It's All Started With A Lie

By _Shivani_1910

216K 13.5K 3K

She is crazy He is calm. She is clumsy He is reserved. She never stops talking He never talks if it is not n... More

Author's note
Chapter- 1 Naina
Chapter- 2 Arnav Singhania
Chapter- 3 Lie
Chapter- 4 A rich liar...
Chapter- 5 weird
Chapter- 6 Remember..?
Chapter- 7 Apologize
Chapter- 8 Tense
Chapter- 9 Another lie
Chapter- 10 Try..!!
Chapter- 11 Home
Chapter- 12 complicated family
Chapter- 13 Apology
Chapter- 14 random man
Chapter- 15 Are you ok?
Chapter- 16 Annoying
chapter- 17 get together
Chapter- 18 Drama queen
Chapter- 19 A sudden call
Chapter- 20 Angry
Chapter- 21 calming down
Chapter- 22 His sister..!!
Chapter- 23 Watching a movie
Chapter- 24 Dinner
Chapter- 25 Threatening?
Chapter- 26 Are you in love?
Chapter- 27 Amusement Park
Chapter- 28 Finding out
Chapter- 29 The truth
Chapter- 30 Broken
Chapter- 31 She is different!
Chapter- 32 Enough of the lies
Chapter- 33 confession?
Chapter- 34 Ignoring
Chapter- 35 Date!
Chapter- 36 The tension!
Chapter- 37 His dream!
Chapter- 38 Typical Siblings
Chapter- 39 Business party
Chapter- 40 First fight
Chapter- 41 The surprise gift..!!
Chapter- 42 Dinner at Singhania's Mansion
Chapter- 43 Meeting his parents
Chapter- 44 The panic!
Chapter- 45 encounter with Dev
Chapter- 46 Accident!
Chapter- 47 His Eyes
Chapter- 48 Confident Naina
Chapter- 49 Journey with her friends
Chapter- 50 Surprise or shock
Chapter- 51 Accepted
Chapter- 52 Chaotic siblings
Chapter- 53 Cute couple
Chapter- 54 Loyal
Chapter- 55 Kind
Chapter- 56 Kidnapped
Chapter- 57 Captive
Chapter- 58 Rescued
Chapter- 59 Provoke
Chapter- 60 Date!
Chapter- 61 His birthday
Chapter- 62 Unbeliveable
Chapter- 63 Everything Falling apart
Chapter- 64 Let's meet!
Chapter- 65 Holi celebrations...!
Chapter- 66 Different
Not an update!
Chapter- 67 Naina Missing
Chapter- 68 Devastated
Chapter- 69 Is this the end...?
Chapter- 70 Vulnerable
Chapter- 71 She is back!!
Chapter- 72 Our Baby?
Chapter- 73 Another woman?
Chapter- 74 Clarity
Chapter- 75 The change
Chapter- 76 Proposal
Chapter- 77 The rituals
Chapter- 79 The End!
Epilogue- 2
Bonus chapter

Chapter- 78 The wedding

2K 137 48
By _Shivani_1910

Authors POV

As you all know, India is a diverse country with so many cultures and each has its beauty.

Since I am a Telugu girl, I am writing about a Telugu wedding which I attended so many times since childhood.


This is how Telugu bride and groom, looks like

(Image source: Google)

Finally, the day came... It's Arnav and Naina's wedding.

They arranged a grand wedding, everyone was invited, from the business partners to the people who they barely knew. Friends, family, business partners, everyone came.

Everyone is smiling happily.

The mandapam is decorated grandly with fresh flowers, banana leaves and coconut leaves.

Arnav sat on the mandap wearing a beautiful sherwani, which is a combination of gold and maroon colour. The smile on his face is so pure and precious.

He sat in front of the holy fire (holy fire is optional in Telugu weddings) while the priest was chanting the mantras. When it's time for the bride's entry, the priest asked them to bring the bride to the mandap.

