MHA oneshots and scenarios (R...


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As the title says. This also means all ships. (legal ships) Еще

Snow Hare
Okaerinasai (Welcome)
Cuddles (KamiJirou)
Trouble at Home (FuyumiXHawks)
Day in The Hospital (TomokoxTensei)
Mine (Kacchako)
Mha couples headcanons
Take some quirks
Parents Night (a bit of everything and anything)
Rain (TogaJirou)
Quit Following Me! (Bakudeku)
True Colors (Kamijirou)
He's really gone (EraserMic)
Magnifique (IzuAyo)
The Insomniac Club
Valentines Day Dump
Always with You (TetsuMono)

A Real Home(Alternate Toga Fate AU)

39 1 0

(May contain small manga spoilers and spoilers for season 6. Enjoy)

"ZERO SATELLITES!" Ochako cried as she used her quirk to lift all the household furniture and items. Toga just gasped and realized what Ochako had planned. "Great..." She muttered as she dodged Uraraka throwing items at her. "Neither of us has to hold back anymore." Ochako continued pursuit and kept narrowly missing her. The two continued their small quarrel before Ochako shouted. "Threaten people so you can do what you want? Then you DESERVE WHATEVERS COMING TO YOU!" That's when one of the floating books smacked Toga and she collapsed to the ground, dropping her weapons. "Well...there's my answer..." She said quietly as tears began to well in her eyes. Ochako widened her eyes and looked a bit skeptical. Toga began to cry on the ground and curled up into a small ball. "Who am I kidding...what was I expecting? 'Oh, never mind! Come with me and I'll run away with you, and we can live merrily?'" She laughed weakly before beginning to sob. Ochako didn't know what to do. "She's a villain...she's a villain..." She reached for her radio but hesitated. "URAVITY! WHERE ARE YOU? THAT THING IS GETTING CLOSER BY THE SECOND! OVER!" She just began walking towards her. She kicked away the weapons and took off her blood pumps. She kept them out of reach before bending down and picking up the crying girl. She wrapped her arms around her tightly much to Toga's surprise. "Wha...what are you doing? I-I'm dangerous...leave me to die..." "No. That's not what a hero does. They find victims and they save them from any danger. You don't have to live this way." "You don't know that." "Yes, I do. I know that if you keep this won't have whatever ending you want." Toga looked down and kept crying onto her shoulder. "Come with me...I promise I'll do what I can to help you. It'll all be okay..." She said rubbing her back gently. They could hear stomping and rumbling coming closer. Toga didn't respond for some time. "We have to go now. Just hang onto me!" She pulled her out of the house and began running. She made them both float and saw Gigantomachia coming closer. "It didn't work...oh no..." She gasped. She saw her group and quickly made her way over. "Uravity! There you are! What-" They saw Toga in her arms. "YOU CAUGHT ONE!" "No... not exactly. It's a long story...just don't arrest her." She said. The group looked confused and stunned. "What? But she-" "I know...just leave her alone." She said firmly. Toga barely listened to anything and kept crying. She wound up crying herself to sleep on the hero. When she woke up again she found herself with a quirk cancelation bracelet and in a hospital room of the sort. By her side, she saw a sleeping Ochako in a chair. "Ugh...where...Ochako?" She asked poking her. She mumbled and woke up. " do you feel?" "Where am I?" "U.As recovery wing. It took some talking but they agreed to let you stay. You'll be safe here." "You mean the others here will be. I can't transform." She said pulling up her wrist. "It was that or handcuffs..." "And she wouldn't stop screaming to the police about it." A voice said suddenly. "That's my teacher, Mr. Aizawa..." She whispered. "I'm sure you even scared half the staff. Especially after that speech." Aizawa said pulling up a chair and putting his crutches down. "Even then I still have some questions concerning you." He said motioning towards Toga. "How do we know this isn't a plan in order to get the army into U.A.?" "My best friend is dead. What else do I have left to do? The rest of the original league has gone insane. I'd rather have been left for dead if Ochako hadn't carried me." She answered bitterly. "They won't care what happens to me anymore. I'm just another pawn in 'the masters plan'. Whatever that is..." Aizawa looked at her skeptically and sighed. "We've looked at your case...and called your parents." "What?" She looked up with wide eyes. "We asked them about you and their relationship towards you since your...debut in your school." "Why- why did you call them? Are they here?!" "They're legally your parents so we need a guardian present for this to continue-" "THEY'RE NOT MY PARENTS! GET THEM OUT OF HERE!" She yelled backing away. Ochako got up. "Toga-" "N-NO! NO!" She cried grabbing the sides of her head. "What's wrong with them? Why don't you want to see them?" "THEY DON'T LOVE ME! WHY WOULD I WANT ANYTHING TO DO WITH THEM? THE-THEY NEVER LOVED ME! THEY NEVER WANTED ME!" Tears began running down her cheeks again. She kept hyperventilating and screaming. Ochako hugged her immediately and let her hide her face into her shoulder. She kept crying and shaking. "We will not let them in here or aware of you then if you wish..." He said. "Pl-Please don't I don't...I-I can't..." He left the two be and closed the door. "Shhh....they won't come near you." Ochako said softly. She rocked the shaking girl gently and helped her calm down.

