By aFrickenGod

97.4K 3.6K 909

"My name is Y/n L/n." You said, fists forming in your hands. "And I'm no longer your slave." ๏ Everyone know... More



10.8K 326 106
By aFrickenGod

The glasses you were handing out could definitely be polished. There was lipstick stains on the most of them, and cheese bits just lying on the inside.
So while you were making drinks, you cleaned as many glasses as you could and placed them in a different part of the bar.

The waitress was taking her sweet time, so as no one was around the bar, you took the drinks and went to table 8 to give them drinks. There was a pink with pink-ish hair and blue rim glasses sitting next to a boy with a red open vest, curly black hair and a hat. You didn't give an overall full look at it first.

"All we have to do, is sneak into the marine base!" The boy with the red open vest said with a smile on his face.

The pink tinted boy snapped his head up at you. "Luffy!" He said, glancing at you.

The boy with the red open vest looked at you, then the drinks in your hands. "Oh, are they for us?"

You glanced down at them, and decided to ignore the whole 'sneaking into the marine base' thing. "Yeah, who had the red lemonade?"
You placed the drinks down on the table, and just as you were leaving, you saw the hat.

The red ribbon straw hat.
You've seen it before, only it was on a different man. A pirate with red hair and three claw marks along his eye.

"Nice hat." You smiled at the boy with the red vest.

It was like his eyes got wider as he took his hat off his head and looked at it. "Thanks!"
He looked old enough to be around your age, but he acted like a child.

You had spent enough time looking at the hat, and the bar was still empty, so you went back over to wash all the glasses that were dirty once more. Every so often, you'd look at his hat.
Shanks was the owner of that hat, and you knew he was a good pirate. So for whatever reason that he gave the hat to the boy, he must of had a good reason.

The doors to the bar opened, and in walked a green haired man with a bag. There was also a body inside the bag, with red spike hair sticking out.

"A drink for me, and one for my friend here." The green haired man said as he sat down. "He's had a long day."

"Sure." There was two meanings behind your word. The first being that you would get him the drinks, and the second being sarcastic, as the guy in the bag was most definitely dead.

You crouched down to get the bottle, and you then heard low murmurs of chatter from he green haired man and a young girl who you saw running around the bar. Her father owned the bar, so she'd hang out around and give food to some folk.

When you stood back up once more, there was a clatter of dishes. You darted your eyes up and saw a tall blond haired guy with his arms raised and a disgusted look on his face. 
The young girl had accidently ran into him, and whatever she was holding had dropped on the ground at his feet.

"You stupid, stupid girl!" The man spat.

"Oi." You made yourself into the conversation.

But instead of making a positive impact, the blond guy just shoved his hand i your face with a single finger raised, trying to silence you.
It took everything in you not to break his finger off right then, right there. However, there was a child present and you didn't want to scare her.

And you really needed this job.

The man with the green hair got up from his stool, and turned out, he had as much emotion in his voice as a brick did.

"That was my food." He kneeled down, and you just noticed not one, not two, but three sword attached to his waist. Roronoa Zoro was a infamous bounty hunter with a hell of a reputation to his name. He stuck his fingers into the food on the floor and ate it.

"Mm, delicious."

You raised your eyebrow. Not expecting him to do that at all. The blond had stepped on the food he just ate, and you've seen the floors of the bar. And there not clean in the slightest.
Zoro wanted the blond to apologies to the girl, and long story short, a fight broke out between him and the Marines.

You jumped over the bar and grabbed the little girl who was in the middle of the fight. You picked her up and placed her behind the bar and out of the way.
And somehow, while saving a little girl with your back turned from the fight, the Marines saw you as a target.

So that lead to a pistol being shot just over your head. You felt it pass, and you ducked down as quick as you could. Attacking a Marine would land you in the yard for a week, and while it's not the worst you've been through, you'd rather avoid it.
So you started to crawl away behind the stools of the bar, avoiding the bullets as best you could. And whilst you were crawling away on the floor like a pathetic animal, Zoro decided to step in and help you out.

Without even drawing a blade, he rendered the man unconscious. You yelled a quick thanks before jumping over the bar and finding the little girl.

"Hey, are you okay?" You asked, checking her for injuries.

She nodded fast and flinched once a man toppled over the bar and landed a few metres away. You used your foot and kicked most of him away. 

After a while, the fighting died down, and you looked over the edge of the bar. A good few Marines were sprawled out across the bar. The second the manager comes back, you were going to quit, as you'd rather be jobless than clean up this mess.

Zoro already had his drink on him, but got out another glass anyway and poured it to the brim. "On the house." You said, sliding it over to him.

You then took your apron and pulled it off with a force before slamming it on the table and loudly announcing to the bar. "I quit!"

Roronoa Zoro had willingly allowed himself to be tied up on the yard. All of Shells Town had heard it by now. How he choose to be starved instead of becoming a Marine.
It was only his second day on the yard today.

