Astray The Red Meccanoid! [Te...

By TheSliverComet

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[None of the art belongs to me] More

Chapter 1: A Red Sacred Mechanoid?!? Part 2

Chapter 1: A Red Sacred Mechanoid?!? Part 1

254 9 0
By TheSliverComet

3rd POV

Y/N quickly ducks, behind his patrol car to dodge a spray of bullets from a group of robbers. Y/N quickly grabbed his radio.

[Y/N]: "Damnit, where's backup!"

Y/N waited a couple seconds for a response.

[Responder]: "Backup is on the way, officer L/N."

Y/N sighed, before noticing that he hadn't heard any more gun shots, Y/N decided to peak out to see if they had left, right as he peaked out, a bullet pierces his head causing him to fall backwards onto the ground.

Y/N's eyes snapped opened and Y/N let out a large gasp, Y/N looked around to only see a dark void, Y/N quickly began to freak out but before he could do anything, a man appeared in front of him, the man had short white hair, with a little bit of blue at the tips of his hair, the man also had beautiful tann skin and ruby red eyes, the man wore a royal blue jacket with a white tank top under, for pants he wore blue jean and for the shoes he wore blue and white somethings, the brand and look would constantly change. Y/N shouted when the man suddenly appeared in front of him.

[???]: "Calm down kid, I'm not going to hurt you."

[Y/N]: "W-Who the hell are y-you."

The man let out a confident laugh, before smirking at Y/N and slightly bowing towards him.

[Elios]: "My name is Elios, god of this multiverse."

[Y/N]: "Wait, what do you mean by this multiverse? Are there other multiverses."

Elios nodded his head, before standing up from his bow and snaps his fingers and the empty void they were in turned into a nice looking cabin, Y/N look around in shock, before looking out of one windows to see a forest covered in snow. Elios let out a small cough to gain Y/N attention, Y/N quickly looks back at Elios.

[Elios]: "Yes, there are other multiverses out there, and they have their own gods to take care of them."

Y/N opened his mouth in awe at what he was hearing, not only was the multiverse real, but there were multiples of them. Elios snapped his fingers again and Y/N was suddenly sitting in a very comfortable chair, Y/N looked forward and saw Elios was also sitting down.

[Elios]: "Now that we're done with that conversation, I want to talk about the reason you're here instead of Haven. The reason your here is because you weren't supposed to die at that shootout, you were supposed to live until you were ninety."

Y/N looked at the god in confusion.

[Y/N]: "So why did I die so early?"

[Elios]: "You death happened because of one of my younger brothers, I don't know which one did it, but I will find them and I punish them accordingly."

Y/N nodded his head.

[Y/N]: "So what going to happen to me?"

[Elios]: "Oh I'm going to send you to the last anime you watched and give seven wishes. The anime you watched last was....... Tenchi Muyo War on Gemir right?"

Y/N nodded his head.

[Elios]: "Okay good, so before you tell me you're seven wishes, I have tell you the rules, 1. You obviously can't wish for more wishes, 2. You also obviously can't wish to be a god, 3. If you wish for anything too OP it will have drawbacks, drawbacks that I will tell you about, and 4. Do not wish for the wishing rules to not apply for you or not exist, Is that understood."

[Y/N]: "Yes sir."

[Elios]: "Good, now for your first wish."

[Y/N]: "For my first wish, I want to be able to pilot Gundam Astray Red."

Elios looked through Y/N head to look and see all of the weapons, after looking Elios then noded his head.

[Elios]: "Okay for your second wish."

[Y/N]: "For my second wish, I want the skills and talents of Amuro, Banagher, Lowe and kenchi."

Elios thought about it for a couple minutes.

[Elios]: "Sure, but you'll be five times slower then them."

[Y/N]: "My third wish is to have the a custom Jesta, called the Winter Soldier. "

[Elios]: "Alright sure, number four?"

[Y/N]: "My fourth wish is that my beam rifle can switch between ballistic and beam and my shield has and beam cannon mounted onto it."

Elios simply noded.

[Y/N]: "My fifth wish is to have a gaint spaceship that orbits the planet, it will have everything I need for my Gundam and the Jesta."

Again Elios only nodded.

[Y/N]: "For my sixth wish, I want Astray Red to be able to fly on it's own, and for my last wish I want both to have their entire frame be built out of Psycho-Frame Material and to have both use the 360 view cockpit."

Elios raised one of his eyebrows, at Y/N last wish, Elios sat for a couple seconds and thought about it, after a couple seconds, Elios agrees and nods his haed.

[Elios]: "Okay, if that's all then, I'll be sending you to the world."

[Y/N]: "That's all and thank you."

[Elios]: "No problem kid."

With that Elios snapped his fingers and Y/N disappeared, Elios let out a long sigh, before he heard footsteps coming closer to him.

[Elios]: "Hello, dear sister how can I help you."

The woman around Elios and sat in the chair in front of him. The woman had short black hair with blood red tips, that had been stylized into a wolf's cut, her eyes and skin was almost the same as Elios, she had the beautiful tann skin and the ruby red eyes except her eyes were a little daker then Elios's, and for her clothing, she wore a black collar, a black leather jacket over a constantly changing crop top, the crop top perfectly showed off her twelve pack, tight fitting black jeans and black combat boots.

[Woman]: "I only came to see if you had sent that child to the world."

Elios let an annoyed sigh.

[Elios]: "Yes sister, I've already sent the boy."

The woman let out a small smile.

[Woman]: "Good, I'll see you later, little brother."

The woman then disappeared and Elios sighed, his eyes then began glowing, before he slammed his right hand into the chair armrest, causing the cabin around him to shake and the glass to shatter.

[Elios]: "Damn that woman!"

A bright blue light appears behind Elios and a tall woman with tann skin, black hair that was styled into a pixie cut, brown eyes and wore a blue suit, with white in it, blue suit pants and some blue and white shoes, appeared a couple feet behind Elios.

She briefly bowed before looking at Elios.

[Tall Woman]: "Sir, HIS back."

Elios sighed before turning his head towards the tall woman, he let out an annoyed sigh, before rubbing his temples.

[Elios]: "Where is he?"

The woman nodded, before putting her right hand out and opening it, a hologram appears above her hand and shows a universe, it then switched to a picture of a blue truck with red and orange flames.

[Tall Woman]: "HIS been seen in Multiverse 20071, Universe 001002"

Elios huffed, before getting up from his chair and looked at the woman.

[Elios]: "Me and Amara will handle it."

[Tall Woman]: "Understood my lord."

The tall woman bowed, while Elios looked down at her and smiled.

[Elios]: "Don't worry Alice, I'll be back in time for dinner."

And with that Elios disappeared in a bright royal blue light, once he was gone Alice stood up and looked at where Elios stood, before smiling and the also disappearing in a small blue light. After a couple minutes the forest outside of the cabin disappears, a second later the cabin disappears and what was left was the void.

3rd POV

Y/N opened his eyes to see he was in the cockpit of Astray, Y/N let out a little chuckle, before noticing a difference in ths cockpit, the cockpit was different from Astray's original cockpit, the cockpit was from Gundan Unicorn. Y/N let out a small chuckle, before pressing all of the buttons to activate Astray.

