SpongeBob SquarePants: Unders...

De Cole11223

461 0 22

Okay, now don't judge me for publishing two new stories on the same day. So, here's season two of the franchi... Mais

Episode 1: The Best Employee
Episode 2: Big Bad Bully
Episode 3: Karate Kidders
Episode 4: Oh Brother
Episode 5: Haunting Under the Sea
Episode 7: Comic Cons
Episode 8: Babysittin'
Episode 9: Seeing Stars
Episode 10: Wish You a Spongy Christmas
Episode 11: Pranks for Nothing
Episode 12: Happy Spongiversary
Episode 13: Birthday Flake
Episode 14: The Flight Stuff
Episode 15: One Last Stand (Season Finale)

Episode 6: SpongeBob & the Ice Cream Factory

24 0 0
De Cole11223

SpongeBob and Patrick were at Goofy Goober's excitedly jumping up and down. The employee then walked up to them, carrying two triple goober berry sunrises.

Here you two are.

Thank you.

SpongeBob and Patrick then take the sundaes and sit down. The two sit down at a table, and begin eating their triple goober berry sunrises.

Man don't you just love a triple goober berry sunrise, Patrick?

Yeah, might be one of the best sundaes ever.

And cheers to that.

The two then continue eating their ice cream, but would not expect what happened next. SpongeBob took a bite of his sundae, and suddenly felt a pain in his mouth.

Ow! How did that happen?

SpongeBob reaches inside his mouth and withdraws the item he bit. Taking out the item, SpongeBob gasped in excitement.

What is that?

You don't know what this is!? This is the golden cherry, Patrick!

Oh. What does that mean?

SpongeBob then reached inside his head and pulled a book out. The book was titles "history of ice cream" and he opened one page.

You see Patrick, if your sundaes has the golden cherry on it, you and a friend get a private guided tour of Wilbur Wonker's ice cream factory.

You mean the factory that makes the best ice cream in the seven seas?!

I mean it. Now come on, Patrick, we gotta get going!

SpongeBob and Patrick then take off and leave Goofy Goober's. Several hours later, SpongeBob and Patrick arrived at the large factory, a golden gate at the front of the factory. SpongeBob walked up, and looked around the gate.

How do we get in?

Maybe fry that.

Patrick pointed to the button beside the gate, which SpongeBob believed to be a doorbell. He pressed the button, and all of a sudden, a living ice cream cone ran up to the gate.

Ice Cream:

Hi. We found a golden cherry, and we were hoping to get the free guided tour.

SpongeBob then hands the golden cherry to the ice cream, who looks it over. The ice cream snapped his fingers a pulled and smiled.

Ice Cream:
It's legit all right. Now come right in, Mr. Wonker will be with you shortly.

The golden gate slip open and SpongeBob and Patrick walked into the yard. At the top of the staircase a door opened and out stepped a fish that only could have been Wilbur Wonker.  Wonker then walked down the staircase to SpongeBob and Patrick.

Mr. Wonker:
Welcome, I am Wilbur Wonker, and I assume you two are here for the tour.

Yes we are!

Oh yeah!

Mr. Wonker:
Well, my factory has many surprises for you, and their all edible. Even our ice cream factory workers are edible.

As he said that, a worker ran away from him screaming in fear.

Mr. Wonker:
Oh, I can't let you eat them, however, it's in their contract. But, on with the tour.

Mr. Wonker then walks into factory, SpongeBob and Patrick walking behind him. They pulled to a stop and Mr. Wonker tapped his cans against a large contract on the wall.

Mr. Wonker:
Now, before we continue I need you both to sign this contract.

SpongeBob and Patrick then take two pens and begin signing the contract. Once it was signed, a door opened up next to them. The group walked in, and find nothing but an empty room.

I don't see anything.

Yeah, where's the ice cream.

Mr. Wonker:
It's right this way.

Mr. Wonker tapped his came against the door, much to SpongeBob and Patrick's confusion.

Isn't that the door we came through.

Mr. Wonker:
Is it now?

The door opened and revealed another location filled with ice cream. The group walked in and SpongeBob and Patrick stared in amazement.

Mr. Wonker:
Yes, the entry to my factory. All ice cream is edible, help yourselves.

