A Card with No Name

By agreste_addicts

4.4K 183 33

Don't you hate it when you accidentally make someone fall in love with you? In the city of Paris, a girl, Y... More

Chapter 1 - Y/N POV
Chapter 3 - Y/N POV
Chapter 4 - Adrien's POV
Chapter 5 - Y/N POV
Chapter 6 - Adrien's POV
Chapter 7 - Y/N POV
Chapter 8 - Adrien's POV
Chapter 9 - Y/N POV
Chapter 10 - Adrien's POV
Chapter 11 - Y/N POV
Chapter 12 - Adrien's POV
Chapter 13 - Y/N POV
Chapter 14 - Y/N POV
Chapter 15 - Adrien's POV
Chapter 16 - Y/N POV
Chapter 17 - Adrien's POV
Chapter 18 - Y/N POV
Chapter 19 - Y/N POV
Chapter 20 - Adrien's POV
Chapter 21 - Y/N POV
Chapter 22 - Adrien's POV
Chapter 23 - Y/N POV
Chapter 24 - Adrien's POV
Chapter 25 - Luka's POV
Chapter 26 - Y/N POV
Chapter 27 - Adrien's POV
Chapter 28 - Adrien's POV
Chapter 29 - Y/N POV

Chapter 2 - Adrien's POV

250 9 0
By agreste_addicts

   I twirl the ring around my finger and watch the silver glint in the morning light. School is great but I hate sitting alone. 

Ever since Nino moved to that nerd music school, I've had no one to talk to. The seat next to me has been empty since. I spend my days either at home or saving the world. It feels like socializing is hopeless.

My attention is caught by the door opening. I'm the first one on the room because I couldn't sleep after defeating the evilistrator this morning. 

I'm not surprised when I see Chloe walk through the door first, Sabrina bowed by her side with a gold leaf fan her daddy probably bought. Behind her is the rest of the gang, Kim, Max, Rose and Juleka, Nathaniel, and Aliya.

Sometimes this class can get so boring. But I'm not complaining. I'm lucky to go to school.

"Good morning class," Miss Bustier announces like normal. I go back to daydreaming outside the window. The class replies with the usual 'Good morning, Miss Bustier'.

"Today is a special day class, we have a new student!"

What? A new student?

I flick my head toward the door. Maybe today isn't going to be so boring.

"Who isn't here yet. I took her to the infirmary a moment ago, but she will be back before lunch hopefully, so when she does..."

Really... What's the point in telling us we have a new student if we don't get to meet her? My attention drifts away once again as the class settles down. 

Out the window I can see the clouds change. The wind grows stronger. At first, I think its natural. The news this morning there would be a storm coming in later this week. I didn't think it would be today. Actually, the storm is coming in fast... too fast. 

I hear a maniacal cackle vibrating off the windows. Panic floods the room.

"Ha Ha Ha. You can't stop me Ladybug and Chat Noir! I am Stormy Weather, and I will tear Paris down to shreds! MWAH HA HA HA!" Her power whips behind her and the wind shakes the windows and fog clouds the streets of Paris. The class floods to the windows to watch the weather change.


I sneak out of the classroom whilst everyone is still distracted and run to the bathroom. I realize people must think in a nervous pisser because I run to the bathroom every time there is a new acumatized victim.

"Cheese Louise, hasn't any put on the heater yet? I'm about to freeze!" Plague comes barreling out of my jacket holding his rotten cheese in his paws. Sometimes I wonder if life would be different with a miraculous that didn't have to love gross things.
The building begins to shake again and the wooden beams supporting the roof begin to creak.

"That's not good. No time to explain. PLAGUE, CLAWS OUT." I activate my miraculous.

*Insert Chat Noir miraculous transition*

I run out the bathroom and hurl myself onto the school rooftop not looking behind me. The cat is back and he's ready to play.

this is def not Adrien form the show lol

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