Malevolent (Tex Sawyer)

By MindOnJupiter

4.2K 105 63

This is the sequel to Antecedent. Following the attack and death of her friends, Lori is still in the firm g... More

Malevolent: 1
Malevolent: 2
Malevolent: 3
Malevolent: 4
Malevolent: 5
Malevolent: 6
Malevolent: 7
Malevolent: 8
Malevolent: 9
Malevolent: 10
Malevolent: 11
Malevolent: 12
Malevolent: 13
Malevolent: 14
Malevolent: 15
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Malevolent: 19
Malevolent: 20
Malevolent: 22
Malevolent: 23
Malevolent: 24
Malevolent: 25
Malevolent: 26
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Malevolent: 29
Malevolent: 30

Malevolent: 21

147 4 6
By MindOnJupiter

I had tried and failed to display a facade of not being in as much pain as I currently was. As every second ticked, I felt the swell, the discomfort that came from my leg which Tex and Tinker both seemed satisfied was a fair and just punishment. It was better than what Mama had in mind, that much I was sure off but the more time that passed without any sign of the escapee or Alfredo made me angsty of her wanting an input. As much as the brothers seemed certain they would find her, it was plain to see the doubt that filled their faces by the time darkness had taken over swallowing the view of the garden from sight.

Brittany remained where she was, sitting solemnly at the other side of the table and being hushed each time she tried to talk to me. Biting her fingernails, she jerked uncomfortably in her seat each time Junior made any kind of movement and remained weary of how close he sat. It didn't help her in the least that he felt the need to paw away at her like an affectionate dog. He wasn't deterred by her reaction or behaviour. Banging his head against the sink, Tinker frowned deeply, the metal clang echoing throughout the room ripping through the silence like a knife.

"How long does it take Alfredo to find a bitch?" Tink demanded sourly to Tex who frowned in return leaning against the counter. "He's taking too damn long. He always goes on about how he knows the area and traps so where the fuck is he? I swear if he's tripped into one of them I'll string him up myself."

"Might be more what he's doin' to her that's taking up his time. You know how he gets. How far will she get anyway, they never stay gone." The blonde suggested cocking his head in my direction before his lips split into a grin. "How are you holding up sweetheart?" I held up a certain finger in his direction, Tinker sniggered and shook his head despairingly. It was obvious how I was, they had struck me with a hammer and there was nothing fine or dandy about it. "I love you too." He taunted as I slit my eyes in his direction irritably.

"Fuck you." I mumbled back as Tex laughed lightly.

"Later honey." Rolling my eyes at the promise, I felt the table jolt against my elbow. Tex was jumping down from where he had positioned himself and in doing so, caught Brittany off guard. Junior reacted to her movement with a steady and large hand on her shoulder keeping her seated and close. Wincing at the pain that came from the movement, I watched as the blonde approached closer, clicking his tongue thoughtfully. "You must be feeling mighty proud of yourself about now." I shrugged indifferently. Did I want the girl to get support from actual cops who would liberate Brittany and myself? Of course but the truth was blunt and a tough pill to swallow those who got away never made it home safe. Charlie and Alfredo were on the move determined to hunt and prey on her if she crossed paths. It was better to think the worst, there was less chance of being disappointed. Flinching as Tex lifted my bruised leg from the chair it had been left on, he sat and draped it over his knees stroking the smooth flesh.

"Pride isn't in the top five emotions." I admitted earnestly. Disgust however was quite high up on the list, each of his touches feeling more like snakes slithering and constricting on my skin. It made me want to pull away but the slightest movement came with an uncomfortable noise and the gritting of teeth. It was an action that Tex picked up on and took delight in inflicting. He hummed to himself, edging his head thoughtfully before drumming his fingers against my tender flesh. Every twinge of discomfort made his wicked grin spread wider, he was trying to distract himself from the possibility of the worst case scenario.

"Smug?" He pressed further inspecting his nails thoughtfully while continuing his beat.

"A little." I shrugged. Leaning forwards, I smacked his hands as he continued his pattering. It didn't deter him and part of me was already reluctantly aware of it being the case. "It's nice to see you all suffering. It makes my day." I had very little in life so I accepted what particles of happiness came my way. They weren't surprised to hear me say it and allowed it to roll off their backs.

"Yeah well when that whore gets dragged back here in pieces, it'll make my day." Tinker commented bitterly. "Damn that Alfredo, if he ain't back in the next five minutes-"

"You're stressing too much." Tex reassured his elder sibling, pursing his lips to the side musing and looking over his shoulder. "Just another dumb bitch, not many of them who come knocking get any smarter."

