Learning to Live

Par amba9999

154K 6.5K 837

Sapphire loves boxing, food and cats. Being a triplet with two brothers, she learned quickly how to stand up... Plus

Story Description
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 27 part 2
Part II: Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46

Chapter 16

3.3K 158 11
Par amba9999

"So, Hunter, I heard you were the one who asked Sapph out."

I glared at my big brother. Really?

We were having a barbecue in the backyard. Sam would be driving back to the city for work tomorrow evening. Lia's mother was a lawyer, and she insisted on volunteering her services to take care of the case against Jake and his friend. So Sam wouldn't have to stay behind.

After Hunter had a good work out and Emma and I had a long chat that made me feel infinitely better, we drove right here to find Sam, Stefan, Scott and Jason setting up the grill in the backyard.

Jason and my brothers were grilling meat and chicken. Sam, Hunter and I sat around the small table in the backyard patio. A pot of soup and a bowl were set in front of me. Jason's mom had sent the soup. She said it should be easier for my stomach and she was right. A plate of grilled meat and fries was on the table as well, and just looking at it made my stomach roil. The smell of the barbecue didn't help either.

Sam didn't waste any time in beginning his investigation. I was just glad the boys were too excited for the barbecue to join us.

"I did," Hunter replied to Sam's question, cutting into his steak. Cheddar sat by his feet, gobbling up the pieces of meat Hunter smuggled his way. Hunter would be his new favorite person.

"You like her."

I groaned. "Sam!"

"I do," Hunter said, unfazed.

"You're very chatty, aren't you?"

Hunter shrugged. Sam looked at me, his eyes amused. "I always thought your first boyfriend would be someone more..."

I rolled my eyes and ate a spoonful of the soup. It was warm and smooth. As expected. Jason's mom was a terrific cook.

"More what?" I asked.

"More like Jason, I guess," Sam said.

I frowned. Jason, who was coming over with another hefty plate, said, "Ew, Sam! Gross!"

Sam laughed. "I didn't say you, you idiot. Someone like you. Someone cheerful and outgoing and-"

"Okay, stop. You're being rude," I said, kicking his leg under the table.

Sam looked at Hunter, who was chewing on his steak evenly. "Am I being rude, Hunter?"

Hunter shrugged. "Probably. But I don't care. You're right. Sapphire deserves a lot better."

"That's such a cheesy line, Jamison," Jason said, depositing the plate and taking the last seat between Sam and me.

Sam frowned. "You're a Jamison?"

Hunter nodded.

Sam raised his brow at me. "Hmm. I didn't know my little sister was a gold digger."

I choked on air. I was going to kill my older brother.

Hunter chuckled a little. Sam cocked his head to the side, looking at Hunter as if seeing him for the first time. He opened his mouth. Oh, no. Enough was enough.

"So, Jason, how's your basketball practice?" I asked, looking pointedly at Sam. He grinned.

Jason snorted. "Since when are you interested in basketball?"

"Or football," Scott said, ambling closer with a chicken leg in his hand. He bit into it, standing over us. "All she cares about is boxing."

"What are you, a neanderthal?" I asked. He chewed and took another massive bite, his cheeks bulging.

I pulled the blanket tighter around my shoulders. Sam had bundled me up in a blanket, fuzzy socks and a beanie before we ventured into the backyard. The bite of the evening cold made me grateful for the layers between me and the elements. The sky was turning the deep violet of twilight, and the embers of the grill glowed in the dim lights.

Sam stood up and pushed Scott down in his chair. "Sit the hell down, Scott."

"We can't take him anywhere," Jason said, shaking his head.

"Hey, it's not like you're any better," Scott said, fortunately swallowing before he spoke.

Sam squeezed my shoulder and went over to Stefan. Jason and Scott delved into another senseless argument. I nudged Hunter's side and leaned closer. "Sorry about that."

He shook his head. The light of the living room poured outside, making his dark eyes twinkle. "It's fine. He cares about you, that's why."

I smiled.

All in all, dinner went much better than expected. I walked Hunter to his car after we were all done.

The streetlight flickered, casting soft shadows on Hunter's face. We stood next to his car. I sighed, looking at the damage. "I'm sorry about your car-"

"Stop apologizing," he said. "Sam already did."

"He did?"

He nodded. "Offered to fix it as well."

"Let me guess, you politely refused."

