Lilies for a Lifetime

By howboutnoxoxo

19.1K 883 347

What do you know about Vincent Russell? Well...most people don't know anything, considering he is an absolute... More

Intro and Notes
Chapter 1 // Bitchin' Beginnings
Chapter 2 // Football? Football.
Chapter 3 // Popularity and Pressure
Chapter 5 // Girls, Girls, Girls
Chapter 6 // What a Shitshow
Chapter 7 // A Night to Remember
Chapter 8 // Sharing is Caring
Chapter 9 // The Double Breakup
Chaper 9.5 // Practice Makes Perfect, Right?
Chapter 10 // Cheerleader
Chapter 11 // Tears and Tension
Chapter 12 // Some Healthy Communication
Chapter 13 // Blossoming
Chapter 14 // The Christmas Crew
Chapter 15 // Welcome Back...Hottie
Chapter 16 // It Was Just a Joke
Chapter 17 // Burning Desire
Chapter 18 // Wedding Bells
Chapter 19 // Show and Tell
Chapter 20 // Breakup and Make Up
Chapter 21 // Someone is Getting Killed Today
Chapter 22 // Epiphany
Chapter 23 // He's Definitely Not Drowning...I Hope
Chapter 24 // Surprise, Surprise
Chapter 25 // Another Bitchin' Beginning

Chapter 4 // Bottoms Up

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By howboutnoxoxo

Freshman year / Age 15...

Vincent is walking down the hallway after the school bell rings, searching around in confusion for someone who typically isn't too hard to find. By this time, Hayden is usually doing something stupid...or doing something while being obnoxiously loud. Vincent has texted him multiple times but he has yet to respond.

Vincent walks around for a few more minutes hoping to find his best friend, and just when he is about to give up, he walks past a classroom to find Leo, Sawyer, and Hayden through the window.

Vincent laughs when he sees the detention sign on the door because there is no way that Hayden didn't cause the trio to get in trouble. He continues peeking through the doorway to find the after-school supervisor asleep in his chair.

Vincent shrugs before walking into the classroom. What he walks into, though, is an intense arm wrestling competition. He wordlessly sits down beside the three boys and watches in amusement as Sawyer slowly overtakes Hayden.

"No, no, no," Hayden whispers pathetically, a pleading tone evident in his voice. "Soybean, no. Don't do this to me."

Sawyer smirks as his win is in sight.

"What happened to friendship?" Hayden continues, almost appearing to have tears in his eyes.

When Sawyer slams Hayden's hand on the table, he does a silent little celebration while Leo smiles and proudly pats him on the back. Hayden crumbles on the table, burying his head in his arms.

"You owe me five dollars," Sawyer smirks.

Hayden just whines to himself like a spoiled kid which causes Vincent to laugh. He playfully nudges him in the side.

Vincent was supposed to be walking home with Hayden by now, but he is very entertained nonetheless.

Suddenly, Hayden energetically pops up in his seat, startling nearly every one of his friends.

"Vinny, you next," Hayden smiles.

Vincent rolls his eyes but puts his elbow on the table, prepared to beat Hayden's ass...and that is exactly what he does.

Vincent wins the strength competition in less than three seconds, leaving Hayden's ego bruised for a second time.

Hayden dramatically throws himself over Vincent's lap like he is sickened by the thought of losing.

"Oh, help me, kind sir," he tells Vincent, staring up at him. "I fear that I'm suffering from deep, deep sorrow. Poor little old me."

He puts his hand to his forehead dramatically as Vincent rolls his eyes—just like he usually does when he is in his friend's presence.

Honestly speaking, there is only one reason for Vincent's amount of strength; his parents finally coming around.

Vincent refused to quit football and that led to a lot of fights with his parents. He would feel absolutely awful when it made his twin siblings cry, but the days of that are long past since they actually support him now.

When they attended his first football game of the season, Vincent almost couldn't believe it. There they were, cheering in another language like nobody's business and hyping Vincent up more than he could've ever imagined from his strict parents. He really appreciated it and the smile on his face was unmatched as his brother and sister waddled up to him to tell him how good he played.