SpongeBob and Patrick then jumped around in the wonderland. SpongeBob jumped through the vanilla ice cream and ate a whole bit at once. Patrick rolled across the chocolate ice cream and slid down with his mouth open. SpongeBob held up the strawberry under the raining sprinkles and at it. Patrick then looked and his thought were off the ice cream.

Wait, what's that?

Mr. Wonker:
Ah yes, that would be the hot fudge river, one of our greatest attractions.

Patrick then runs up to the hot fudge river, dipping his jaw in to get the fudge. While leaning forward to eat more of it, Patrick accidentally falls face first into the river.


Mr. Wonker:
Don't worry, this happens all the time. We're trained for this.

Mr. Wonker then snaps his fingers and four ice cream workers come out. They put a big stick into the river which stops Patrick. They then lift him back out and set him next to SpongeBob.

Hey SpongeBob, did you know hot fudge was delicious?

Mr. Wonker:
Anyway, on with the tour.

A boat then comes through the hot fudge river, an ice cream factory worker driving it. Mr. Wonker then gets into the boat first, SpongeBob and Patrick fallowing after him. 

Mr. Wonker:
Alright, let's get going.

The boat then drives at extremely high speeds, much to SpongeBob and Patrick's terror. The boat stops, and the group gets off. Once SpongeBob and Patrick are no longer dizzy, they follow Mr. Wonker. The three then stop at the first room of the tour.

Mr. Wonker:
Right here is where we manufacture our ice cream, making it extra flavorful and delicious.

SpongeBob and Patrick look and see the machine pressing out different types of ice cream. Above the machine were tubes carrying chocolate bars, strawberries, vanilla beans, pecans, mint leaves cherries and many more items. Patrick stared in awe as the items were made into ice cream. There were also ice cream workers packaging the ice cream. They then look and see a small blueberry topping on a pedestal.

Ooh what's that?

Mr. Wonker:
It's our experimental new topping, we're planning to make it extra delicious.

May I try it?

Mr. Wonker:
Be my guest.

Mr. Wonker then pours the topping onto a vanilla sundae and hands it to SpongeBob. SpongeBob then takes a bite and tastes the delicious flavors.

Hey this isn't.....

SpongeBob is cut off as his skin turns blue and he suddenly swells up.

Mr. Wonker:
See, that's the problem we keep running into. Don't worry, we're prepared.

A robot arm comes down and begins ringing SpongeBob out. Once it is finished, he is back to his normal self.

Mr. Wonker:
Now, on with the tour.

They leaves the room and see many of the ice cream being made. They come to a stop when Patrick sees a room.

What's in here?

Mr. Wonker:
Oh, we can't go in there, that is highly confidential.

They then see a worker get caught in a machine and pulled along it.

Mr. Wonker:
Be right back, I need to help my employee!

Mr. Wonker then runs off towards the machine with the caught worker. Patrick then turns SpongeBob to the room with a mischievous grin.

Hey SpongeBob, let's take a peak.

Patrick, we promised not to go in there.

Come on, just a peak?

Okay, but just a peak.

SpongeBob and Patrick enter a room to find that it was full of milkshakes.

Hey this isn't so bad.

Hey, milkshake?

Patrick......oh maybe just a sip.

SpongeBob and Patrick then begin drinking milkshakes. As they finish, they begin to float in the air.

Patrick, the milkshakes make us float!

Wow, so cool!

The two begin playing and floating around in the air. As they play, SpongeBob and Patrick stop beside each other and laugh. SpongeBob then looks up and is suddenly worried.


Yeah SpongeBob?

We might have a problem.


SpongeBob points to the ceiling, causing Patrick to become worried.

Grab onto something!

There's nothing to grab onto!

The two then panic as they approach the massive fan above them. SpongeBob was ready to embrace the end when Patrick suddenly burped and began floating back down.

SpongeBob burp!

I'm try.....

SpongeBob then burped and began floating back down. The two then arrive at the bottom and pant nervously. They exit the room, suddenly relieved of themselves. Mr. Wonker then comes back, suddenly more relaxed.

Mr. Wonker:
There you two are, shall we continue our tour.

Yes let's do that!

SpongeBob and Patrick then laugh nervously as they follow Mr. Wonker. The two reached a large door, and saw many jellyfish sorting syrups.

What's this?

Mr. Wonker:
It's the room where we test our syrups. The jellyfish exam them, and if they're good then we ready them for delivery, otherwise they are sent down to the garbage.

Let me try.