Her maternal uncles carried her to the mandap in pelli butta
(pelli butta is basically a basket made of bamboo. Bride sits on the basket and her maternal uncles carry her to the mandap in it and it is also optional, like some people do it but some not).

(Image source: Google)

Pooja and Payal helped her to stand up and walk to the mandap. The Entire crowd gasped looking at her and they started whispering how beautiful she was.

She is walking to the mandap while holding a coconut in her hands, which has their names written on it.

Reason for holding a coconut: It denotes that the bride is bringing in the blessings of the Lord along with her when she is walking towards her new phase of life.

"Wow, she is so beautiful," Ajay commented.
"Look at her, Arnav, see how pretty my sister is," Avi remarked. It's the first time Avi was calling his sister pretty.

Arnav can't hold the urge to look at her, but he remembered her words from the last night.

"I don't want you to look at me right after I enter the mandap. I want you to see me at the time of jelakarra bellam... I want to see your eyes when you are looking at me for the first time as a bride," her words from last night.

He controlled his urge by fisting her hands and looking down.

"Why is your Hero not looking at you?" Payal asked Naina teasingly when they were walking to the mandap.

"That's secret" Naina smiled, satisfied.

Priest asked Ajay and Avi to hold a dupatta as a curtain before the bride enters as it is a ritual in a Telugu marriage that the groom and the bride are only allowed to look at each other after Jelakarra bellam, which is an important ritual. They say half of the wedding completes if we perform this ritual.

Ajay and Avi held a curtain in front of Arnav, as the priest said.

Naina walked to the mandap and gave the coconut to the priest, then she sat in front of Arnav after showing the namaskar sign to the audience.

Just like Arnav, she also didn't look at Arnav. She also promised him that she will only look at him at the same time when he looks at her.

They both are eager to see each other but waiting is also thrilling to them.

After Kanya dhaanam/ kanya daan (It's a ritual where the bride's father wash groom's feet and offers his daughter to the groom)

Reason: In weddings it's groom who comes asking for brides hand. Groom came from outside so brides father wash groom's feet to wash the evils away from him while the bride comes to the mandap after performing gouri pooja so she's already pure. And we also believe that in the wedding, groom is sakshyath Lord Vishnu while the bride is Lakshmi maa herself.

(Image source: Google)

"Arnav, repeat after me," the priest asked him, and he nodded.

"Dharme-cha," Priest chanted.
"Dharme-cha," Arnav repeated.




"Ahamevam Na-ati Charami"
"Ahamevam Na-ati Charami"

Dharme-cha (virtue, duties; responsibilities...), Arthe-cha (wealth; prosperity...), Kame-cha (desires; wants), Mokshe-cha (Liberation) Ahamevam Na-ati Charami (I will not move\ walk without you leaving you behind)

Full meaning:

In the conduct of my duties, in the acquiring of wealth and prosperity, in the fulfilment of my desires, and even in my quest for liberation, I will not transgress you (as we come together as one).

It was a promise made by Groom to the bride and her family.

Finally, it's time for Jeelakarra bellam. Priest put Jeelakarra bellam on two betel leaves and given each one (Jeelakarra means cumin\Jeera mixed with bellam (jaggery) and made into a paste)

(Image source: Google)

Arnav put Jeelakarra bellam on Naina's head from the top of the temporary curtain which Avi and Ajay are holding. Then Naina also did the same thing to Arnav while the priest was chanting the mantras and everyone threw puffed yellow rice on them as a blessing.

Then he asked Ajay to remove the curtain.

As soon as the curtain was removed, their eyes locked. Arnav looked at her adoringly. For a moment, he forgot to breathe. She is gorgeous wearing a gold and maroon colour pattu saree which is matching to his sherwani. Simple makeup with simple yet classy wedding jewelry.

She is also awestruck, looking at him. He is handsome in his wedding sherwani, the kalyana thilakam (it was like bindhi wear on Telugu weddings on forehead) on his forehead resembles her kalyana thilakam.

