Almost Lover {Complete}

By rainbowkiller0

194K 5.8K 331

As ward of the Queen, Camilla Tully was raised alongside the Princess, Rhaenyra, and the Hand of the King's d... More

Part One
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Part Two
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Part Three
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Part Four
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty Five


7.3K 205 22
By rainbowkiller0

Fog rolled in from the Blackwater Bay, covering the harsh landscape of Dragonstone. Heavy clanking of armored footsteps meeting the stone walkway to House Targaryen's ancestral seat broke the tense atmosphere as a battalion waving banners of a red three-headed dragon breathing flames of gold, King Daemion's coat of arms, neared the castle's entrance. Daemon and Camilla led the group followed by Ser Criston and a troop of thirty men of the King's Guard and City Watch. Skirts spun from threads of black steel dragged along the stone ground causing sparks to jump with every step Camilla took. Small pieces of steel had been sewn and hammered into place creating an armored gown that appeared to be made of dragon scales. A matching crown with sharp peaks and delicate chains strung with small rubies draped over her forehead and under her chin. Camilla was the image of a Dragon Queen, a brutal beauty.

The Dowager Queen couldn't help the smirk pulling at her blood red lips as her squadron of knights stopped six feet from Rhaenyra and her dozen guards. Violet danced across the angered look upon Rhaenyra's face, raising to the golden crown on her head. Camilla glanced at the three white cloaks behind the Princess, narrowing upon seeing Aegon's sworn protector among them.

"Princess Rhaenyra." Camilla grinned at the way Rhaenyra's jaw clenched at the reminder of her stolen throne.

"I'm Queen Rhaenyra now."

"No, I do not believe you are." Camilla took a step forward, raising her hand to point at Rhaenyra, rings of matching black steel wrapped around her nail beds and met at a sharp point an inch from her finger tip. " My son Daemion was crowned by the Septon in front of the eyes of thousands well before your sham of a crowning making him King and his wife Queen. So no, Rhaenyra, you are not Queen, you are a traitor to the realm." Camilla looked at the men behind the false Queen. "And so are the rest of you."

"My father named me heir nearly twenty years ago, I am the rightful heir to the Iron Throne. I am Queen of the Seven Kingdoms."

"Did you not receive a raven?" Camilla asked, a false edge of concern painting her face. She turned back to the man behind her. "Daemon, did you happen to bring a copy?"

Daemon smirked as he stepped forward, pulling a rolled up piece of parchment from his belt and handing it to Rhaenyra. "It is all there, my brother named Daemion heir before his death."

Rhaenyra unfurled the paper, scanning the words written down. Her eyes widened when she saw her father's signature at the bottom besides an ink stain of a black dragon curved into the letter v. Rhaenyra ripped her eyes from her father's seal to his widow, glaring at her cousin as she ripped the paper into pieces.

"What trick did you pull on him to convince him to sign this?" Rhaenyra spat. "Did you pretend to be my mother again?"

Camilla couldn't help but laugh in the face of Rhaenyra's anger. "Is it so difficult to think my husband loved and cared for the children I birthed him? That since his eldest daughter abandoned him he reconsidered her place in the succession? The only reason you remained heir after Daemion's birth was by my good graces, I allowed you to keep your position until one of your bastards stole Aemond's eye and scarred Maegella's face. I simply stopped fighting on your behalf and let your father change his mind as he had always wanted to. You said it yourself Rhaenyra, you will never be a son." Camilla took a step back , moving herself closer to the safety her knights offered. "Now will you bend the knee and swear obeisance before the Iron Throne?"

"Fucking Traitor!" Rhaenyra yelled, her voice thick with emotions and unshed tears.

"I shall take that as a no then." Camilla sighed, turning to Daemon.

The Rogue Prince moved closer to Camilla as a high pitched whistle filled the air followed by the thunderous sound of wings. Caraxes broke through the heavy fog, circling the walkway they all stood on before landing behind Camilla's squadron. The Blood Wyrm's long serpentine neck weaved through the knights, his large head passed where Camilla and Daemon stood. His mouth opened slightly, baring teeth as large as Camilla's forearm as a growling sound rumbled from his chest.

"Dracarys." The word fell from Daemon's lips with such ease and no sign of emotion.

With a loud roar, red and orange flames shot from the dragon's mouth surrounding Rhaenyra and her guards. Screams and wails of agony filled the air as clothes burnt and flesh melted off of bone. Camilla could feel sweat begin to bead along her hairline as the stream of fire continued.