The next few days were a bit of a blur. She was basically quarantined in the room and was never let out. It wasn't like she wanted to go anywhere anyhow. She had her own bathroom and her own forms of entertainment. Mostly books or a T.V. She still had meals and frequent visits from Ochako. Every time she showed up, she looked more and more exhausted. "Hey, I'm here. What are you working on?" "Just some puzzle your teacher gave me...what is it with your teacher and cats?" She asked as she showed the box with a picture of kittens. "I don't know honestly." "Kurogiri...before back in the bar was almost amused by cats. We passed by a box of them once and he just starred for five hours until Tomura called for him." She told her as Ochako sat across from her to help. "Maybe they could've been really good friends."'s Izuku?" "Resting well. He's eating and getting better. He's still insisting on going back." "I'll assume he doesn't know I'm here." "Well, I did try to tell him but then Bakugou keeps showing up to keep him from trying to run. If he knows you're here, we may as well just skip the country." She smiled and laughed weakly. "He definitely won't be happy I'm here. So, who does know?" Mr. Aizawa, 13, Mic sensei, Nezu, Recovery Girl, and Vlad King..." She answered. "Oh, and Hatsume." "That pink-haired girl?" "Yep. She even made you that fancy bracelet." "Oh wow. I should thank her the next time I see her. This is just simply divine." She said in her best fancy voice. Ochako giggled and helped her finish the piece. They began eating together. "Speaking of...I know this may be touchy and you do not have to tell me if you don't want to but...Do you ever miss your parents?" "I don't know...growing up I mean...I don't know. They're still my mom and dad but...I don't think I ever really felt love from them. It was all about keeping up appearances and 'we better not have a monster for a child'. I don't think they ever loved me." She frowned. "Oh...oh god I'm so sorry..." "It's alright...I ended up okay." She smiled weakly before frowning again. "Why do you ask?" "When the staff was being alerted about you...Vlad King looked really intrigued and then asked me out you...and who you live with." "Why?" "I don't know. He never actually told me...I haven't spoken to him for days." She just shrugged it off and kept eating. Meanwhile, in another room in the same building, Vlad was speaking to Aizawa, Nezu, and Tsukauchi (the detective to those who aren't the best with remembering characters). "You want to what?" "If she allows it. She has a blood-related quirk correct?" "Yes...from what we gathered she can transform into the person depending on the blood she's consumed." Tsukauchi said. "If she consumes more than one person she can turn into them as well. It seems she can also use the quirk as well but only she truly loves the's interesting but dangerous." "Explain how she's dangerous." "Do you really want a list of all her crimes?" Aizawa asked. "I have plenty of students who can serve as witnesses to what she's done. I still don't understand why we're even housing her." "It was Miss Uravity's request and it seems she's formed a sort of bond with her. I'd try to argue with her but I'm slightly afraid of her." Nezu responded sipping from his cup. "This isn't funny. Why on earth would you want to adopt her?" "She's a seventeen-year-old, who's likely had no actual affection, no appropriate parental figures, and no real home to grow up in. With her quirk, it's no surprise this was the path she took. It wasn't her fault. She deserves a chance." Tsukauchi nodded and sighed. "I know you sympathize with two have similar beginnings but unfortunately adoption is out of the question. You know our laws In our country are difficult. Not only are you not married but she's soon to be a legal adult. The only way you could adopt her was if her parents gave you their rights if you are related to her family at all, or if she were under the age of six. Legally speaking, she cannot be adopted especially considering what she's done up to now." "Are you kidding?" "It's unfortunately true. Adoption in our country or well any country isn't simple. You may not be able to legally become her parent but what do our laws say about fostering? You'd still be able to care for her and give her a good home." Nezu suggested. Aizawa answered. "When Hizashi and I fostered Shinsou it took some time but it's legal. I've met plenty of single parents who've taken up to fostering. You could be able to if you really want to." "She didn't deserve to go down this path...I want to give her a second chance. She could help so many people if she was given a chance in the beginning." "I'm sorry but I fail to see how she could've helped people. Her quirk is-" "Evil? Dangerous? Villainous? Explain." Vlad demanded. "She could become a detective...her quirk could help identify victims who's missing and possibly more. Quirks do not define a person, how they use them is what defines them." "Then what's your plan once she's arrested? Bail?" "This could be a good opportunity to show that the new program could be a success." "Again...Nezu, sir with all due respect...the program won't work. No villains will willingly hand themselves over. They'll either lie or think it's a trap." "With that negative attitude, it may fail but I'll have faith in her. Nemuri would have to, you know that." Aizawa slammed his mug down and nearly broke into sobs. He frowned and wiped his face. The room fell silent for a moment. "I can pull up the forms as soon as the day after tomorrow but if she refuses?" "Let me speak with her."

