Dreams Do Come True - Justin...

By ColourMyWorld

4.2K 18 23

Justin Bieber's My World tour is now officially over, so he decides to go back home, chill, write songs and h... More

CAPTER TWO - My Day with Justin
CHAPER THREE - That, was, NOT, Expected?
CHAPTER FOUR - My meeting with Usher

Dreams Do Come True - Justin Bieber Love Story

1.8K 4 5
By ColourMyWorld

Authors Note:

Hello readers :) My names Britni, This isn't my first story but the other ones weren't very popular and I got writers block so I deleted them :L This is for all em' Beliebers out there. I hope you enjoy it. It would be amaaaaaazing if you could comment, it would make my day :)

Anywho, Thanks :)


I walked out of the bathroom down my narrow hallway. The night air was cold and I rubbed my arms in attempt to warm them up. Goose bumps rose all over my body. I entered my room and my attention was turned to my friend Olivia lying on my bed typing away at the Apple laptop. She was one of those painfully slow typers. I plopped myself next to her and glanced at the clock on the bottom right corner, 9:23pm. Everyone else in my house was asleep as I had younger siblings.

"Who you talking too?" I asked curiously.

"Justin and Annabelle." She said with a smirk.

"What?" I silently yell.

I push her off the bed and look at the conversation her and Justin had been having on my facebook account.

"Ow." Olivia says sarcastically.

I quickly skim my eyes up and down the flirtatious messages.


  Logged on as Britni Anderson, Not you? Click here


You: Hey justin ;) x

Justin: Hi Britni :) x

You: How's it going cutie?

Justin: Haha, it's going good, you?

You: It's great thanks, just here with my amazingly gorgeous and witty friend Olivia.

Justin: Haha, Olivia may I talk to Britni?

You: What are you talking about Justin, this is me? ;)

Justin: Olivia, please.

You: K, she's just in the bathroom, one sec.

Justin: Thank you :)

"Ugh, you retard." I say with a smile.

Olivia laughs.

You: Hi, it's Britni (:

Justin: Ahh, are you sure?

You: Absolutley positive (:


You have a Video Call from Justin Drew Bieber

(Accept) (Decline)


Justin's Skype address comes up on screen. I move the mouse to the accept button on screen.

Justin and my Skype video buffers. A few seconds later Justin's face appears on my computer. I smile, I must of been on Justin's computer as well because he was beaming.

"Oh so you were telling the truth." His voice comes out quietly.

I turn up the volume at the side of the computer.

"I would never lie." I say with a smirk.

Olivia pops her head into view and gives a goofy smile.

''Hello." She almost yells.

I nudge her.

"Be quiet." I say motioning my finger towards my lips.

"Sorry." She replies sympathetically.

Justin laughs.

"Is your mum still awake?" I ask.

"She sure is." Justin says moving out of the way of the cam.

Pattie appears on screen.

"Hello Girls, How are you." Pattie says with a warm smile.

"Good thanks." Olivia and I say in unison.

"How are you?" I ask.

"Tired, about to pod off to bed, G'night girls."

"Goodnight." Olivia and I say.

"You mums lovely." I say.

"Isn't she." Justin smiles.

I sit up to get my drink off of my bedside table and I hear muffled laughter from the computer.

I turn back to the screen to see Justin and Chaz trying to hold in their laughter.

"What are they laughing at?" I whisper to Olivia.

"Wouldn't have a clue." Olivia whispers back with a puzzled expression.

I look down and realise what I'm wearing, A black singlet crop top and pink bunny pyjama shorts.

I cover my face with my hands in embarrassment.

"Are you dissing my bunny pyjamas?" I say with a smirk, revealing my face.

"Oh, not at all. I'd never do that." Says Justin sarcastically.

"He wouldn't dare." Chaz adds with a smile.

Justin does a hair flick and gives a shy smile. I smile back.

"Do you guys wanna come over?" Justin says breaking the silence.

I glance over at Olivia and she motions me to look down at her hands, she was crossing her fingers which I took as a 'go for it' signal'.

