she wasn't expecting anyone.

When she opened the door, she was surprised to see Georgie, her neighbour from next door, holding a dish of homemade food. "Hey, Daisy!" Georgie said cheerfully. "I just wanted to drop by and bring you some banana bread. I baked it fresh this afternoon. And I also made some chicken in breadcrumbs with square potatoes and garlic. I figured you could use something hot and tasty after a long day at work." Daisy was surprised and touched. "Oh, thank you so much, Georgie. You really didn't have to do that." Georgie smiled warmly, "Don't be silly, Daisy. We neighbours have to stick together, right?" Daisy nodded in agreement as she took the dishes from Georgie.

She felt lucky to have such a kind and thoughtful neighbour. She walked back into her house, feeling grateful for the unexpected comfort during a tough day.

Daisy sat at the kitchen table, her iPad resting on its case as she finished up the delicious home-cooked meal that Georgie had brought over. As she ate, her phone suddenly rang.

When Daisy checked her phone, she saw that it was Molly Weasley, a family friend. "Hey, Molly," Daisy said, answering the phone. "Hello, Daisy dear," Molly said warmly, "I wanted to check in on you and see how you're doing. I heard from your mother that things weren't going so well between you and Harry." Daisy sighed. She didn't really want to talk about what had happened with Harry, but she knew that Molly was the kind of person who wouldn't let it go until she got answers. "It's just a long story, Molly," Daisy said, hoping to brush off the topic.

Molly, however, wasn't going to give up that easily. "Come on now, dearie. You know you can tell me anything. What happened with Harry?" Daisy hesitated for a moment before finally giving in. "We got into an argument, and things got pretty heated. He ended up throwing his wedding ring at me, and that was pretty much the end of it." Molly clucked her tongue sympathetically. "Oh, Daisy, I'm so sorry to hear that. If you ever need a place to stay, you know you're welcome to come to Surrey and stay with us for a while. We have a guest room all set up for you."

Daisy felt a sudden surge of gratitude towards Molly. She knew that Molly had always looked out for her, even when she was younger. "Thank you, Molly," Daisy said, feeling her voice crack with emotion, "that's so kind of you. I might take you up on that offer." "Of course, dearie," Molly replied, "just let us know when you're ready to come. We'll be here for you."

Daisy felt comforted by Molly's words and support. She knew that despite the difficulties she was facing, she had people around her who cared and were willing to help. She finished up her dinner, feeling a little lighter and more hopeful for the future.

The next day, Daisy woke up feeling a little refreshed and ready to start her new life in Surrey. She packed her clothes and essentials in a suitcase and threw a backpack over her shoulder. She got into her silver Mini car and drove off to Molly's place.

As she pulled up at Molly's house, she parked her car and got out, suitcase in hand. She walked up to the door and knocked. Molly opened it, and Daisy was immediately enveloped in a warm, tight embrace. It felt good to be in the presence of someone who genuinely cared for her.

Molly pulled away, and Daisy noticed Molly's cat named Cotton walking past her feet. She bent down to stroke its fur, feeling comforted by the softness of the feline's fur. "Come on in," Molly said, stepping aside to allow Daisy to enter. "You must be tired from the ride." Daisy gave a tired smile, grateful to be in Molly's comforting abode.

She walked into the living room, where Molly had set out some refreshments. She sat on the comfortable armchair, feeling a sense of relief wash over her. "Thank you so much for letting me stay here, Molly," Daisy said, taking a sip from the steaming cup of tea Molly had poured for her. Molly chuckled, "Nonsense, dearie. You're always welcome here. I'm just glad I can help you out in some way." Daisy felt a pang of emotion as she looked at Molly. She had always been a constant, caring figure in her life.

Daisy had settled into her room for a while now, trying to make herself feel comfortable in the new environment. She sat on the beanbag, scrolling through her phone as she tried to drown out the noise and doubts in her head.

Suddenly, the door creaked open, and Daisy looked up to find Harry, looking flustered and surprised to see her. "Daisy, what are you doing here?" he asked. "Molly offered for me to stay here for a while," Daisy replied, avoiding eye contact. "But this is the room Molly gave me," Harry protested. Daisy felt a sudden fear creep in, knowing that Harry could be unpredictable when he was angry. She whimpered as Harry started getting angry, his voice growing louder.

