中国戏剧 (线下)

By Miyagami25

426 2 0

Xianxia is a popular Chinese drama genre that combines elements of fantasy, martial arts and mythology. The s... More

Chinese Dramas (Xianxia) Playlist
1. Song of The Moon (月歌行)
Characters Introductions (人物介绍)
第01集: 三日之约十年为期
第02集: 陆离帮助柳梢练剑
第03集: 柳梢通过擂台比试
第04集: 陆离柳梢互生情愫
第05集: 草木老祖万岁现身
第06集: 陆离惨遭情咒折磨
第07集: 白凤爱而不得生恨
第08集: 陆离柳梢被害入狱
第09集: 杜明冲被逐出师门
第10集: 柳梢遭抱月剑反噬
第11集: 陆离为爱以命相抵
第12集: 柳梢陆离重归于好
第13集: 陆离惨死灰飞烟灭
第14集: 洛歌出关飞升上仙
第15集: 柳梢重逢万岁老祖
第16集: 洛歌伤害柳梢至深
第17集: 阿浮君为兄长复仇
第18集: 洛歌动情且不自知
第19集: 诃那立誓光复水族
第20集: 柳梢伤心离开仙居
第21集: 仙翁遇刺指认柳梢
第22集: 洛歌受噬魂咒束缚
第23集: 白凤冒充柳梢害人
第24集: 洛歌再次下凡历劫
第25集: 转世洛歌不愿成仙
第26集: 洛歌恢复记忆归位
第27集: 洛宁发现阿浮阴谋
第28集: 偏执阿浮大发神威
第29集: 柳梢身中迷窟奇毒
第30集: 谢令奇与师妹永别
第31集: 众仙皆被戾气控制
第32集: 洛宁发现诅咒秘密
第33集: 洛宁嫁给白衣妖君
第34集: 阿浮黑化强取豪夺
第35集: 洛宁被阿浮君误杀
第36集: 阿浮篡夺妖君之位
第37集: 黑月光重出四季碑
第38集: 柳梢背负苍生使命
第39集: 柳梢戾气玉石俱焚
第40集 (结局): 百年过后洛歌归来
2. Back From The Brink (护心)
Characters Introductions (人物介绍)
第01集: 雁回与天曜初次相遇
第02集: 阿福想利用雁回打开结界
第03集: 天曜利用雁回破阵取回龙骨
第04集: 雁回良心发现救援天曜
第05集: 王鹏远欲用财富征服雁回
第06集: 雁回向天曜表白却被婉拒
第07集: 天曜和雁回误入斗兽场
第08集: 雁回打开识海焚毁斗兽场
第09集: 弦歌用地下城来护佑妖兽
第10集: 素影使出禁术逼迫天曜现身
第11集: 雁回破阵天曜带众人离开
第12集: 雁回体内黑雾让其变得狂躁
第14集: 天曜和雁回为取剑来到龙谷
第13集: 为救雁回天曜奔赴雪山之巅
第15集: 雁回想帮天曜解开心结
第16集: 天曜拒绝雁回表白另有原由
第17集: 天曜击杀素影报仇血恨
第18集: 雁回不想与天曜再有瓜葛
第19集: 天曜暗中护送雁回前往青丘
第20集: 天曜欲助雁回通过考验
第21集: 天曜帮助雁回拿到幽冥赋
第22集: 言不惑执意让天曜雁回成亲
第23集: 雁回对天曜态度有所改变
第24集: 雁回被当作刺杀国主的人
第25集: 天曜想出两全其美计策
第26集: 雁回修炼幽冥赋初试受阻
第28集: 长岚自杀尘意重新执政
第29集: 雁回陪同天曜去找身体
第30集: 素影起死回生欲报复天曜
第31集: 雁回因换命咒被天曜所救
第32集: 雁回练成幽冥赋欲救天曜
第33集: 天曜借龙蛋重生却一无所知
第34集: 雁回带天曜重返铜锣村
第35集: 凌霄替雁回教授天曜功法
第36集: 凌霄替雁回教授天曜功法
第37集: 伏阴煽动素影对抗天曜雁回
第38集: 天曜和雁回合力除掉伏阴
第39集: 天曜帮助雁回克服心魔
第40集 (结局): 雁回除掉伏阴与天曜再相聚
3. Beauty of Resilience (花戎)
Characters Introductions (人物介绍)
第01集: 魏枝参加鉴仙选拔
第02集: 三界寻找凤凰血脉
第03集: 魏凌月对炎越生情
第04集: 魏枝遭受魔族操控
第05集: 炎越魔尊正面交锋
第06集: 院长重遇昔日故人
第07集: 魏枝惨遭殉葬获救
第08集: 炎越传授魏枝法术
第09集: 魏凌月拔考核头筹
第10集: 魏枝凤凰身份曝光
第11集: 魏枝炎越藏身妖境
第12集: 蓝苏传授魏枝追夫
第13集: 炎越魏枝感情升温
第14集: 魏凌月害炎越毒发
第15集: 魏枝将牵机落引渡
第16集: 炎越被迫斩杀魏枝
第17集: 花戎枯萎凤凰陨落
第18集: 魏枝窥探前尘往事
第19集: 陈炎乃是敌国细作
第20集: 忘月女子身份曝光
第21集: 曹将军被陈炎陷害
第22集: 陈炎勇敢追爱忘月
第23集: 陈炎忘月举办大婚
第24集: 忘月目睹陈炎杀父
第25集: 炎越再次手刃魏枝
第26集: 魏枝接任魔族圣女
第27集: 魏凌月引魏枝恶念
第28集: 炎越取花戎救魏枝
第29集: 慕南为救炎越牺牲
第30集: 炎越入魔忘记魏枝
第31集: 魏枝易容寻找炎越
第32集: 魔后阿崖怀疑魏枝
第33集: 魏枝彻底恢复容貌
第34集: 炎越惨遭天帝夺舍
第35集: 天帝杀人陷害魏枝
第36集 (结局): 天魔交战凤凰重生
4. The Journey of Chong Zi (重紫)
Characters Introductions (人物介绍)
第01集: 南华剑仙门广招弟子
第02集: 重紫拜认洛音凡为师
月歌行 原声带 (播放列表)
护心 原声带 (播放列表)
花戎 原声带 (播放列表)