"Would your mum be alright with it?" I ask.

"Yeah, don't worry about it." he says looking quite relaxed.

"I'll just go ask my mum." I smile standing up on my bed trying to hide my pyjama pants. I hear them laugh over the computer as I exit the room. I walk into my mum's bedroom with my arms folded. My brother Toby was asleep next to her in the bed while my mum was reading a book with the night light. My mum had medium shiny black hair, tan skinned, light blue eyes, tall and extremely skinny. All round she looked amazing for a 36 year old.

"Hello sweetheart." She says yawning.

"Hey mum." I smile.

"Can me and Olivia go round to Justin's for a wee bit." I ask innocently.

"Hmm, I don't see why not. Just be back before midnight." she smiles.

"Thanks mum." I say leaning in for a hug with a big smile on my face.

I walk back into my bedroom beaming. Olivia had a hopeful smile on her face.

"Were allowed to come, just give us 10 minutes and we'll be on our way." I say to Chaz and Justin.

"Cool, we'll see you then." He says smiling.

I wave bye and disconnect.

"Ok, lets get ready, because honestly I don't want to go around there with these pants on." I say pointing down at my pyjama pants.

Olivia laughs and we start to get ready.

We brush our hair, I brush a side fringe in my straight longish blonde hair and tie it up in a side ponytail. I still had a bit of makeup on but I decided to brush a little bit of foundation over my face to cover up the odd bump. Olivia does the same. I chuck on a pair of acid wash skinny jeans and a off shoulder baggy shirt. I put on my black converse and a black cardigan. Olivia wears a neon orange shirt with the original Mikey Mouse on it, back skinny jeans, white converse and a leather jacket. I grab my house key and head out the front door with Olivia tagging along behind me. It was pitch black but we had the guidance of street lights. Justin lived only about two corners away so we were there in about 3 minutes. I knocked on the door silently, not wanting to wake up Jaxon and Jazmyn. I hear running footsteps from behind the door and an unlocking of a bolt. The door opens up to a smiling Justin and Chaz.

"You can come in you realise?" Justin questions.

I then realised that Olivia and I had been standing outside for about a minute.

"Riiiiight." I said smirking and stepping in with Olivia next to me.

"Awww, you're not wearing your bunny pants." Chaz says sarcastically.

I playfully punch him.

Justin and Chaz lead us up the stairs to Justin's bedroom. Olivia nudges me and starts smiling uncontrollably. Olivia has had a massive crush on Chaz for as long as I remember. We get to the top of the stairs and Justin opens up the door and motions his arm towards the door.

"Ladies First." He bows.

"Don't mind if I do." Chaz says jokingly.

Olivia and I laugh.

"Ladies." Justin says sternly looking at Chaz but with a faint smirk on his face.

I walk into Justin's room after Olivia. It was a typical boys room, Car posters, Playstaion etc.

I walk around wondering where to sit. Justin then sits on his bed then pats the spot next to him and looks at me. I walk over nervously and sit next to him.

"Woah, Britni, I'm not gonna bite." He says smirking.

I try to hold in my laugh. I plant myself next to him and glance over at Olivia who was staring in awe at Chaz.

"Does she like him?" Justin whispers in my ear.

I smirk, "Isn't it obvious? Don't tell anyone but shes liked him for quite a while." I whisper back.

He nodded, then held out his pinky. I wrapped mine around his and shook it.

"What do you want to do?" He asked.

"Whats on TV?" I asked curiously.

"Dunno, lets have a look." he replies.

He grabs the remote from next to the mini flat screen and flicks it on. We channel surf a bit until we come across a show called Skins.

"Isn't it suppost to be really raunchy?" I asked curiously.

"It matches the mood." He said smirking and pointing over at Olivia who had her tongue down Chaz's throat.

I crigned but also felt somewhat happy for her, she has liked him for ages and now she got her way.