Molly heard the commotion and came in, putting a firm hand on Harry's shoulder. "Now Harry, I told you about Daisy staying here. You need to leave her be," Molly said sternly. Harry looked at Molly, then at Daisy before finally complying. He held up the house keys that he had taken away from Daisy before and held them above her head, taunting her to take them back.

Daisy tried to ignore him, but when Harry held the keys just out of her reach, she snapped. Without even thinking, Daisy kicked out with her heel, hitting Harry in the groin and causing him to crumple to the ground in pain. She quickly retrieved the house keys and held them tightly in her hand, relieved to have them back. As Harry lay on the floor, groaning in pain, Molly helped Daisy up, holding her hand and guiding her out of harm's way.

The next morning, Molly woke up early and decided to check on Daisy to see how she was doing. She got out of bed and walked over to the guest room where Daisy was sleeping. As she approached the room, she could hear faint snoring sounds coming from inside.

Molly gently opened the door to the room and saw that Daisy was still asleep. She walked closer to her, noticing that Daisy had rolled over to her other side, facing the window. As she did so, her face was momentarily blinded by the bright light that was shining through the window. Molly walked closer to Daisy, trying to avoid stepping on the duvet or clothes that were scattered across the floor. She stood beside the bed and looked down at Daisy, who was still sound asleep.

Molly thought about how Daisy had changed since she had arrived at her house. She had seemed scared and fragile when she first arrived, but over time, she had started to appear more confident and self-assured. Molly was happy to see Daisy taking control of her life and making decisions for herself.

Molly reached out and placed a gentle hand on Daisy's shoulder, trying to avoid waking her up. "Good morning, dearie," Molly whispered softly. Daisy slowly started to stir, her eyes fluttering open as she struggled to adjust to the light. She yawned and stretched, sitting up in bed and rubbing the sleep from her eyes. "Good morning, Molly," Daisy replied, smiling at her friend. Molly smiled back at Daisy, glad to see that she was up. "How did you sleep, dearie?" Molly asked. Daisy stretched again and took a deep breath. "I actually slept really well. This bed is so comfortable," she replied, looking around the room. Molly chuckled, "I'm glad to hear that. I want you to feel right at home here."

Daisy smiled, feeling grateful for Molly's hospitality. She knew that she had a long way to go, but with Molly's support and love, she knew that everything would be alright.

Daisy sat up in bed, checking her phone for any messages. As she scrolled through her notifications, she saw a message from Minnie that made her heart sink. The message read, "Hey, Harry came to the bakery this morning, he put in a complaint about you and told me to tell head office, but I had to report you to head office for our safety x".

Daisy couldn't believe what she was reading. Harry had gone to Minnie's bakery and tried to get her into trouble. She felt a surge of anger and sadness wash over her. She couldn't understand why Harry was doing this to her. She burst into tears, feeling helpless and alone. She laid back down on the bed, pulling the duvet over her head, trying to hide from the world. She didn't want to deal with any of this anymore. She just wanted to disappear.

Molly came into the room, hoping to check on Daisy, but when she saw her crying under the covers, she knew to leave her alone for a while.

Molly closed the door to the guest room gently and walked down the stairs, feeling uneasy about what had happened. She wondered what Harry's game was and why he was going to such extremes to make Daisy's life miserable. Molly knew that Daisy needed support, and she made a mental note to check on her again later and make sure she was alright.

As she descended the stairs, she felt sorry for Daisy and angry at Harry for causing so much pain. She wished there was something she could do to make it all go away, but she knew that it wasn't going to be that easy. Molly just hoped that Daisy would be strong enough to overcome the challenges that Harry was throwing her way.

45 minutes had passed, and Daisy had finally calmed down. She was now sitting up on the bed, scrolling through her phone, trying to distract herself from the overwhelming emotions she had just experienced.