When he saw his family's belief in him, Vincent truly wanted to start playing for himself. He began to put energy into his workouts, paid attention when the coach was talking, and bulked up more than anyone thought possible. He is definitely the strongest of the three and is building a notable reputation that he doesn't even want.

The girls have started noticing him too, but he couldn't care less. Vincent's not the relationship type.

"So...why are you guys still here if the teacher is asleep?" Vincent says, amused.

"Why don't you ask Mr. Dramatic?" Leo snickers.

Vincent looks down at Hayden who winks back up at him.

"Sexy nickname, isn't it?" he says.

"Um, no?"

"Well, Vincent Russell," Hayden continues happily. "I'm learning to take responsibility for my actions. I'm a good boy who can do no wrong from now on."

"Let me guess: you tried to pull the fire alarm again?" Vincent muses.

Hayden gasps, "How did you know?"

"You act like you haven't done it before and roped Leo and Sawyer into it," Vincent explains.

He snaps sassily, "Vinny, get out of my business."

Vincent holds his hands up in surrender.

Hayden finally gets out of Vincent's lap, but still ends up invading his personal space when he props his elbow on Vincent's knee and leans across his body to address Leo and Sawyer. By this point, Vincent is used to Hayden's weird need to always be touching someone.

"Did you guys hear about Felix?" Hayden asks.

"What about him?" Sawyer counters back. They aren't close with their football teammate, but they all think he's pretty cool.

"He's having a party," Hayden says excitedly.

Leo groans dramatically.

"Don't give me that, Lee Bee," Hayden scowls. "You are going whether you like it or not."

Leo sighs, "I just don't understand why parties are so much fun. All you do is drink and make out with people."

"Well, duh," Hayden says matter-of-factly. "That's the best part."

"Guys, help me out," Leo pleads.

"I don't know. I'm with Hayden on this one," Sawyer explains. "It'll be our first party, and then, if you don't like it, we never have to go again. What's the worst that could happen?"

A lot of things if Hayden is in charge, Vincent thinks in his head.

"Vinny?" Hayden says hopefully.

Vincent shrugs, "I'm down."

"That's a surprise," Leo laughs. "I thought you hate people? Especially stupid ones at that."

"Well, I am unfortunately friends with a stupid person."

"Who?" Hayden says, confused.

Vincent deadpans, staring back at Hayden. He never gets the joke.

"You, dumbass," Vincent chuckles.

"Ohhhhhh," Hayden muses before saying, "Wait...I'm supposed to be offended, right?"

Vincent laughs before continuing, "I don't know. I think it would be fun to let loose for a bit. Leo, one drink of alcohol isn't going to make you any less of a football player nor is it going to make your mom hate you."

Leo shyly crosses his arms, still not wholly convinced.

"Then again," Vincent says. "I'm not going to pressure you. You—"

"I am," Hayden cuts in.

Vincent immediately elbows him in the side before continuing. "You don't have to go if you don't want to, Leo, but it might be fun if we go together."

Leo slowly nods, "Yeah, okay. I-I'll go."

Sawyer and Vincent immediately smile while Hayden gets ready to ramble about proper preparation.

"I expect each of you to take at least six shots before you show up," Hayden announces. "Wear something sexy, but also be prepared to strip—bonus points if you are going commando. Put some chapstick on those lips because we are getting the action tonigh—"

"Hayden, eat a snack," Vincent says shortly, cutting off the unfiltered boy. He reaches into his backpack and throws a bag of chips on the table to silence the energetic friend.

Leo and Sawyer laugh as Hayden pouts in his seat and starts silently eating his crisps. The other three boys continue to talk about whatever their hearts desire.

Hayden just contentedly scoots closer to Vincent as he listens to his friends talk. It's the little moments like these that make Hayden appreciate his people the most, especially after he made the mistake of taking for granted the best three people that ever happened to him.


