Fate/Lost Moonlight

By Eleganos

887 6 0

Adapted from 'Fate/GPT' over on Spacebattles. In which a cabal of morally dubious xenos decide to create a 'F... More

Master Intro: Eric Weathers
Master Intro: Nami
Master Intro: Alex
Master Intro: Julius Roco de Guzman
Master Intro: Owain Leomachus Gorgonsor
Master Intro: Pedro Manuel Garza
Master Intro: Sebastian Aurelius Castellanos
Master Intro: Mary Burnett
Master Intro: Ronin
Master Intro: Jezebel
Master Intro: Abid Armitage
Master Intro: Oscar Reyes
Master Intro: Felix Le Tonnelier
Master Intro: Morelo Vascuit
Master Intro: Lisette Di Avini
Rules of Engagement
Black Faction Formation
White Faction Formation
Blue Faction Formation
Red Faction Formation
The Last of the Calm, the Start of the Storm
War Entry 1: Crimson Wave
War Entry 2: Camping Out
War Entry 3: First Blood
War Entry 4: Shadows in the Night
War Entry 5: Churchgoers
War Entry 6: High-Spirits Horseride
War Entry 7: Armory Raid
War Entry 8: Hotel London
War Entry 9: Castle of Black
War Entry 10: Spooky Seance
War Entry 11: The Compliance of Skipton
War Entry 12: London Night Flight
War Entry 13: London Night Rendezvous

Master Intro: Radius Aleksei Ikarov

15 0 0
By Eleganos

In a dimly lit room, Radius Aleksei Ikarov carefully prepared the summoning circle. The air was thick with anticipation as he carefully placed the random catalyst he had found during his travels at the center of the intricate design. This would be his entry into the Holy Grail War, a conflict that would test his beliefs and ideals to their very core.

"I call upon thee from the outer realms, O powerful spirit," Radius chanted, his voice resolute. "Heed my call and become my sword in the Holy Grail War. Together, we shall embrace the conflict that defines existence!"

As the words left his lips, the circle began to glow with an otherworldly light. The catalyst pulsed with energy, and a figure emerged from the swirling darkness. The Servant was imposing, clad in futuristic baroque armor adorned with intricate markings, his eyes burning with an unfathomable determination.

"Tell me, are you the man who would be so bold as to call himself my Master?" The figure asked.

"I am" Radius responded.

The towering, black clad warrior smiled at that. "Good. Very good. Do not presume to command me, and I am sure we will be able to cooperate well enough, especially seeing as how you too are a fellow warrior. Only someone like you would ever be worthy of my presence. Now then, allow me to introduce myself formally: I am The Warmaster, Horus Lupercal, Foreigner Class Servant, summoned to serve you in the Holy Grail War," the figure declared, his voice strong and commanding.

"Tell me, Master, what is your desire?"

Radius smiled, intrigued by this newfound companion. He could sense the conflict within the Servant, a struggle between loyalty and betrayal, order and chaos. It was a fascinating contradiction, one that appealed to Radius's own appreciation of the complexities of conflict.

"I seek to understand the true nature of conflict, to explore its depths and uncover its secrets," Radius replied, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "Will you join me in this quest, Horus Lupercal? Can you help me find my 'Opposite'?"

The Foreigner regarded his new Master with a mixture of curiosity and respect. "I am no stranger to the concept of conflict, Master," Horus admitted, his gaze unwavering. "I, too, have sought to understand its intricacies, to harness its power for both creation and destruction. If it is your wish to explore the depths of conflict, then I shall stand by your side. So long as you do not get in the way of my wish."

"And that is?"

"To incarnate. And muster this world beneath my rule, that I may wage war on the stars themselves as the Emperor of Humanity!"

Radius extended his hand, a grin spreading across his face. "Yes, you'll do, you'll certainly do, Horus Lupercal," he declared, his voice filled with determination. "Together, we shall shake the foundations of the Holy Grail War and beyond!"


As Radius and Horus Lupercal settled into their temporary hideout, they found themselves engaged in an intense discussion about the nature of conflict, the concept of servitude, and the complexities of morality. Horus, a warrior who had once championed loyalty and order, was now a being of chaos, driven by betrayal and the pursuit of power.

"I find it fascinating how the universe thrives on conflict," Radius began, his eyes gleaming with enthusiasm. "One cannot exist without the other, order and chaos working in tandem to shape existence."

Horus nodded thoughtfully. "Indeed, Master. But at the same time, I have witnessed firsthand the destructive power of unchecked conflict. When loyalty is broken and chaos runs rampant, the consequences can be devastating."

Radius considered Horus's words, intrigued by the depth of his perspective. "Yet, without conflict, there can be no growth, no progress. I believe that it is our duty to embrace the conflict within us and use it to better ourselves."

The Foreigner sighed, his gaze distant.

"Perhaps you are right, Master. But it is a difficult balance to maintain. The line between growth and destruction is a fine one. I, who once gave into it so recklessly, came to regret that path in the end. Conflict is a tool through which the human race may be honed and sharpened, but if abused thoughtlessly, then it whittles mankind into nothingness. Blunts us all into naught but a useless blade. I thought my great endeavor would be the salvation of my Imperium, that it would make us stronger in the long run, even as I set the galaxy ablaze. If I could do it again... well... I know I would do things differently... will do things differently, once I get my wish, and prove myself worthy of the title I so crave."

As their conversation shifted to the subject of servitude, Radius questioned Horus about his past loyalties and the betrayal that had shaped his existence.

"I am curious, Horus Lupercal. As a Servant, you are bound to serve me. But do you not yearn for the freedom to make your own choices, to forge your own path?"

