Yugioh the next legend

By Ethanvr8

714 6 1

Y/N a incredibly talented duelist who has one goal in life and that's to become the number one duelist in the... More

Y/N the next legend
A You show duel
Ready for the Rush?
For the sake of Rush duels

A duel between two future rivals

128 1 0
By Ethanvr8

Y/N is seen walking to school once he arrives he is greeted by his friend Yuya

Y/N: Hey Yuya

Yuya: Hey Y/N I didn't expect you to be early.

Y/N: You know what they say the early bird gets the worm.

Y/N and Yuga head to the classroom and see Yuga

Y/N: Hey Yuga

Yuga: Hey Y/N didn't expect you to be here so early.

Y/N: I could say the same to you.

Yuya: So what should we do to pass the time?

Y/N: I know let's duel

Yuga: Great idea

Yuya: But where are we gonna duel?

Y/N: By the duel field of course.

Y/N runs out of the classroom with Yuga and Yuya following him

Y/N: Come on guys keep up

Not paying attention Y/N bumps into someone causing him fall

Y/N: Sorry I wasn't looking where I was going.

???: It's ok just be more careful next time.

Y/N: Wait I know that voice Yusaku.

Yusaku: Oh it's you Y/N funny running into you here.

Y/N: I go to school here

Yusaku: Same

Y/N: So did you come here to duel the best duelist too?

Yusaku: No I just came here for peace and quiet.

Y/N: Huh really?

Yusaku: Yes

Yuya: Hey Y/N you ok?

Y/N: Yeah I'm fine

Yuga: Hey who's this guy?

Y/N: This is Yusaku I met him yesterday on my way to school.

Yuya: Nice to meet you Yusaku do you duel?

Yusaku: No

Yuga: Huh why not?

Yusaku: It's personal

Yusaku looks at the ground and doesn't say anything

Y/N: It's ok you don't have to tell us.

Yusaku: Sorry it's just something I don't like talking about.

Y/N: It's ok I'm sure you have your reasons.

Yusaku: Thank you so where are you three heading?

Y/N: To the duel field to duel.

Yusaku: Well you might want to be careful Y/N.

Y/N: Why?

Yusaku: Since you beat Shirosaki everyone thinks your the best duelist here so their gonna want to duel you.

Y/N: How's that a bad thing?

Yusaku: Everyone wants to be the best and your the best right now so they'll challenge you anytime anywhere.

Y/N: Oh I see

Yusaku: But some duelist won't want to duel you since you beat Shirosaki so you can be lucky there.

Y/N: Well I came here to become the best and even though I defeated Shirosaki I don't think I'm the best yet.

Yuga/Yuya/Yusaku: Huh?

Y/N: Shirosaki said there were three duelist he did not duel because he wasn't in their league and that's why he wanted to leave the school so he can get better to surpass those three.

Yuga: Who are the three duelist?

Y/N: I don't know but that's why I feel if Shirosaki felt like he couldn't beat those three then I know I still got a long way to go before I'm the best.

Yusaku: An inspiring speech

Y/N: Thanks didn't know I was giving a speech.

Yusaku: Well I gotta go see you around Y/N.

Y/N: See you Yusaku

Yusaku leaves while Y/N waves

Yuga: I can't believe that guy doesn't duel.

Y/N: Relax Yuga he has his reasons come on let's head to the duel field.

Y/N, Yuga and Yuya head to the duel field but on the way they could hear people talking about Y/N win against some say Y/N cheated some say he got lucky and some say Shirosaki gave him the win but Y/N didn't care he was just focused on getting to the duel field

Tuning magician: Y/N you know these people are saying mean things behind your back.

Y/N: I know

Tuning magician: Then why don't you say anything?

Y/N: Why should I they can say what they think but when they duel me they'll be wrong about what they thought about me.

Tuning magician: You'll beat them?

Y/N: Of course I beat Shirosaki so I'm sure I can beat these other duelists.

Y/N then sees the duel field and run towards it Yuga and Yuya see Y/N run and follow him

Y/N: Alright the duel field so who am I dueling?

Yuga/Yuya: Me!

Yuga and Yuya look at each other since they both said the same thing

Yuga: Sorry Yuya but I should duel Y/N cause this time I'm gonna beat him.

Yuya: No way yesterday Y/N and I never got a chance to duel so I should duel him.

Yuga: Last time you two dueled you lost.

Yuya: I at least beat Y/N in a duel you've never beaten him once.

Yuga: I'll beat Y/N just watch

Yuga and Yuya continue to argue about who's gonna duel Y/N until he stops them

Y/N: Look I wanna duel both of you how about we do a 2v1 duel.

Yuga: But if we win then the victory won't be as sweet cause I didn't beat you on my own.

Y/N: Ok then how about you and Yuya duel the winner gets to duel me.