There is a knock on Vincent's window just as he is finishing up some reading for his class. He immediately opens the window to reveal Hayden's smiling face.

"Ready to do this shit?" Hayden smirks.

For once, Vincent matches his energy.

"Hell yeah."

As quietly as possible, Vincent quickly grabs a jacket before climbing out of the window.

This has become a routine thing with Vincent lately—climbing out of the window. His parents, although now supportive of him playing football, are just too much sometimes for someone as laid back as him. It seems as though he is never enough for their standards and it is taking a toll on Vincent.

The two boys begin to walk toward the party that is only a few minutes away.

"Do you want to make a bet?" Hayden says excitedly.

"Not particularly."

Hayden ignores him and says, "I bet you $10 that I can kiss someone within the first ten minutes."

"I'm not betting on that," Vincent scoffs.

"Well, why not?" Hayden whines, tugging on Vincent's arm.

"Because I'm sure it'll happen."

Hayden's little pout becomes a broad smirk.

"Oh, so you think I have game, Vincent Russell?" Hayden suggestively lifts his eyebrows.

"Nope," Vincent snorts. "You are just so insufferable that a girl will kiss you just to make you go away."

"Jeez, Vinny," Hayden scowls. "When did you get so mean?"

"My bluntness is part of my charm," Vincent winks with a grin.

"Oh," Hayden says slyly, narrowing his eyes. Vincent never winks and he definitely never says flirty things about himself. "Looks like I'm rubbing off on you."

"No the fuck you're not," Vincent snickers. "If anything, I'm rubbing off on you. I'm quite the smooth talker."

"You've never even made eye contact with a girl before. I don't want to hear it," Hayden counters.

"Fine, new bet," Vincent offers. "First to get a kiss wins."

Hayden smiles, "You're Donkey Kong."

"Shut up," Vincent laughs.

After a few minutes, the two boys can hear the bass booming from the party house at the end of the street.

Hayden practically starts skipping to the destination as Vincent speed walks to keep up with him.

As they approach the house, the two boys see Leo and Sawyer already waiting for them.

Bless Leo's heart because he looks like a scared animal going into the lion's den.

"Who's ready to get fucked up?!" Hayden exclaims.

Leo nervously says, "By fucked up, do you mean—"

"Come on," Sawyer laughs, tugging Leo into the booming house.

Vincent and Hayden closely follow.

When the group walks through the people-infested area, they get their first dose of the party experience: a girl throws up right in front of Sawyer's shoes. They quickly scramble in the other direction.

The music is so loud that the sound reverberates throughout their bodies. The foul stench in the air can only be caused by the shit-ton of alcohol and sweat from grinding bodies. The mixing station in the kitchen is swarmed by tipsy teens and upperclassmen, but that doesn't stop Vincent from pushing through them to lead his friends to get drinks.

However, when Vincent turns around, he only finds Sawyer and Leo looking at him expectantly.

Vincent briefly looks around to find the missing person of the crew, but he doesn't need to wonder anymore when just a few feet away, he catches Hayden kissing a girl with long black hair.

Vincent makes direct eye contact with him as his lips are preoccupied. Hayden's hands hastily move about the girl's body, matching her enthusiasm, but that doesn't stop him from giving Vincent a smug wink. Vincent lets out a genuine laugh before flipping off his best friend, who has won their bet within a matter of seconds.

Vincent whips around and starts mixing up a drink. The taste isn't the greatest when it hits his tongue, but he lets the drink drive his new experience.

"See you later, losers," Vincent smiles before walking past Leo and Sawyer.

It's not that Vincent wouldn't love to hang out with his best friends; he is just really good at being independent and discovering things on his own. And with Hayden already gone to suck someone else's face off, Vincent plans to float around the party and get a feel for the environment. Vincent has never had the easiest time befriending people, but most things get thrown out of the window when some teens have alcohol in their systems.

Vincent weaves through the crowd before he makes his way to the makeshift dance floor. Vincent lets himself lose himself in the music as he takes a couple sips of his drink.

