By JamaicanAuthor

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In the fantasy world of Andromeda, twins are pretty rare. But when they are born, each twin is good and bad... More

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By JamaicanAuthor


"You are free to go."

It's been a week and a half of the same routine. Wake up. Eat. Sit around. Talk to Fay and repeat. Sometimes, I would try to get information out of her, like about herself and why she is doing this. Why is Arianna's memories so important just to get her parents back? But as soon as I ask, Fay puts up a barrier. Doesn't answer my questions. Telling me it's all part of the game, so there was no way she would spoil anything.

Sometimes, she would pretend to let us go, but it was a lie. She would slam the door before we could even set a foot out. So now that she's repeating it. I do not believe for a minute.

"Hello? Did you not hear me?" Fay now stood before me, her hands on her hips as she tilted her head. I sighed, pushing myself off the couch as I crossed my arms.

"Yes, I heard you. But you said this how many times now?" I stated.

"I mean it this time. Arianna has escaped. It's time for the final game to begin." Fay walked back over to the door as she opened it, motioning for us to leave.

Was it true? Arianna escaped? She's okay? I took a deep breath, looking over at Meadow, who also didn't know if she should believe Fay or not but with a serious expression on Fay. We could only believe her, so we walked outside.

"So where is she? How do we get to her?" I questioned as I turned around. Fay stepped out with us, smoothing down her dress. Fay was always wearing something different almost every single day, as if her outfits were getting dirty or maybe she was waiting for the correct type of outfit to wear as sometimes I would hear her say, "'No. Not this one."

This time, Fay was wearing a long dark blue dress that split on the sides with a dark blue cape. Despite her tainted heart, she was beautiful, and she knew it by how she dressed and carried herself.

"Oh.." Fay finally looked up, realizing that I was talking to her. "You think I'm going to tell you?"

"I mean, yeah..."

"No. I'm not going to tell you. It wouldn't matter if I told you where the jail is because she would already be trying to find you. But what I will tell you is.. you guys should definitely meet at the final destination for the final memory."

"And where is that? It's not the mansion, is it?"

"Nope. That was just a diversion. Figure it out. God." Fay huffed, rolling her eyes before she circled her hand. A portal opened, and before I could say anything else, she stepped through, and the portal disappeared. But I did catch a glimpse of Arianna's parents, and it helped that they looked okay. Unharmed. For now.

I turned toward Meadow, who had her hand on her chin, deep in thought. Maybe she knew where we needed to go. Did Arianna understand where she might need to go? I hope so. I hope we can get to her fast enough. I feel like we are on a timer. And if we run out...

No. I don't want to know what might happen if we run out of time. We won't run out of time. I won't allow it. We will reunite, and we will get her parents back. Fay will not win. Starting to walk down a random path, I stayed quiet as Meadow continued to think to herself. Meadow and I haven't been talking much, considering, at the time, being inside the cabin did nothing for us. There was no plan, but I wish we did talk. At least a plan for when we did get out of here, but what would we have expected? We didn't know where we would be going or what would happen out here.

"What are you thinking about?" I probably already knew the answer.

"Where the final destination might be," Meadow answered. I figured. If anyone should know, it would be Meadow. So, I left her to think. Scanning our surroundings, I didn't know where we were.

"Do you think maybe any creatures may know?" I asked, picking at my shirt. There was nothing on it. I was clean, as were my clothes, but I never liked wearing the same clothes. And I was at the moment. But hey, I got thrown into this without bringing extra clothes when we stepped through the door. At least I have clothes on me. Better than walking...

"Rylan? Rylan!" Meadow's voice cut through my thoughts, and I blinked, furrowing my eyebrows as I looked at her. She was talking to me, and I hadn't even registered anything she was saying.

"I'm sorry.. what was that?"

"I said.. why would anyone around here know?"

"I mean... You're not the only one who knew Fay and Arianna, right? They had friends and other creatures that knew them." I stated, motioning my hand toward a sea serpent that was watching us in the water. Meadow placed her hand on her hips, giving me a disbelief look. Okay, so maybe not the sea serpent as a friend or creature that knew the twins, but she knows what I meant. Right?

"You're right, though. But who.." Meadow trailed off, her lips curling to the side as she continued to think. I shoved my hands into my pockets, looking around once again. Would Andromeda go back to normal once Fay has been defeated? I mean, the whole reason this place was falling apart was because of her. However, it's unbelievable how one person could do so much chaos in such a big world.

But what do I know? I'm just the side character in this journey.