第27集: 雁回知晓天曜拿命来换自己

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By Miyagami25

Yan Hui Knows That Tian Yao Sacrificed His Life For Himself
Yan Hui was immersed in practicing the You Ming Fu, but her sea of consciousness had already been tampered with by Fu Yin. Sensing Yan Hui's actions, Fu Yin immediately took action to restrain her, wanting Yan Hui to submit to him in order to obtain eternal life. Controlled by Fu Yin, Yan Hui brandished her weapon and aimed it at Tian Yao, but just as she was about to strike, she used her remaining sanity to stop herself. Tian Yao watched Yan Hui struggle in pain and couldn't bear to abandon her. Fu Yin intensified his control over Yan Hui, determined to make her retrieve Tian Yao's protective scale. However, Yan Hui firmly refused, yet she couldn't control herself. She swung her sword towards Tian Yao. Tian Yao's Chi Yan Long Ya had a restraining effect on the dark energy. Yan Hui had always asked Tian Yao to sever the black flower on her head, but if the flower was cut, Yan Hui's life would be in danger. Tian Yao couldn't bear to watch Yan Hui die, so he used the Nine Stars to protect her while he himself weakened. Tian Yao told Yan Hui that it was fortunate to have met her in this life and hoped that she could live the life she desired. Yan Hui cried uncontrollably, only now realizing the meaning behind Ying Huo's words on that day, about someone loving her enough to protect her with their life. She didn't want Tian Yao to die, but she felt helpless as a surge of dark energy attacked her, causing her and Tian Yao to faint together.