Vincent knows that he made a bet to Hayden about kissing someone tonight, but he knows that's an empty promise. He can see the girl out of the corner of his eye ogling him, but Vincent doesn't plan on having his first kiss at a party that he won't even remember.

For now, he is just enjoying what it feels like to be a normal—dare he say—American teen.


After about an hour, Vincent is feeling a little tipsy as he strolls through the house to find his friends. However, he doesn't need to try too hard when he hears screaming from a room near the back.

After forging through many football players, numerous cheerleaders, and any other kids at the party, Vincent finds the reason for all of the commotion: body shots.

Nevertheless, Vincent can't even focus on the typical party teens because his jaw goes slack as he stares at his dumbass best buddies.

Sawyer is winded around the kitchen table, desperately hugging it as if it will take him away from the party atmosphere. To make matters worse, not only are the body shots happening on the exact same table Sawyer is clinging to, but he is mumbling incoherently to himself.

He must be the confused drunk.

Vincent then looks at Leo—sweet, mama's boy, golden prodigy Leo. Yeah, he is currently wasted.

Vincent instantly walks over and snatches the beer bottle from his hands. He takes a quick whiff of it as Leo weakly protests. Vincent quickly reels back when he realizes that it literally smells like poison.

Since when did I become the mother of the group?

Leo was supposed to loosen up, not get hammered.

"Leo, sit the fuck down and drink some water," Vincent screams over the loud music and yelling teens.

"V-Vincent," he stutters. "This is...s-so fucking great!"

An elated laugh bubbles out of him as he takes his shirt off and practically throws himself on the table, inviting everyone to take a shot off his body.

Vincent knows for a fact that Leo is never going to want to attend another party after this.

Vincent scoffs but finally finds Hayden in the crowded room. Weirdly enough, though, he is the most sane of the trio, which is a strange occurrence.

However, Vincent soon notices why as Hayden is practically eye-fucking the girl he was kissing earlier from across the room.

Vincent silently watches as the girl connects Hayden's gaze with lustful eyes. She stalks over to him, being alluring as possible with the low lights and her subtle movements.

Hayden grins as the beautiful girl brings him another drink. Hayden accepts it gratefully as she clings to his arm. Hayden lost count of how many drinks he's had, but when he is wrapped up in the blinding spell of infatuation, that doesn't matter.

Vincent, however, is narrowing his eyes at Hayden's counterpart—not because she is all over him or whatever, but because her eyes aren't even close to being as hazy as Hayden's and she isn't the one with a drink in her hand.

Vincent's head swivels back to all of the action where he finds Sawyer now snoring and Leo practically giggling as some girl takes a shot out of his belly button.

"One more! One more!" Leo shouts.

What Leo doesn't expect is for a shy sophomore art enthusiast to step forward with undeterred confidence. The boy looks at the upcoming football star expectantly before waltzing up to him. Leo is a blushing mess, and just as he begins to object, the teen places a lime in Leo's mouth.

Vincent is just watching the whole scene with heavy amusement.

Vincent has known for a while that Leo isn't exactly the straightest of the bunch. He has often caught Leo glancing at guys and uncomfortably changing in the corner of the locker room.

Vincent briefly looks around to make sure nobody has any cameras out. When he doesn't see any phones and knows that everyone is so drunk that they are going to forget about the football prodigy, he feels happy for Leo to finally act on one of his hidden desires.

Vincent laughs when the mysterious sophomore takes the shot, licks the salt off Leo's chest, and slyly takes the lime out of Leo's mouth.

Down from head to toe, Leo is a flushed red color, and he surprisingly wastes no time before jumping off the table and grabbing the boy's hand as he tugs him down the hall.

Vincent, wanting to distract everyone else from his friend and his newly budding sexuality, throws himself on the table next despite how much he doesn't want to. Just when people begin to obsess over Vincent, who is a lot more sober than he thought, he realizes that Hayden is no longer around.

Hayden stumbles through people as he now follows what he suspects is the love of his life. When the girl looks back with a blinding smile, Hayden is sold as locks the bedroom door they find themselves in.

