By JamaicanAuthor

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In the fantasy world of Andromeda, twins are pretty rare. But when they are born, each twin is good and bad... More

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By JamaicanAuthor

Being here was not even that hard. I don't understand. It was the same thing over and over. Wake up. Eat. Work. Free time. Sleep. And the cycle continues. Other than the occasional fights that would break out between the others, nothing much happened. So why was I stuck here? What was the point of all of this? Just to show that it's boring here? That she was bored out of her mind because it was the same routine. Either way, I needed to get out of here. She doesn't expect me to stay here forever, does she?

I want you to know what it was like for me.

Well, I got it now, so I'm leaving. It's just a lot harder than I thought it would be.
"You can turn around, you know? I'm not going anywhere. There's nowhere for me to go, but I sure as well is not showering while you stare at me like a creep." I hissed, glaring at the two guards that stood in front of the door, basically blocking it so I wouldn't be able to run past. But instead of facing toward the door, they faced away from me. Watching.

"You have a shower with a curtain to close. Don't try that excuse." One of the guards responded. They were right, but that wasn't why I didn't want them here. They never guarded anybody else that showered yet because Fay escaped once; it was like tight security to ensure I didn't do anything. I threw one last glare in their direction before walking away to one of the stalls to shower, pulling the curtain close hard.

"Honestly. I don't think we need to practice anymore. I feel like you got it." Sevyn stated, shrugging her shoulders as she played around with her food. Today's food wasn't the best, so not many people were eating it. Even when I wasn't touching it, and most of the time when the food wasn't that great, I still tried to eat at least some of it. I pushed my tray aside as I leaned on the table with my hand on my cheek. Sevyn and I had been training nonstop since that day. I have another memory. I've been careful with talking to her, asking her questions close to what I originally wanted to know, like her powers. I found out that Sevyn had earth powers while Atlas had lightning. Now, I don't care about Atlas's abilities, but considering Fay and him know each other, it's good information for me to know. Oh, and Nyx. Let's not forget about her. She has spiritual powers.

"You may think I am, but honestly, I don't think I am. These guards seem tough and have weapons and tasers of their own. I need to make sure I am absolutely ready. I can't have a mess up again." I tapped the table aggressively as I spoke, trying to clarify my point. Sevyn only grinned, which was always the answer that she got me. When lunch was over, we went outside and back to our regular spot toward the wall, where we always practiced our fighting.

I obviously lied a little. I was getting better at fighting. Way better than when I practiced back when I was younger and not memory younger but human younger.. that doesn't even make sense, but you get my drift. I was much faster and threw more brutal kicks and punches, but I was afraid. Afraid that I was going to mess up. That something was going to go wrong. So, I wanted to practice more. Practice until I knew I was absolutely ready. I just hoped it wouldn't take me too long cause my friends were waiting for me. I can't let them down.

"Are you ready?" Sevyn got into position. I took a deep breath.


As they faced each other in the middle of the forest, tension hung in the air like a heavy fog. This was serious. Serious training despite the two only being kids. But their life depended on it. Their future. What they could bring.

Fay lunged forward, fists clenched, and Arianna expertly sidestepped, countering with a swift kick to Fay's midsection. Fay staggered but quickly recovered, retaliating with a series of lightning-fast punches or at least trying to. Arianna was the better fighter between them, so she deflected each and every one.

As the fight intensified, the combatants showcased their fighting styles. Fay relied on brute strength and wild attacks, while Arianna favored precise strikes with her legs and defensive maneuvers.

It wasn't until Arianna landed another swift kick to the back of Fay's head that the whole fight ended. Fay hadn't seen it coming, so she stumbled forward, falling onto her knees as she held the back of her head.

"Ouch! We are practicing, in case you forgot. Why are you hitting places you are not supposed to!?"

"My fault. I got carried, but you're getting better.." Arianna held her hand out, to which Fay only glared at her but grabbed her hand so she could get up. "Okay, maybe you need more practice, but you're getting there!"

"This is ridiculous! In what situation would we need to fight with our hands and feet? We have powers, for god sake!" Fay exclaimed, holding her hands out as ice came out of them slowly before it melted from the fire coming out of Arianna's hand.

"You'll never know, but come on. Let's get some food. I'm hungry." Arianna slung her arm around Fay's shoulder as they returned home.
I snapped back to my senses as I felt someone tapping my arm. Looking down, I realized I had Sevyn pinned to the ground with my knee against her neck. I got off her, holding my hand to help her up.

"I'm so sorry!" I apologized, rubbing Sevyn's back as she coughed. She gave me a thumbs up, shrugging her shoulders as if she wasn't a few minutes from passing out.

"You're good. Like really good. Though I am confused because you usually use a lot of strength attacks like with your fist, but whenever you fight with me, you've been using your legs like your twin does." Sevyn responded as she crossed her arms.