[This is what cockpit looks like, except change the green to red.]

Once the Gundam was activated, the almost 360 retinal imaging activated and Y/N could see he was in a dark forest in what looked to be the middle of the night.

The sensors turned on and alerted Y/N of something above him, Y/N turn Astray's head upwards and saw a floating island slowly flying through the sky.

[Y/N]: "So I'm in the first episode, huh?"

As Y/N continued to look at the floating island, he saw a three figures closing in on the island, Y/N immediately knew it who they were  Y/N quickly began the process of activating his thrusters, after a couple seconds of activating the small thrusters, the small thrusters slowly began to turn on. As the small thrusters activated, small glowering red particles began to move out of them.

[This is what the thrusters look like, just change the color to red]

Y/N quickly began to follow him from a distance.

3rd POV

Inside of the flying Island/ship a group of four people could be staring at a old and damaged mech. A tall blonde man with black eyes spoke and the other three looked towards him.

[Blonde M]: "I knew... The Sacred Mechalord... The Sacred Mechanoids just can't compare... It's magnificent."

A short blonde haired girl that was next to the man responded.

[Blonde W]: "Think so?"

[Blonde M]: "Yes, it has an air of dignity and power impenetrable by most."

[Blond W]: "We thought it decor immovable by most."

A maid who looked to be the oldest out of all of them spoke.

[Maid]: "My Empress... Even though it was only for your coronation, Shtrayu is the sole nation allowed to borrow it from the church. You should show more respect."

A red hair woman between the Empress and the maid smiled at the Empress, while the Empress looked away and complained about the Mechalord.

[Empress]: "It's so big and heavy, through. We still think it's stupid."

A loud alarm goes off and group look up in surprise and shock.

[Red Head]: "The Koro alarm?!"

They all hear someone running towards them and look to see a younger maid, running towards them.

[Empress]: "What's going on?!"

[Young Maid]: "We've just been attacked, Empress...! An enemy Sacred Mechanoid!"

The red hair woman quickly runs up to a nearby window to look the enemy.

[Empress]: "My, my... Some people are so impatient... We had not anticipated attacks, untill training in the Holy Land."

[Blonde M]: "How strange... The Koro did not notice this adversary, until it was practically on top of us. I wonder who it could be..."

The red haired woman spoke in shock and hint of fear, as she stared out of the window and saw a white Sacred Mechanoid flying close to the ship.

[Red Head]: "This is not a good sign!"

[Empress]: "Chiaia... what is it?"

Chiaia continued to look though the window anx at the white mechanoid.

[Chiaia]: "It's a white Sacred Mechanoid!"

[Empress]: "A what?!"

The white Sacred Mechanoid quickly flew out of Chiaia's sight. Chiaia quickly turned to the younger maid, not seeing the red and black Mechanoid fly past.

[Chiaia]: "Go to the helm and have them take us a low as possible, while maintaining current speed..."

She then looked to the others.

[Chiaia]: "Take care of her."

Chiaia begins to run toward the hanger.

[Chiaia]: "The Empress is in your hands."

[Blonde(M)]: "You are the Captain... so whatever you wish."

[Empress]: "Chiaia, wait!"

Chiaia stops and turns to the Empress.

[Empress]: "We have much to ask this girl... so give her a proper welcome, won't you?"

Chiaia gives the Empress a little bow, before running to the hanger.

[Blonde]: "Would you like for me to contact the Pilgrimage Route Guard?"

[Empress]: "No, we mustn't insult Chiaia's honor... On top of that, we hate asking Aura for help."

[Older Maid]: "This is no time for ego."

The Empress gently rolled her eyes at what her maid said.

[Blonde]: "As you command."

The Maid then looked at the blonde man, and slightly glared at him while Empress stood proudly.

[Older Maid]: "Do you encourage her?"

The Maid let out a small sigh as the man gently shakes his head.

[Blonde]: "Not at all..."

Outside Kenchi can be seen in his White Mechanoid flying above the Island looking down at it, with Y/N higher up in the air watching him.

[Blonde]: "A white Sacred Mechanoid is unprecedented. We have no way to identify the Mechamaster behind it."

Chiaia can be seen exiting a room in a new outfit, Chiaia begins to walk forward and as she does, she unzips the outfit, to reveal another outfit under the one she was wearing.

[Empress]: "We shall find once we capture her."

Chiaia runs up to a egg like cocoon, that holds her Seikijin, she places her hand the it and egg like cocoon reads her palm, after a couple seconds the cocoon except surgery and starts to envelop her inside the egg like cocoon, until eventually fully enters the cockpit Seikijin.

Once in, she sits in her pilot seat and places her hands on the controls. Chiaia take a couple breathes, before activating the Seikijin. The Seikijin begins to stand up, the egg like cocoon stretches around the Seikijin, before changing shape into the skin of the Seikijin.

[..... God, I don't know how to write this scene.]

Chiaia began to walk in the Seikijin, as she did, she grabbed a large long sword made for Seikijins. After a couple steps, the Seikijin flew forward and out of the hanger.

Chiaia flew over the White Sacred Mechanoid and landed in front of it, Chiaia then stabs into the ground and stares at the White Sacred Mechanoid.

[Chiaia]: "Are you aware this ship belongs to Her Majesty Lashara Earth of the Shtrayu Empire?"

The White Sacred Mechanoid didn't respond to Chiaia and only got into a position to fight.

[Chiaia]: "If you refuse to answer, I have no problem forcing one out of you."

Chiaia then lifted her sword up and charged at the White Sacred Mechanoid, Chiaia swings her sword at the Mechanoid, but the Mechanoid quickly pulls a weirdly shaped sword out and blocks the attack, they struggle for a second before they both back off, they both then swing their at each other only for them to connect again and them to struggle.

The White Sacred Mechanoid is able to get Chiaia off balance and knocks her back, Chiaia quickly lands on the ground and stands up.

[Chiaia]: "She's good. And strong."

We switch back inside to see Lashara, her maid and blonde man still looking at the old Mechalord, loud sounds of metal clashing could be heard from the fight outside. Lashara looks down, with a little bit of worry, the blonde man notices her action.

[Blonde]: "Knowing Dame Chiaia, I'm sure she will be perfectly fine."

Lashara looks at her maid.

[Lashara]: "If she's up against only one."

The man slightly opens his mouth in surprise, the view switchs to show a dark blue Mechanoid in what looks to be gate.

[Lashara]: "We have not seen a foe such as this, after all."

3rd POV

The view switchs to Y/N, who is above the ship watching the fight between Chiaia and Kenchi, he noticed how the fight was going the same way it was in the anime, Y/N let out a worrid sigh, worried that he wouldn't be able to find the right moment to join in.

After watching for a couple minutes, Astray sensors went off and alerted Y/N of what the Dark Blue Mechanoid was doing, Y/N let out a smirk before flying over to where they were and pulling out his beam rifle and aimed at the Dark Blue Mechanoid.

3rd POV

The Dark Blue Mechanoid raised it's blade to kill Lashara, but was stopped by two things, one was a loud roar like sound coming from the old Mechalord and a short pink beam of energy piecing his right arm stoping the attack.