Then all of a sudden it stopped and the air was still. Smoke rose into the air from the charred remains of Princess Rhaenyra. With a deep breath Camilla turned to where Ser Criston stood behind her.

"Take your men into the castle and bring me everyone's heads, they are traitors to the realm."

Criston nodded, stepping forward to move past the Queen and Prince. "Right away, Your Grace."

Camilla lifted a hand, causing Criston to halt. "Keep Lucerys alive, Aemond should have his chance at revenge."

The Lord Commander of the King's Guard quickly nodded, passing by Camilla and Daemon. Without a word his men followed after him, stepping over the pile of corpses with ease and moving towards the castle to murder children at the Dowager Queen's command. It wasn't that Camilla particularly wanted their blood on her hands, especially the youngest two boys. But to let them live would be a foolish mistake, Rhaenyra's supporters could revolt and try to place one of the toddlers on the Iron Throne. It was best to avoid the possibility altogether.

A calloused hand cupped Camilla's chin pulling her attention from the walls of Dragonstone to lavender eyes. Daemon tilted his face closer to Camilla's, pressing their foreheads together. Camilla's hands came to rest upon Daemon's chest, her fingers curled over the edge of his chestplate, scraping the skin with her rings as she pulled him closer. Daemon smirked as he tilted his head to the side, running his lips across Camilla's cheek to the corner of her jawline and nipping at the skin there.

"It is over, you have won." Daemon muttered against her flesh between kisses. "We should celebrate."

Camilla chuckled, leaning into Daemon's touch for a moment as one of her hands trailed from his chest to the nape of his neck. Her fingers threaded through his hair before clenching into a fist, pulling him away from her throat so she could look into his eyes.

"Once Daemion is settled into his role as King, I thought we might return to Dragonstone. Truly live as a family for once," Her nose brushed against Daemon's, their lips a mere breath apart. Air exhaled from Camilla's lungs only to be inhaled by Daemon. Her hand grasped one of his, moving it to rest over her midsection. "And maybe welcome more children that you can claim in the eyes of the realm."

Daemon pulled Camilla closer, pushing his lips against hers as their souls entangled further. They had been meant to be together, it had long since been destined by the gods. And even if it hadn't Daemon would kill anyone that attempted to separate them.

Daemon growled as Camilla pulled away from the kiss, chasing after her lips. He was halted by a hand on his chest and a quiet giggle slipping from Camilla's lips.

"Let's continue this back home," Camilla whispered, nodding her head to where Caraxes waited as a tantalizing grin spread across her face. "I have always dreamt of riding a dragon."

Daemon chuckled as he led Camilla closer to Caraxes. "You already have, my heart."

The Blood Wyrm turned his giant head to look at his rider. Daemon held one hand out to the majestic beast, pressing his hand into the red scales. With his other hand he pulled Camilla to stand in front of her. He grabbed her hand and pressed it against Caraxes's snout. The scales were rough and exuded immense warmth. Camilla was in awe as she caressed the dragon.

A low rumbling filled the air causing Camilla to jump slightly. Daemon chuckled as he pressed closer to Camilla, resting his chin on her shoulder.

"He likes you." Daemon whispered against Camilla's cheek, pressing kisses to the skin.

Without another word Daemon led Camilla further down Caraxes's body and lifted her onto the dragon's back before settling behind her.

"Sōvēs." Daemon commanded.

Caraxes lifted into the air with a heavy beating of his wings. From her spot on the dragon's back, Camilla watched as Dragonstone grew smaller and smaller.


As ravens carrying Viserys's last proclamation reached the lords of Westerosi Nobility many looked to King's Landing confused for the future of the realm. When no declaration of war was heard from Dragonstone, the lords of the realm breathed a sigh of relief. Many did not care that Rhaenyra's line had been brutally ended, they were selfishly glad to not be called to war to fight for their King.

The year following King Daemion's coronation was the year of weddings. The lords of the realm's major houses were invited to King's Landing to celebrate Prince Aegon's wedding to his cousin, Lady Baela Velaryon. It was a extravagant event financed by the Crown and House Velaryon's wealth that lasted ten days. The affair was full of tournaments and hunts during the day and feasts and balls once night fell. None could doubt the love shared between the young couple.

