
By skittlesandcake

31K 1.7K 1.5K

Beyoncé and Nicki have a very special arrangement... It's passionate but it's complicated and as their physic... More

9 (part 1)
9 (part 2)


2.5K 124 59
By skittlesandcake

After their time in Paris, Nicki had seen the pictures of Beyoncé out at the fashion show. Beyoncé was with her husband and Nicki felt a pang inside. She'd never asked about their arrangement and why Beyoncé was using her. It was just sex but this woman had a husband. She felt herself becoming ever more curious. Why was she doing this?

Beyoncé was eating lunch when Nicki entered the room. They were in Barcelona now and the atmosphere was light. The scent of heavily seasoned chicken wafted into Nickis nostrils and, if her body clock wasn't still at breakfast she would've taken some for herself.

It was still early, so Beyoncé was alone with her hair braided atop her head. She had one leg crossed over the other and wore a white robe with the words "Renaissance World Tour" embroidered in silver on the fabric. She would be performing again in 8 hours.

"Hey Beyoncé" Nicki said trying to temper her excitement. Beyoncé's presence always seemed to envelop her entirely. She was a woman who felt like more sometimes - as if she was beyond what it meant to be a person.

"Hi," Beyoncé replied still swallowing her food, as Nicki took in the sight of her. She looked so casual and regular compared to her usual glamorous image, yet Nicki was entranced. She yearned to be good enough for her, but she wondered if she ever would be. Beyoncé was like a cloud that could cover her for days - leaving Nicki both excited and nervous, and undoubtably overwhelmed. She watched her silver fingernails as Beyoncé placed the bone onto the plate. She then popped that finger into her mouth, licking the flavour from her fingers.

"You look good" Nicki said, in a failed attempt to make small talk.

"Really?" Beyoncé chuckled. She did not agree as she wasn't ready yet. She had a team on hand who would do that for her. Beyoncé's focus here was on getting mentally prepared. Her husband had spent the morning telling her to relax, but nothing seemed to be working. She had pre-performance jitters.

"I think I want to wear this tonight," she gestured toward a silver material. It was custom Stella McCartney, glimmering with silver crystals. Nicki examined it, imagining the outfit on Beyoncé's body. It would look sexy, she knew that for sure. Though, she wondered how Beyoncé always managed to hide her goodies. She was always impressed when Beyoncé undressed, her boobs being bigger than they appeared in her stage outfits.

She shoved those thoughts away and looked at the outfit wondering what her hairstylist would do. She would need a hairstyle that complimented her outfit, that allowed the outfit to shine without distracting. But, Nicki wasn't doing her hair today. Beyoncé had a hairstylist and only called Nicki on occasion. Nicki was there for one thing and that was not to do hair.

She bit her lip and wondered when Beyoncé would be ready. She enjoyed the time they spent together, when Nicki was just a friend to Beyoncé. Though neither of them spoke much to each other, they shared small moments that felt meaningful. Nicki wasn't there to work today. Still, she couldn't help herself from playing in Beyoncé's hair.

Beyoncé sat patiently, allowing Nicki to take out her braids. She finished eating and every so often, the two would catch each others eye in the mirror. Low eyes and lip bites told Nicki everything she needed to know. There was something beautifully intimate about doing someone else's hair. Her fingers messaged her scalp and she teased Beyoncé, occasionally stroking the hair behind her neck.

They each looked at each other in the mirror before Beyoncé finally broke the silence. She closed and locked the door eyeing Nicki through hungry eyes.

Smirking, Beyoncé raised a brow, "we have some time before everyone's here." Immediately Nicki sank to her knees and began crawling toward Beyoncé who watched her with low eyes. Her body started to heat as she got closer to the woman.

"Can I-" she asked, pressing a hand to Beyoncé's leg. Beyoncé nodded and spread her legs for the younger woman. The robe fell to the ground and Nicki groaned with pleasure at the sight. The beautiful pink turned her on every time and Nicki relished her sweet taste.

