Crystal Heart || Ninjago x re...

By Starligt_galaxy

11.6K 441 1.6K

a crystal clear mind, a crystal heart and a lot of chaos. Running away from home wasn't the Smartest idea, no... More

A rocky start
A little heat
Rise of the snakes
Never trust a snake
Can of worms
Tik Tok โณ
Once Bitten, Twice Shy
The Royal Blacksmiths
The Tale of Two Sisters
The Green Ninja
All of Nothing
The Rise of the Great Devourer
Day of the Great Devourer
Darkness Shall Rise
Pirates vs. Ninja
Double Trouble
Ninjaball Run
Child's play
Wrong Place, Wrong Time
The Stone Army
The Day Of The Last Voyage
Island of Darkness
The Last Hope

The Snake King

439 16 59
By Starligt_galaxy

The ninja sit at the table, listing to Lloyd rant about defeating the snakes.

"First, I'll stomp on his tail. Then when he turns, a thunder clap to his ears. Then when he's stunned, I'll disarm him"

Sensei Wu walks in with a black box.

'Too late, he's already hypnotized you and now you're under his control" Cole replies.

"Or he has dragged you in the core of the earth" (Y/n) adds.

"Or he's already put you in a squeeze" Zane continues.

"Or spit on you with his hallucinatory venom. Trust me, bad stuff" Kai finishes, shaking his head.

Lloyd groans "Uncle, what's the best way to stun a Serpentine if you don't know what kind they are?"

Sensei Wu sighs "Sadly, it was the Sacred Flute you five carelessly lost"

"Hey, no, no, no, we didn't lose it. Pythor stole it" Jay corrects.

"Whatever the case, without it I fear we have nothing to combat their powers" The old man pours a cup of tea for himself "We may have prevented them from uniting in the past, but they will try again, and one day they will be stronger"

"Don't worry. I've almost reached my Full Potential, and when I become the Green Ninja, we're not gonna need any magic flute" Cole grins.

"You guys are still on that green ninja thing?" (Y/n) raises her eyebrows.

"You're gonna be the Green Ninja? Hahaha, don't make me laugh" Kai snarkly remarks.

"I thought it was decided that I was destined to become the Green Ninja" Zane states with an akward smile.

Jay places his hand on the ice ninja's shoulder "Oh! The only thing decided about you, Zane, is that you're weird"

Cole, Zane and Jay argues, but quickly stops as Lloyd stands up and walks to Sensei Wu.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. What's in the box?" He points to the black box that was layed upon the table.

Sensei Wu removes the lid and shoves it towards the ninja. Each of them picks up thinner boxes with their symbols on it. "Your new uniforms"

Jay gasps "Whoa! They've got, like, armor"

"I love the gold highlights"

"Battle claws!"

"The material is really light and breathable"

Lloyd frowns "Oh, nothing for me?"

"Um, you get, uh, the box" Sensei answers, nervously.

The alarm goes off, making them head to the control room. Cole presses a button to a screen, it turns on, showing the snakes attacking people.

"Sorry to break up the moment, guys, but a small faction of our slithering friends are stirring up trouble at Mega Monster Amusement Park" He says.

"Amusement park? Can I go? Can I go with you, please? Let me make things up. I can help" Lloyd asks, excited.

"I'm sorry, nephew. You will stay here, where it's safe" Sensei tells Lloyd.

"I could take you another time, Lloyd. When there aren't snakes running around" (Y/n) suggests, trying to cheer the boy up.

"Yes! Thank you, (Y/n). You're the best!" Lloyd exclaims, hugging the girl's waist. He lets go, and backs away to stand next to his uncle.

"What do you say, guys? Time to try out the new merchandise" Jay proposes.

┏━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━┓
┗━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━┛

The land safety in the park, jumping down from the small building they were standing on.

"Haha! Check that out. And not a scratch on me" Cole says, smugly.

They notice a crowd, cheering about something.

"Haha, ladies, relax, relax, we have arrived" Jay calls out.

They look through the crowd to find the Serpentine already tied up.

"Uh, what just happened?" Kai asks.

"Oh, you totally missed it. There were like, icky snakes, and then this mysterious Samurai came in and saved everyone" A woman in the crowd answers.

"He was, like, gorgeous" another woman fangirls.

"You saw his face?"

"No, but we could totally tell" The blond woman replies.

Nya walks by, handing ice cream to the two women.

Jay's shoulder tense up "Nya, you're here"

"yeah, you just missed all the action. He just flew in, took care of business, and then flew off. It was pretty cool" Nya explains, Slightly shrugging

"I don't wanna be a ninja. I wanna be a Samurai" A kid whines to his mother, as she drags him around.

Kai groans "Ugh, who is this guy?"

"Whoever he is, he's stealing our thunder" Cole replies.

"And we just got these cool new ninja suits. Argh! I'm gonna say it: I hate Samurai" Jay declares, crossing his arms.

"Do you help people only for attention?" (Y/n) raises one of her eyebrows.

