Mine forever - brierson

By brierson4ever1

8.5K 184 235

Brent and Pierson slowly fall in love..read to see what happeneds More

tiktok monday
the decision
asking pierson
making a move
day 1 (cruise ship)
day 2 (cruise ship)
day 3 (cruise ship)
day 4 (cruise ship)
date night
telling the squad
an idea
first day (road trip)
second day (road trip)
last day (road trip)
waking up?
waking up
coming home
first day of the trip
second day of the trip

a dream

224 5 8
By brierson4ever1

doc-brent! BRENT!! wake uppp

br-huh? what's happening??

doc-it's already 11am we have to run the tests

br-didn't you alredy run the tests

doc-no, yestarday you felt the movement and we decited to run the tests tomorrow morning

br-no, no, no. i felt pierson move 2 days ago

doc-brent, did you dream about something


doc-what did you dream about?

br-i dont remember...i just rememeber that pierson will die today and her family and friends came to say goodbye bc she won't wake up

doc-brent, you were just dreaming about all of this

br-omgg really??

he starts jumping around like a little kid. he smiled after a month of just crying

doc-yeah. we are gonna run the test now and if she did move she will probably wake up today or tomorrow, but if she doesn't it's gonna happened exactly like in your dreams

br-she moved, i know she did!

doc-okay, we are gonna go do the tests now

he left with pierson. brent finally had hope again.
after an hour nurse came to brent and they went to the room pierson was in


doc-we did the tests and...

doctors eyes started tearing up

doc-she moved, brent!!!

he went to hug him. brent was in such shook he couldn't move


he was so happy, his eyes started tearing up too

doc-so like i said she will wake up today or tomorrow

brent returned to his room and they brought pierson too.
he started talking to her

br-pier you did it!! i know you would wake up. you're the strongest and the most brave person i know. i can't wait for you to wake up.

he looked at her with watery eyes. he wanted to kiss her, but he couldn't. so he kissed her hand

br-i love you pierson so much. when you wake up, we're gonna go make so many memories. and i can't wait to marry you and have kids with you one day

pierson's parents came in the afternoon. brent already told everyone the good news

ka(karin)-do you think she will wake up today?

br-i hope so, bc i can't wait anymore

m(mike)-i can't wait for her to wake up too!

they talked and pieron's parents started to really love brent. they saw how much brents likes and appriciates her.
after a while they left.
brent was now alone with pierson

br-i can't wait for you to wake up. this is our last night sleeping next to each other when you're in coma. and i hope this never happeneds again. good night piers

he was almost asleep when he heard something...


i actually posted 2 parts today!! so proud of myself
hope you like it

love youuu <3


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