Once she finished, the two cleaned themselves up and Nicki was, once again, abandoned by the older woman. She didn't want much more from Beyoncé but it hurt every time she left her like this. She told herself that it didn't matter and held her head down as she tried to pretend everything was normal. But, she couldn't deny, she was catching feelings.

She turned to leave but instead she paused.

"C-can I watch the show?" She asked watching Beyoncé rush. She'd heard so much about the Renaissance world tour but she still hadn't actually seen it. It felt weird to be seeing Beyoncé so often but not to have seen the show.

Beyoncé was already half dressed when she turned to respond. "Sure," was all she said before returning to get ready. She had makeup and hair and stupid business to deal with while Nicki hung out backstage watching production set up.

When the show began, she grinned with an undue sense of excitement. She felt like a fan, she was a fan. The energy of the crowd was palpable, and the anticipation grew when the screen was replaced with clouds. When Beyoncé got on stage, Nicki felt her body react. Excitement boiled over as she cheered with everyone else.

The star herself was mesmerising. She fed off of the crowd, effortlessly reading signs while hitting her marks and being a vocal legend. Nicki listened to her voice in awe, hearing her effortlessly make sounds that would've killed the average person or at least caused an asthmatic attack. And then there was her dancing, she moved like water - so fluid and free.

The show was breathtaking and joyful and Nicki watched every detail. She watched Beyoncé make eye contact with the camera and felt fireworks explode inside her. That outfit accentuated her curves beautifully and she longed to be the handprint on her pussy.

She particularly noticed the difference between her moans on stage to those behind closed doors. It turned her on to think she got to see her in such a different light. This woman was incredible.

She was hot and flushed with desire, after the show, when she returned backstage. She wanted to congratulate Beyoncé and tell her she loved the show. But Beyoncé had left as soon as she got offstage. Rumours spread that she was angry. Some technical things had gone wrong, but, mainly people said she was pissed at her husband. No one knew exactly why because it was private matters, and personal affairs. Only Beyoncé could really know what went on beyond the curtains of fame.

There had to be some truth to the rumours. Nicki wondered what he had done. She was sure it was his fault if Beyoncé was angry. She noticed he left the show early. Maybe there really was something going on between him and his wife.

She thought about her own relationship with Beyoncé. Sometimes Beyoncé acted cold towards her, though most times she made it clear what she wanted. She wanted sex and Nicki was a sex toy. Their encounters happened whenever and wherever, as long as it pleased Beyoncé. It wasn't romantic but rather transactional. Afterwards, Beyoncé went back to her family without giving Nicki so much as a second glance.

Perhaps no one would understand that. It wasn't like they shared nothing though. Nicki knew better than anyone that the two had a connection. She thought about calling, checking in to make sure Beyoncé was okay. But, she never called Beyoncé. Beyoncé called her and that was their relationship.

It would be a while until she heard from Beyoncé again. As Nicki wandered around the warm streets of Barcelona, she found comfort in noticing the cathedrals in the city. She was not a religious person but they reminded her of home and her religious parents. How would they feel if they knew how she had turned out?

Beyoncé's last payment, from doing her hair, meant that Nicki wouldn't have to work for a while. She decided to have a small vacation, cancelling and rescheduling with some of her clients. She gave names and numbers of other hairstylists they could use and apologised for all of the inconvenience. Her clients were reasonable and understanding as she had always maintained these relationships well. They respected her professionalism, and trusted that she wouldn't disappoint.

Leaving Spain, she went to Italy then to Germany then Holland. Whilst there she saw the sights snapping pictures and trying new food. Being that she was in Europe, she had a great excuse for a vacation. There she was ignoring her own life, instead travelling and seeing the sights. The last few weeks had been intense, she needed this respite.

Travelling through Europe was a treat in itself, having spent most of her life in the US. She told herself that it was a vacation. Her travels just happened to overlap with Beyoncés tour dates.