And while you were walking around Shells Town, you had somehow made it to the Marine Base. You stared at the wall for a few moments, next to it was the door. You bit your lip, thinking about the choices that were entering your head.

Zoro had saved your life, and he was facing a punishment he didn't really deserve. You looked around before sighing and hanging your head.

After closing your eyes for a moment and cracking your neck, you locked eyes on the door, and walked towards it. You tightened the gloves on your hands that hide what was underneath and only showed your fingers.
You tucked your hair behind your ears and out of your face. You were about to open the door to the base, when it started to open itself. Panicked, you jumped backwards and leaned against the wall, hiding behind the opening door.

A group of Marines marched out, all their feet moving at the same time. It was a small group of six, so the door was still open when they were far enough away.
You slipped inside, and stuck close to the walls.

Inside, the air was cool, so you were much less hot in there. You weren't in a Marine uniform, so if you got caught, you'd be arrested. You spent most of your time walking around, ducking into supply closets or bathrooms.

One time, you were lucky to duck into the weapons room. You had your back against the door, so the room was in full view for you. There was guns and guns as far as the eye could see. Spear poles, canons, bullets. Anything you'd find on a Marine ship was stocked in this room.

But what caught your eyes were the three swords leaned against a chair. You smiled as you grabbed them, admiring them for a moment. 
Two of the swords were regular katana's, but the third one was held in a white and gold sheath. It was a lot more looked after as well, so Zoro must have really liked that sword.

You took the swords, then the waist wrap that held them in place before you looked out the window of the door, before going out again. You looked out as many windows as you could, as you had no idea where you were going. The yard was in view, but wherever the pole was that held people was not in sight.

You continued moving forward, watching your surroundings with the best of your abilities. You turned a corner as this time, the pole was in view, but Zoro was no longer on it.

Confused, you stopped, and grabbed the railing of the window, looking outside. You were confused as where he was, but you soon heard the sound of a body dropping to the ground behind you.

You jumped in the air, and your feet landed on the railing of the open window, you turned while jumping, so you were facing the person that tried to attack you.

Green hair, a sweaty forehead and dirty clothes were presented in front of you.

"Those are my swords." He said, returning back to his fight.

"Well-spotted." You threw the sword to him.
The look on his face showed you that he was expecting a fight, but you handed the swords over easily.

"You're the woman from the bar." He recognized you. "You are the bartender."

"I was the bartender. I quit, inside you forgot." You jumped down from the railing. "And you are Roronoa Zoro, infamous pirate hunter."

"What of it?" He finished tying his swords on his waist.

"You saved my life." You shrugged. "Considered this a thanks."

"Alright." He looked out the window. "Which way is out?"

You pointed the way you came and you both started to move out that way. Suddenly, an alarm started to blare off and you darted your head up.

"Don't worry, it's for us." Zoro moved past you, checking around a corner.

You scrunched your face up in confusion as you looked back to him. "You are technically their prisoner and you've escaped, what do you mean it's not for us?"

"That pirate guy that untied my ropes. That's who their after. He's looking for the map of the Grand Line." Zoro motions for you to follow, as the hallway was safe.

"And you, a pirate hunter, let the pirate go? Isn't that against your job description?" You questioned him as you watched your back, in case the Marines were behind you.

"I've never seen his face before, probably doesn't have any Berry on him." Zoro shrugs.

You rolled your eyes as you followed him. The two of you were close enough to the door when you past one of the main yards. There was a large fight going on, with the red vest guy, some girl with ginger hair and every Marine on the base.

"Huh." You watched it, as both you and Zoro slowed down. "Don't tell me that's your pirate friend?"

Zoro sighed deeply as he looked over at the fight.
You heard his hand go to his swords and then he was off sprinting. You opened your mouth to say something, but he was gone. Your eyes drifted to the boy with Shank's hat and you watched him get pushed around.

"Ugh..." You hunched your back before rolling your shoulders back. "Whatever."

You ran into the fight, jumping into the air and kicking a guy away from the straw hat boy. Another you punched in the chest, making him slide back into another guy. The straw hat boy gave you a big smile, as if he wasn't in the middle of a fight.
Unsure of how to respond, you gave him a stern nod.

"Aren't you that drunk from the bar?" An orange haired woman walked up to you, as Zoro put his swords down.

"Glad I made an impression." Zoro says, his emotional range still going only towards that one of a brick.

"The imposter, the pirate hunter, the prisoner and some common bitch." The head of the Marine base, Axe-Hand Morgan walked up to the four of you.

An offended look fell upon your face, as he called you a 'common bitch'. Not only was it insulting, but it was a rather poor insult. And he had alias for the other, but not you. Rude.

"Fancy that. Four of you working together." Axe-Hand Morgan stops in front of you, his axe hand glittering in the sun light.

 "Yeah." The straw hat boy stepped forward. "We're a crew."

"No we are not."
"Not together."
"Nope, not a crew."