(Jelakrra bellam image)

(Image source: Google)


Basically, in Telugu weddings, Jeelakarra bellam is mandatory. When we mix Jeelakarra (cumin seeds) have a slightly bitter taste and bellam (jaggery) has a sweet taste, both of these grounds together as a paste and they become inseparable.

We can't separate the cumin seeds from jaggery once we mix it so we believe that just like the inseparable paste, the bride and groom also should be together and inseparable throughout life's sweet and bitter times... It signifies the union of the bride and groom.

And also, there is another explanation I got to know when I did the research is that there is brahmanadi (part of the network of pathways through which energy travels in the body) on the top of our head and it opens when the bride and the groom put Jeelakarra bellam in wedding. It creates a bond between bride and groom when they look at each other forehead while putting Jelakarra bellam on the head that's why we tie basikam (A thread with a small triangle or rectangular shaped stone) on bride and groom's forehead to take the spot when they look at each other.
(AN: Correct me if I am wrong and please ignore if you don't understand the meaning or you can ask me further).

They are stealing glances at each other while performing Pooja. Arnav's heart is beating fast to hold her. The sound of her wedding bangles is divine to his ears. She is looking like a goddess in a bride's attire.

"Manglayadharana muhurtha sumuhurtham asthu, (It's time for Manglya dharana i.e., to tie the knot)," priest chanted.

Priest gave mangala sutram to Arnav (Mangla means sacred and sutram means thread. Basically, it is a yellow thread associated with small gold plates which is one from her parents, another one from her in-laws) and asked him to stand up.

In Telugu weddings, the groom stands up and bent in front of the bride to tie the knot.

"Mangalyam tantunanena mama jeevana hetuna: kanthe badhnami subhage twam jeeva sarada satam," Priest was chanting while Arnav tying knots around her neck.

Meaning: Oh, shubha lakshani! (A young woman of all virtues and auspicious character) be the reason for my life from now onwards. Mama jeevana hetuna- I am tying this sacred thread so you live happily for a hundred years for me.

That thread is like a 'raksha' for her to ward off all evils.

Indirectly he is saying as long as you are there, I am there. 'Mama jeevana hetunaa,' The reason and purpose of my life. I will protect you from all evils. This thread is evidence of my promise.

She holds Mangala sutram' giving her consent while he is tying.

He ties three knots, "Icha, jnaana, kriya Shakti" those three knots are important aspects of married life.

It's an agreement between the bride and the groom.

While the priest chanting mantras in front of everyone with mangla vayidyalu(the traditional music of an Indian wedding) is playing in the mandap, he tied 3 knots around her neck.

(Image source: Google)

(Image source: Google)

Naina felt a tear on her hand which fell from Arnav's eye when he was tying the Mangalsutra around her neck. She looked up and their eyes locked on the air and her view got blurred because of her tears. She blinked them and looked at him with a breathtaking smile and he smiled at her. Their eyes hold the love which everyone can envy.

After tying the knot, he kissed her forehead lovingly with a satisfied smile. Finally, their dream came true.

Then priest asked him to fill her hair partition with Vermilion.

Everyone threw akshithalu (puffed yellow rice) on their heads as blessings.

The smile on everyone's face is evident that they witnessing a beautiful wedding. It reminds the wedding of Sitharam.

Then the priest asked both of them to stand up to exchange garlands.

When Arnav was about to put a garland on her neck, Avi picked his sister up.

Naina gasped as Avi picked her up suddenly.

"Brother-in-law, If you ask me nicely, I will put her down," Avi said teasingly and everyone laughed.

"Avi, can you put your sister down," Arnav asked nicely.

"Why?" Avi asked with a smirk.

"Because I love your sister and want to live with her life long," Arnav remarked.

"Can you tell us loudly, we can't hear you," Avi teased and Naina winked at him when Arnav looked at her.

"I love your sister soo much and can't live without her," Arnav said loudly and Avi put his sister down.

As soon as Naina is on her feet, Arnav put the garland on her neck.

Now it's time for her to put the garland on his neck.

Before she even got near him, Ajay and Dev picked him up.