Hayden is so drunk that the only thought in his head is getting her lips on his. Although, he doesn't have many other thoughts besides that on a daily basis. He doesn't realize how coordinated the girl's steps are as they tumble onto the bed.

Hayden raises his eyebrows in surprise as she climbs over him and caresses his chest, which Hayden is certainly not complaining about. Growing impatient, Hayden tries to pull her shirt up, but she respectfully rejects his offer.

"Let's focus on you," she whispers seductively.

Hayden blissfully agrees as she attaches her mouth to his neck. Hayden melts back into the bed as the girl has her way with him.

However, the moment is thankfully cut short as Vincent comes barging into the room, his body buzzing with silent anger.

"Get the hell off him," Vincent seethes, stomping toward the two.

The girl instantly scrambles away, knowing not to mess with one of the most intimidating guys in the grade.

Vincent gets up close and personal with the girl who is now nervously pressed up against the wall. He takes a big sniff, and it's exactly what he fears.

"You know damn well that you have no business being in here with him when he is this trashed and you don't have a single trace of alcohol on your breath," he grits.

She gulps, glancing toward the door.

"Now get the fuck away before you regret it," Vincent snarls and the girl immediately listens, scrambling out into the hall.

Vincent sighs before walking over to his friend who is just barely conscious. He lightly taps his cheek.

"Hey, you there?"

"Vinny?" he rasps softly.

Hayden may have been enthusiastic about the girl's actions just five minutes ago, but his cloudy mind has caught up to him.

"You ready to go home?" Vincent asks softly.

Hayden nods smally. "Can you carry me?"

"Hayden, I'm not fucking carrying you," Vincent immediately says back, but when Hayden does not move to get up, it looks like he has no choice.

With a bit of a struggle, Vincent huffs before maneuvering Hayden over his shoulders. The drunken boy lies like a limp, wet noodle as Vincent exits the room.

Quickly trying to find his other two idiot friends, he walks back into the kitchen. Thankfully, Leo is back from his midnight excursion, now sporting a couple of subtle hickeys. Vincent walks up to him with a now-sleeping Hayden.

"Grab Sawyer and let's get out of here," Vincent says.

Leo sways a little on his feet but agrees, hauling Sawyer up as he is gently roused awake.

The crew strolls through the house until their nostrils are free from the scent of partying as they step onto the street.

"You guys aren't going to die on the way home, right?" Vincent asks, looking at Sawyer and Leo expectantly with Hayden still heavy on his shoulder.

"We should...survive," Leo says unconvincingly.

"Y-Yeah," Sawyer adds, heavily leaning on Leo. "Definitely."

"Okay, I'm going to take Hayden home with me," Vincent explains. "Call me if you need anything, yeah?"

The two give Vincent dopey smiles before walking in the opposite direction. Vincent watches them for as long as he can until they are a mere speck in the distance. Only then does he start heading toward his house, praying that his parents aren't up by this hour.

After a few minutes of huffing and puffing as he carries a grumbling Hayden on his back, Vincent has to deal with the hard part: getting Hayden in through the window. Since the idiot is no help whatsoever, Vincent ends up putting his hands on his ass out of desperation and shoving him through the small area. Hayden collapses on the floor while Vincent swiftly sneaks into his room.

"Vinny, I hate you so much," Hayden grumbles, rubbing his elbow.


"You're not sorry."

"You're right. I'm not," Vincent agrees cheekily.

Vincent, despite his harsh words, carefully makes a little cot for Hayden to sleep on just off to the side of his bed on the ground. He even gives Hayden his blanket for the night as he flips off the light switch. When Hayden refuses to move from his curled-up spot by the window, he grabs his arm and drags him to the carefully made sleepover spot.

Hayden hums pleasedly, hugging a pillow to his chest before snoozing.

Vincent laughs to himself before climbing into bed. He's sure that he is going to have to deal with the consequences of Hayden being in his house unannounced in the morning, but as of right now, he has no complaints.