Both the pilot of Dark Blue Mechanoid and Lashara unknowingly let out a gasp of surprise and look up, a second later the pilot of the Dark Blue Mechanoid is interrupted from looking up by a greenish Seikijin shoulder bashing him away from Lashara, the pilot quickly focus on the new enemy while Lashara continues to look at where the beam of energy came from.

What she saw shocked her, it was the sight of Astray, she had seen nothing like it and assumed it was a Red Sacred Mechanoid, the Mechanoid slowly flew down in front of her before sticking one of its hands out in front if her, Lashara let out a small gasp before looking at Mechanoid and then at it's hand. Lashara sighed and hopped onto its hand, and it began to bring her closer to the chest.

3rd POV

Once the hand was close enough to the cockpit, Y/N opened the cockpit door, Y/N looked at Lashara, Lashara stuck a hand out and looked up at Y/N, she then let out a small gasp surprised to see a boy instead of a girl.

[Lashara]: "Your a Boy?!"

Y/N rolled his eyes, before grabbing her hand and pulling her into the cockpit, once she was in, Y/N quickly closed the cockpit door, and sat back down in his seat, Lashara looked around the cockpit with both a wonder and shock, before looking at Y/N with both curiousity and suspicion.

Y/N ignored her staring and quickly turned to help the greenish Seikijin only to see they were already outside of the building, fighting the Dark Blue Mechanoid, Y/N activated his thrusters and flew out of building and stayed in the air, he then went back to watching both the fight between Chiaia and the White Sacred Mechanoid and the fight between the greenish Seikijin and the Dark Blue Mechanoid, Lashara continued to watch Y/N, before noticing something on the ground, she immediately looked down towards it and saw the greenish Seikijin push back the Dark Blue Mechanoid, before Y/N activated his thrusters and flew to assist Chiaia. Y/N flew towards the fight between the White Sacred Mechanoid and Chiaia's Seikijin. As Y/N closer he saw the White Mechanoid had gotten Chiaia on one knee, Y/N quickly pushed three buttons on his left control stick, the pushed down of the right pedal which cause the Gundam to increase speed and pull out Gerbera.

Chiaia POV

I look up to see the White Mechanoid raising it's sword to finish me off, I close my eyes awaiting for my death.

[Chiaia]: "I'm sorry my lady."

As I wait for my death, I hear the sound of metal clashing, but I feel no pain. I open my eyes and see what looks to be a sword, I follow the sword and see a.... A Red Sacred Mechanoid?

The Red Mechanoid looked different from normal Mechanoids, the Red Mechanoid's head looked towards me, before turning towards the White Mechanoid and uses it's sword to push the the White Mechanoid away.

I watched as the Red Sacred Mechanoid slowly walked in front of me, like the it was protecting me, I slowly reach towards my controls, once I had my hands on them, I tried to stand and help the Red Mechanoid.

3rd POV

As Chiaia's Seikijin began to stand, she suddenly felt something gently push her down, she quickly looked up and saw the Astray was the one, who gently push her down, Astray looked at her and shook it's head, almost saying it could handle the rest, Chiaia sighed and nodded before moving her hands away from the controls causing her Seikijin to fall back to one knee.

Y/N turned his Gundam back towards the White Mechanoid and sighed, he then looked back at Lashara.

[Y/N]: "You might want to hold on to something."

Lashara looked at the Y/N, before looking around the cockpit seeing nothing really to hold on except his seat, so she grab a bottom part of his seat.

Y/N nodded and quickly looked forward, when he did, he saw the White Mechanoid charging at him, Y/N quickly blocked the attack with Gerbera, causing the two to quickly become locked in a struggle to overpower the other, after a couple seconds, Y/N overpowers the White Mechanoid and sends it back. The White Mechanoid then dashes at Astray and Y/N quickly redirects the away from him, as the White Mechanoid falls past him, it uses it's tail to whip Astray and push Astray back.

Y/N quickly gained Astray balance back and prepared for the White Mechanoid's next move, the White Mechanoid quickly gets up and looks at Y/N, it then raises it's sword and charges at Y/N, Y/N quickly used Gerbera to their attack again, causing them to get locked into another struggle.

Y/N quickly began thinking on ways to overpower Kenchi, when suddenly the monitor in between his legs changed what it showed on it's screen and showed.


Y/N looked at it for a second, before smirking and pressing three buttons on a control panel to his left and his seat began to change into Destroyer mode.

[As I said before change the green to red.]

Lashara looked in awe as the cockpit changed, on the outside both Kenchi and Chiaia looked in surprise and awe at what they were seeing, the lines and crevices of Astray Red, began to glow a bright sparkling red, and Gerbera began to also glow a bright red, Y/N quickly began to overpower Kenchi until Gerbera cut through Kenchi's sword.

The White Mechanoid jumped back, and Y/N quickly followed, when the White Mechanoid landed on the ground it immediately swung a fist at Astray Red, Y/N easily dodged the attack and sliced at the core/cockpit leaving a large cut, before the White Mechanoid could do anything, Y/N shoved his free hand into the White Mechanoid and ripped out the core/cockpit.

Y/N bright it up to the camera eyes in the head of Astray to get a closer look at, he was a little worried that he sliced too deep and had accidentally killed Kenchi, once he had it close enough, he saw that Kenchi was okay. Y/N let out a small sigh, before he heard Lashara shout.

[Lashara]: "Look out!!"

Y/N quickly turned around and saw large blue blast of energy flying towards them, Y/N quickly dodged the blast and pulled out his beam rifle, Y/N quickly looked in the area the blasts came from and saw the Black and Dark Blue Sacred Mechanoid, Y/N the began to fired at them.

The Black Mechanoid quickly used the Blue Mechanoid to block the shots, two beam shots hit the Blue Mechanoid and completely destroy his left leg armor and right arm armor. The Black Mechanoid quickly took the chance to fly both of them away. Y/N continued to look in the direction of where the black and blue Mechanoids went until he heard the sound of metal being picked up, Y/N turned Astray to the noise and saw Chiaia Seikijin begin to stand up with it's sword.

He then heard Lashara cough, Y/N then looked down his towards her, with a look of confusion.

[Y/N]: "Yes?"

Lashara gave Y/N a look filled with suspicion, before letting go of his seat and walk around the seat to the front of him.

[Lashara]: "Now that most of the assassins have retreated, what will you do?"

Y/N looked at her, before he noticed Chiaia's Seikijin stand up and point her sword at him, while also the greenish Seikijin from earlier can be seen running towards them.

[Chiaia]: "While I thank you for your assistance, I now need to know what your intentions are."

Y/N looked between Chiaia and Lashara before sighing and tapping four buttons on his control panel. The cockpit reverts back, and the glow slowly disappears, Y/N then presses three buttons on the left control stick and Astray sheathed Gerbera and raised a hand towards the cockpit door.

Y/N then tapped a button on the control panel and the cockpit door opened, Lashara raised an eyebrow at Y/N, before slowly exiting the cockpit and walking onto the hand. Chiaia immediately lowered her sword when she saw Lashara on Astray's hand, Astray then began slowly walking towards Chiaia, before standing in front of Chiaia and moving the hand towards her.

