𝐩𝐨𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐧 - 𝐭.𝐧

By urlocalsoftiejess

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"That'll kill you one day." "It'll kill you first though." More

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𝐋𝐢𝐚𝐫 𝐋𝐢𝐚𝐫 | 𝟏𝟗

𝐣𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬 | 𝟏𝟔

981 27 12
By urlocalsoftiejess


Loud music, sweaty dancing bodies and dark lighting is all I can see and hear when I step into the Slytherin common rooms.

It's been a week since my date with Aleksander, I haven't changed my mind about us since last weekend but we continue to remain friends.

The week went by in a flurry of classes, homework and studying, by the time Enzo's birthday rolled around, Hogwarts was buzzing with excitement.

I quickly find Daphne in the crowd, she's leaning against a wall talking to the birthday boy himself while watching Blaise from across the room chat enthusiastically to a seventh year.

Unlike our other friends, those two weren't really big party goers and much rather opted to hangout in the shadows, away from the crowd of drunk teenagers.

As I make my way toward Daphne, the atmosphere in the Slytherin common room envelops me. The music pulsates through the air, and the scent of butterbeer and firewhiskey hangs heavy.

I wobble on my heels while trying to navigate and weave through moving bodies. My outfit while adorable wasn't exactly the most comfortable. Black strappy dress, one of Pansy's and a pair of black kitten heels.

Daphne spots me approaching and waves me over with a bright smile. "Finally you came down!" she exclaims as she detaches herself from the conversation with Enzo.

I grin in response and give her a quick hug. "I told you and pansy I had to finish studying," I reply. "Happy birthday, Enzo!" I call out to our friend.

Enzo turns and beams at me, his charismatic charm shining through. "Thanks Evie!"

I run a hand through my curled hair, "Drinks?" I suggest, noticing that the table has cleared up since I last glanced over at it.

Despite both of them already nursing two red solo cups in their hands they nod and follow me over.

"What's your poison Evie?" Enzo asks motioning to the wide array of liquids and bottles on the table, some muggle and some wizard.

I shrug, "Surprise me." I mumble, whatever will take this edge is perfect for me. For no reason at all, I am tense right now.

Maybe it could be the fact I hadn't seen Theo yet.

"Here." Enzo pushes a cup into my hand, the liquid inside it is a shallow blue colour and it reeks very strongly of alcohol, but I still take a deep sip of it.

The burn is not even remotely ignorable at the back of my throat, my face scrunches up, "This tastes like battery acid Enzo." I ground out, trying to will myself to down the whole cup.

He smiles sheepishly, taking a sip of his own drink. "That's how you know that you're going to have a good time tonight."

I chuckle at his comment, turning to glance at Daphne but her and Blaise have backed themselves up against a wall and are aggressively snogging.


As I turn back to say something to Enzo, I can't help but notice Theo in the distance.

He's leaning casually against the fire place, a half-smoked cigarette in one hand, a red solo cup in the other, and his eyes are fixed on the dance floor where students are dancing energetically.

"You dump Andreev for him?" Enzo suddenly interrupts my trance, tearing my eyes away from Theo.

His question makes me choke on the vile drink I'm still downing for some reason, "No...Aleksander just wasn't for me." I murmur.

Enzo's knowing smile tells me that he doesn't believe me but for a quick second I spot something mysterious in his eyes before he's taking my hand, leading me to the dance floor and away from the drinks table.

His hands travel to rest comfortably at my waist, our bodies swaying together to the rhythm of the pop song blasting at the moment.

I feel Theo's gaze from across the room and have the overwhelming urge to look back at him, so I do.

He's still watching me, his expression unreadable, the solo cup I'm assuming is empty now because he's pushed it away from him onto the fireplace.

Enzo pulls me a little closer and I feel his hair brushing against my cheek as our faces are dangerously close. His lips are parted slightly as his breath dances with the music.

I look back at Theo again, this time I don't tear my eyes off him. He takes a long drag of his cigarette and my eyes slowly travel up his body and lock on his. His expression changes ever so slightly and I can feel it in my stomach.

My gaze goes back to Enzo who was also glancing at Theo. He hasn't moved his face away from mine.

"You've always been beautiful Evie," he hums lowly so only I can hear him under the loud music, "I've always thought that."

I swallow harshly, pulling away from his face slightly to put space between us. What the hell?

I'd never thought of Enzo like that. Of course we've had our silly little flirts here and there but he'd never said anything like that before.

His face seems to inch closer to mine before he's only a breath away but he's not looking at me. instead he's looking at whatever is in the corner of his eye.

"You're welcome." He hums suddenly, a smirk on his face when I finally realize what he was doing.