He got to experience his first high school party, and although a lot of it was pretty shitty, he was happy to share the adventure with his three buddies.

He slips into a dreamless sleep.


Hayden's skull is pounding by the time he wakes up. He presses his palm into his forehead, trying to ease the pain but it does him no good. His throat burns although he should be used to all the sensations that come with partying so hard because that is his one true calling. He had the time of his life, even if he can remember nothing that happened.

Hayden scrunches his eyes up with confusion when he hears muffled whispering from above him. He knows it's not Vincent...unless Vincent entertains himself by talking to himself in the morning but Hayden doesn't think that's the case with his quiet friend.

Hayden finally opens his eyes to try and look for some water to drink, but when he sees two small children unexpectedly standing over him, he screams. The boy and the girl scream in response, instantly running to jump on Vincent's bed.

Vincent stirs awake from the obnoxious noise as well as his sister's head digging into his stomach while his brother clings to his neck. He is definitely feeling much better than Hayden is, but being woken up so abruptly is definitely not his forte.

He sits up in bed, his hair hilariously sticking up in all sorts of crazy ways. Valerie giggles next to him and points while Vance remains happily hugging his older brother.

"Good morning, you little rascals," Vincent chuckles brightly, tickling his siblings' sides.

Hayden sits up tiredly when he hears the kids shriek as a result of his usually grumpy friend. It's a nice sight to see Vincent comfortable in his own home when he is usually just the tiniest bit guarded and not himself in public places.

When the two kids hear Hayden laugh at them, they instantly remember the intruder from before. Valerie screams first with Vance shortly following after.

Vincent hastily tries to silence the two but it doesn't work as they sputter and point at someone who has never been in their house before.

Hayden clutches his head as the yelling worsens his headache.

"God, Vinny," Hayden grumbles. "How are you not hungover as fu—"

The bedroom door bursts open with Vincent's parents standing in the doorway. They look at the sudden intrusion; a.k.a. the mysterious boy on the ground.

"—Fudge," Hayden finishes, glancing at Vincent's parents as well as his toddler siblings.

"Why is he pantless?" Ana asks, her eyes dragging up and down his form with mild disapproval.

Vincent takes a peek down at Hayden and rolls his eyes when he sees that Hayden is only in his boxers when he had pants on the night before.

Looks like this is going to be a traumatizing experience for all of us.

"Vinny, what did she just say?" Hayden asks curiously but Vincent ignores him when he hears his Dad's next words.

"Be downstairs in two minutes. It looks like we have some serious talking to do."

Vincent sighs deeply as his parents stomp away from his room. I'm sure they could tell that Hayden was extremely hungover, so naturally, the blame is going to fall onto Vincent.

"Hungry?" Valerie offers cutely, looking up at her big brother. "Mommy made lots of breakfast."

Vance enthusiastically nods beside Valerie.

Although the twins are three and a half years old, Vance has yet to say anything. He's been fairly nonverbal, but that doesn't mean that he isn't good at communication. His parents don't understand that fact, but Vincent has always been pretty good at reading him.

Valerie calls all of the shots between the two, whether that be getting in trouble or deciding what game to play. Vance just happily follows his sister around.

Vance wordlessly points to Hayden on the ground.

Vincent looks at his friend with amusement, who is sniffing the questionable stain on his shirt.

Vincent says, "Hayden, put some dam—"

He glances at Vance and Valerie.

"—darn pants on."

"Can I have a sweatshirt too?" Hayden asks, now stumbling toward Vincent's closet.

"I guess," Vincent grumbles.

Vincent snorts when Hayden falls on his face as a result of trying to slip some shorts on.

"He is an idiot, isn't he?" Vincent muses in his second language.

The twins snicker and nod along, pointing their fingers.

"Vinny, why are they laughing at me like that?" Hayden narrows his eyes. "What did you say?"

"Oh, nothing, nothing," Vincent smiles innocently.

Hayden, although unconvinced, turns around to pick a sweatshirt out of Vincent's closet.