"You're right. Well, I wanted to try something different. She's always been so good with her legs when we were younger. She would beat me every single time just from dodging and her kicks, so I thought I'd try it." I responded, thankful that I had gotten that memory, although the memory left me confused. It was a good memory—one where Fay and I actually got along instead of fighting all the time.

"That's understandable. I remember you telling me how different your guys' fighting styles are. Maybe when you get out of here, it'll help if you guys get into a battle." Sevyn nodded, and I sighed in relief that my story was believable. We walked back inside as our free time was over, heading into our cell for the night.
If you're wondering about Atlas and Nyx, don't even bother. They haven't been messing with me for a while. Granted, I've never even talked to Nyx yet, but all I've been getting from them are glares. They would come by to say hello to Sevyn and sit somewhere else as if I was a peasant that they couldn't stand to be around. Why did Fay have to make enemies in this place?

"This is the third time the food has not been good!" Sevyn complained as she pushed her plate aside. "You need to get back in there. You make the food taste so good."

I smiled, glad that my cooking skills were appreciated. I had not even gotten food this time as I knew the food would not be good. The exact twin worked in the cafeteria for the past three days. I'm surprised some people are still eating this crap, but then again, if you are hungry, you are hungry, you know?

"It's not my turn yet. But I swear when it is, it will be the best food you have ever tasted in your entire life." I promised, winking at her as I laughed.
"I hold you to it." Sevyn nodded before laying her head onto her arms on the table as she closed her eyes. We usually have conversations or sit here in silence. Today seemed to be a day of silence, which was fine as I had no conversation starters. I ran my fingers through my hair, scanning the cafeteria as I spotted Atlas and Nyx sitting in the far corner, talking amongst themselves. I made eye contact with them, but it only resorted to glaring, so I quickly broke the gaze. I'm never going to make friends with them. It wouldn't matter anyway. I'm not here to make friends.

"Hey Sev-"

"Get the fuck off of me!" A voice interrupted, causing me to jump, startled. All heads turned toward the middle of the cafeteria, where two boys were standing. There was a tray of food on the floor; the contents spilled everywhere. The boy who had yelled had a hold of the other boy's shirt, anger showing on his face, while the boy being held onto had a smirk.

"You were the one who wasn't watching where you were going." The untroubled boy stated, shrugging his shoulders as if he wasn't two seconds away from getting punched. I looked at the guards who stood there watching, watching as if this was a television show. Amusement is playing on their faces.

"Can you believe this shit? They're just watching instead of stopping this." I looked over at Sevyn, who still hadn't lifted her head from the table. Upon hearing me talk, though, she looked up and over at the two boys. She only shrugged her shoulders, though.

"This is normal. Fights like this happen all the time. A lot of them are over something stupid. Remember? When you and Atlas fought, the guards didn't stop you guys. I did." Sevyn explained. It was true. The guards had the same look on their faces when Atlas and I had fought. Like it was entertaining to them. I did not even hear the rest of the conversation between the boys. But what I did hear were the sounds of something connecting to another. I turned my head in time to see the two boys throwing vicious punches at each other.

No one moved. No one said a word. No one tried to stop them. They all watched as the two boys threw punch after punch. Heavy breathing echoed throughout the room, and grunting as the punches and kicks connected to each other. The fighting became more intense. Blood spilled down their noses, coming out of their mouths and onto the floor. All of this over some spilled food? To my horror, the boy who started everything had his neck snapped. His lifeless body plummeted to the ground as the other boy stood there, his chest moving up and down rapidly as he spit blood at the body. I couldn't believe what I saw. Someone died. He was killed in front of everyone. And no one stopped it.
And the worst part was? The guards clapped. They fucking clapped over this. That was the only thing that tore my gaze away from the body. I stared at the guards, bewildered. How could they clap over this? They were supposed to break the fight off, yet they let it continue this far.

As the body was removed and the floors cleaned, everyone left for their free time. Left as if this was normal. As if what we just witnessed never happened to begin with. My shoulder shook, and I looked up to find Sevyn standing over me with her hand on my shoulder.

"Come on. You need some fresh air." Sevyn pulled me onto my feet and led me away from the scene to the outside. But even as we went outside, everything felt stuffy. I couldn't breathe. I slid down the wall, grasping my necklace to calm myself down. I took deep breaths. In and out. In and out.

"How could they not stop that? How could we all just sit there while it happened!?" I finally spoke, my voice getting louder. Sevyn placed her hand over my mouth, her head tilted to the side. Her expression was neutral.

"Because this is not the first time it has happened." She moved her hand from my mouth. "People have died from fights. From punishments. The guards do not care. They don't, Fay. Do you know why? Because this is a jail. Why should they care about us if we are here for our wrongdoings? It's one less mouth to feed."

Sevyn was right. She was, but that did not make the situation any better. Just because everyone was in here for their wrongdoings doesn't mean the guards should let them die. And this happens all the time to the point where everyone watches? It makes me sick.

"What are you thinking? I can see those wheels twirling in your head."

"I'm getting the fuck out of here. That's what."

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