Yuga: Ok

Yuya: Sure

Yuga: Once I beat Yuya I will beat you Y/N then I'll be the top duelist in the school.

Yuya: No I'm gonna be the top duelist at the school.

Y/N: That's if one of you beat me.

Yuga and Yuya ready their duel disk but someone arrived interrupting the duel

???: Excuse me you two

Yuga: Us?

???: Yes you two which one of you two is Y/N L/N?

Yuya: Neither of us are Y/N is right there.*points at Y/N*

Y/N: Hey

Gavin: Hello I am Gavin I am part of the student council.


Y/N: Student council? I didn't know the school had a student council.

Gavin: Well now you do anyway I wanted to congratulate you on your victory against Shirosaki.

Y/N: Oh thanks

Gavin: I must admit I never expected Shirosaki to lose but you proved his not unbeatable.

Y/N: So does that mean I'm the best duelist here?

Gavin: Well beating Shirosaki did make you one of the best duelists but your not the best duelist.

Y/N: So there are other duelists better than Shirosaki.

Gavin: Yes not everyone knows because they were all focused on Shirosaki being unbeaten but there are some duelist at this school he never dueled.

Y/N: So it's not just three duelists he never dueled?

Gavin: No it's far more than that in fact I've never even dueled Shirosaki.

Y/N: What seriously?!

Gavin: Yes

Y/N: But why though?

Gavin: Because he never asked

Yuga:*sweatdrop* Really?

Y/N: Do you know the other duelists Shirosaki never dueled?

Gavin: No but even though you beat Shirosaki you might not be able to beat these other duelists.

Y/N: Well you don't know me when I find out who these duelist are I'll duel them and beat them.

Gavin: You sure are confident well if you think you can beat these duelists I wish you the best of luck.

Gavin leaves while Y/N thinks to himself

Y/N:*So there are more duelists that Shirosaki never dueled I wonder why he never dueled them. Oh well I'm sure I'll figure that out later.* Ok come on guys let's duel!

The bell then rings signaling it's time for class

Y/N: Oh man class guess we'll duel later.

Y/N Yuga and Yuya head to class and luckily make it in time

Teacher: Hello everyone I'm your teacher so if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask.

The teacher begins the lesson everyone listen except for Y/N as his wondering who the duelists are but he then notices Zuzu in the classroom

Y/N:*I didn't know Zuzu was in the same class as me.*

After the lesson it was free time so Y/N decided to go to the duel field again

Y/N: Duel field here I come.

Y/N arrives at the duel field and sees it's empty

Y/N: What it's empty then who am I gonna duel?

???: Me

Y/N looked at the duelist and saw him ready his duel disk

Y/N: Ok your on ummmmmm sorry I don't know your name.

Raine: My name is Raine

Y/N: Ok Raine I'm Y/N

Raine: I know your the guy that beat Shirosaki.

Y/N: Yep that's me

Raine: I never got a chance to duel Shirosaki so if I beat you then I can easily beat Shirosaki.

Y/N: Wait your one of the duelist that never dueled Shirosaki.

Raine: I guess you can say that.

Y/N: Alright I was hoping to duel one of you guys.

Raine: Well your getting what you wanted now prepare to lose.

Y/N: I don't think so*activates duel disk*

Y/N/Raine: Let's Duel!

Raine: I'll go first I summon Canis Lycan wolf pup!

Canis Lycan wolf pup level 2 Dark attribute Beast/Tuner/Effect ATK:500 DEF:100

Y/N: Level 2 and only 500 attack points?

Raine: Just you wait I play double summon allowing me to summon another monster this turn and I summon Canis Lycan Dashing wolf!

Canis Lycan Dashing wolf level 3 Dark attribute Beast/Effect ATK:1400 DEf:500

Y/B: You summoned these two monsters and in attack mode how come?

Raine: Cause I'm gonna Synchro summon!

Y/N: Synchro summon?

Raine: That's right I tune my level 2 wolf pup with my level 3 Dashing wolf I Synchro summon Canis Lycan Alpha wolf!

Canis Lycan Alpha wolf level 5 Dark attribute Beast/Synchro/Effect ATK:2700 DEF:1100

Y/N: A Synchro summon on your first turn awesome.

Raine: You won't be so excited soon I place two cards face and end my turn.

Y/N: Great now it's my turn I draw

Y/N looks at his hand then at Raine monster

Y/N:*Raine has one powerful synchro monster however my monsters are stronger.* I summon Circuit Breaker Chain Dragon

Circuit Breaker Chain Dragon level 4 Dark attribute Cyberse/Effect ATK:1800 DEF:1700

Y/N: I now use it's effect-

Raine: I don't think so

Y/N: Huh?

Raine: I activate my trap Canis Lycan Bear trap I can activate this card when you summon a monster while I control a Canis Lycan monster your monster cannot attack or activate it's effect.