She decided to call Minnie, hoping to get a better understanding of what had happened. When Minnie picked up, Daisy could hear the exhaustion in her voice. "Hey, Minnie. It's Daisy. Can you tell me what happened this morning?" Minnie sighed heavily, "Hey, Daisy. Look, Harry came in this morning and put a complaint in about you. He said that you were rude and unprofessional to him. I didn't believe him, but he threatened me and said that he would go to head office if I didn't report you myself. I didn't want to risk our safety, so I reported you."

Daisy didn't believe what she was hearing. She knew that she had been professional and courteous to Harry, so why was he making all this up? "That doesn't make any sense, Minnie," Daisy said, frustration creeping into her voice. "Can you email me the security footage so that I can see what really happened?" Minnie hesitated, "I wish I could, Daisy, but I'm not allowed to. The company has strict policies about sharing security footage outside of head office." Daisy felt defeated. It seemed like everything was working against her. She wondered what other lies Harry was spreading and how much more damage he could do to her reputation.

She thanked Minnie for her honesty and hung up, feeling alone and helpless once again. She couldn't believe that Harry had managed to turn everyone against her, even her best friend. She didn't know how she was going to fight back, but she knew that she couldn't just give up.

Daisy was sitting on the side of the bed now, writing up a plan in her notebook. She was determined to get to the bottom of everything that was going on, and she knew that she needed to come up with a strategy. She was highlighting key parts of her plan, figuring out what would be the best course of action for her to take.

As she was lost in her thoughts, Molly walked into the room, "Hey, Daisy, do you want some breakfast?" Daisy looked up, a little surprised by the sudden interruption, but then quickly composed herself, "Yeah, that would be great, Molly. Can you make me some porridge with honey?" "Sure thing," Molly replied, and then walked over to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

Daisy continued to work on her plan, scratching out parts that didn't make sense, and adding in new ideas. She wrote down a list of people she could talk to, including her supervisor and HR. She also made a note to follow up with head office and request the security footage herself, just in case Minnie couldn't get it for her.

She finished her plan, feeling a little more confident about what she needed to do next. She knew it wouldn't be easy, but she was determined to clear her name and put a stop to Harry's lies.

Molly walked back into the room with a bowl of porridge, "Here you go, Daisy. I added a little cinnamon too." Daisy smiled, feeling grateful for Molly's thoughtfulness. She set her notebook aside and picked up the bowl, breathing in the sweet scent of the honey and cinnamon. She took a spoonful, feeling the warmth spread through her body.

While she ate her breakfast, she took a deep breath, trying to calm the turmoil inside her mind. She knew it wasn't going to be an easy road ahead, but she was ready to face it head-on.

After finishing her breakfast, Daisy had made her way downstairs and was now sitting in the living room with her phone in her hand. As she scrolled through her social media feed, she felt a small weight jump up onto her lap. Looking down, she saw that it was Pebbles, Molly's Yorkshire Terrier.

Pebbles snuggled up onto Daisy's lap, curling up in a ball as she nestled her head against Daisy's arm. Daisy couldn't help but laugh as the small dog then reached up to lick her face, tickling her nose in the process.

Feeling the warmth of the small pup on her lap, Daisy lifted up Pebbles, cradling her in her arms. Pebbles happily wagged her tail, looking up at Daisy with her big, brown eyes.

As Daisy played with Pebbles, Molly walked into the room, carrying a tray of tea and biscuits. She looked down at the two of them and smiled, "Looks like she's taken a liking to you." Daisy smiled back, "I think the feeling is mutual."

Molly set down the tray on the coffee table, "Well, I'm glad you two are getting along. How are you feeling now, Daisy?" Daisy took a sip of her tea before answering, "Better, thanks. I still can't believe Harry would make up such lies about me." Molly nodded, "He's always been trouble. But don't worry, we'll get to the bottom of it."

Daisy appreciated Molly's support, feeling a little better knowing that she wasn't alone in all of this. She cuddled Pebbles closer to her, feeling the softness of her fur against her skin.

As they sat in the living room, sipping tea and munching on biscuits, Daisy felt a small sense of comfort. She still had a long road ahead of her, but for now, she was content to have a furry friend by her side.

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