I try not to think about what was happening on his couch and took off my shoes. I cautiously lay on my stomach on Justin's bed not wanting to disturb him. I rested my chin on my hands and watched the TV. Justin came down and lay next to me and gave me a smile. I smiled back.

Time passes,

"What do you think of the show?" he says wanting to start a conversation.

"Ahh it's alright." I say awkwardly as a sex scene come on.

Me and Justin erupt into laughter. Once we calm down, I wipe the tears off of my cheeks. I glance over at Olivia and Chaz, Olivia had fallen asleep on Chaz's chest.

"Probably tired from all that snogging." Justin jokes.

I smile. I look at Justin's clock. 11:15pm. I hesitate then check my phone for any messages.

"Anything wrong?" He asks.

"Uhh yeah, We have to be back by midnight." I say disappointingly.

"Your welcome to stay the night?" He smiles.

"Really, I'll just have to check in with my mum." I smile.

I pull my phone out of my pocket, I push the home button and it lights up, I enter my code and it unlocks.

I go to messages an propose a text to my mum.


Hey, can we stay @Justins

2night? Will be back by 10.


Sure thing sweet<3 c you then xx.


Love you x.


"Sweet, we can stay." I smile.

"Awesome." He says beaming.

I get up off of Justin's bed and tip toe over to the couch where Olivia and Chaz were asleep.

"Hey Livs." I say slightly shaking her.

"Mmmm." She says opening her eyes and wiping the drool off of her chin.

"Mum's let us stay the night."

"Really." Her face lights up.

"On one condition, you don't vacuum Chaz's face until I'm asleep." I giggle.

She smiles and apoligises. Olivia wakes up Chaz and notifies him.

I walk back over to the bed yawning.

"Aw, is Britni tired?" He says with a puppy dog face.

"Kinda." I say laughing at the ridiculous look on his face.

The credits for Skins scrolls onto the TV screen.

"Who's up for an all nighter?" Justin smirks in my direction.

"No thanks." I say stretching.

"Where am I sleeping?" I question.

"Ohhh shit, I didn't think that through." He says hitting his forehead with his palm.

Justin looked like he was deep in thought then he smiled.

"Okie Dokie, Chaz and Olivia on the couch, aaaaand Me and Britni on the bed."

I froze. Justin and I had been friends since Kindergarten, we met when we had a task to find someone with something in common with each other. Justin and I both have the favourite colour purple. Ever since then we've been together through thick and thin. Now he's suggesting we share a bed? I glanced over at Justin who was looking at me, smiling in a friendly way. When you thought about it, Justin had millions of girls with his poster in their room, I was one of them. I only had it there because I missed him when he was on tour. But when I thought about it, as we got older I did start to see him in more than a 'friend' way. Maybe it was just my hormones messing with me but he sure as hell wasn't bad looking, and I knew and had thought about that before. I decided to just let it go, he may not even be thinking about that, maybe he just wanted Olivia and Chaz to have some 'alone time'.

"Shit, I didn't bring pyjamas." I curse.

Justin reaches for his drawer and pulls out a large basketball shirt and passes it to me.

"You can wear this tonight, if you want." He gives me a warm smile.

I thank him and smile back. I walk to the bathroom with the thoughts of Justin pounding in my head.

I lock the door behind me and strip to my bra and underwear. I pull the shirt over my head. It reaches just above my knees. I go over to the sink and turn on the cold tap. I splash my face with water in attempt to wake myself up. I pull a bobby pin out of my jeans pocket and clip my fringe over to the side. I pick up my clothes, unlock the door and stroll back into Justin's room.

"Where should I put my clothes?" I ask him.

"Ah, just dump them on the ground at the end of the bed." he smiles.

Justin slips a disk into the DVD player. He grabs the remote and 'The Epic Movie' pops up on screen. I pull the duvet back and slide into Justin's bed. Justin jumps in. next to me and rests his arms behind his head.

The move is, hilarious. I get sore stomach muscles from laughing too much and I eventually tire myself and my eyelids droop. I rest my head on Justin's shoulder, he starts to stroke my hand and I nod off.

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