"Except this one." I raised an eyebrow as Tink gestured towards me pointedly. As he eyed me wearily, I couldn't help the smile that caressed my lips. Tilting my head to Tex, I nodded. It was something that put Tinker on edge, the fact I could be a step or two ahead of them and it made him have to compensate for it. More traps, more restraints, he had to work hard to ensure I didn't step one toe out of line and even in doing so, I had exceeded his expectations and it cost him at least a little bit of stress until his other brother came back with a body or news.

"Okay, now I feel pride." I informed them.

"Hush up." Tex sighed wearily. "Unless you want me to break your other leg? Suits me just fine. Means more time in bed and you can depend on me." The more he dwelled on the thought, the more eager he became. His toothy grin spread wider as I yelped in pain from his sudden grip uttering a curse louder as I held the table. The pain pulsed and stretched throughout my body like lightning heading straight to my head and forcing it to pound and feel close to erupting.

Brittany made an attempt to move as if to try and comfort me as hot tears poured down my face only to get hauled back by the collar and positioned back on her seat.
"Already gonna have to carry you up later." Panting, I glared at him and made an effort to swat his hands away again. Once more he countered me, this time my body collapsing back on the chair in agony, covering my face so the next swear muffled against my fingertips as he cupped my calf in his hands. "Maybe we ought to come up with a safe word 'cause I could take you right here."

"Boy, I swear sometimes your mind is filthier than Alfredo's."

"Can't hold it against me Tink, Lori here knows the effect she has. I like them feisty."
"Time and place." His sibling stated simply.
"Fair enough." Tex relented his hold and exhaled loudly, I moaned from the overwhelming discomfort. My hair stuck to my face as I felt the cold sweat come over like a wave and remained laying down trying to adjust my vision so I no longer saw double.

"Oh you asshole." I finally bit back whimpering. Tex giggled in response but withdrew his hands.

"Speaking of feisty." He started back allowing his words to roll on his tongue, "I hear you've been causing some problems missy." Without sitting up, I could tell he had turned his attention to Brittany who didn't respond to him, verbally at least. Judging by the fact he snickered once more, it was clear she had allowed her facial expressions to talk for her and it was one of defiance. "You're being a bad influence on Junior's new playmate, sweetheart."

"Usually when more than one person has a problem with you, it's personal." I replied, "you are the problem." Flinching again, Tex tutted and tightened his grip.

"Enough backtalk for one day honey or I'll put you to bed now." He warned in a jovial manner which was transparent at best. He was getting on edge and I hoped that in his head his brain was ticking, paranoid at the possibilities of what Alfredo's prolonged absence could mean for himself and his family. In retaliation he was looking for someone to take it out on, he had already vented once. My sore and surely broken leg was the result of it but now he was gunning for his next victim to toy with. To use against me and he had chosen Brittany. "You know Mama still isn't sold on you little lady, Junior is though." Again, the redhead refused to respond and I could practically hear the clenching of Tex's teeth in not getting what he hoped for. Slowly, I pulled myself to sit and saw her sitting there stone faced and not wanting to give him the satisfaction. "Already putting down roots. He's a good kid but always puts his eggs in one basket." Junior gave a soft groan towards his cousin who just grinned back at him. "Got no need for brazen hussies. We look after our own here."

"Sometimes a little too closely." I commented bluntly, preparing for him to continue to take his need for attention out on leg. Instead the blow came from behind as Tink smacked me with his good hand. It had a domino effect as I jolted before crying out in pain. Brittany against her will was pushed back down having wanting to gravitate closer and put an end to his torture. It wasn't that simple, nothing was when it came to Sawyers.

"You've been warned." Tink scolded. "Mighty thin ice." Placing his thumb and finger together, he withdrew to the window to peer out into the pitch black of night once more. He was getting more hostile and agitated. Dinner had been forgotten about while they dealt with their priority in their missing victim.
Groaning, I nodded at his words and closed my eyes hoping to blink away any tears forming. They were adamant to escape and inhaling, I sniffed trying to contain myself.

"Well said Tink." Tex praised idly, turning his head back towards Brittany. Whatever colour she had regained to her face was slowly pouring away becoming as white as the wall. Despite trying to remain composed I could see her chest rise and fall. "Now, where were we?"
The young lady bit her chapped lower lip knowing that the cowboy would continue to taunt her. My fists clenched and scarred fingers tensed as I did knowing that whatever more he had to say, it would end in her self esteem further destroyed and likely with water works. Her blue eyes were already bloodshot and as I watched her, I sighed knowing that she couldn't handle what would come but I could. I already had and continued to do so.

Sucking in a breath, I pulled myself further up and caught her eye. She was welling up, unsure what she could say, what she could do but there was nothing. To get away from Tex, it had to be physically done. In that sense be in a different room and not fighting back. Reacting to him with hits or pushes became a game of who was stronger and unfortunately, he was. He could easily take her, there was no doubt in my mind. She was so petite and bruised already.

So fragile.