"What's your friend's name?" Valerie asks curiously.

"Stupid," Vincent responds.

Valerie bursts out laughing, "That's a funny name."

"Vinny!" Hayden huffs. "I know you are talking shit about me!"

Vance and Valerie gasp at the curse word.

Vincent climbs off the bed and holds his siblings' hands as they walk out of the door.

"Such a bad, bad man, isn't he?" Vincent smirks, tossing a wink over his shoulder at Hayden, who is now clumsily stumbling after them.

"Mhm!" Valerie chimes.

By the time everyone gets down to the table for breakfast, the room is enveloped in a rigid silence with the exception of Vance and Valerie. They are completely oblivious to the tension.

Vincent's parents are eyeing Hayden with disdain, but Hayden doesn't even see their glares as he squints his eyes at whatever is on his plate.

Hayden briefly leans over and whispers to Vincent, "Wait, you eat rice with breakfast?"

"Um, yeah," Vincent laughs.

"Uh...what's the other thing on the plate?" Hayden gulps.

"Try it," Vincent smiles. "You'll like it."

Hayden nods but notices a second problem.

"Vinny, where's my fork?" he whispers discreetly.

Ana scoffs.

Vincent shoots his mother a glance before demonstrating how Hayden should hold chopsticks. Hayden fails miserably so Vincent gently moves Hayden's hands into the right place.

"How late did you get home?" Kane finally asks.

"Oh, pretty early," Vincent lies, not making eye contact.

"No, I'm pretty sure it was sometime after midnight," Hayden speaks ignorantly.

Vincent rolls his eyes at his dumbass friend. Hayden, however, doesn't see his attitude as he finally figures out how to work the chopsticks. His eyes widen in delight when the ethnic food touches his tongue.

"Holy crap!" Hayden exclaims. "This is good as fuc—"

Vincent elbows him hard in the rib cage, instantly stopping Hayden's sentence. Hayden clutches his side as Vincent gives his parents an innocent smile. Vance and Valerie snicker at the boy who is in pain.

"Is Stupid okay?" Valerie asks with a cute smile.

"Wha—Stupid?" Hayden says in shock.

Valerie continues, "Stupid, do you like to—"

"Valerie, eat your food," Vincent's mom commands.

The little girl instantly listens.

Vincent nervously picks at his food, waiting for his parents to rip into him.

"Did you have any alcohol yesterday?" Kane questions. "How could you be so irresponsible to subject yourself to a place with underage drinking? Did your little friend pressure you?"

"What? Dad," Vincent says, flabbergasted. "No."

Hayden now senses the uncomfortable energy in the room so he silently eats his meal.

"You're grounded," he continues.

"Dad, I didn't even do anything!" Vincent exclaims, telling a little white lie.

"No, but you have repeatedly disrespected both me and your mother by ignoring our curfew rules time and time again," he explains. "You aren't going to be getting into Harvard at this rate."

Vincent doesn't even want to start the conversation about how he doesn't want to go there and how he doesn't want to be a doctor or lawyer or anything else his parents want him to be that displays their definition of success.

"You are setting a bad example for Vance and Valerie," Ana huffs. "You are to be in this house right after school for a month except for football practices. No friends, no events, nothing. Studying should be your priority, not whatever else you are off doing in the world. And don't even think about bringing this boy into this house again. He is a terrible influence and distraction to your future. I can't believe—"

Vincent sighs and props his head on his palm as he swirls his chopsticks around in his half-eaten bowl. His parents take turns telling him about his irresponsibility as if he's ever been anything less than perfect in school.

Hayden notices Vincent's frustration. Not knowing how to properly console his friend or anything that is happening considering he doesn't speak their language, Hayden feels guilty for being so unfiltered in front of his friend's strict parents.

Hayden subtly hooks his foot around Vincent's ankle under the table. Vincent's lips slightly tug up at the gesture, but Hayden's little comfort isn't going to help his parents get off his back.

Vincent has no choice but to listen to their words as if they don't fall on deaf ears.

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