Theo pushes Enzo away from me, his eyes narrowed and jaw clenched while putting his body between us.

"Go away Enzo." He growls, even his voice sounded mad.

Almost sounds like he's jealous and if he was any other guy, I'd be able to deduce that but with Theo, it could really mean anything.

Enzo just sends me a grin and a wink before bleeding into the sea of bodies, while Theo turns his attention to me.

I'm torn between wanting to melt into Theo's arms and run away from this entire situation.

I look at him with a little bit of confusion before whispering, "Is everything okay?" under the music.

Theo's head turns toward me and he looks at me with an unreadable expression before whispering back, "Why was Enzo all over you?"

He was jealous. Theo Nott never got jealous but from the way he was burning holes into me and his jaw was clenched, I could tell.

I can't help but blush before whispering back, "He wasn't, you know Enzo and I aren't like that." I murmur.

Theo's eyes flicker back in forth between me and my lips for what seems like an eternity until he finally speaks again.

"No?" His gaze locks onto me once again and his voice is colder than it's ever been before but there's a slight tinge of jealousy to it. "Well you could've fooled the hell outta me."

Theo's tone makes me deflate, just like that I knew I had lost him again to something only he thought.

I bite my tongue to stop myself from responding back because I knew exactly what it would lead to.

Theo doesn't seem to care what he says or how he says it though, "Go play with Enzo then for all I care."

Grabbing his hand I stop him from leaving quickly, "Theo please don't be like this, I promise nothing was going on."

His hand was surprisingly cold and his glare even colder.

"Enzo was grabbing you and leaning into you the whole time." He says through his teeth.

My face suddenly felt completely on fire. Theo was actually jealous. I really don't know what to say to fix this situation.

Theo doesn't budge nor does his expression change as he looks at me with an almost angry expression.

The loud music is starting to make my ears hurt. It's as if the music is the only thing that's been said in the last minute.

"Theo," I grab his hand harder, "I promise it was nothing."

He finally stops and looks at my face and the music seems to disappear around us as it becomes just us two alone in this giant party.

"Theo," I whisper as his eyes still hold an unreadable expression.

There's a moment of tension before Theo finally says, "I need a drink."

And I exhale a breath I didn't even know I was holding while still holding onto my hand he leads me to a table in the corner of the common room.

He grabs two solo cups and fills them with what I'm guessing is firewhiskey.

"Drink up." He says to me before taking a sip of his.

I slowly take a sip of mine and wince as the horrible firewhiskey burns my throat.

Theo takes a bigger sip of his own and looks at me over the rim of his cup.

I want to say something to Theo but at the moment, I can't think of anything other than how the alcohol is quickly turning me tipsy.

"So, about Enzo..." He finally speaks a few minutes later.

I take another sip of the horrible alcohol and try to shake off the drunken feeling.

"What about him?" I ask him back.

Theo rolls his eyes before taking another drink. "You were all over Enzo just now," he says and I can feel some of the anger seeping back, "I always knew he had a thing for you."

I shake my head in denial, my vision slightly foggy from the strong alcohol I've ingested throughout this party.

"Nope," I pop the p, "always have just been friends...why?" I prod suspiciously, "jealous?"

The accusation feels ridiculous even though I'm the one making it. Theo didn't get jealous, it wasn't in his blood. He just didn't care enough.

Without hesitation though, he doesn't miss a beat before he answers, "Yes."

His admission catches me off guard and I still. This whole night had to be a dream.

Theo's stare is locked on me, his expression unreadable, it's impossible to tell if he meant what he just said.

I suddenly feel a surge of confidence, if this is a dream then I might as well have some fun with it.

Before Theo can stop me I grab his hand and drag him closer to me than he was before.

My grip on him tightens and my face comes dangerously close to his.

"How jealous?" I whisper, the boldness of this whole moment suddenly making me nervous as the world around us goes quiet.

Theo's expression immediately changes, his brows furrow, his grip tightens on mine.

At this point we're almost touching our noses to one another, my heart is racing as I look into his eyes.

"Very." He responds finally.

The world around us is completely silent, as if Theo and I weren't surrounded by a party but instead two people who just found a secluded corner together.

I want to laugh, the thought of Theo being jealous of Enzo of all people is almost laughable.

The alcohol pumping through my veins wants to kiss him right now.

"Why should you care if Enzo has a thing for me?" I whisper, keeping my gaze on Theo despite the fact that my words seem less like drunken word vomit.

"You didn't care when I was with other boys why should you care now?" I press, my voice quiet and almost a whisper.

The alcohol seems to loosen my lips and the words come out easier than they ever should have.