Chiaia quickly brought her hands up so Lashara could walk onto them, Lashara quickly, but carefully walks onto Chiaia's Seikijin hands, Astray then lowers it's hands and the cockpit doors close, as it does the greenish Seikijin finally comes close enough to be heard from Y/N, Chiaia and Lashara.

[Wahanly]: "That Red Mechanoid took the Em...... press.... ?"

The greenish Seikijin slowly stopped once she got close and saw the Empress on Chiaia's Seikijin hands, before looking at Astray and at the core/cockpit in their hand. She then looked towards Chiaia as she opened a direct communication link between them.

[Wahanly]: "Looks like I missed some stuff."

Chiaia looked at Wanhanly, before looking at Lashara and then at Astray and then back at Wanhanly and nodding.

[Chiaia]: "Yes, it seems like you did and what are you doing here? You're supposed to be in the workshop."

[Wahanly]: "Rude! I'm the one who saved the Empress!!"

[Chiaia]: "If you're the who saved her, how'd she wind up in that Red Sacred Mechanoid?"

Wanhanly recoils in slight surprise and looks at Astray.

[Wahanly]: "It's n-not my fault! She must've swooped up the Empress while I was dealing with that Blue Mechanoid!!"

Chiaia shook her head at Wahanly, before trying to open a communication link to the Red Mechanoid, after a minute it worked and a small image of Y/N appeared next to the image of Wahanly, Chiaia looked at Y/N in surprise.

[Chiaia]: "Your...... a..... boy?!"

[Wahanly]: "WHAT!!"

Y/N rolled his eyes, while letting out a small groan. Chiaia looked at Astray, before looking back towards the image of Y/N and let's out a small sigh, before gaining a serious look.

[Chiaia]: "...... Red Sacred Mechamaster, follow us... and bring the Mechamaster of the White Mechanoid."

Wahanly looked at Chiaia in surprise, and Chiaia looked back at her and gave her a small nod, she then looked back at him.

[Y/N]: "Understood."

Y/N nodded, and the connection cut.

[Wahanly]: "Are you sure about this Chiaia?"

Chiaia nodded and looked towards Lashara and saw how Lashara looked at Astray, before looking back at Wahanly.

[Chiaia]: "I'm sure, this..... male Sacred mechamaster not only protected the Empress and me, he also beat the White Mechanoid and made the other two retreat."

Wahanly looked at Chiaia before sighing and nodding, Chiaia then activated the magic that allowed her to speak outside of her Seikijin.

[Chiaia]: "Steady yourself my lady, we'll be heading to the castle."

Lashara looked towards Chiaia, before continuing to look at Astray. Chiaia sighed before walking towards the castle with Wahanly and Y/N following behind her.

After two minutes Chiaia and Wahanly Seikijin stand in front of castle with Astray a littlethe back, slowly getting closer. Chiaia brings her hand down to let Lashara down, once she down Chiaia and Wahanly quickly exit their Seikijin, causing them to return to their original froms.

Chiaia and Wahanly exit out of the egg like form and Chiaia immediately runs up to the Empress and beings to look around Lashara's body to if she was hurt.

[Chiaia]: "Are you okay Empress? Did the boy do anything to you?!"

Lashara let's out a smile at Chiaia, before gently pushing Chiaia back a little.

[Lashara]: "Yes, we are fine Chiaia and no he did not."

The scene changes to the cockpit of Astray, and shows Y/N looking forward as Astray moves forward, because of Y/N putting autopilot on, Y/N leaned back in seat and began thinking about his next steps, after a couple seconds Y/N realized he forgot to ask Elios for more clothing, Y/N sighed before looking up.

[Y/N]: "Um...... Elios?"

Y/N felt a slight ring in his head.

[Elios]: "....... You called?"

[Y/N]: "Yeah, I need some more clothes"

[Elios]: "Oh sure, give me a sec."

Y/N nodded and waited, after a couple minutes, Y/N felt a shift in his soul and body.

[Elios]: "Okay, look up."

Y/N looked up and saw a square shaped hole appear and a black duffle bag falls out of it, Y/N quickly raised his arms to catch it. Once he caught it the hole closed, Y/N looked at the bag, the was black with the words ASTRAY RED in red and gold bold writing. Y/N opens the duffle bag and looks to see lots of different clothing, Y/N then looks up.

[Y/N]: "Thanks Elios."

[Elios]: "Your welcome kid."

The ringing in Y/N head quiets down and Y/N let's out another sigh. The scene changes back to Chiaia, Lashara and Wahanly, Chiaia let's out a small sigh of relief, as Wahanly came from the other side of Lashara and pointed to Astray.

[Wahanly]: "Look it's that Red Sacred Mechanoid!"

Astray finally makes it to the rest and then goes on one knee, causing Gerbera sheath to lightly dig into the ground a little bit, Astray then places the core/cockpit down onto the ground and gives it a hard knock causing it to pop, two sound were heard after that, one was the sound of a person gasping and trying to stand while the other was the loud hiss of Astray cockpit door opening.

Astray's left hand then moves close to the door and Y/N hops onto it, the cockpit door closes behind him and the hand lowers Y/N onto the ground. Y/N steps off of the hand and watches Kenchi slowly get up. Chiaia, Lashara and Wahanly let out small gasp at what they were seeing, the sacred machamaster of the White Mechanoid was also a boy. Kenchi the boy slowly stood up and pulled out a small knife.

Chiaia immediately got in front of Lashara to protect her, Kenchi looks at them, before turning and looking at Y/N, Kenchi scanned Y/N up and down, he quickly noticed that Y/N was relaxed and not at all worried, Kenchi the looked at Astray, it was the machine that easily beat him.

Kenchi looked between Y/N and the three girls, Kenchi decided to rush at Lashara. As Kenchi ran at them, Chiaia charged at him, but Kenchi was able to knock her to the ground, before continuing his rush at Lashara, before hesitating for a second, and before Wahanly could move in front of Lashara or Kenchi could get closer to Lashara, a loud sound of concrete breaking could be heard from all four and Kenchi felt a hand tightly grab the back of his head and slam him into the ground rendering him unconscious.

The person who knocked Kenchi out was Y/N, all three of the girls looked at Y/N in surprise, before looking at where he was originally and saw a huge crack in the ground. Y/N stood and looked at Lashara, who's face shifted from surprise to intrigued. Chiaia quickly got up and rushed to stand in front of Lashara.

Chiaia glared at Y/N, until she felt Lashara gently push aside, before walking up a little and then looking at the knocked out Kenchi, Chiaia stepped up a little and also looked down at him.

[Chiaia]: "What will we do with him? Male Sacred Mechamasters are so rare, it's difficult to believe someone would waste him as an assassin."

Lashara crossed her arms and lean a little of bit down and looked down at Y/N.

[Lashara]: "We doubt he is even a true assassin. If he was serious... he wouldn't have hesitated."

Chiaia nodded, agreeing with Lashara.

[Chiaia]: "True enough."

Lashara then looked at Y/N.

[Lashara]: "What do you think, our hero?"

Y/N looked at her, before looking down at Kenchi and nodding.

[Y/N]: "Yeah, he definitely isn't, he definitely had the chance to kill her, but he didn't take it."

Y/N said while nodding towards Chiaia, Chiaia looked at Y/N, before looking away in a little bit of shame. Lashara glanced at Chiaia, before nodding and looking at Kenchi.