"You look lost."

Suddenly, a small female stepped out from behind some trees, causing me to jump startled. I ran my hand down my face, willing my pounding heart to slow down. Who in their right mind would just come out of nowhere like that? Taking a good look, I furrowed my eyebrows as she didn't look like she was any sort of creature. Aside from the leafy crown on her long green hair, green eyes pointed ears, and her outfit that consisted of a short, ethereal dress and ballet flats, she almost resembled a pixie. A fairy even.

"You're a fairy? But in human form?" It sounded more like a question than a statement when I stated it. The fairy only smiled, shrugging her shoulders.

"My name is Peri. I'm a pixie. You guys look like you need help." She introduced herself.

"Pixie. Fairy. Same thing. I've learned all about you guys. Which means-"

"Is that why you're not freaking out over everything ?" Meadow cut in.

"Freaking out? Meadow, I've been doing nothing but freaking out. Since she got that call and ran to her house, I can not show it because it is not about me. It is about Arianna and her thinking her whole life is a lie. Questioning herself now on who she really is. All I can do is be there for her and help her through this. I have no time to be freaking out. That won't help her so-" I turned toward Peri, who stood there quietly.

"You said we look like we need help. Yes, we do, but since I learned about pixies, I also know you guys like to mislead us for fun. Will you do that, or do you genuinely want to help?"

"Jin azmaan hoshori mae jirot." Peri retorted, motioning behind her. I blinked a couple of times.

"What did she say?" I looked over at Meadow.

"I thought you said you learned about pixies?" Meadow raised an eyebrow. I pinched the bridge of my nose.

"I know that the language some of you guys speak is Valyrian language. Did I spend my whole time trying to learn it? No!" I exclaimed, throwing my hands up.

"Okay, okay. Calm down. She said that those twins have destroyed her home." Meadow waved her hands down in an attempt to calm me down. I turned my attention back over to Peri, narrowing my eyes.

"Twins? No, just one of them, which would be Fay. Arianna got her memories erased if we all remember how it goes. She hasn't even been back here in, like.. three years. Probably more. I honestly don't even know. So the person who created all this mess for revenge would be Fay." I corrected.

"I apologize. They look so much alike." Peri bowed her head.

"Yeah, 'cause they are twins. Twins tend to look alike." I don't know what's wrong with me. I was supposed to be calm and collected. Instead, I'm fueled with anger and snapping at people who are doing nothing but trying to help. Taking a deep breath, I ran my fingers through my hair.

"I shouldn't be snapping at you guys like I am. I'm sorry. I'm worried about Arianna, and I want this all to end. Her parents, her, and just go back home."

Peri nodded her head in understanding. No one said anything. We all stood silently until Peri motioned for us to follow her. She started walking the same way we had come from.

"We just came from there," I called out to her, but she continued to walk as if she didn't hear me. I looked over at Meadow, and she only shrugged her shoulders. I hope we get there soon.

If I hadn't left my phone at the house, I would know how long we have been walking for. But with everything that had happened, Arianna and I had left our phones like dumb people in movies. Though I doubt our phones would work in a fantasy world anyway, so I guess it doesn't even matter. It feels like we have been walking for almost an hour, and the sun is starting to set. And I swear we have passed the same area several times now.

"Peri. Peri. Peri!" I called out, grabbing Peri's shoulder gently as I swung her to face me.

"Skorverdon daor?"  Peri furrowed her eyebrows as she looked up at me. I looked over at Meadow.

"What do you want?" Meadow translated.

"We have been going in circles. Where are you taking us?" I was getting sick and tired of Peri talking in her native language. I do not mind people and their languages, but speak English if someone else does not know it. It's common sense.

"Skorverdon." Peri motioned toward the cabin. It's the same cabin I have seen a million times now that we have been walking.

"She's saying we should rest. Considering that the sun is setting.. that's a good idea." Meadow nodded her head. Meadow was not seeing what was going on. I would think she was more intelligent than this, or maybe she was too tired to notice.

"You got to be fucking kidding me. Fine. We can rest. But we are leaving early in the morning, am I understood?" I crossed my arms, arching an eyebrow. My patience was running thin. Peri had to be playing games with us. That's what pixies do. Or am I wrong? Andromeda is a prominent place, but I swear we passed by the identical cabins repeatedly.

Peri and Meadow nodded their heads in understanding before making their way into the cabin. I stood there for a second, glancing around, memorizing where we were before following them inside.

Please let me be wrong about Peri.

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