Theo's gaze drops to my lips briefly before returning back to my eyes. At this point our faces are practically touching.

And just like that the moment is over because Theo's searching eyes seem to have spotted what they're looking for and has caused him to pull away.

"Your drunk." He states, his voice leaving no room for question as he plucks the red cup out of my hands.

I want to deny that I am just to spite him but all I can do is slur something incoherently and use the table to steady myself.

He sighs, "I'm going to take you back to my dorm okay?" He murmurs.

Theo wraps his arm around my waist and his other hand locks around mine. He helps me steady myself as we make our way through the crowd and out of the common room. I look over at him, trying to focus on him instead of the blur around us as the alcohol starts to really take effect.

He guides us in silence, and at some point I start to lean on him for support.

I close my eyes as the world around me starts to spin. When I open my eyes again, we're in the middle of the hall and almost to his dorm.

"Why can't I stay at the party?" I ask him, trying to hide the slurring of my words, this whole night has become just a giant embarrassment in my eyes.

"Because you're pissed and I'm taking you back to my dorm, whether you like it or not." Theo states firmly.

He opens the door to his dorm room with his wand and closes it behind us immediately.

I look around, this isn't the first time I've been in his dorm but usually we hangout in mine. Three guys one dorm, it usually got gross in here fast.

Even if Enzo was a clean freak.

Theo sighs placing me down on one of the beds and then walks over to his own bed and flops down onto it, stretching his arms over his head and looking at me with a grin.

I roll my eyes and walk over to him on shaky legs, collapsing onto his chest. He sighs, wrapping his arms around me in a hug as my head rests on his chest.

He's propped up slightly on his head board and I can feel his eyes watching me lay on him.

Suddenly I feel uncomfortable, everything becomes increasingly aware to me. His body heat, the way his clothes feel against mine, my hair in my face, my makeup on his white dress shirt.

I readjust so that instead of laying flat on top of him, my legs are straddling his hips and my hands are steadying myself against my own thighs.

He sucks in a deep breath while watching me, "What're you doing?" He asks, his voice deep and husky.

"I just got overstimulated laying like that." I murmur back truthfully, but I was still uncomfortable and kept shifting around to find a position that wasn't annoying me.

Theo suddenly reaches out to still me, "Princess," he groaned, "don't move, please." He pleaded, his face scrunched up as though I was torturing him.

I am confused, "I'm just trying to find a comfortable position." I murmur, continuing on my quest to find comfort.

I can feel the alcohol still in my veins, making my head spin ever so slightly and make it hard for me to keep my head and eyes still in one place.

Theo groans again, trying to keep me still, "Princess I'm not joking, stop moving, you're going to kill me." He whines.

Theo looks at me like he's a cat and I've just petted his tail the wrong way, all confusion and irritation.

"What?" I ask, genuinely dumbfounded as to what I could be doing right now, I was just trying to help myself.

"Stop shifting your legs." He repeats, his voice soft but stern but his head thrown back against the wall.

And then suddenly I feel what he means, right between my legs. Hard and throbbing. "Oh." I respond quietly. I understand now. My cheeks flush and I'm sure it's not from the alcohol.

I push myself up with my arms and start to move away from him.

"Sorry.." I whisper, a blush covering my cheeks. A feeling of embarrassment is overtaking me and I wish I could slink away and disappear.

Theo groans as I attempt to move away from him, and reaches with his hand to grab me and pull me back.

"Stay." He pleads.

I'm stunned by this turn of events. What is even happening?

I don't question his request and instead lean back against his chest.

Glancing down at Theo. His eyebrows are pulled down and his jaw clenched, but there's heat to his eyes. A heat I'd never seen in his eyes before, a heat that was directed at me.

"Theo.." I murmur, "I can just get off..you're...you're hard under me." I say nervously, unsure what to do right now, I've never exactly been in this position.

"I know," he whispers back, his tone almost menacing as he continues to stare at me, his gaze burning holes into my cheeks.

My heart beats up against my chest and I try to steady my breathing as I'm still on top of him, but I'm not sure how long I'm going to be able to remain calm for.

The air is suddenly thick between us, an unspoken tension that I can almost taste.

"If you weren't so drunk.." He begins his eyes trained on me, "I'd make you fix the problem you created." He growled.

I feel myself shudder from his admission as images start flashing through my brain.

He smirks at my reaction before moving his hand to press my head down and against his chest holding me down, "But you're lucky this time Princess." He states.

"This time?" I muss tiredly, "There's not going to be a next time."

His thumb rubs circles on the back of my head comfortingly, "We'll see baby."

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