[Lashara]: "Whoever is behind this has decided to use him as a sacrifice pawn, so who is to say we cannot take him for ourselves."

Chiaia quickly looked at Lashara in surprise.

[Chiaia]: "But why?!"

[Lashara]: "Think about it-he is a young, powerful, male Sacred Mechamaster... We think he would sell for a high price-do you not agree?"

Lashara eyes looked up at Y/N to see his response, only to see Y/N barely giving a response as his stared at Kenchi while he looked deep in thought. Chiaia looked away from Lashara and looked at Kenchi on the floor, before looking at Y/N.

[Chiaia]: "Well what about him."

Lashara fully looked at him.

[Lashara]: "Ah yes, the hero who protected us."

Y/N looked away from the knocked out Kenchi and looked at Lashara.

[Lashara]: "Why did you protect us? And why were you here at the same time this assassins striked?"

[Y/N]: "Why did I protect you, because I simply wanted to and why was I here, because I was following them."

Both Lashara and Chiaia raised an eyebrow at what Y/N said.

[Chiaia]: "You were following them?"

[Y/N]: "Yes, I was in a forest when I saw him, the blue and black Sacred Mechanoid's flying above me and heading towards you."

[Lashara]: "And what were you doing in the forest?"

[Y/N]: "To be plain and honest, I was lost."

Both Lashara and Chiaia tilted their head at what Y/N said.

[Chiaia]: "Y-you were lost?"
[Lashara]: "Y-you were lost?"

Y/N simply nodded his head, Lashara let out a small chuckle, while Chiaia continued to look at Y/N in surprise and confusion.

[Chiaia]: "H-How were you lost."

[Y/N]: "Well, I not..... from this land and I got lost from my....... crew?"

Lashara raised her eyebrow again.

[Lashara]: "Your not from this land, then where are you from?"

[Y/N]: "I am from...... United Japan."

Both Lashara and Chiaia raised an eyebrow in suspicion, both of them had never heard of a country called United Japan.

[Chiaia]: "Hmmm, sure. My lady?"

Chiaia looks at Lashara, and Lashara looks back at Chiaia and nods.

[Lashara]: "I believe you can be a good asset to us, until we reunite you with your crew. Will you?"

Y/N nodded his head and Lashara smiled.

[Lashara]: "Good, now will you tell us your name?"

[Y/N]: "Sure, my name is Y/N Guele."

[Lashara]: "Y/N Guele is an interesting name, well Y/N will you please help Chiaia carry him."

Y/N sighed, before nodding and walked over to Kenchi and picked him up, he then waited for Chiaia to guide him. Chiaia looked at Lashara, who gave her a sinple nod and Chiaia sighed and walked in front of him and started to guide him.

3rd POV

The scene changes to a dark room.

[???1]: "So... Lord Babalun has finally made his move... Who do you think will win."

[???2]: "How can you be so blasé?! That man is dangerous!"

The scene slowly moves down to reveal hooded men and women conversing.

[???3]: "It will merely be a civil war, if no one contacts the other countries... This is hardly uncommon when there's a shift in power... More importantly-"

A single man be seen sitting in chair, while anothe on the opposite side a woman can be seen kneeling.

[???1]: "In truth, our priority at this time should lie with the Sacred Mechalord, above all else. Centuries have passed since we excavated it. Why does it move now? Your role has become... exceedingly grave."

The woman then stands up, the scene then changes back to the flying Island/ship, where it can be seen slowly flying forward. The scene changes again to show a naked Kenchi on the floor of a cage, with a thin blanket on top of him. Kenchi eyes suddenly opened and quickly began looking around.

[Chiaia]: "Look who's awake."

Kenchi quickly began to stand, as he did looked towards where he heard thr voice and saw both Y/N and Chiaia in front of his cage, both were waring more casual clothes, Y/N was wearing a black leather jacket, with the words in red "Astray Red!".

Chiaia lightly glared down at Kenchi, while Y/N stood behind her and looked at Kenchi with boredom. Kenchi got up to his knees and immediately threw the thin blanket up, to block Chiaia and Y/N vision, before quickly standing up.

[Chiaia]: "H-Hey w-what the hell are you doing?"

[Y/N]: "You'll thank me later."

Once the blanket fell to the floor, Kenchi could see Y/N covering Chiaia eyes while giving Kenchi a blank stare, he grabbed the folded clothes from Chiaia and threw into the cage and at Kenchi, Kenchi grabbed his clothes, before looking down at himself and realizing he was completely naked. Kenchi began putting his clothes on before sitting down his back towards them and the blanket over his head.

Y/N slowly took his hand away from Chiaia eyes, Chiaia immediately looked at Y/N with a face confusion and anger.

[Y/N]: "He was naked, and I assumed you wouldn't have wanted to see that. Was I wrong to assume?"

Chiaia face quickly grew red from embarrassment, she looked at Y/N while avoid eye contact.

[Chiaia]: "You weren't! A-and t-thank you for doing that."

Y/N gave her a simple nod, before looking at Kenchi, Chiaia continued to look at Y/N face for a couple seconds, until she realized what she was doing and immediately looked towards Kenchi, hoping Y/N didn't see what she did.

[Chiaia]: "How many days in a row did you wear those...? They were filthy, so I went ahead and washed them for you."

Kenchi looked down at his left elbow and saw that it was wrapped up, Kenchi stared at for a couple seconds, but turning and looking at both Y/N and Chiaia, Y/N saw Kenchi staring at him and Chiaia, he nodded towards Chiaia, Kenchi quickly got the message and looking at Chiaia.

[Chiaia]: "I have a few questions I need to ask you."

Kenchi immediately face forward, not wanting to questioned, Chiaia closed her eyes, crossed her arms and let out a quiet sigh that her and Y/N could hear.

[Chiaia]: "First I'm supposed to say if you cooperate, we will treat you well."

Chiaia opened one of her eyes as looked Kenchi, before opening the other eye.

[Chiaia]: "And please don't tell me you think your nasty little friends are planning to come rescue you. It's not gonna happen... especially with our new friend over here."

Chiaia said the last part nodded towards Y/N, Kenchi slightly turned to look at Y/N, before quickly turning back.

[Chiaia]: "You're nothing more than an expendable pawn."

Chiaia suddenly felt a hand on her and turned to see it was Y/N, he looked at her, before looking at Kenchi.

[Y/N]: "I think that's enough, the kid gets it."

Chiaia looked at Y/N, before looking at Kenchi and sighing, she noded and closed her eye.

[Chiaia]: "Fine... Just stay here forever for all I care... Bye

She turned the other way and began walking, Y/N briefly looked at Kenchi, before following Chiaia, who stopped and looked back Kenchi, before pulling out a button and pressing it. The wall behind Kenchi cage moves back, and the moves until it's hang in the air. Y/N and Chiaia resume walking and exit the opened room, once Y/N closed the door and turned around he was a little startled by Chiaia, who had turned to him and leaned close to his face and was glaring at him.

[Chiaia]: "I also have questions for you."

Y/N raised an eyebrow, before nodding.

[Y/N]: "Okay...? Go ahead."

Chiaia leaned back and glared at Y/N consciously.

