Confusing Love (Mike/Mal x re...

By rileycallmeriley

3.7K 70 454

It's a few years after Total Drama All Stars. Mike has been having the time of his life with his new girlfrie... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 7

230 3 31
By rileycallmeriley




Y/N's POV:

I caught Mike up on all the drama while he wasn't in "control". 

"I'm so sorry Y/N, I just... I just don't know how to control him! He really is too powerful..." Then, he gasps. He's now Mal again. Mal smiles and looks up. "That's right Mike." Then, he looks back at me. "I am stronger, and I promise you... You'll be DYING to know what happens to Mike." He then does his little, dark creepy giggle. "I'll be back, Y/N. Just. You. Wait." Then, Mike gaps again.

"Dude, Mal took over for a sec!" I say, a bit freaked.

"I know...! Like I said, I don't know how to deal with him. Plus, now there's no more reset button! So, I can't reset my brain like all of the others and I did, while Mal fought on the last episode." Mike started to panic. "What do I do, Y/N?" He then hugs me unexpectedly. I blush from embarrassment.

"I-It's ok, Mike... We'll find a way, just d-don't panic..." I say. Then, I calm down, and I hug him back. "It's ok..." 

We stayed in a hug for a while, because right when we were about to stop, my bestie came out of their room with their phone, but immediately dropped it on the ground in shock. Then, they start to yell.


"Calm down, Y/N's friend!" Mike says.

They stop shaking me, and inspect Mike, looking at him up and down. "You don't sound like the dark scary guy anymore... And you don't have that emo hair... You must be Mike again, right?" They let go of me, and wait for Mike to respond.

"Yeah, it's me... Mike..." Mike says awkwardly. 

"Alright goodie! I'll give you some pizza!" They giggle and walk to the couch. 

I looked back at Mike, who was standing awkwardly. "That's my friend... Hehehe..." I laughed nervously. Mike laughs nervously with me, it was the second most awkward thing I've ever experienced, second after when the girl I absolutely hated in middle school read my stupid little valentines card in front of everyone. You know.... Never mind. That was worse.

My bestie gave Mike a slice of (any pizza topping[s]) pizza, and we, once again, sat down on the couch. After all that weird stress, sitting on the couch was nice. 

"I have a weird question, so don't judge me." My bestie asks.

"Me, or...." I ask.

"No, not you dummy! Him! The guy who turned emo!" My bestie exclaims.

"Ok, jeez! Calm down pookie." 

"...Pookie?" Mike asks.

"Just... Just...! JUST DON'T MIND THAT, OK?! NOW ANSWER MY QUESTION!" Then they take a breath. "...Ok, sorry Mike......" 

"...It's fine." Mike than turns from that awkward smile to a genuine one. "Now, you were asking...?"

"Oh yes! I have such a short memory... Haha..." 

"Your memory is the capacity of Muichiro's... So no wonder..." I add.

"...Muichiro?" Mike asks again.

"A Demon Slayer character. Now, let me finally ask. How did you get DID... Exactly? It's fine if you don't have to tell me, I know it's personal..." 

"...." Mike stayed quiet. 

It got real quiet after that. Like, quieter than after my mom yells at me and it gets really quiet in the house, and it's awkward and you feel bad for doing the thing that you got yelled at for. And, I mean, I couldn't blame Mike. Wouldn't you be hesitant if someone asked why your brain split into different alters? I definitely would. So, Mike tried to leave. Again, I don't blame him.

"...Thank you for this. Have a nice day." Mike's tone was now quiet and serious. He gets up from his spot, put the plate down, and started to walk to the door.

My bestie leans in to tell me something. "Maybe you should get your boyfriend, he's about to walk out." They whisper.

"He's not my boyfriend!" I say out loud. Oh shoot. What an idiot I am.

"Ooooooo.....!" They say, acting like a child. After that, Mike turned back to me, and.... Frowned? Why would he frown? I mean... It's not like he likes me... Right?

"" Mike says, as he walks out. 

'Hm'. Is that a... Good 'hm'? Or a bad 'hm'? Why am I thinking about it so much...!? I decided to put that aside, and I got up from my seat. 

"Where are you going? After your boyfriend?" They ask, with a cheeky smile plastered onto their face.

"Yes, I'm going after my.." I make air quotes with my hands. "..boyfriend." I then walk to the door, and I run outside, looking into the hallway. I see that Mike was about to enter the elevator, so I run after him, shouting his name like a maniac.

"Mike! Wait!" I say, as I try to catch him before the elevator goes to the lobby. I luckily stop the elevator, as the doors open, and Mike looks at me with weak eyes.

"...Mike. My friend didn't mean to strike a nerve, they promised!" I say.

".......It's.... Not their fault. It's just.... It's something else."

"Well... What is it?" I ask, cocking my head to the side in curiosity.



"....Would you like to hang out again sometime...?" Mike has a look of melancholy on his face, and his tone was weak, like he was on the verge of crying.

"Oh, uhm.... Very unrelated but... Sure, why not...!" I say, smiling joyfully. But, my smile fades after a few seconds of silence.

"Good...." Mike seemed.... Off. Something was eerie about him. He always smiles... But, I mean, we all dont smile all the time like some kind of... psycho! But, Mal wouldn't act like that, unless he's faking. But, I know his faking tone. "...I have to go now. Goodbye Y/N." Mike then gives me a weak smile, and closes the elevator door. 


I lay on the bed in the guest bedroom. I thought of lots of things. But, I thought about Mike... And his smile. Not his weak smile, but the smile that he gave me when we first met. Even if we met a few days ago... Or was it a week? I don't remember, but all I know is that even if we met so early, we've been great to each other, and maybe we could become best friends later on! 

But.... Something unexpectedly popped into my head, something I've never thought about before...


I like Mike.

(WC: 1095) 

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