When Yan Hui woke up, several days had passed. Remembering everything she had experienced and touching the black flower on her head, Yan Hui knew that Tian Yao had already cut it off. She couldn't help but feel heartbroken, fearing that she would never see Tian Yao again. Unexpectedly, Tian Yao appeared before her. Yan Hui thought it was a dream and hugged Tian Yao tightly. She confessed that she had liked him for a long time and even though she was scared by the incident with the protective scale, she couldn't control her feelings for him. Tian Yao was overjoyed that Yan Hui still liked him and hugged her tightly, assuring her that it wasn't a dream. However, Yan Hui didn't believe him and didn't want to wake up from the dream. Bai Xiao Sheng appeared and reminded Yan Hui that everything was real. Yan Hui bit herself hard to confirm the pain and then became ecstatic. Bai Xiao Sheng looked at the overly affectionate couple and couldn't help but feel a bit overwhelmed. He took the opportunity to remind them that if he hadn't returned in time, they would have been separated for life if the protective scale hadn't been restored. Originally, Tian Yao wanted to give the protective scale to Yan Hui after his death, so that the secret would remain unknown. But in the current situation, it was feared that someone who knew about it would harm Yan Hui. Yan Hui didn't care about that and only wanted Tian Yao to live well.

Bai Xiao Sheng was imprisoned by Fu Yin in a water prison and witnessed Fu Yin's past memories. It was then that he realized he had been chosen by Fu Yin because of his outstanding abilities. Fu Yin had manipulated the Shadow Clan's leader to pressure Bai Xiao Sheng's mother and give Bai Xiao Sheng to him. Fu Yin turned Bai Xiao Sheng's true body into a black robe to protect himself from harm. After all, twenty years ago, he had tried to take Tian Yao's inner core to enhance his cultivation but was injured by Tian Yao in return, which led to his deep sense of fear.

Bai Xiao Sheng dared to seek Tian Yao and Yan Hui because he understood Fu Yin's mindset. He knew that Fu Yin would never truly kill him as long as he held the Shadow Robe. Fu Yin wanted to use the Xuan Yao Great War to force Tian Yao to his death. When Chang Lan mentioned Bai Xiao Sheng's suspicious motives, Fu Yin didn't care, surprising the astute Chang Lan. Chang Lan could have killed Ling Xiao but deliberately let him go, all for the purpose of instigating a war between the Xuan Yao and the mortal realms.

Bai Xiao Sheng had seen Chen Yi in Fu Yin's memories and asked him about the past. It turned out that when Xue Lin failed to cultivate the You Ming Fu and suffered a foundational injury, she sent a letter to Qing Guang Zhen Ren and in her own name, lured Fu Yin, setting up the compass and joining forces with the other two to confront Fu Yin. Unexpectedly, Fu Yin's power was too strong. He first shattered the compass and then injured Xue Lin. Fortunately, at a critical moment, Qing Guang Zhen Ren sealed Fu Yin within himself. At first, it was fine, but as Fu Yin's power grew stronger, Qing Guang Zhen Ren couldn't contain him anymore and had to ask for Ling Xiao's help. That's why Ling Xiao always went to reinforce the seal of the stars that can be plucked by hand.

Bai Xiao Sheng knew that Yan Hui and Tian Yao's love was genuine and while he was happy for them, he also mourned his unrequited love that had passed. But he still had something to do now, which was seeking revenge. So, he bid farewell to Yan Hui and went to sever Fu Yin's connection with Chang Lan, leaving Fu Yin with no way out and thus able to help Yan Hui and Tian Yao.

Tian Yao knew that Yan Hui was concerned about the bald spot on her head where the black flower had been cut. Although Chen Yi had a ointment to apply, it wasn't aesthetically pleasing, so he always wore a headscarf. Tian Yao personally made a hairpin for Yan Hui and helped her arrange her hair, acknowledging their relationship as husband and wife. Yan Hui kissed him happily and they made a vow to be together for a lifetime.

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