I sucked in another heavy breath and gave a weak smile in her direction, it was little reassurance but she seemed to calm down as I sent it her way. A ghost of a smile played on hers knowing that she had someone looking out for her. Someone who didn't have ulterior motives like Junior did, like Mama did so long as she figured there might be a bun cooking in the oven.

"Where were we?" I repeated Tex's words slowly, mauling over them as he turned his annoyed face in my direction. His blue eyes were waiting for it and unable to prevent my lips spreading wider, I batted my eyelashes back at him willing to play the same cheap mind games he did. "I think we were just talking about how you all like to keep it in the family. Is Tinker your brother or dad and on that subject if he's not your dad doesn't that mean grandpa is?" I edged my head at Brittany, "see, they're real close."

"That's it, plug that bitch up or put her to bed!" Tinker demanded fiercely. "I can't deal with this bullshit right now!"

Tex wasted no time skidding his chair back. It toppled over from the sheer force he put into it and was instantly kicked towards the garden by Tinker who was like a ticking bomb. His face had turned into a furious blush. As my legs swung off his, I flinched violently, his long arm wrapping around my waist tightly and pulling me to him fast enough to cause whiplash. A pained cry left my mouth but he didn't care and held me in a firm grip storming past the kitchen. My auburn hair covered my face but it mattered not. I could feel his anger pulsing, I could picture his livid face in my mind and through it all, it gave me satisfaction. Mama's voice was audible giving instructions and suggestions to Charlie who was on the other end of the radio.

They still hadn't acquired their target and before I could help it, the giggle slipped out. The sound of glee and pleasure which made Tex growl like a feral dog. His steps became louder, heavier as the creaks on the stairs alerted me to how much closer we were getting to his room.

"You've done it this time." He swore breathlessly. "I'm going to make sure you feel this one."

"Then maybe you should send Tink up, he hits harder." I suggested pushing my hair out my face. He halted in his steps immediately. His jawline became stiff as he glowered down at me in his arms. Blood drew on his lower lip as he tried to remain composed but his animalistic side was showing not taking well to the tip that was sent his way. He licked it away and made a noise hesitating. "Go on." I goaded as his tongue lingered on the small slither of blood. "Throw me down the stairs."

"You breaking your neck only benefits you." He spat back as I shrugged.

"But you'd feel good for a second." I argued.
"Fuck you." Tex hissed passionately. Creaking onto the last step, he kept his focus on me. Despite my heart pounding like a jackhammer, I continued to prod and poke the bear. Each moment I grinned or laughed he flinched and took it personally, like he ought to. It wasn't so fun when the boot was on the other foot.

Continuing with heavy strides, I felt the pain shatter into my back as he discarded me on the bed breathing wildly. Fingers threading through his hair as angered noises left his lips. I laughed again, my ribs becoming tighter trying to keep me from taunting him. It was karma, it was something he had coming and it was all I could tell myself as he yelled and started kicking at the dressing table. His tanned face was becoming steadily more red until rivalling that of a tomato, splotches were appearing on his chest which was exposed by his top few buttons being undone. His veins were practically bulging and the sight alone just made the tittering worse, my body rocking from one side to another as through the pain it begged for comfort and not to be pushed further.

The glass of the mirror shattered as it came down, in return he stomped on it harder kicking away at some of the fragments. It was the biggest tantrum I had seen for some time.

"God damnit!" he roared. My jaw ached from laughing at his expense, my sides splitting as he turned his attention back on me.

"Do it." I challenged him, breathlessly. He halted in midstep having decided that I was going to get it. His hands were fumbling on his belt, the need to whip or rape me becoming plain as day but I was after something else, something more than a lashing. "Fucking kill me." Holding up my hands I watched him through the tears that formed from gratification and fatigue. He hesitated again, as I just beamed, feeling my lips quiver at how he stopped. "Fucking kill me!" I repeated more determinedly clenching my fists. "Fucking come on!"

His body launched on mine, hand clenching my throat. It cut off anymore demands and I pushed into his hold testing his resolve and daring him to go ahead. He could snap or suffocate, I didn't care which. His other hand gripped my chin forcing me to look at him, at his discoloured and livid face. His skin was laced in sweat, beads forming on his forehead as the fury heated up His legs straddled me on both sides so I could feel his hold, his erection and it outraged me more. His chest panted on mine and struggling to breathe from his grip and the lump in my throat, I kept my sight on him and in his eyes.

"I'm not going to kill you." He swore through his gritted teeth. Lowering his face at my side I felt the wet of his tongue as he trailed it against my swollen cheek. His breath moistened my ear as his hold became less intense. "But this is going to fucking hurt."

"Doesn't it always?" I strained in difficulty as he shook his head slowly the tip of his nose nuzzling against mine, his eyes daring mine to look away.

"You've felt nothing yet."

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