"Yes- I mean no, I mean-"

Cole cuts Kai off "What he means is that we aren't ninja to look pretty, we're supposed to save and help others"

"Do I hear a hint of jealousy? Maybe this can be a lesson for you" Sensei approaches them, enjoying some cotton candy.

"Oh! Not another lesson. Hey, how'd you get here so quick?" Jay questions, puts his hands on his hips.

"The lesson is iron sharpens iron" Sensei Wu says, pointing to his students with the cotten candy.

"I do not follow, Sensei" Zane states.

"Healthy competition can help you reach your True Potential faster. Do not be jealous of this Samurai, let it inspire you" The old man pauses, before running off "Oh, Ferris wheel!"

"Inspire?" Jay repeats in confusion.

"Wait a minute. Maybe the old man's right" Kai remarks.

Cole shakes his head "You want us to compete with the Samurai? He's got all the cool gadgets, we don't stand a chance"

"No, not with him. With us. I say we turn this into our own competition. Whichever of us is skilled enough to catch this mysterious Samurai is probably the best of the bunch" Kai pulls out his sword, swinging it around.

"So whoever learns the identity of this Samurai is the one who will become the destined Green Ninja. Ha! I love it" Jay adds, pulling out his nunchucks.

(Y/n) sighs "You know what, I'm not gonna deal with this. See you guys later" She strolls away, dissapearing around the corner.

The others look at the leave before turning to eachother again. "Then it's a bet. May the Green Ninja win" Cole declares.

"Ninja, go!"

┏━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━┓
┗━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━┛

"What do you want to do first, Lloyd?" (Y/n) asks, walking with the mentioned boy through the amusement park.

Lloyd looks around before his eyes lock up on a high rollercoaster.

"That one!"

"You sure? That looks pretty scary" (Y/n) asks, raising her eyebrows.

"I'm the son of the Dark Lord, I don't even know the word fear!" Lloyd exclaims, striking a pose.

"I'll take that as a yes" The ninja grabs his hand and leads him towards the attraction.

After a short wait, they get in a cart. The bar goes down, locking them in place. The carts speed off on the rails.

"Yeah! Woooo" Lloyd cheers, raising his arms. The wind had already flipped off the hood down of Lloyd's hoodie, revealing his blond bowlcut.

The carts begin to tret up as the rails ascend. It slowly reaches the top, building the tension.

Lloyd's mood so turned from joy to panic, his hand latch onto the bar.

(Y/n) chuckles "You still sure, it isn't scary?"

"O-Ofcourse, I'm sure. L-Like I said-" He couldn't finish his sentence as the cart reaches the top and decends at high speed.


┏━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━┓
┗━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━┛

"You...You good, Lloyd?" (Y/n) asks, trying to hold back her laughter. Lloyd stands next to her, he was freezed up with a shocked expression.

"Do you want to try win some prizes?" The (h/c) haired girl suggests.

It was like a flick of a switch, Lloyd's face lights up. He nods excitedly, dragging (Y/n) to a nearby stand.

His attention was grabbed by a green dragon plushie, he grabs the other's sleeve "That one!"

(Y/n) places a few coins on the counter. The employee grabs and sets down a set of five balls infront of Lloyd.

Lloyd grabs the first ball and throws it at the cans, only slightly pushing them back.

Then goes the second, the third and the fourth. Lloyd whines in annoyance, frustrated at the failure.

"Hey, look over there!" Lloyd points to nowhere, distracting the employee. He throws the last ball as hard as he can, but to be only met the same result.

The boy was about to storm off. When (Y/n) pulls her staff off her back and pushes the cans over. Lloyd turns to her with a surprised look, (Y/n) puts her index finger to her lips in return.

The employee looks back to find all cans knocked over. They shrug and takes the green dragon off the hook, handing it to Lloyd.

The two walk off. "That was awesome, I had no idea you would something like that" Lloyd chimes, holding the plushie tight.

"Yeah, but don't cheat. I only did it, so you wouldn't be upset" (Y/n) reponds.

"No promise!" Lloyd yells, running off. (Y/n) follows behind him.

┏━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━┓
┗━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━┛

(Y/n) sits on her bed, reading a book she bought the other day. Nya stumbles through the door, wiping the sweat off.

"And where have you been?"

"Oh! I was just helping around deck. Quite exhausting, you know?" Nya says nervously.

The other sighs "If you say so, I'm gonna check on the guys" she lays down the book on the bed and walks out the door.

"Wait, I'm coming with you" Nya pushes the door open again, following the other girl.

They walk up deck and to the dining room. They enter and take a seat at the table.

"Hey guys, any luck with catching the samurai?" (Y/n) questions.

Jay shakes his head "He's like a ghost. One moment he's there, the next he's gone"

" I am starting to believe we might never catch him" Zane frowns.

"I think it's safe to say, none of us are closer to proving we're the Green Ninja" Kai states, setting down a cup he was holding.

Sensei Wu enters the room, holding his arms behind his back "Looks like iron is sharpening iron. I feel you are getting closer to your True Potential"

He slighty squeezes Cole's arms.


"Where is my nephew? I thought you were looking after him" Wu asks, looking at his students.