"No enemy has ever escaped my wrath." Axe-Hand Morgan ignored you all. "I alone defeated the Black Cat Pirates. I alone captured Kuro of a Thousand Plans. And I alone keep Shells Town safe from the scum of the East Blue!"

And with his speech, he dramatically took off his coat and put himself in a stance. You took a breath in and sighed. It had been a while since you last fought, so you were a little rusty.
Axe-Hand Morgon walked forward and Zoro was the first move.

Blades and...axe blade clashed and the fight begun. The ginger haired woman went to protect some safe box thing and fought off the Marines with her staff. There was more Marines than there was Axe-Hand Morgans, so you helped lift the load off the ginger.

"Not the best way to introduce myself-" You dodged a sword to the face. "But the name's Y/n."

"Nami." The ginger woman called out, knocking a man unconscious. 

Fighting the Marines was done quickly with two people, and when you looked back over at Axe-Hand Morgan, you didn't expect to see the straw hat boy extend his arm further than a normal human person should be able to do.
But nonetheless, it took Morgan out.

"Gum gum whip?" Zoro question the boy's yell as he got up from the ground.

"Yeah. All the best fighters call out their finishing moves." He smiles, happy to share his knowledge.
"...No they don't."

"Hate to break up this beautiful moment, but we need to get this safe out of here." Nami said, moving towards the safe that was lodged in the ground. "Maybe if we can find some rope or something?"

Zoro had a different approach as he simply walked over and lifted the safe from the ground and placed his on his shoulder, and then ever so gracefully walked out the base.

"Or we could that." You raised an eyebrow, not expecting the strength from him.

You four all made your way through Shells Town as quick as you could. Avoiding the Marines as best as possible. You weren't with their little gang or anything, but as you fought on their base you weren't going to be welcomed around anymore, meaning you needed to get off the Island, and if one of them had a boat, you were going to use it.

Nami jumped on to one of the boat, and started to lift the sails. You jumped over the dock and and helped her out on the other end, tying the ropes off so you would be able to get out to sea.

Zoro trotted along and placed the safe down heavily on the boat.
"Care with that!" Nami scowled him.

"Whatever you say." There was still no emotion in his tone. "Oh, wait. I don't work for you."

"I'm sensing a little bit of tension amongst the crew." Straw hat boy pointed out.

"Not a crew." The three of you spoke at the same time, it was like a harmony.

Straw Hat boy ignored you all as he looked over the dock. "I can't leave without my friend."

"We don't have any time. The Marines will show up any moment." You looked to him, moving to the other side of the boat.

"The Marines are already here." A familiar prick kind of a voice rung out. You turned your head over to see the blond guy from the bar, but with an even worse haircut than before. "You're under arrest."

You slapped a hand over your face, stopping yourself from laughing at his hair. Straw Hat boy laughed as well and questioned it, Zoro answering and saying how he was reason of it.
The response to this was the bad haircut blond pointing his gun in Zoro's direction, however his aim was well off and not a single one of the four of you flinched as he shot the gun.

"I won't let you make a joke of me! I'm taking you in, and handing you to my father." He sounds certain that it would ever happen. "Who knows, I might even get a medal or something-"

And boom. Sucker punch right to face. You stood up straight, watching the blond fall right to the sound. The pink-tint haired boy showed up, holding his fist in pain from the impact, but happy with the result.

"Koby?" Straw Hat was happy with his presence. "Great! No time to explain, but we've go to go now. The whole Island is trying to kill us."

But Koby stopped, and he didn't move further on to the boat. You took a good look at him, and you assessed that he wasn't the pirate type. 
"I'm not coming with you."

"You sure?" At first, Straw hat looked hurt that his friend wasn't going with him, but he kept that smile on his face as he turned to him.

"Before we met, every choice was made for me. But now I'm gonna do what I wanna do...I'm gonna be a Marine."

That sentence alone certainly caught your interest. You just fought more than half of the Marines on this base, and here, this Koby kid was telling another one of the people who just fought the Marines.

"Next time we met, we might be enemies." Koby's voice grew softer and quieter as he spoke.

"But for now...we're friends." Straw Hat smiled at his friends, and gently hit his shoulder.
Straw Hat then jumped into the ship and Koby pushed us off into the water. Waving, Straw Hat said a final goodbye to his friend. 

"Alright kid." You moved in view of the Straw Hat boy. "Tell me when did Shanks give you his hat?"

Life seemed to spark in his eyes as he shot up off the ground. "You know Shanks?! How did you met him!?"

"I met him a few years ago, I traveled on his ship as a passenger for a short time... He your father or something?" You asked him.

Straw Hat smiled as he admired his hat. "No, I just knew him really well."

You nodded. "OKay...then at least tell me who you are. I know their names-" You pointed at Nami and Zoro. "But I don't know you. And if I'm travelling with you, then I would like to know your name."

"I'm Monkey D. Luffy." He grinned at you. "And I'm gonna be King of the Pirates."

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