As Nicki traipsed along the beautiful cobbled streets, past ancient buildings adorned with intricate carvings, and churches built centuries ago, she thought of Beyoncé. Despite their turbulent relationship, the intensity of their sexual experiences remained fresh in her memory. Although part of her craved more connection and interaction with Beyoncé, she understood what came with the territory. Sexually charged meetings and unspoken agreements filled the celebrity void, even if it left her wanting more. Despite all her adventuring, she still hadn't forgotten Beyoncé. Everywhere she went, memories came flooding back – she started to wonder if Beyoncé had forgotten she existed.

It had been weeks since she'd called, and the last Nicki heard she was fighting with her husband. The rumour was that she changed phones every week, but Nicki wanted desperately to call her. She needed to know if if the woman was ignoring her. Despite her constant attempts to forget, she felt antsy as her trip through Europe came to an end. Even now, Beyoncé remained stubbornly distant and untouchable.

Finally, after some days had gone by, Beyoncé requested her presence on a flight. It would be after her last show in Europe and Nicki couldn't wait. She would be glad to go back to North America, she missed her home, and it would be nice to fly back with Beyoncé. Eventually she caught a train to Poland. It wasn't far and after the amount of flights she'd taken, she was over airplanes. She wanted something more relaxed and she watched the European countryside roll by. It was beautiful and covered in grass, but she definitely felt the temperature drop.

Nicki asked to watch the show again and again, she was so impressed by Beyoncé. She owned the stage and kept everyone's attention - Nicki couldn't imagine dancing for that long. She was exhausted by the time Summer Renaissance came on watching Beyoncé fly above her reading signs. She smirked at the thought of Beyoncé on top of her, knowing that would likely happen again shortly.

Backstage Beyoncé was relieved to have a break. Nicki entered her dressing room but said nothing seeing Beyoncé's face. She looked annoyed again and Nicki wondered what was wrong. Her tongue pressed around her mouth and she appeared to be in a rush.

"Can someone do this zip please" she rolled her eyes, as she asked. Nicki ran over quickly, closing the distance between them.

"I didn't mean you," she softened at the younger woman. Beyoncé had a million people around her, each being paid to work. Nicki, however, was not one of them.

She tucked her lips as her finger tugged at the zip. She watched the muscles ripple in Beyoncé's back and bit her lip at how beautiful she was. "Thank you" Beyoncé's warm voice held her still.

Her back was filled with millions of birth marks and beauty marks. She got caught up admiring her body before jumping as Beyoncé kicked some people out of the room. Her back was a part of her body Nicki hadn't seen so much of, and she wasn't surprised to see that it was also heavenly.

"The flight should leave in about an hour but we can hold it if anything comes up" a brown haired assistant spoke to Beyoncé. Nicki was only there to accompany her on the flight. Nobody knew exactly Nickis role when Beyoncé already had a hairdresser, but no one was stupid enough to question Beyoncé's choices.

"What would come up?" Beyoncé asked, her large eyes travelling to the woman who gulped. She continued to undress, removing the fishnets and her body suit. Was her assistant anticipating issues? The girl shook her head to say it meant nothing

"Y'all have the cars?" She asked changing into a black hoodie and joggers. The outfit was comfortable for flying and besides Beyoncé loved that hoodie. Nicki watched her wipe the makeup from her face - she was both regular and extraordinary, transforming from the stage to being casual. She was a real human being yet she held in her such power.

The flight took off and Beyoncé led Nicki through to another section. She held her hand and Nicki tingled, anticipating what came next. The private jet offered a separate room with a double bed. Nicki bit her lip, was she about to join the mile high club? Beyoncé's plan was to nut and then to fall asleep. She hated flying so at least an orgasm could help relax her.

"You ok?" Beyoncé asked as Nicki seemed to be distracted.

"Mhm, this is nice" she nodded turning back to give Beyoncé her full attention.

"Thanks" Beyoncé smiled. It was her aircraft, she knew it was nice. She shrugged off her hoodie and joggers, undressing for the second time. Nicki took in a breath each time she saw the woman - this perfect and unclothed.

"Can I?" She found herself asking again. Beyoncé smirked with a nod as Nicki got closer.

