Chapter 3

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Y/N's POV:

We finally got to the park, where the sun was shining so bright that I had to squint my eyes. There were only a few kids there, swinging on the swings. We decided to sit on a bench close to a large playground. It was under a big tree, a perfect place for a chat without your skin peeling off by the sun.

"Over here. A nice shady spot." I walk towards the bench, and I sit down.

"This is a good spot." Mike replies, then he sits down beside me.

"I gotta ask a question..." I say.

"sure, what's up?" 

"I've been wondering... why do you wanna be my friend? I am just another fan in your millions of people in your fan base. Why me?"

Mike rests his head in his hands. He had a sad and hesitant look on his face, but he decided to speak. "Well... the truth is... I've been losing a lot of things lately. People have been growing up, and moving on from friendships... and that included my best friend Cameron. He's just been... growing up lately. Too much. I miss him." Mike takes a breath, then he continues. "I've lost my girlfriend, too. The alters got in the way, and it became difficult. I was doing everything to save my relationship. I took therapy, took her to amazing places, and we would dine out almost every week. But, when Mal came along, Zoey went 'See ya!' and left me in the dust. I was just so happy to see one of my fans ask for a picture and autograph, and I saw how happy you were... so, I decided to create a new friendship and make friends with a fan." He looked down to the ground.

I look at him with remorse in my eyes. "I'm... so sorry about all of that. Sometimes, people move on, and it's hard to forgive and forget... I know the feeling a little too well..."

" do...? Really?" Mike's eyes glow in shock.

"Yeah..." I reply, a little hesitant.

I used to have this boyfriend/girlfriend named (random name). They were the best while dating, but started to show their true colours when we started the relationship. They, 2 months in things started to get complicated. Yelling and screaming would be heard wherever we went, making things hard for us to agree on the same things. They would always hang out with their friends way too much, and when we wanted to hang out together, they wouldn't care. SO, I finally snapped, and broke up with them. I was sad for a long while, and would always remember all the good times I had with them. But, in reality, all they were was just a big scumbag. 

"Sorry about that too... I don't know the full story... but I feel bad." Mike says.

"It's ok, really. I'm all fine now." 

"That's good to know. Well, I guess we should start talking about my... alters now..." Mike let out a worried sigh, then took a deep breath and started to explain. "So, this all started when I got hit by a very hard box full of pots and pans. I was helping Zoey's mom and dad move into their new home, and I just wanted to be considerate and help. But, while I was helping, the box slipped and it fell on my head. I like to carry boxes above my head because I hate how I have to limp to carry them. It's weird, I know... But, we all have that weird thing that we do that no one understands... "He took a breath and looked at me. "After that, everything started going wonky. I would have these so called 'dreams' but I later on realised that they weren't vivid dreams, but stuff that was actually happening in my brain at real time. I saw... everyone... all of my alters. And then... I saw Mal..." He looked back to the ground with a sad expression.

I shared the same look. We both kept our heads in our hands, looking at the ground. It was an awkward moment for both of us. I didn't know how it felt to have people living in your brain with their own separate lives, so it was hard to share the same feeling like I understood everything. But, I tried my best.

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