[Chiaia]: "Where are you really from?"

Y/N immediately began getting nervous, even more so when he saw Lashara and her head maid coud be seen walking towards them.

[Lashara]: "We would like to know that as well."

Chiaia moved a little to the left so that Lashara could be on her right and effectively trap Y/N, Lashara looked back at maid.

[Lashara]: "Can please excuse us?"

The maid looks Y/N up and down, before looking back at Lashara.

[Maid]: "Are you sure my lady?"

[Lashara]: "Yes, we'll be fine, Chiaia will protect us, if need be."

The maid looked at Y/N, before nodding and walking away, Lashara then turns back at Y/N and smirks.

[Lashara]: "Are you going to answer the question?"

[Y/N]: "I've already told you two, I'm from United Ja-"

[Chiaia]: "We both know your lying, there is no country called United Japan, and there's especially not a country with that type of advance Mechanoid. So how did you end up in that forest again?"

Y/N looked ag the two, before letting out a loud sigh.

[Y/N]: "You two wont believe me, even if I told the truth."

Lashara smirked and leaned forward, still having to look up at Y/N.

[Lashara]: "Try us."

[Y/N]: "Fine, I'm not from the universe."

Both Lashara and Chiaia raised an eyebrow at what Y/N said.

[Lashara]: "Your from a different universe?"
[Chiaia]: "You from a different universe?"

Y/N nodded his head, Lashara and Chiaia looked at each, before nodding.

[Chiaia]: "It makes sense, with that glow your Sacred Mecha-..... Wair what does your universe call your gaint machines."

[Y/N]: "Mobile suits and Gundams, Mobile Suits are the more common ones and Gundams are really rare and powerful and are not seen often and their often hard to pilot."

Lashara nodded her head, reminding when she was in the gundam and saw all of the buttons and thing Y/N had to do.

[Lashara]: "I see, so how did you and you crew end up here in this universe?"

Y/N rolled his shoulders and sigh.

[Y/N]: "Something happened in my universe, that forced me and crew to leave, we were opening a portal to the leave, but as the portal opened, there were somethings that forced me to get in to my Gundam and handle outside of our ship. Eventually the portal fully opened and pulled me and my crew to this universe. "

Both Lashara and Chiaia slowly nodded, both of them trying to take in all the new information. After a few seconds Chiaia looked at Y/N.

[Chiaia]: "What was that glow, when you were fighting that boy?"

[Y/N]: "That was the Psycho-Frame, it allows me to control the Gundam better and it boosts its speed and strength."

Chiaia and Lashara eyes widen at the name.

[Chiaia]: "Psycho-Frame.... ?"

[Lashara]: "What a strange name, speaking of names, I noticed the back of your jacket says Astray Red, is that what people called you?"

Y/N chuckled and shook his head.

[Y/N]: "No, that what people called my Gundam."

Both Lashara and Chiaia nodded and smiled at the information they received, they both look at Y/N.

[Lashara]: "Thank you for answering all of our questions, Y/N."

[Chiaia]: "Yeah thanks."

Y/N simply nodded his head.

[Y/N]: "Your welcome I guess, does that mean I'm free to go? I need to go make sure everything in Astray is working."

Lashara nods her head.

[Lashara]: "Yes, yes you're free to go."

Y/N nodded and began walking, before stopping and looking back at them with a serious face.

[Y/N]: "Also please don't tell anyone about what we just talked about."

Chiaia nodded, while Lashara smirked and nodded. Y/N smiled, before continuing to walk towards the place he left it, which was outside. Lashara and Chiaia watched as Y/N walked away, before looking at each other and nodding, before turning around and heading towards the Empress room.

The scene changes to outside of the castle and showed Y/N walking out of castle. Y/N stepped outside and took a deep breath in, before hearing the sound of footsteps coming closer to his right, Y/N turned to his right and saw Wahanly rushing up to him.

[Wahanly]: "Hey! Your that pilot for that Red Sacred Mechanoid, right?!"

Y/N slowly nodded his head, and heard her let out a semi-loud squeal, she then rushed up to Y/N and grabbed one of his arms and pulled him to his gundam, which was still in it kneeling position. Once they were in front of it, Wahanly let go of his arm and looked at him excitedly.

[Wahanly]: "How does it work? I'm mean from what I heard from Chiaia and Empress, it was at first just a little  bit better then the White Sacred Mechanoid, until it started to glow this sparkling red color? And then you completely overpowered him!"

Y/N smiled and shook his head.

[Y/N]: "Unfortunately, I can't tell you that."

[Wahanly]: "What! Come on! Pleasssse."

Y/N shook his head again and Wahanly continued try to get him to spill his secrets, until a maid walked up from behind Y/N and looked at the both of them.

[Maid]: "The Empress would like to see you Miss Wahanly."

Wahanly looked at the maid in surprise, before looking at Y/N and pointing a finger at him.

[Wahanly]: "I'll be back, and we will finish this conversation."

Y/N simply just nodded and Wahanly quickly followed the maid, when Y/N them completely gone, he stepped on the already lowered hand and it raised back up to the chest, where the door to the cockpit opened with a low hissing sound. After waiting for a couple seconds Y/N walked into the cockpit and sat in his seat. Once Y/N sat down, the monitor connected to the seat turned on and rose up, before it began showing information, Y/N looked at the monitor, before tapping a couple buttons on the control panel and the 360 view turned on and instead of showing the outside, it showed the status of Astray and all of the weapons.

Y/N looked at the 360 view, as the scene changed to the chambers of Lashara, where Lashara, Chiaia and Lashara's head maid can be seen in. Lashara and Chiaia can seen in different attire then what they had on when they were talking to Y/N, they were red and formal, the maid can be seen making sure the Empress dress was on right.

[Maid]: "Empress Lashara, why did you not report what happened last night to the nation?" It is rather obvious who these attackers were."

[Lashara]: "Because they are the most dangerous nation."

Chiaia took a step forward in shock.

[Chiaia]: "Lord Babalun. But he's a good man."

Lashara let out a small smirk, before looking at Chiaia.

[Lashara]: "That's true... Good but... Ambitious above all else."

Chiaia gasped and took a little step back, her mouth stayed open in surprise. Lashara took a step towards Chiaia and placed her hands at her hips and slightly looked up at Chiaia, as the maid stood back up.

[Lashara]: "That man has nothing at all to gain by assassinating us... We also fall to understand why he chose last night, in particular, to resort to such ugly methods."

The older maid leaned a little forward to look ag Lashara.

[Maid]: "You believe other powers might be at work?"

Lashara turned her gazes towards the maid and smiled.

[Lashara]: "We are still attempting to find that out... Not to mention, letting others beat up on us is so not our style."

Chiaia leaned closer to Lashara.

[Chiaia]: "Find out how...? We can barely even protect the SWAN right now as it is."

[Lashara]: "Not true; we have three Mechas."

[Chiaia]: "So does that mean you're planning to hire Wahanly and ask Y/N to assist us?"

Lashara gave Chiaia a simple, but confident smile.

[Lashara]: "She can quit the Barrier Workshop now and Y/N said he'd help us... We could definitely use Wahanly's help with repairing the SWAN, not to mention your damaged Sacred Mechanoid. And Y/N with his Mecha could definitely help with protecting the SWAN."