"I thought Cole was gonna pick him up" Kai mentions

"I went to the arcade, but he wasn't there. Jay was-" Cole answers.

Jay cuts him off "Don't bring me into this. I babysat yesterday"

"You guys lost him!?" (Y/n) yells, making the others tense up.

"We must find the boy" Sensei Wu says.

┏━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━┓
┗━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━┛

Arriving at the arcade, Kai looks inside to find the boy nowhere to be seen.

"He was right here. Someone must have seen him"

Cole looks up to find a security camera "Hey, guys. Check this out"

They get to security officer to investigate the footage. They watch as Lloyd walk on the side walk.

"Wait, wait, there's the pipsqueak. Play that back"

It plays back to show Lloyd looking around the corner, he then rushes into the store. Then out with a snake disguise and into an alleyway.

"What is he up to?" Jay asks.


They walk through the alleyway Lloyd was walking through ealier, where his footprints end were tire marks.

"I sense these are Lloyd's footprints, but they come to an end here. Why?" Zane explains.

"Something tells me we're going for a ride. Come on, guys" Kai motions them to follow him. Before summoning their vehicles.

They soon arrive at a snake like city. They sneak around, avoiding patrolling guards. Observing the big arena filled with snakes.

"It appears Pythor has successfully united all of the tribes" Zane says, looking around at the different colored snakes.

"Lloyd probably saw them and followed them here in that snake disguise, where is he?" (Y/n) asks.

"Over there" Kai points towards a cage that hanging on a hook with Lloyd sitting in it.

Jay points to a stone statue of a snake towering over the stands "Whoa. And look at who they worship"

"Let me guess: the Great Devourer"

"All the more reason to get Lloyd out of here. This comes to an end today" Kai pulls out his sword and the run foward.

(Y/n) was about to follow when a cage falls onto the four ninja. She backs away into shadow, to not be spotted.

"Looks like we've caught the main event" Pythor laughs, standing infront the golden weapons that the ninja had dropped.


(Y/n) sneaks around the stands from outside, avoiding the snakes view. De

She spots Lloyd's cage in an opening, she stalks towards it and taps Lloyd on the shoulder. The boy turns with a surprised expression.


The girl signals him him to be quiet "ssh, you'll draw attention" She looks around for any way to free the blond "we need to get you out of here"

"But what about the others" Lloyd asks, looking at the ninja who were battling the infamous samurai.

"They will be fine and it's not like she would actually hurt them" (Y/n) answers, her gaze up to the hook that the cage was hanging on.

Her hand reaches over only for it to be snatched by a blue tail and gets pulled back.

"Not ssso fassst" Skales hisses, pulling the girl from the cage. (Y/n) swings her first towards his head, the snake moves his head and launches the girl right into the main event.


"Speaking of the Devil, let's do the tornado of creation!" Kai yells.

(Y/n) gets up and nods.






"Ninja go!"

Their Spinjitzu tornado's merge into the tornado of creation, sucking everthing in that it can. They split appart to reveal a big catapult with a spikeball.

Pulling it back, they launch it at the Samurai. The big machine collapses infront of skales and Pythor.

The ninja run towards them to retrieve their weapons. Pythor pulls on a lever, making wooden spikes pop up from the ground.

"Argh! Why can't anyone play fair?!" Jay exclaims.

Pythor pushes the lever futher, making the battle ground begin to tilt. Each ninja, along with the samurai hold onto one of the spikes to not fall.

"Can this get any worse?" Cole asks, sarcastically.

"We must continue to make it appear that we are fighting for real" The samurai replies in a deep voice.

"Huh, we're not fighting for real?" Jay questions, confused.

"Keep up the charade and hold on to my exo-suit"

Follow the Samurai's orders, they jump onto the suit. That bladyers go off, lifting them up into the air.

"Wait hold on, what about Lloyd?" (Y/n) mentions, looking at the caged boy with worry.

"That's not the thing we should worry about right now, There's too much weight!" Kai answers. The engine sputters as it has trouble flying.

The suit's chest opens, the Samurai jumps out. Letting the suit blast off with the ninja.

"I can't believe he just saved us"

"He stole our thunder again!"


"Guys, be thankful for one fucking second!"

The suit flies around before crashing into the sand. Sending the ninja everywhere, they wrap themselves up. Finding the fire ninja nowhere to be seen.

"Where's Kai?"

(Y/n) climbs up a small hill, looking for any thing red. The other three following suit, pausing when they hear the suit beginning to beep.

They turn to find it standing up and flies off. "Great. Now we lost Kai, the Samurai suit is gone, and we have no way to get home" Jay complains.

Hearing footsteps, (Y/n) looks back, finding the the mentioned brunette with the weapons.

"I guess we didn't lose everything"

2666 words

(Sorry that this chapter is shorter than. Others)

I love how Nya is kinda of an asshole, she send the ninja off to missions only to do it herself and laugh in their faces.

Sorry that this chapter came out a bit later than usual. I have started school and I'm always done at 4 pm, so I never have energy to write.

Anyways, I'm gonna pulls a JD.


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