For the sake of Rush duels

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In the secret backdoor within the dueling system in dueled a hologram man to install rush duels he won and a door appears and opens Y/N looks at the door and wonders one thing

Y/N: Where does this door go?

Yuga: Maybe it leads to someone becoming a legend.

Gavin: Hey why does my duel disk look like Y/N did you two install a bug or something?

Y/N: No that's just how the duel disks are supposed to look for Rush duels.

Luke: So Y/N are you going to claim your place as a legend?

Y/N closes his eyes as he starts to think

Y/N: No

Yuga/Luke/Gavin: No?!

Y/N: Well becoming a legend sounds great but I still have a lot to accomplish before I truly become one.

Yuga: I didn't think you would say no.

Y/N: Hey Yuga why don't you go ahead.

Yuga: No thanks if I become a legend now I technically be retiring from dueling.

Y/N: I didn't think of it that way.

Yuga: I think there's one person who deserves to become a legend.

Y/N:*smile* I agree go ahead Luke

Luke: Me?

Y/N: Yeah you found out about this place before us and you've beaten that hologram duelist aswell.

Yuga: Your more than worthy enough to become a legend.

Luke: Thank you you two but I already was the best.

Yuga:*sweatdrop* We never said you were the best.

Luke: But you two did technically say it.

Yuga:*sweatdrop*No we didn't

Luke: Well I will now claim my rightful place.

Gavin/Romin: You didn't do anything

Luke goes to the door and tries to enter it but can't as he seems to have bumped into a wall

Luke: Hey what gives

Y/N: Looks like a hologram

Yuga: So there is no real way to become a legend here.

Y/N: So I did all that for nothing?

Yuga: Not true you got rid of our penalties.

Y/N: True but what are we supposed to do about this road thing?

???: Figure it out

Y/N and Yuga turn to see the hologram man

Y/N: Oh hey I didn't think you were still here do you know what we are supposed to do here?

Hologram man: Figure it out yourself

The hologram man disappears along with the door and the tablet

Luke: I hate holograms

Y/N: Well his gone

Yuga: So how are we going to figure out this road thing?

Y/N: Maybe by rush dueling

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2023 ⏰

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