"Eat it from the back" Beyoncé whispered as she got on her knees. She was perfect and Nicki couldn't wait to oblige. Beyoncé's body looked like it was sculpted by the gods. She took her bra and panties off arching her back for Nickis eyes.

"So perfect" Nicki muttered to herself as she moved closer. She could feel her own heart beat as the aircraft started to move. Beyoncé's arch was so deep. Nicki grabbed her hips and pulled her closer, watching her body open up. Her ass tooted in the air and she watched her pink folds unstick as her pussy glistened in Nickis face.

She bit her bottom lip in admiration and Beyoncé looked back to see her reaction. She wished the jet had cameras so she could film Nickis every reaction. She knew she was sexy but she loved the effect she had on Nicki. She was hungry for her, she could see it in her eyes.

Nicki could hardly resist running a finger through Beyoncés slit. She bit the bottom of her lip in admiration at her warm and inviting body. Beyoncé moaned softly and Nicki took that as permission to go further. She slipped a finger inside and Beyonce moaned out feeling herself being stretched. Nicki pushed her finger deeper into the wetness and felt Beyonce shudder in response. She let out a moan and removed her finger.

Lips only inches from Beyoncé's pink flesh, she put her fingers into her mouth and sucked Beyoncé's arousal. She was in awe of how she tasted so deliciously sweet, even after those hours of performing.

Beyoncé watched her and let out a chuckle, "taste good?" She teased as Nicki moaned cleaning her fingers.

"Always" Nicki nodded and leaned forward to kiss her pussy. Pulling away, she licked her lips and tasted the juices in her mouth. The taste of Beyoncé was intoxicating as her face was beneath her pussy.

She kissed her clit softly and then licked it with her tongue. The taste of her flesh was everything and Beyoncé's moans were sounds of encouragement. She thrust her face inside coating her lips in Beyoncé's juices. She rubbed from side to side, before she ran her tongue up her slit tasting all of her wetness.

"You like this don't you?" Beyoncé's teased as she began to run her tongue up and down. She flicked her tongue causing Beyoncé to whimper. She was enjoying the attention and she wanted more.

"Stick your tongue in" Beyoncé moaned and Nicki obediently complied. She slowly thrust her tongue deep into Beyoncé's wet walls. She could hear Beyoncé panting already and she loved the sound of her pleasure. She wanted to make her cum but she wanted this to last.

She stuck her tongue in deep and wiggled it around. Beyoncé bucked and moaned louder. "You're so nasty" She moaned. She loved the way Nicki always did as told. She could tell Nicki loved it too because her eyes were closed now as she focused on her task. Nicki did as told pressing deep into her folds. She licked and flicked her tongue over the sensitive parts of Beyoncé.

Beyoncé moaned out in ecstasy as Nicki didn't stop. She then sucked on her clit and Beyoncé felt her orgasm building as she sucked harder and faster. Beyoncé screamed and came hard, covering Nicki's face in her juices.

Nicki lapped them up like a cat drinking milk. She loved eating pussy and Beyoncé's was the best.

"Keep going baby" Beyoncé encouraged, she watched to cum again, to watch Nicki struggle to clean her up. But Nicki paused, not moving for a moment. Her legs were trembling, her eyes were low. Inside she felt a coil begin to unravel.

Every glance, every reaction sent waves of heat spiraling throughout her core. Nicki was close to her own release and a sense of guilt rippled through her.

When Beyoncé looked back, she could see the struggle in her eyes. "Fuck, are you gonna cum?" She smirked watching Nicki who squeezed her eyes shut. Nicki was squirming, her own wetness coating her thighs. She couldn't keep doing this, her body was aching.

"Are you really gonna cum just from eating my pussy?" Beyoncé watched her carefully, before biting her lip. She'd seen Nicki like this before but now she wanted her to cum. She wanted to see the power she really had over her. "It's that good huh?" She teased, and watched as Nicki slowly nodded.

"Tell me" Beyoncé softly groaned tucking her lips in. Nickis subtle look of shame was turning her on.

"B-Beyoncé" she panted, the fabric of her panties rubbing against her swollen clit.