"Why am I getting a new visitor?" "They told me a few things and I think it's a good idea but it's all up to you honestly." "Can I know who this mystery person is?" "Well remember I told you a bit about Vlad King? Well, it's him. He wants to talk to you." "This should be fun..." A few minutes later he came in. She felt a bit nervous and held Ochako's hand. She squeezed it gently and smiled. "It's alright..." "Hello. I assume Miss Uravity informed you on who I am? My real name is Kan Sekjirou. Whichever you're comfortable referring me to is fine by me. I come with an offer if you're alright and on board with it. As you know your crimes range from attempted murder to murder, kidnapping, and assault. Since you're still a minor you'll likely get a lesser sentence but because of your commitment to joining the country's well-known terrorist group, it'll take a lot of convincing. Nezu has a new program he's trying to start...a rehabilitation program of the sort. You may choose your sentence once and if you get a hearing and take the sentence or we sign you up for his program to get another chance to join society." She glared at him and fiddled with Ochako's fingers. "And then? What? I get off without punishment then what? Go skip in a field of daisies? No one is going to want me anywhere. No matter how many people say I've changed, I'll always be a freak...a monster." "Why?" "Don't you know my quirk?'s creepy. No one can be good and have a blood quirk." "Is that so? Could they never be a hero either?" "Long shot." He took a fork from the table. "What are you doing?" He suddenly stabbed his arm. "WOAH!" "WHAT THE-" She covered her mouth. "WHY?" Suddenly as it flowed, it froze and hardened. "Wha...h-how did...what..." "It's my quirk...I can harden blood once it's outside the body and use it to my advantage...I am the Blood Hero: Vlad King." She gasped quietly. The blood that dripped to the floor slowly returned and he wrapped his wound. "Blood quirks are so evil, aren't they? Never can be used for that right?" "But" "Quirks aren't evil, kid. It's how you choose to use them." He explained once he finally finished wrapping his arm. "In your case, however, you made many bad choices but you have a chance to make up for them have an actual home. Even after you're done I'm willing to be a foster parent to you. This is entirely up to you, however...I won't force you to do anything." She widened her eyes. " want me?" "I wanted to adopt but the laws are...difficult but yes. I do. What do you say?" She didn't answer for some time. Tears filled her eyes a moment before she answered. "I...yes. I'll do it." Ochako smiled and hugged her. She returned it before whispering something. She giggled and let go. She got off the bed and hugged him. He was caught off guard but returned it.

Almost a year passed since her agreement and his choice. She was finished with the program and redeemed. She was currently riding in Vlad's Car with some boxes. "I'm technically an still-" "You don't age out of sure but family is forever." She smiled and looked out the window. Half the city was still destroyed. "It's alright...we're slowly getting better." "I just can't help but think about them...I know they weren't the best and maybe didn't care about me like I did with them or Twice but I still miss them a bit..." "It's understandable." He responded pulling into a driveway. "Maybe they weren't the best, but they were still your friends. I'm thankful they somewhat took care of you up to this point." "I'm sure Dabi is rolling around his grave right now...wherever he is." "How dare a hero and a former league member frolic with one another." He joked. She giggled. During her time in the program, she had almost begun dating Ochako. She couldn't have asked for a better girlfriend. She was absolutely perfect in her eyes. So sweet and caring. She then took in where she was. It was a bit of a large house even if it was just him. "By the way- remember I told you I had a pet?" "Yeah...OOH!" She looked down and saw a pit bull. It barked gently and jumped up at her. "Ooh hello!" She said kneeling down to pet him. "He's pretty friendly. Just a grumpy face." He said. "I'll go get your boxes. Your room is up the stairs and to the left." "Thanks." She said. She went up with the dog and saw it. She was already picturing where she'd put her stuff. Her bed was already set and she began unpacking. Ochako came in and helped. "Hey Hon." She said kissing her cheek. "Congrats on the program! You did it!" "Thanks, Ocha." She said hugging her. "I can't believe I did it..." "Well I'm so proud of you. I know it wasn't easy and a bit scary but you still did it and you were amazing. Did you get information on your internship yet?" "Yeah. Mr. Tsukauchi said he'd train me personally to help the force. It sounds like fun...kinda. I start in a week." Hours passed and she was all unpacked. She set up pictures of her and Ochako on a bulletin board as well as her with the other friends. She set up some of her plushies and books. "It looks great." "Feels like home too." The dog came in and laid in her lap. "Ruff!" "Hey, pal... ta-da." He wagged his tail as he looked around. She kept petting him and sighed happily. "Dinners almost ready! Be down in five!" He called. "Okay!" She responded. "Hang on...I'll be right back." She said to Ochako. She left her with the dog. She went downstairs to where he was cooking. "Hm? Oh hey what's..." "Nothing just...thanks for everything." "Of course." He said ruffling her hair. "I mean it...thanks. If it weren't for you or Ochako I'd probably be rotting in jail or something. I just feel blessed to even be able to have another chance." "I'm glad too." He said smiling softly. "I'll go get Ochako...I love you, Dad." "I love you too, kid." He said back. As she walked back up the stairs she began crying again. All the past memories of hate and fear and violence almost disappeared. She was where she belonged.

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