Too young to be this Wild (li...

By TrayceeStewart

40.1K 1K 693

How would the linked universe be if wild was younger and started guarding princess Zelda at age 8 and was in... More

Meeting the wild child
Meeting the gang
Introductions are something
First bath in 100 years
We found people!
Whats a Lynel?
Definitely a wild sick day
Awwwwww Legend <3
Let me out!!!
They still worry
Big brother instincts
Slow down what now?
Sidon is my wild childs Bestie
Your how old?
"Turn that frown" "upside down!"
It is my pleasure
Thank Hylia... oh thank Hylia
I can tell because I care
You Let A Eleven Year Old Cook?
Oh -- I Killed Him!
For How Many Days?
What do you know?
Ummm you didn't kniw?
Sidon, Sidon, And Sidon?
Massage From The Sky
You Will Be Known As "Champion"
Wakey Wakey Eggs And Bakey
Wandering Curiosity Crew! What Mask?
You Dont Need To Be Punished
Catch You Guys Later... Right?
Why him!?
Papa and Momma
Halloween special 


547 20 14
By TrayceeStewart

Twilights POV
Time hasn't let go of Wild since we found Wild in and Champion with that mask, and I'm starting to get worried. Time has Wilds head tucked under his chin as his eyes go back and forth almost waiting for someone to come and steal him. Wild looks antsy as he plays with the hem of Times shirt, he tries to move to stand up but Time tightens his grip. Wild sighs and turns his body so that he's fully in Times lap and his back is against Times arms. Time almost doesn't let him but ultimately loosens his grip so he can move around a bit. Wild shoves his head closer to Times neck and closes his eyes with a frown. Must of been really bored, so bored that he thought sleep was a better option.

Time brings his hand up right behind Wilds ear and holds him close, after around 20 minutes Wilds eyelids relax so that they are not squeezed shut, and his lips parts slightly as his jaw relaxes from being clenched for so long. His breath begins to even out but hitches slightly every so often if he hears someone get to close, but he soon falls asleep tucked against Time. I sigh and walk up to Time, I set my hand on Times shoulder. Time flinches in whips his head around to look at me. Wild stirs slightly and groans in annoyance before settling again.

"You and Wild should go to bed old man, we need to talk in the morning." I say looking down at a sleeping Wild, he has a stream of drool making its way down his face and onto Times Tunic. I chuckle and grab my handkerchief that I leave In My back pocket. I reach to wipe the slobber off his mouth, Time flinches but allows it. "Off to bed with you too. I'll se you in the morning." I say sticking my handkerchief back in its designated pocket. Time nods slowly as he starts to head over to his bed roll.

Time lays on his back then turns so that Wild is in a comfortable position. (He did not put Wild down might I add.) Wild groans as he pushes into Times warmth. Time only hugs the boy tighter and lays there.

"I've never seen my Time act like that." Champion says as he comes up behind me. I turn to look him in the eye. "It is weird... I've never seen him so." I say, looking as I try and find the right word. "Fragile?" Champion asks and I nod. "Yeah... that.." I say looking back to Champion. "What do you know about that mask?" I ask and Champion crosses his arms. "Not much, it just allows me and Wild to no get attacked by monsters unless we attack first." Champion says and my eyebrows furrow. "Then why is Time so afraid of it?" I ask myself as I tap my chin. "Didn't Time call it cursed?" Champion asks and I nod looking to see what he's planning. "Well if your Legend is like my Legend he can check that kind of stuff. Maybe he can figure out something." Champion says resting his hands on his hips. "Champ.... Your a life saver..." I say setting one hand on Champions shoulder as he rolls his eyes. "Whatever, let's go get Legend." Champion says batting my hand off as he starts walking over to Legend. I let out a laugh and follow him.

"Legend~" Champion says in a sing-song voice. I can practically hear Legend scowling. "What." Legend says turning around to look at me and Champion. "We need you to check and see if the mask that Time was fretting about is actually cursed." I say and Legends eyes widen before nodding and grabbing his pack. "Let's do this out of sight just in case." Legend says turning to head into the woods. Me and Champion look at each other before following him.

"Ok give it here." Legend says as he sits on the ground and reaches his arm out to grab the mask. Champion grabs his slate and pulls out the mask and places it in Legends hand. Legends eyebrow raises when he grabs it. "It's 100% cursed." He says setting it on the ground as if he doesn't want to touch it. "But you didn't even inspect it." Champion says putting his hands on his hips. "Didn't need to, it reeks of curse. The fuck does it even do?" Legend asks "Language vet." I find myself muttering and Legend scowls at me.

"Not much, makes other monsters think I'm a monster." Is what Champion says shrugging. Legend crosses his arms as if to think. "Put on the mask." Legend says and I do a double take. "What? You just said it was cursed!" I say looking at him as if he's crazy. Legend only continues his eye contact with Champion before responding. "He's wore it before so it shouldn't be a problem, so put it on." Legend says and Champion just shrugs and reaches for the mask that's laying on the ground. Once he puts it on I can feel myself reach for my sword, I feel like I'm about to get mauled by a monster that's right in front of me. I look over to Legend and see that he's feeling the same way.

"Ok take it off." Legend says and Champion obliges. I feel the tension in my body dissipate as Champion removes the mask. "Yep that's a cursed object for sure." I say huffing out a little breath. "What did it do to you guys?" He asks tilting his head. "You felt like a monster. Like you wanted to kill us." Legend says looking Champion in the eyes. "Let's agree to never bring the mask out again, at least around other people." I say and Champion and Legend nod.

Wilds POV
I wake up and I'm pressed against Times chest. I let out a huff. I'm tired of being restricted on where I go. I slowly reach for the pillow that was thrown to the side and slip out of Times hold. I sigh with relief as I go to sit next to Wind who is on watch duty. "Oh you finally escape?" Wind says chuckling. I roll my eyes and stare into the fire. Then I here a gasp from Wind. I quickly turn my head to see Winds bright eyes full of a idea. "We should make cookies..." he says looking at me. I smile and nod as I grab my slate and pull out the ingredients.

"Want some help?" Someone says from behind me and I nod frantically when I see Champions face. Champ sits next to me and pulls out a flat pot? He must of seen my confusion because he starts to explain. "It's called a baking pan, it helps cook cookies." My eyes light up as I watch his take out the pan. "What cookies should we make?" Champ asks and Wind raises his hand "oh oh!" I shush Wind and point to the sleeping body's not too far away. Wind looks at me sheepishly. "They should be old reliable, chocolate chip." Wind says with a wink. Champ nods and brings out a bag of chocolate.

After a the cookies are baked I had the other's glasses of milk and we chow down.

Times POV
I stir slightly and try and pull Wild closer to me, but it's not Wild, Wilds not this soft, not this light. My eyes shoot open and see a pillow where Wild SHOULD be. I quickly sit up and look around the camp. WhereishewhereisheWHEREISHE? I ask myself my mind quickly calms down after I see three sets of eyes looking guilty as they look over. I lock eyes with Wild. He gives me a cookie filled smile before reaching back and offering me one.
"C-Cook-ie? He asks and I can't help the chuckle that comes out. "What are you three doing?" I ask not being able to hide my smile. "COOKIES!" Wind yells and everyone shoots out of there bed rolls and reaches for there weapons. Except Sky, Sky won't wake for no man. Everyone looks over to Wind confused " oops.... Sorry?" He say's shrugging. Let's just say Legend said some not so kind words.

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