[Chiaia]: "I suppose..."

[Lashara]: "Her assisting in saving us was too good to be true... Right?"

[Chiaia]: "Right... Right! And there are some not-so-great rumors about her."

[Maid]: "Your majesty... It may not sit well with you, but the Pilgrimage Route Guard should really be informed. Then, you must hasten back to the Holy Land."

Lashara took a couple steps away from the maid and put her hands om her hips again.

[Lashara]: "But that would make the enemy pull back... If we do not get something good on them quite soon... even the Holy Land won't be safe."

While saying this Lashara began walking around Chiaia until she face her bed, she then closed her eyes and crossed her arms. All three women turn to the door when they heard the sound of the doorbell.

[Lashara]: "Come in!"

The maid before and Wahanly entire the room and stand a couple feet away from them, Wahanly then bowes with an small excited smile.

[Wahanly]: "Good morning, Empress!"

Wahanly then leans back and beings walking towards the Empress and Chiaia.

[Lashara]: "I'm glad you came... You were marvelous last night."

Wahanly stood at the footsteps and shook her head, before bowing again

[Wahanly]: "Nah... It was nothing-I would do anything for you."

[Lashara]: "Thank you..."

Lashara turn left and saw a large metal container being moved through her equally large windows.

[Lashara]: "What is that you have there?"

Chiaia and Wahanly looked at the container.

[Wahanly]: "Just research materials from the Barrier Workshop."

Wahanly then turned to the Empress and smiled.

[Wahanly]: "I can totally explain all of them to you if you have a few minutes.."

[Lashara]: "Wow. First last night's heroic and now this-you certainly are prepared."

Lashara smirked and slightly looked at Chiaia, Chiaia's cheeks grew red from embarrassment. Wahanly smiled and rubbed the back of her head.

[Wahanly]: "Actually, last night was just like a weird coincidence! I had couple of weapons I can only test in the Holy Land, but I wanted to show them to you first."

Chiaia took a forward in surprise.

[Chiaia]: "You mean you fought with that thing before testing it?!"

Lashara raised her hand up to stop Chiaia.

[Lashara]: Tiss fine... We found the weapon to be most impressive even if we didn't get to see it for long."

Lashara walked down the stairs and up to Wahanly with Chiaia following behind her.

[Lashara]: "Does this container of yours hold similar weaponry, by chance?"

[Wahanly]: "It certainly isn't as strong as whatever that Y/N guy has but, yep it does."

Lashara smiled, the scene then changes back to Y/N, who was seen without a shirt or his jacket and was just in grey undershirt, pants and his shoes, he was outside of his Gundam and was the on left shoulder fixing some wires that had got loose, as he was working, he heard the sound of light footsteps on grass coming closer to him, Y/N leaned up from his position and saw a young pink haired maid walking towards him.

She walked towards him, until she was in front of Astray, she looked at the Gundam in awe, before looking towards Y/N.

[(P)Maid]: "Um not to rude sir, but there is a better place to work on your.... Sacred Mechanoid."

Y/N looked around and realized he was pretty much in the front yard of the castle. Y/N looked down at the maid and gave her apologetic smile.

[Y/N]: "Right.... Could you tell me where that is?"

The maid smiled back and nodded, she then pointed to the left.

[(P)Maid]: "The entrance is the side of the SWAN you should be able to clearly see it, once you're down there."

Y/N nodded and closed a panel in the left shoulder, before grabbing his tool boxs and hopping into the right hand, the hand began to lower to the cockpit as it did Y/N looked at the maid.

[Y/N]: "Thanks for telling me"

The maid simply replied with a nod and the hand reached the cockpit door, Y/N quickly hopped in and placed the tool box on the floor and took of his gloves. The maid backed away and Y/N began turning on his gundam. The eyes turned on and the cockpit door closed, after a few seconds Astray stood up straight and began to fly.

The maid looked up in awe at the machine, the view switchs to inside, where Y/N can be seen slowly pressing on the left peddle while holding down a button on the right control stick, the gundam slowly starts the fly left until Y/N can see the left side of the SWAN, Y/N quickly saw the entrance to the hanger and also saw a purple, orange, yellow and pink Seikijin carrying a what looked to be a large rifle fly into the hanger.

Y/N looked at the entrance for a second before sighing and flying towards it, after a short few seconds Astray was in front of entrance, Y/N slowly moved forward as to not knock into the encapsulated Seikijin he saw before. Once Y/N was able to maneuver around the encapsulated Seikijin, Y/N quickly found a spot to land, once he landed, he opened the cockpit door and turned mostly everything off. Y/N then hopped out his seat and dug into his duffel bag for his jacket.

Once Y/N found it he put it on and stepped out of the cockpit, Y/N stood on the cockpit door and looked down where he saw Lashara, Chiaia, Wahanly and pilot of the just arriving Seikijin, Mexiah. Y/N began to use his powerful Newtype abilities to control Astray. The crevices of Astray began to glow a dim sparkling red and Astray's left hand raised up high enough for Y/N to hop onto it, once he did the cockpit door closes and Astray kneels as it does it lowers Y/N down onto the floor. Once Astray's hand reached the floor Y/N walked off it and turned towards Astray as it began to stand back up.

Y/N smiled at it, before turning towards the girls and seeing most of their shock filled faces, except Lashara who smirked at Y/N, before looking at Mexiah and gesturing at Y/N.

[Lashara]: "And that is the pilot of the Red Sacred Mechanoid and the boy who saved our life."

Mexiah looked down at Lashara before looking at Y/N.

[Mexiah]: "T-that boy saved you're life?"

Lashara nodded proudly, Y/N began walking over to them, once close Y/N stuck his hand out and offered a handshake to Mexiah while also giving her, his best charming smile.

[Y/N]: "Hey, I hope I didn't spook ya with Astray, the names Y/N, Y/N Guele."

Y/N nodded towards Astray, Mexiah blushed a little, before looking behind him and looking at the gaint machine, a second later he felt a ring in his head.

[Elios]: "Hahaha, that was sooooo lame."

The ringing disappeared and Y/N tried to not lot out a sigh, mean while Mexiah looked back at Y/N.

[Mexiah]: "Astray? Is that name of your Sacred Mechanoid?"

Y/N left eye twitched for a second, before nodding.

[Y/N]: "Yep! Ant she a beauty?"

Mexiah looked back at Astray and while everyone except Mexiah didn't see, Astray's eyes briefly glowed for a second before returning to their normal state. Mexiah looked back at Y/N and realized she hadn't shook his hand, Mexiah took his hand and shook it, before giving him a confident smile.

[Mexiah]: "Where are my manners dear, I am Mexiah Flan."

Y/N simple nodded, while they conversed Lashara and Chiaia could be seen expressing different emotions, Lashara being slightly surprised and intrigued and Chiaia was embarrassment and anger, Chiaia quickly stomped over to them and grabbed Mexiah before being to drag her away, while being dragged she looked back at Y/N and waved.

[Mexiah]: "I hope to see you again, handsome!"

[Y/N]: "I hope so, Beautiful!"

Chiaia began dragging her sister faster, Y/N watched while laughing until he heard a cough, Y/N turned to the noise and saw Lashara looking at him, Y/N smiled and rubbed the back of his head.