Horus hesitated, his expression pained. "There was a time when I would have answered 'yes' without hesitation. But I have learned that absolute freedom can be a curse as much as a blessing. The burden of choice can be a heavy one to bear. Make no mistake, I will not be your bootlick, and if you seek to denigrate me needlessly you will find yourself disposed of at my earliest convenience. For now though, I am happy to remain 'first amongst equals'."

Radius leaned forward, his curiosity piqued. "Then let us continue to explore the complexities of life and morality together, Horus Lupercal. Perhaps, through our journey, we can both find the balance we seek, the perfect application of conflict and recuperation."

The Foreigner met his Master's gaze, a determined glint in his eyes. "I would be honored to walk this path with you, Radius Aleksei Ikarov."


The sun had begun to set when Radius and Horus Lupercal arrived at the designated location to meet with the Supervisor of the Holy Grail War. The man in question, a stern, white skinned Mage dressed in a crisp suit, awaited them with a disapproving frown. As they approached, he folded his arms across his chest, his gaze scrutinizing the pair.

"Radius Aleksei Ikarov..." the Supervisor began, his voice cold and unyielding. "It has come to my attention that you have summoned your Servant and joined the Holy Grail War without first seeking my approval. Ignoring the fact of how this came to be, I would hear you explain yourself."

Radius, unfazed by the reprimand, merely grinned. "Ah, well, you see, we were simply embracing the chaos of the situation. A minor oversight, to be sure."

The Supervisor's frown deepened, clearly unamused by Radius's nonchalant attitude. "Regardless, you are now participants in this War. As such, you are required to follow the rules and regulations set forth by we who serve as it's arbiters. Your first order of business will be to explain... him..."

Supervisor Lysander Euryale gestured to the demigod of war who strode beside Radius.

"I am Horus Lupercal, a Foreigner Class Servant, and I fight alongside the warrior I chose to serve as my Master in this conflict."

Lysander raised an eyebrow at that.

"Foreigner... Horus... I know of you... I could see how you might've gotten away with being summoned as a Servant, despite being a mere Phantom Spirit of a fictiona-"

"Mere!" Horus growled. "Tread lightly, Supervisor, for I will not tolerate such thoughtless belittlement. Not the least by a mere mortal!"

"Horus, my friend, calm yourself. The time to shed blood will come soon enough. For now, we need to get accepted into the war." Radius counselled him. The Primarch grumbling, yet, easing off for the moment.

"Well, if nothing else, at least you have a firm leash on him-"

Lysander took pause as Radius shot him a deathly, murderous glare at that insinuation. The Supervisor sighed.

"Well, aren't you two just an incorrigible bunch. Whatever. Go attend the pre-battle meeting with the other Masters and Servants. And you, Foreigner... If you should prove yourself as a 'Threat to Humanity' you will be dealt with, understood?"

Horus Lupercal nodded solemnly, accepting the directive. "Understood. Come Master, we shall make our way to the meeting forthwith."

The Supervisor narrowed his eyes, still not entirely satisfied with the pair's conduct. "Let this serve as a warning, Radius Aleksei Ikarov. Your actions have consequences, and the Holy Grail War is not a game. Do not take it lightly."

Radius chuckled, his amber eyes gleaming with mischief. "Of course, sir. We'll be on our best behavior. Won't we, Horus?"

The Foreigner offered a curt nod, his expression unreadable. "Indeed, we will."

With that, the unlikely duo took their leave, heading to the pre-battle meeting to face their fellow competitors. As they walked away, the Supervisor watched them go, a nagging sense of unease settling in his chest. The chaos that Radius and Horus Lupercal brought with them was an unpredictable variable, and only time would tell how it would impact the outcome of the Holy Grail War.


Addendum: Character Profile

Master: Radius Aleksei Ikarov

Appearance: A well-built muscular young man with steel gray hair and amber eyes who wears a curious or relaxed expression most of the time. Occasionally adopts a devilish facial expression akin to a smiling demon when he is happy, contemplative, taken with battle lust or just talking about interesting topics with someone. His Command Seals are in the shape of an Ouroboros set inside a Chaos Star.

Personality: Radius is usually at his most simple, direct and honest. For him life is something beautiful and something that should be enjoyed to the fullest without overcomplicating it. Part of his simplistic nature manifests in a wholehearted enjoyment of life as it is, and a willingness to take it easy and stay in his lane. He generally does not lie, as he simply prefers to say things directly. Radius is also very philosophical, for the most part he enjoys chatting, discussing and reflecting on the concept and philosophy that he has had most of his life; the conflict.

He is also something of a half-crazed masochistic battle maniac.

Background: Born in a country where constant war on all sides, he dedicated his life to trying to understand it, taking on a nomadic lifestyle that took him across the world, all the while honing himself for a great conflict he felt looming ahead in his future, one grander than he could ever hope to envision.

Origin: Conflict/Cycle/Opposite

A person's Origin is the starting point that defines one's existence and directs one's actions throughout life. It is essentially the 'blueprint' of one's soul. Typically, a person only has one Origin. As such, Radius' threefold Origin is highly unusual...

Abilities: For the most part Radius specializes in Reinforcement Magecraft, Taiji and Martial Arts of all kinds. Radius cultivated his skills as he traveled the world facing down countless dangers, challenging many Monsters or People and learning from others in his spare time. Most of some of his knowledge is patchy, as while Radius adapted to and refined most everything he saw and faced in his combat, he failed to attain a solid grasp on much of the theoretical or philosophical knowledge behind the various sources of his patchwork skillset, which ultimately diluted their potency.

He compensates for this via his monstrous physique and excessive abuse of Reinforcement to further amplify himself.

Catalyst: An eight pointed star, found randomly on Radius' travels.

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