Patrick ran towards jellyfish and try to grab the chocolate syrup. When reached for it, the jellyfish suddenly grabbed him. One jellyfish squirted jelly and felt it before feeling Patrick's body.

What are they doing?

Mr. Wonker:
They're testing him to see if he's a bad topping. For

How do they determine a bad topping?

Mr. Wonker:
They see if it has the consistency of jelly.

The jellyfish became enraged and drag Patrick along with them. They then arrive at the chute where they send the bad topping sand jam Patrick into it. Luckily Patrick was too big and did not fit.

Mr. Wonker:
Alright let me help.

Mr. Wonker then whistled, causing the jellyfish to get back into their stations. Patrick then comes and stands beside them.

Mr. Wonker:
Anyway, on with the tour.

They then take another pass and arrive at some large vehicles which go through a blizzard of whipped cream.

Is that whipped cream?

Mr. Wonker:
Why yes it is. Now, onto the vehicle.

They then get on the vehicle and it takes them through the whip topping. SpongeBob and Patrick begin playing with whipped cream. They arrive and step off the vehicle.

Mr. Wonker:
Now, our final stop on the tour. This is where all our ice cream is shipped off to every shop in the Pacific Ocean.

Wow, so cool.

Mr. Wonker:
Yes, but there is one thing right here.

They arrive at long laser-like device that is set with a tv-like device attached to it.

Mr. Wonker:
This will send ice cream right to your home, observe.

The workers then carry a large sundae onto the platform and fired up the machine. It then blasted a ray that caused the sundae to vanish.

Where did it go?

Mr. Wonker:
Why it's right here.

The sundae then appears on the screen and Mr. Wonker removes it. He then hands it to Patrick who eats it.

Wow, so cool!

SpongeBob then accidentally leans on a lever, which causes the machine to zap him and send him to the monitor.

Mr. Wonker:
It would appear we have a problem.

Don't worry, this happened before. All I need is some bubbles.

Patrick then took out some bubble soap and SpongeBob dove into the bottle. The bubbles then cause SpongeBob to grow back to normal size.

Mr. Wonker:
And that's the end of our tour so......

An ice cream worker then comes to Me. Wonker and whispers to him. Mr. Wonker then sternly turns to SpongeBob and Patrick.

Mr. Wonker:
SpongeBob, Patrick, step into my office please.

Mr. Wonker then walks towards his office and SpongeBob and Patrick nervously follow. They enter and Mr. Wonker hangs up his hat and coat before placing his cane against the wall and sitting down behind his desk. SpongeBob and Patrick then sit across from him.

Mr. Wonker:
I hear that you two entered a confidential room, and drank some experimental milkshakes. Is this true?

SpongeBob and Patrick shamefully looked to one another before down to the floor. They looked to Mr. Wonker, knowing it was time to face the music.

Yes, it's true.

Mr. Wonker:
That room was prohibited. What were you two thinking?

We weren't, we're sorry. If it makes you feel any better, I know a way to fix your blueberry topping.

Mr. Wonker:
You do?

Yes, we just need that and some jellyfish jelly.

Mr. Wonker:
I see.

Mr. Wonker then presses a button and opens an intercom.

Mr. Wonker:
Bring up the experimental syrup, a jar of jellyfish jelly and a sundae.

The items then come in through the roof and land on the desk. SpongeBob then take two spoons of jelly and empty them into the topping before stirring.

There, let's try it now.

SpongeBob then takes a bite of the topping on the ice cream and suddenly, there were no side effects. After him, Mr. Wonker and Patrick try it and realize it has worked.

Mr. Wonker:
This isn't half bad. SpongeBob, Patrick, you may violated factory policies, but you've helped me, so I'd like to give you these.

He then takes two slips of paper from his desk and hands them to SpongeBob and Patrick.

What are these?

Mr. Wonker:
Their Wonker passes. From now on you can go to any ice cream shop in your hometown and get free ice cream for life.

SpongeBob looks at his pass with a shameful expression.

Are you sure.

Mr. Wonker:
Please take them.

Thank you. Now, we better get going. Where's the exit.

Mr. Wonker:
It's right here.

Mr. Wonker then presses a button that causes a trapdoor to open under SpongeBob and Patrick. The two then travel through down a slide that throws them into the air and causing them to land at the entrance to the factory. SpongeBob and Patrick then look to there Wonker passes and laugh to each other.

To be continued

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