Dev didn't come to the mandap till now. He just sat in the audience viewing the wedding but he came up to pick his brother up.

"Arnav also has a brother to pick him up," Dev said when she glanced at him.

Arnav felt so happy as he finally got his loving brother back.

"Arnav," She whined and he shrugged teasingly.

"Brother-in-law, can you put your brother down," Naina asked so cutely that it tempted Arnav to get down himself but he controlled his urge.

"Your cuteness doesn't work here," Dev smirked.

"What can I do then?" She pouted.

"Tell us why we have to put him down?" Ajay said teasingly.

"To put this Garland," She replied.

"Why do you want to put it on?" It's Dev who teased her.

"Apart from your brother being in love with me and me being the best thing in his life, I also love your brother so much," She remarked.

"We can't hear you, can you be a little loud?" Ajay and Dev remarked.

"No," She pouted.

"Then he won't get down," Dev stated.

"Then I will go up," She remarked.
"Avi," She just called and her brother picked her up then she put the garland on Arnav's neck. All the people cheared for them.

They put Arnav and Naina down.

She stuck her tongue teasingly looking at Dev and he chuckled making everyone laugh.

Next ritual thalambralu.

They put two tasla's of thalambralu(yellow puffed rice) in front of the bride and groom.

The priest asked them to take thalambaralu into their hands and 1st asked Arnav to leave them on Naina's head then asked her to do the same.

This ritual is fun to perform as the bride and groom play with thalambralu, competing who will complete first with their friend's encouragement.

Reason: we believe that just like thalambralu falling on their heads, happiness and prosperity also fall.

(Image source: Google)

Then it's time for ring game. (In Telugu weddings, bride and groom plays ring game in the mandap itself)

(Image source: Google)

Priest put a steel pot filled with milk (actually, it can be water too. In most of the weddings, we use water only) in front of the bride and groom.

"Ready for the competition?" the priest asked jokingly, and they both nodded with smiles.

"Of course, we are ready. My sister will win for sure," Avi exclaimed.

"We are ready, too. Let's see who is going to win," Payal yelped, sitting beside Arnav.

"Of course, my sister," Avi scoffed.

"It will be my brother," Payal huffed.

"Wait, first let me put the ring in milk," the priest chuckled.

He put his hand inside and removed it after a second. Naina and Arnav put their hands immediately, searching for the ring, but they couldn't find it.

Priest laughed, showing the ring in his hand. He didn't leave it in the milk before. Naina and Arnav also laughed.

This time he left the ring in front of them and they put their hands in the milk, searching for the ring.

"Nain, you have to win," Pooja encouraged her.

"No, Arnav, don't let her win," Ajay remarked.

"See, my friend will win for sure and your friend will roam around her like a lovesick puppy," Pooja remarked with a smirk.

"Don't celebrate early, woman. My friend will win for sure and dominate your crazy friend," Ajay smirked, too.

While their friends are glaring at each other, the wife and husband are enjoying their time holding hands under the milk.

"And the winner of the match between the bride and groom is," the priest exclaimed, and Naina took out the ring and winked at her husband.

"The bride," he exclaimed.

"Told you na," Avi and Pooja yelled in unison, looking at Ajay and Payal and gave high five to each other.

"Let's see in the second round," Payal huffed.

"Now, the second round," The Priest remarked and left the ring in the pot again.

"This time, my brother will win," Payal commented, looking at Avi.

"Have you not seen the winner earlier?" Avi chuckled.

"Bro, you have to win this time," Payal urged him.

"Yeah, Arnav, this is the matter of our pride," Ajay muttered.

"Pride," Pooja chuckled mockingly.

"And the winner is," the priest chanted and Arnav took out the ring this time and he winked at his wife.

"The Groom."

"It's time for the third round. Who wins this time, they will have the upper hand in the marriage," the priest said and left the ring in the milk and they both immediately shoved their hands in the milk to get the ring first.

Naina held the ring under the milk, but when she wanted to take it out, something was stopping it. She looked at Arnav and he smirked. They both are holding either side of the ring and no one is ready to leave it.
Everyone wants to win, right?