Y/N: What?!

Raine: So your Chain Dragon is useless.

Y/N: I set a card and end my turn.

Raine: My turn I draw I summon Canis Lycan Frost wolf.

Canis Lycan frost wolf level 4 Wind attribute Beast/Effect ATK:1500 DEF:500

Raine: Now Canis Lycan Alpha wolf attack Circuit Breaker Chain dragon!

Y/N: I don't think so I activate my trap auto shutdown I can activate this trap when your monster declares an attack.

Raine: So what does it do?

Y/N: If I tell you you won't like it.

Raine: Huh?

Y/N: But if you insist it destroys your attacking monster.

Raine: What?

Canis Lycan Alpha wolf explodes

Raine: My monster how dare you.

Y/N: Well I gotta do what I gotta do.

Raine: Fine I end my turn

Y/N: Great my turn I summon Circuit Breaker Star Dragon.

Circuit Breaker Star Dragon level 4 Dark attribute scale 2 Cyberse/Pendulum/Effect ATK:1000 DEF:1600

Y/N: I now activate Circuit Breaker Star Dragon effect I send one monster from my hand to the graveyard and Star dragon gains attack points equal to that monster level by 200 and I discarded Circuit Breaker Core Dragon and it's level 8.

Raine: Level 8 so it's attack points increase by 1600.

Circuit Breaker Star Dragon ATK 1000--->2600

Y/N: Now I use Circuit Breaker Chain Dragon effect since I never got to use it last turn I'll use it now I can take control of one of your monsters.

Raine: What?!

Y/N: Yep so your Canis Lycan Frost wolf comes to my side of the field.

Canis Lycan Frost wolf appears on Y/N side of the field

Y/N: Now that you got no monsters to protect you your wide open for a attack Circuit Breaker Star Dragon attack!

Raine: I activate my trap never cry wolf I can activate this trap when you attack.

Y/N: But what does it do?

Raine: It allows me to draw a card and if it's s monster I can special summon it and end the battle phase but if it's a spell I send my entire hand to the graveyard then I can destroy monsters on your side of the field equal to the number of cards I sent to the graveyard and if it's a trap all your monsters attack points are halved.

Y/N:*So either one will help him but the spell and trap he will still take damage bringing me closer to winning but it all decides on this card.*

Raine draws a card and smiles

Raine: Well what do you know it's a monster.

Y/N: No way

Raine: Now I can summon it come forth Canis Lycan pack leader!

Canis Lycan pack leader level 5 Dark attribute Beast/Effect ATK:1700 DEF:600

Y/N: Awww man oh well I set two cards and end my turn and since I did Circuit Breaker Star Dragon attack points return to normal.

Circuit Breaker Star Dragon ATK:2600--->1000

Raine: My turn I activate Canis Lycan pack leader effect I get to draw a card equal to the number of monsters you control and that's three.

Y/N: Now you got five cards in your hand.

Raine: That's right I summon Canis Lycan worker wolf.

Canis Lycan worker wolf level 2 Dark attribute Beast/Effect ATK:600 DEF:500

Raine: I now use Canis Lycan worker wolf effect I can add one spell or trap card that list a Canis Lycan monster.

Y/N: This can't be good

Raine: For you no now I activate Canis Lycan worker wolf other effect since I added a card to my hand besides by drawing I can special summon one monster from my graveyard and I choose Canis Lycan wolf pup.

Y/N: Not him again

Raine: Now I tune my level 2 Canis Lycan wolf pup with my level 2 Canis Lycan worker wolf and my level 5 Canis Lycan pack leader I synchro summon Canis Lycan Wolf Queen Shirokari!

Canis Lycan Wolf Queen Shirokari level 9 Light attribute Beast/Synchro/Effect ATK:2900 DEF:1600

Y/N: A level 9 synchro monster

Raine: Yep and Wolf Queen Shirokari gains 300 attack points for every monster I used to summon it.

Y/N: That was 3 so that's 900 attack points.

Canis Lycan Wolf Queen Shirokari ATK 2900--->3800

Y/N: 3800 attack points!

Raine: Yes and here's a little surprise for you Canis Lycan Wolf Queen Shirokari can attack all your monsters.

Y/N: She can do what?!

Raine: Wolf Queen Shirokari attack Frost wolf powerful wolf howl!

Y/N LP 4000--->1700

Raine: Now attack Chain Dragon and end this!

Y/N: I don't think so I activate my trap Expose pad your monster loses 300 attack points for every monster I control.

Canis Lycan Wolf Queen Shirokari ATK 3800--->3200

Raine: It still won't save your life points.

Y/N LP 1700--->1000

Raine: What you should've lost more life points.

