The Golden Oni (Ninjago Fanfi...

By LloydGarmadon147

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Don't ask wtf happened to chapter one... Also warning, some sensitivity content like panic attacks, eating di... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11

Chapter 6

355 7 17
By LloydGarmadon147

-Lloyds POV-

I was walking around my room, packing everything I needed into one bag, unbelievable but yes.
I asked Zane a while ago and we gave this bag I had upgrades, it may not look it but it could hold the destiny's bounty if I wanted it to.
I sighed as I went to my draws, opening one and taking out a shit ton of fidget toys and squish mallows, I then packed the essentials like water, food, pillows, weapons, medicine, a first aid kit, and basically anything else you need when your going to a forest that wants to kill you.
My father had left an hour ago, said he wanted to get away from Misako and back to Vinny, Kai... I wasn't sure where Kai was.
I walked around my room and notices one of my cupboards had a padlock, I remember I did it and lost the key... Looking around my room I opened a couple draws and grabbed a few personal items like books and sketchbooks, possibly spray paint cans and other items for illegal art.
He does graffiti and ofc he had to take them.
I found an old key that may he'd the lock and unlocked the cupboard, inside was several items from his past... Pictures, comic books, old toys, his hoodie that had the bone patterns, a wooden sword he had made at Darkleys, other small items but than I found a box.
It was hard to open and inside it had a case and a picture.
I opened the case and coughed at the dust that came off of it, realising what it was as I picked up the picture, in the picture I was about six, this was before I went to Darkleys, my father and I sat together on a rock in the forest somewhere near the monastery, I was holding a Violin and my father was hugging me with a proud smile.
Memories flooded through my mind as I remembered the violin and this moment, I used to play it when I was younger, my father gave it to me right before he went evil, every night before I went to Darkleys I would play a different song to remember him, I blinked back tears as I picked up the violin, dusting it off.

The tears were DEFINITELY from the dust.

I realised it was still in great shape, a little out of tune but I could use it, I decided to put it in my bag and close the cupboard, it was getting late and I really wanted to sneak out tonight.
I sat at my table and just sketched pictures as I waited for everyone to go back to sleep, it had been a long day and everyone was tired.
Finally, after several hours everyone was asleep, I waited a few more minutes before sneaking out my window, stretching my wings and tail with a sigh, I realised they were bigger and stronger, the oni and dragon side were only getting stronger by the day, I had to figure this out soon.
I let out a sigh of relief as I started to half walk, half fly through the forest, I kept going until I saw a lake, the exact spot I was heading to, the lake was huge, crystals grew in the water and plants were everywhere, the water was shallow and crystal clear, barely thirty feet deep.
Everything was perfect and had an unusual glow from bioluminescent moss, I sat down on the grass and stretched my wings out, I smiled as I looked at the stars, everything was perfect tonight.
Dragons flew over the forest and up in the clouds, having so much fun that anyone would think they were children, they weren't, they acted like it tho.
Right now in this moment I have never wanted to fly away more than now, join the dragons and be free, the Oni side however would mean that the dragon's would not accept me, not that I can fly much anyways, the best I do is glide or fly a few metres, my wings just weren't strong enough... I sighed and started walking back, it was almost 2am anyways.
That's when something inside of me switched, I could smell something... I was told that Oni hunt and kill like wild animals, that couldn't be true... Could it?

Whatever that smell was... Large and furry... No. No! I'm not like the other oni! Control yourself!

I yelled at myself in my mind and kept walking, the monastery was close but suddenly, everything went dark.

I woke up in my bed around 6am, I had a weird taste in my mouth as
I walked to my bathroom, I looked in the mirror and almost cried out.
I had blood in my hands/paws and stains around my mouth, I looked at my mouth and noticed a tuft of fur that looked like it came from a deer in my teeth, I was unsure of what had happened but knew I must had lost control, I rinsed my mouth out and washed my hands. Taking a shower and quickly changing into grey/blue torn jeans with small items like a chain hanging off it and a few pockets. Along with a black hoodie, A pattern on the back in white had a sword, skull and snake, ancient symbols in the sleeves and a ribcage pattern on the front. I put a few chain bracelets on, my black cross necklace, not that it worked anymore. I fixed my hair, it was fairly long for a guy, permanently messy and fluffy.