During the festivities of Aegon and Baela's wedding, Helaena had slipped away to the royal gardens needing a moment alone to regain the energy the crowd had drained from her. While gazing at a rose bush, watching a honey bee bump against the flower's petals, a voice had spoken from behind her, frightening the Princess. Following her meeting with Lord Lyonel Tyrell, Helaena had whispered about roses and dragons for days before Camilla had managed to convince Helaena to share her thoughts. The Dowager Queen had been ecstatic upon learning of the affections her daughter held for the Lord of Highgarden. Within weeks the match had been arranged and preparations for another wedding had begun. Large smiles and light laughter had been seen and heard from the couple throughout the wedding feast.

With three of her children wed Camilla had  thought she might have a respite from weddings for a short time. That is until Aemond and Maegella came to Camilla's chambers one night and knelt before their mother and stepfather and begged to be allowed to marry. After speaking to each separately, Camilla and Daemon had happily agreed and begun planning the final royal wedding of the year. Following his brother and sister's wedding, Daemion had gifted the new couple Summerhall, House Targaryen's summer residence located at the foot of the Red Mountains. Following this gift a new branch of House Targaryen had been created in the Dornish Marches.

Following four of her children's weddings, Camilla finally decided enough time had passed that her morning period could end.  And though she hadn't truly acted as a widow after her husband's death, in the realm's eyes she had carefully curated an image of grief. so as the year came to an end, Camilla and Daemon were wed in a small intimate ceremony before their family and a Septon. Daemon had thought it strange to have another wedding since they already been married in the ways of Old Valyria, he had hastily agreed upon realizing it was what Camilla wanted.

Two years into Daemion's reign, Daenyra had flown north on dragon back to Winterfell to discuss treaties with the Lord of Winterfell. And though Camilla had suggested a match between Daenyra and Cregan Stark years ago, she had long since given up on the match. It wasn't until a raven had arrived from Winterfell in Daenyra's hand stating that her family could either journey north and attend her wedding or not, either way she would be the new Lady of Winterfell. House Targaryen had happily taken the nearly month long journey north to oversee the union and festivities.

Following the return to King's Landing, Camilla had discovered she was once more with child. She had consulted the maesters, fearful her age was too great to carry the babe to term safely. The maesters had ordered her to remain on bed rest, worried that any stress might endanger the mother and child. The Seven blessed House Targaryen when a daughter was born healthy and Camilla remained in well health. Daemon had gazed down at the tiny babe with utter adoration, before turning to his wife and kissing any piece of skin he could reach.

Named after her grandmother, Alyssa also took after her in spirit.  A rambunctious child who raced through the halls of the Red Keep chased by her Septas and trained with the blade under her father's watchful eye.

Two years later Daemon and Camilla welcomed their second and final child, another girl that the couple named Jaenaera in honor of the Old King. She was sweeter and quieter than her older sister, instead preferring to spend time cuddled up to her mother or listening to her father tell tales of their House's histories.

In the sixth year of King Daemion's reign, preparations for another wedding began. A match between Monterys and Lord Borros Baratheon's youngest daughter, Lady Ellyn, had been agreed upon following Viserys's death. And after years of only learning of their betrothed from the lips of others, the two finally met. Both were smitten with each other and soon the tournaments to celebrate the union began.

twelve years after Daemion's coranation, the King himself secured a match for his youngest brother. He had invited the ruling House of Dorne to visit King's Landing wishing to discuss trading policies and bury any bygones left from Aegon's Conquest. Through this meeting a marriage agreement was reached, Prince Daeron would wed Prince Qoren Martell's youngest daughter, Princess Coryanne, and Dorne would officially join the Seven Kingdoms under the Iron Throne. Though Daemion had agreed to allow the Martell's to keep their titles of princes and princesses so long as there was only one King and Queen.

Through her children, Camilla successfully negotiated political matches with the Great Houses of the realm. Stabilizing Westeros further, growing the Crown's power and reach, and securing that no unrest would brew.

Camilla and Daemon retired to Dragonstone with their two youngest daughters in the thirteenth year of Daemion's reign. There the small family lived happily for five years, the brimstone halls of Dragonstone were often filled with children's laughter as the other members of House Targaryen often visited. Prince Daemon passed away silently in his sleep at the age of six and sixty beside his beloved wife. Seven years later The Dowager Queen Camilla took her last breath surrounded by her loved ones after seeing Alyssa wed to Ser Torrhen Manderly and Jaenaera wed to Lord Samwell Stokeworth.

AN: Really not loving this
Anyways I made a family tree when my writer's block was bad so here you go


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