"I don't know about politely," Hunter said. "But I did refuse."

I laughed. Hunter smiled a little, his eyes warm.

I took a step forward. "Can I get a hug?"

His shoulders lost their tension and he wrapped me in his bear hug. I felt so delicate and feminine next to him. I hugged him back, squeezing tightly and taking in his scent. He smelled so cozy. Hunter's hugs would be my favorite thing.

"I think your brother is coming here," Hunter mumbled, his jaw moving against my head as he spoke.

I stood on my tiptoes and gave him a peck on his lips. He looked surprised.

I pulled away from him and grinned. "You better go before he puts your head on a spike."

"Alright, get in the house, Sapph. It's cold," Sam said, right behind me.

I looked at him and wiggled my eyebrows. "Why? I'm pretty warm right now."

He scowled. I beamed. Payback for being a prick.

He shook his head and pinched my cheek. "Inside, you brat."

"Good night, Hunter!" I called over my shoulder, leaving the two alone. Once inside the house, I took the stairs two at a time up to my room. I jumped on my bed and peeked through the window.

Sam and Hunter were speaking. I strained my ears. Nothing. If the window was open, I would be able to hear. But Sam would see me if I opened it and lower his voice or stop talking, which defied the purpose. I'd just ask Hunter later.

"What are you doing?" Stefan asked. My bed groaned under his weight as he knelt beside me to peek as well.

"Can you hear anything? I can't."

"Nope," Stefan said. Sam put his hand on Hunter's shoulder and patted it, twice. Then watched as Hunter ducked into his car and drove away into the night. Sam turned, his eyes found us straight away. Stefan and I ducked down.

"He probably saw us," Stefan said, sitting against the wall. I nodded next to him. We stayed quiet for a moment. Stefan very rarely came into my room. He was pretty peculiar about personal space and stuff. Unless he wanted to steal snacks, that was.

"I'm sorry-"

I jabbed my elbow in his side. "Will you stop apologizing!"

"No, listen," he grumbled, tugging on my hair. Ow. I slapped his hand away. He continued. "About Hunter. I know I was a jerk about him before. But he looks like he really cares about you."


Scott jogged by my open door. Then he doubled back and came to join us. He jumped on my poor bed. It squeaked under the weight.

"You'll break my bed!" I said.

"It wouldn't be the first bed I break," he said, wiggling his eyebrows.

"TMI, you idiot," I said, pushing him away from me.

He just inched closer and threw an arm around my shoulders. "What are we discussing?"

"We're talking about how Stefan regrets being a jerk to Hunter."

"I like Hunter," Scott said. "He's a scary bastard. But he's on our side. He'd be sick good in football."

"It's all about football, for you," Stefan grumbled.

Scott considered it, then nodded. "What's wrong with that?"

I smiled. Sam peeked in, saw us and leaned against the door frame, watching us with a small smile. Cheddar trotted past him, jumped on my bed and settled in Scott's lap. My brother absently rubbed his orange fur.

"You guys grew up so fast, it's not even funny," Sam said. The three of us grinned.

"You're just sour we're taller than you," Stefan said.

Sam rolled his eyes. "You might be taller, but I wiped your nasty butt until you were old enough to remember. You better not forget that."

We laughed. Sam sat on my desk chair, and we all chatted well into the night. It felt good, having this with my brothers. It had been a long time since we gathered like this.

I guess what they say is true, there's a silver lining in every cloud.

*** **** ***

"Your test results are here," Mr. Barcroft said, striding into the classroom.

A symphony of groans rose in the air. I dropped my forehead on the table. I had done better than I expected, at least that was what I thought. But doubt settled in when Mr. Barcroft pulled out the white papers.

Next to me, Hunter was carelessly doodling on his notebook. I turned my head and glared at him. "Aren't you nervous?"

He shrugged. "It's just a test."

"It's just a test," I said in a deep voice, mimicking him. "Show off."

He smiled and looked down. In front of me, Lia was whispering to the girl next to her. I kicked her chair. She glanced over her shoulder with a smile.

"How dare you smile?" I asked. "My best friend and my boyfriend have no care for my nerves."

Lia grinned and looked at Hunter. She held out her fist, he glanced at it and fist bumped her.

"Traitors," I grumbled.

It had been three weeks since the night I was drugged and almost kidnapped. The news had made it around town, and the following Monday, everyone at school offered their sympathies and cursed Jake and his friend to the devil.