Y/N: Oh yeah I forget to mention any battle damage I take from your monsters that attack points changed cause of Expose pad that damage is halved.

Raine: Well it doesn't matter cause I can still attack your Star Dragon and win this duel Wolf Queen Shirokari finish this!

Y/N: I activate my quick play spell double x this card let's me double my monster attack points.

Circuit Breaker Star Dragon ATK 1000--->2000

Raine: You'll still lose

Y/N LP 1000--->400

Raine: What how?!

Y/N: Cause of double x any damage I would have taken is halved.

Raine: How lucky can you get? But it doesn't matter you can't beat me I set two cards and end my turn.

Y/N: My turn it's time I end this.

Raine: How you can't win

Y/N: Watch me I set a card then I activate Circuit Breaker Loop Dragon effect I can destroy one spell or trap card on my side of the field to special summon it.

Circuit Breaker Loop Dragon level 3 Dark attribute scale 5 Cyberse/Pendulum/Effect ATK:1200 DEF:600

Raine: Why would you destroy your own card?

Y/N: Simple because when Circuit Breaker Loop Dragon is special summoned and I have no spell or trap cards on my field I can destroy all spell and trap cards on your side of the field.

Raine: What?!

Circuit Breaker Loop Dragon creates a storm and destroys Raine trap down cards

Y/N: And now I activate Cyber payload effect when it's destroyed and send to the graveyard I get to draw two cards.

Raine: Draw as many cards as you like they won't help you.

Y/N: I beg to differ

Raine: Huh?

Y/N: I play Breaker Return I return three monsters from my graveyard and/or Extra to draw three cards so I return Circuit Breaker Core Dragon, Circuit Breaker Chain Dragon and Circuit Breaker Star Dragon.

Y/N returns the three monsters to his deck then shuffles it and draws three cards

Y/N: Yes

Raine: Why are you so happy?

Y/N:*smiles* You'll see I summon Bit Bite Biter!

Bit Bite Biter level 1 Dark attribute Cyberse/Effect ATK:100 DEF:100

Raine:*unimpressed* 100 attack points really?

Y/N: I never said I was done cause since I control two monsters I can special summon Battery Bunny!

Battery Bunny level 2 Light attribute Cyberse/Effect ATK:700 DEF:500

Raine: Three monsters what are you planning?

Y/N: Do you wanna know how I beat Shirosaki I'll show you I set my monsters in the Link arrows Link the Circuit I Link summon!

Raine: Link summon?

Y/N: The summoning conditions are three cyberse monsters I Link summon my good friend Circuit Breaker Judgement Dragon!

Circuit Breaker Judgement Dragon appears on the field and roars

Raine: It only has 2500 attack points it can't beat my Wolf Queen Shirokari.

Y/N: Hold on I haven't activated it's effect yet.

Raine: Effect what effect?

Y/N: It's effect when Circuit Breaker Judgement Dragon is successfully summoned every monster it points to attack becomes zero

Raine: What zero?!

Y/N: Yep and my Circuit Breaker Judgement Dragon is pointing to your Wolf Queen.

Canis Lycan Wolf Queen Shirokari ATK 3200--->0

Raine: Impossible

Y/N: Nothing impossible now Circuit Breaker Judgement Dragon attack and end this Cyberse destruction!

Raine: What are you talking about I have enough life points to survive this attack.

Y/N: True but I activate my quick play spell bass boost it increases the attack points of all my monsters on the field by 1000.

Circuit Breaker Judgement Dragon ATK 2500--->3500

Raine: Still isn't enough to beat me.

Y/N: I now activate Pow Capper effect from my hand by sending it from my hand to the graveyard I can increase the attack points of one of my monsters I control by 1000!

Raine: 1000?!

Circuit Breaker Judgement Dragon ATK 3500--->4500

Raine: It can't be

Y/N: But it is Circuit Breaker Judgement Dragon finish this duel!

Circuit Breaker Judgement Dragon fires a powerful blast at Wolf Queen Shirokari destroying it and bringing Raine life points to zero

Raine LP 4000--->0

Y/N: I win

Raine drops to his knees shocked he lost from one attack

Raine: Impossible I lost just like that.

Y/N: Hey it was a good duel.*extends his hand*

Raine: Tch *smacks Y/N hand* I don't need your pity you may have proven that your win against Shirosaki wasn't a fluke but next time I'll win.

Y/N: When we do duel again I'll be ready.

Raine walks away but then stops

Raine: Your good I'll give you that this makes us rivals so you better not disappoint next time we duel.

Y/N: I won't that's a promise.

Raine leaves while Y/N smiles now that his got a rival and beat one of the people that Shirosaki hasn't dueled yet

Y/N:*Ok so Raine was one of the people Shirosaki hadn't dueled yet I don't know how many there are but one things for certain I'm gonna beat these other duelists and prove I'm the best.*

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