I walked into the living room and sat down next to Jay, trying to clear my head from whatever happened last night, my dad was supposed to arrive around 9am so I had time to hang out before I left with him. Jay startled me out of my mind when he spoke.

"Hey Lloyd, wanna play video games? You haven't played in forever and I know I'm better than you, but, let's test that out!" He had a playful expression holding two controller's, I smiled and took one from him, turning the game on.

"What game? I'll beat you at any." I had a sly smile as he looked through the games.

"How about 'fist to face 3?' I'm the champion, you have to lose this!"

I laughed as we started to play, ofcourse I made it look like I was losing to make him use all of his stamina and moves but the moment he let his guard down I destroyed his avatar, beating him easily, Jay's face was priceless.
He stared in disbelief as Cole and Kai came up behind us, laughing, I smiled and turn to Jay.

"Champion? I'm not so sure about that..."

"What- but- you-" Jay blinked a couple times and then muttered something like 'Fucking Cunt' and checked the scores again. I smiled and put one hand on his shoulder.

"Can't win them all Jay. C'mon, don't be a sore loser." I smiled as Wu came into the room, Garmadon stood behind him, I hadn't even realised he had arrived. Everyone was silent as we spoke.

"Oh. Hey dad." I looked at him and smiled, he looked tired but happy.

"Hey Lloyd, are you ready to go?" I heard the sound of paws running through the monastery as Spirit ran into the room, running straight at me and licking my face, on-top of me as I laughed.

"Yeah! I am! Spirit- stop- no!" I laughed and stood up, pushing him away from my face and smiling.
"So... When do we go?"

"Soon, I need to discuss something with you all, Lloyd, can you go to your room please? You aren't allowed to be apart of this conversation." He looked serious, not up for an argument so I obeyed, walking to my room and closing the door behind me.

-Garmadaddy's POV-

I watched as Lloyd walked away, he looked confused but this was serious.
Everyone but Lloyd was in the room now, even Misako, not that we wanted her there, she just had to be, I spoke in a low voice so Lloyd couldn't hear us.

"I hope you all understand that what I'm doing for Lloyd is for everyone's safety, not just his, I know it's going to be hard as he tries to control his oni side. The best you can do when we come back is support him, I will warn you... Try not to let him go anywhere alone, especially at night, he may do something he will regret." I looked around to make sure everyone was listening, this was important. "If his eyes are ever purely purple or he has blood on him, stay away, if he's acting odd, don't let him leave the monastery, if he attacks you, be careful, he can and will certainly kill when not in his right mind."

Everyone except Wu looked confused, that was until Kai spoke up.

"What do you mean by 'blood on him' and 'don't let him leave the monastery'? What could he possibly do?" He looked wary and unsure of the situation.

"An oni has an undying hunger for blood, flesh, he can and will hunt down animals, even people and feed off of them, if he wants you dead the best you can do is hide and pray he does not find you.
I should speak to him now, no more questions, it will only make things worse." I walk away, off towards Lloyds room, knocking on his door.

-Lloyds POV-

I heard my father knocking on my door and looked up, I was sitting on my bed with my headphones plugged in, my snake was around my neck while I played and messed around with Spirit, I take the headphones out and stand up, opening the door.

"That was quick, ready to go?" I smiled and held the door open so he could come in, my bag on my bed and Spirit lying down next to it.

"Yes... Get your stuff, it's about time we go." He seemed wary, smiling in an unusual way, as if I was a strange disease he was scared to be around, I shrugged it off and grabbed my bag, leaving the monastery, heading North to prime evils eye.


So... The next part will be out soon. I really need to sleep more, and update more.
This was sort of rushed but still good, also.
Random headcannon.
Oni's are similar to lions in this au, as in the face is basically a lion and human mix, I plan on doing some art to show you but my iPad is where I do all the art and it's broken af. I'm using my phone and I couldn't get Wattpad, that's why this took a millenia to come out. And I'm currently obsessed with Sam and Colby and I need their next vid to come out so imma be busy for a while. And if this chapter is short I'm sorry I'm working on the next part, it will be longer.


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