"What do you want?" She teased loving every second of Nickis reactions. She wanted to watch her cum, to see her face as she tried not to.

"I want you, daddy." There it was that word again. Beyoncé looked at her and smirked. She was such a naughty girl.

Beyoncé knew exactly what she wanted and she landed back atop Nickis face rubbing her pussy along her mouth. Nicki kept up with her pace opening her mouth to lick and suck through her folds. She was so wet and it dripped down her thighs.

Nicki shuddered again and Beyoncé moaned loudly. "Touch yourself," Beyoncé urged, wanting Nicki to cum beneath her.

This was so wrong yet right. Nickis hands reached into her pants. Desperation in her eyes, as Beyoncé continued to grind atop her.

Something stirred within Nicki – fear, excitement, pain? Taking her hand, Nicki guided it towards her achingly wet core. Nicki felt her pussy tighten. She let out a moan as she licked Beyoncé.

"You little slut" Beyoncé moaned, tooting her ass atop Nickis face. Nicki loved it when she called her names. She shuddered just from her voice.
"Stick your fingers in me" Beyoncé told her reaching down to spread her own ass. Nicki reached up with her left hand but Beyoncé shook her head. She grabbed the hand that was in Nickis pants and brought it towards herself.

She saw the wetness gleaming on them and bit her lip waiting to be filled. Nicki reached her fingers towards her tempted to stick them into her asshole. She wondered how Beyoncé would react to such a thing. She knew she was tight and almost groaned thinking of the feeling inside of her ass. Instead, she found her tongue pressed against Beyoncé's ass as her finger slipped into Beyoncé's wet pussy, their juices mixing together.

Beyoncé moaned as Nicki finger fucked her. She couldn't believe how good it felt. Nickis tongue on her ass was a new level of pleasure. It felt so good and Nicki knew she'd love it. She watched as Beyoncé moaned and squirmed, pleasure building in her chestnut eyes. She used her other hand to spread Beyoncé apart, pulling her ass cheeks so she could reach it all. Beyoncé groaned but she loved the sensation. The cool air against her pussy made it feel so sensitive.

She saw Beyoncé's pleasure and knew she had to keep going. She swirled her tongue against her ass and felt Beyoncé tense around her fingers. She knew she was close and she increased the speed of her fingers as she continued to eat her ass. Even her ass tasted delicious in her mouth.

Nicki wanted to test her limits, and she knew just what to do. She shoved her tongue as deep as possible into Beyoncé's ass. Beyoncé let out a loud moan. She loved being eaten like this. It felt so dirty and Nicki kept going until she couldn't hold on anymore.

She screamed out and came hard all over Nicki's face. Nicki shuddered and thrashed but she continued to eat her out. She was going to cum, just from eating Beyoncé's pussy. She tasted so good as Nicki licked her clean. She swallowed every drop and cleaned Beyoncé's ass with her tongue.

Beyoncé moaned out in ecstasy as Nicki didn't stop. She rolled her tongue along the woman's body licking her clean and Beyoncé sighed. She then pulled away from Nicki and it was over.

"Fuck" she groaned as she rolled over. "Thank you baby" Beyoncé lazily climbed into the bed.

Nicki wanted more. She felt she needed it. Her body couldn't handle the constant yearning she felt. She trembled as Beyoncé spoke again, her eyes wide open.

"I'm going to sleep now." She yawned. Nicki pressed her own legs together. "There's Netflix and Hulu and whatever, go see what they're doing out there" Beyoncé said, getting ready to fall asleep.

"No" Nicki replied licking the juices from her lips.

Beyoncé frowned in response. Nicki never said no to her. She arched a perfect brow giving Nicki her attention. What did she have to say that was so important?



The sex? Nickis reaction?

What's Nicki about to say?

Disclaimer: This is obviously fiction so please don't get on me for the double dipping. "Even with a clean ass, there is  a chance that ecoli-bacteria (found in stool) may still be present on the skin. This bacteria is the most common cause of urinary tract infections. If you go from ass to vagina, you may be spreading this bacteria to a vagina."

💀💀💀 y'all be safe out there

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