The case was well on its way to be closed, with Lia's mother taking care of it. Now it was old news. The school moved on from that subject, thankfully. I didn't know if I would've been able to bear being the subject of gossip any longer.

Mr. Barcroft called my name. I shot up, heart in my throat, and made my way to him. He smiled giving me my paper. "You did good, Sapphire. I'm guessing your boyfriend is to thank for that."

I grinned at the eighty percent on my paper. That was a definite improvement. "He is."

I walked back to my seat. Lia turned and Hunter leaned closer to look at my paper as I sat down.

Lia beamed at me and wiggled her eyebrows. "I guess Hunter is earning his pay."

I pinched her arm, my cheeks heating up. She was such an ass.

Hunter took my paper and scanned my answers.

I leaned my head against his shoulders and pointed at the questions I got wrong. "I think I know where I went wrong there."

"We'll go through them."

"Jamison," the teacher called.

Hunter retrieved his paper, Mr. Barcroft smiled at him. "Good job."

I glanced at his paper. Full mark!

"Damn." I whistled.

He put it aside and pulled my paper between us. "Let's see what you got wrong."

We hunched over my answers as the teacher delivered the rest of the class. Hunter made me solve all the ones I got wrong again and helped me when I got stuck. He really was earning his pay. Not that I was paying him.

Lunch break came soon, and Hunter and I sat outside since the weather was nice. The bench was tucked under a tall tree, giving us a modicum of privacy.

"Thanks," I told him once we finished eating. "I just realized you're basically tutoring me for free. Is there anything I can do in exchange for tutoring?"

He looked up, a wicked glint in his eyes. I squinted and pinched his arm. "Get your mind out of the gutter. I'm serious."

He smiled. "You already did a lot."

"What?" I frowned. "What are you talking about?"

"Everything," he said. "You make me more... alive, I guess, is a good word for it."

I blinked. My throat closed up for some indecipherable reason. He continued, unaware of the way his words reached inside my chest and squeezed my heart.

"No one used to talk to me before, you know. I never really cared. People were just afraid of me, and for good reason, I'm not exactly a ray of sunshine and I have a quick temper."

"You don't have a quick temper," I said. He really didn't.

"Not around you." He shook his head. "Anyway, my point is, other people don't look at me like I'm a monster any longer, like I'm not one of them. It's all because you decided I'm worth it. I used to think I didn't care, but I guess I do. I'm just human, after all."

He was right, too. I didn't know if it was because of me, but I did know that Lia no longer found him scary. She even joked with him. Stefan, too, had mellowed out concerning him. More students were talking to him these days compared to a few weeks ago, I noticed.

"I think you're giving me too much credit," I told him, grinning. "They just got to know you. Anyone who does can't help but fall for your gruff charm."

"Gruff charm?"

"Yep." I said. "You're going to be pretty popular with girls. I'll have to swat your fangirls left and right if I want to keep you."

He rolled his eyes, a small smile playing on his lip. He shifted in his seat, and the movement put his eyes in a stray ray of sunshine filtering through the majestic tree above us. "If anyone is going to be swatting fans, it's me."

I snorted. "Oh, please."

"Half the school's boys have a crush on you," Hunter said. "The other half have girlfriends already."

I couldn't help it. I laughed. When he just looked at me seriously and didn't laugh at his own joke, I laughed harder.

I was reasonably attractive by society's standards. But even I knew that I wasn't that beautiful.

"I'm not joking."

"I'm sure you're not." I patted his arm. "That's exactly why I was single until you asked me out."

"The only reason no one asked you out before is because they think you're too good for them, or that you were going to reject them."

I shook my head. "Now you're just teasing me."

"I'm not."

"But you asked me out."

"I didn't actually think you'd say yes."


"Yep," he said, popping his last fry in his mouth. He chewed on it, smiling to himself. "Imagine my surprise."

I chuckled, only half believing him. The bell rang. Hunter and I made our way to class. He stole chips from the bag I was holding, and I let him.

Most girls kept stealing glances at him. I wasn't joking when I said everyone would have a crush on him. It was like once Hunter started hanging out with us, he no longer was as unapproachable as before.

I linked my arm through his as we went through the hallways. I wasn't giving him up, though. They could look all they liked, but if anyone dared to touch... my boxing skills might come in handy.

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