[Y/N]: "Yes Empress?"

Lashara's right eye twitched and her face turned into an adorable pout.

[Lashara]: "Just call me, Lashara!"

Wahanly looked at Lashara in surprise, but Y/N simple nodded and smiled.

[Y/N]: "Okay, Lashara you needed something?"

Lashara let out a smile, before quickly shaking her head and looked at Y/N with a curious expression.

[Lashara]: "Right, I wanted to know why did you came down here, with your..... Sacred Mechanoid?"

[Y/N]: "Well one of you maids told me I should probably move Astray down here instead of having on the front yard."

Lashara nodded and glanced at Astray, before looking back at Y/N.

[Lashara]: "So? What are you going to do now?"

Y/N rolled his shoulders.

[Y/N]: "I was going to continue repairs on Astray, but I think I'm going to instead go talk to the boy ."

Lashara nodded, while Wahanly tilted her head in confusion.

[Lashara]: "Okay, then go ahead, and also tell me if you get anything out of the boy."

Y/N nodded and began walking towards Kenchi's cell, while walking there, Y/N digged into his jacket and pulled out a pair of black and sleek sunglasses, ones that looked like they came straight out of Terminator 2, Y/N put them and smiled.

[Y/N]: "Thannnnk youuu Elios."

Y/N continued towards entrance to Kenchi's cage open room, once he got there he opened the door and saw Kenchi looking at Y/N, Y/N chuckled before walking to the guardrail and leaning on it, Y/N stared at Kenchi and smirked.

[Y/N]: "How have you been kid?."

Y/N chuckled to himself, before looking at Kenchi and seeing his face, his was somber and slightly curiousity.

[Kenchi]: "..... I've been okay?"

Y/N nodded and looked at the passing trees.

[Y/N]: "That's good, that's good."

Kenchi scanned Y/N, before noticing his sunglasses, Kenchi raised an eyebrow, before he pointed at them.

[Kenchi]: "What are those on your face?"

Y/N raised an eyebrow, before taking off the sunglasses and slightly waved them around.

[Y/N]: "You mean these? There sunglasses."

Kenchi eyes widen, he looks at Y/N in shock.

[Kenchi]: "Are we from the same world?"

Y/N chuckled, before shaking his head.

[Y/N]: "Nah, definitely not, if we were from the same world, you definitely would have know who I am and my gundam."

Kenchi's face scrunched up in confusion, before saying.

[Kenchi]: "Gun-dam? Is that what you call that machine you were fighting me in?"

Y/N nodded, before sliding his glasses onto his head, the view changes to Chiaia and Mexiah who were on a balcony that was close to where Kenchi was caged and Y/N was talking to him. Mexiah leans onto the handrails and looks at Chiaia.

[Mexiah]: "A black, white and a red Sacred Mechanoid... How strange... Where are the white and blacks pliots?"

Chiai also leaned onto the handrails with her back facing towards the trees and her eyes closed, she then said.

[Chiaia]: "They both got away."

Mexiah turns towards where Y/N and Kenchi are and says.

[Mexiah]: "But you did catch that boy wandering around in the forest and that handsome man I talked to..."

One of Chiaia's closed eyes twitches, before Mexiah slightly turns towards Chiaia and continues with.

[Mexiah]: "Did the boy tell you anything useful?"

Chiaia replies with.

[Chiaia]: "Nothing yet... he won't talk."

Mexiah nodded, before asking.

[Mexiah]: "What about handsome fellow, Y/N right? Has he said anything about him or his unique Sacred Mechanoid?"

Chiaia harshly sighed, before saying.

[Chiaia]: "His only told us that his from an unknown country called United Japan."

Mexiah raised an eyebrow, before looking back towards Kenchi and Y/N and says.

[Mexiah]: "Poor thing. Don't you feel bad leaving him out there like that? You should at least put him somewhere warmer."

Chiaia's eyes open and she glares at Mexiah, before slightly shouting.

[Chiaia]: "That defeats the point of torturing him!"

The view changes back over to Y/N, who with Kenchi turned to the right when they heard shouting, what they saw was Chiaia and Mexiah on a balcony looking towards them, Mexiah noticed Y/N and Kenchi looking at them first, she then gave them both a sultry smile. Kenchi's face quickly turned red and he quickly looked away, mean while Y/N merely returned the gesture and sent one back, Mexiah eyes widen, before she smirks at Y/N. Chiaia looked at Mexiah, before following her gaze and saw what she was looking at, Chiaia's face quickly grew red when she saw Y/N's sultry smile, causing Y/N to chuckle, when Chiaia saw Y/N's chuckle she quickly grabbed Mexiah and left the balcony.

Y/N chuckled again, before looking back towards Kenchi, Y/N sighed before taking his glasses off his head and sliding them back onto his face, once done he looked at Kenchi and said.

[Y/N]: "while you might not agree, it was great talking to you. I got to go so I'll probably come tomorrow morning with the red haired woman to ask you so more questions."

Kenchi slowly nodded, slightly confused of Y/N. Y/N gave Kenchi a confident smile, before saying.

[Y/N]: "Well see ya tomorrow."

Y/N turned around and started walking towards the door, until he heard Kenchi say.

[Kenchi]: "See you tomorrow."

Y/N merely nodded, before walking towards the door and leaving, once Y/N closed the door, he heard a familiar voice say.

[???????]: "So? Did you get anything out of him."

Y/N turned around and saw Lashara standing in front of him, Y/N looked down at her and said.

[Y/N]: "The only thing I found was that his also not from this world."

Lashara raised an eyebrow, before asking.

[Lashara]: "So his like you, in the fact that nether of you are from this world"

Y/N nodded, Lashara then opened her mouth to ask something, but before she could ask the question, Y/N answered it.

[Y/N]: "No, he is not from the same world I'm from, if we were then he wouldn't have tried to fight me."

Lashara raised an eyebrow at what Y/N said, seeing Lashara's face, Y/N sighed and said.

[Y/N]: "In my universe, I'm pretty well known for winning mostly ever battle or fight I've been in."

Lashara nodded, before asking.

[Lashara]: "So? What are you going to do now?"

Y/N shrugged his shoulders, before saying.

[Y/N]: "I don't really know, I'm thinking abou heading back down to work on Astray some more, before heading to bed."

Lashara nodded, before saying.

[Lashara]: "I see, well what about this instead of that, why don't you come eat dinner with us, Chiaia, Mexiah and sir Ulyte? There will be lots of food you can try."

Y/N's eyes widen, and a guilty expression grows on his face, Y/N takes off his sunglasses and pockets them into his jacket and says in a apologetic way.

[Y/N]: "I'm sorry, Lashara, but I can't tonight, I promise I will tomorrow."

Lashara let's out a small sigh, before nodding and saying.

[Lashara]: "I see, I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day, Y/N."

Y/N replies with.

[Y/N]: "As do I, Lashara."

Lashara slightly smiles, before walking away, as Y/N watched her walk away, he mumbled.

[Y/N]: "I feel like such an as$hole, but I need to be prepared for tonight."

The guilty expression leaves and a determination replaces it, Y/N then began to walk towards the hanger.

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