She struggled to get it, but he is not leaving. She looked at him, warning him to leave it, and he gazed back challengingly.

Everyone is waiting for the results excitedly as it's the final round.

Finally, after struggling for a good five minutes, she gave up and left the ring.

Then she slowly held his hand with her soft hand.

He glanced at her and then she used the dangerous weapon called a cute pout with puppy eyes. He felt the urge to kiss her, as she was looking so cute yet hot. While he was looking at her in a daze, she took the ring from his hand and took it out.

"Yaaah," Avi and Pooja yelled in victory.

"What is it, Arnav?" Ajay exclaimed in disbelief and that's when our hero came out of his daze and looked at her. She just winked.

Next, it's time for Sapthapadhi (7 steps)

The Priest performed kongumudi (Tying Groom's sherwani dupatta to bride's saree pallu) and asked the groom to hold the bride's Pinky finger with his Pinky finger to walk seven steps (It's a promise to walk with her till the end, it's like a pinky promise). then asked them to take 7 steps around the fire while chanting the mantras.

(Image source: Google)

Step one: Nourishments. The mantra says, take the first step with me for nourishments.

Step two: Take the second step with me for health. (Here, health means avoidance of imbibing alcohol, smoking, etc.)

Step three: Prosperity. Take the third step with me for prosperity and security.

Step four: take the fourth step with me for achieving consummate bliss. (Consummate bliss means keeping and preserving an intimate romantic bond)

Step five: Take the fifth step with me for cattle. (Cattle connotes investment in the future, which in the ancient world also included children who were the superannuation guarantee for old age)

Step six: Take the sixth step with me for family

Step seven: Take the seventh step with me for lifetime friendship.

(AN: You can correct me if I wrote anything wrong)

(Image source: Google)

Then Finally the wedding was over, and it's time for Arundhathi. In Telugu weddings, after the marriage, the bride and groom takes the blessing of Arundhathi, a star.

Arnav circled his hand around Naina's shoulder and extended his right-hand index finger pointing at the sky while Naina joined her hands in a namaskar sign for blessings.

(Image source: Google)


Arundhati and Vashistha are the twin stars who are a couple, they say.

In most twin star systems, one star is stationary and another rotates around it, while Arundhati and Vashishtha both rotate in synchrony.

To tell that both husband and wife must do all things in sync and that husband must not rotate around the wife or wife should not dance to the tune of her husband, this ritual was made a part of the marriage ceremony.

After everything, bride and groom touched the feet of the priest to take blessings and then they took blessings from Arnav's parents and grandparents then Naina's parents and all the elders.



(AN: I didn't write every ritual as the wedding rituals are so many and each has its importance and significant meaning. It takes 2-3 hours for the wedding itself, so one chapter is not enough to write the whole wedding.)

Some important rituals I missed:

Pani grahanam- It is the ritual performed before Jeelakarra bellam where the groom holds the bride's hand as a sign of their union.

Panigrahanam picture

(Image source: Google)

Sannikallu: Where the groom put toe rings on the bride's toes. Then there is a ritual where they have to gently step on each other's toes.

Many people think the reason for wearing a toe ring is a symbol of marital status but it has a scientific reason as well.

Usually, women wear a toe ring on the second toe finger. That toe finger is connected to the uterus and the heart. So, it helps to keep the uterus' blood pressure in check and it also aids in the control of a woman's menstrual cycle.

(Image source: Google)

(Image source: Google)

Every ritual has its own scientific reason, but I was unable to write everything in a single chapter. After all, we can't write 3 hours wedding, number of rituals and their reasons and scientific reasons in a single chapter, right?

I tried my best to write the Telugu wedding. Please ignore if I made any mistake. In the next story, we can discuss the remaining rituals which we left here.

So, what do you think about the update?? Boring? Tell me in comments💬 💖

Don't forget to vote and comment more to make your lovely author happy😊 💕

With next chapter it's going to be end 🥺🥲


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