Confusing Love (Mike/Mal x re...

By rileycallmeriley

3.5K 48 450

It's a few years after Total Drama All Stars. Mike has been having the time of his life with his new girlfrie... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 6

403 6 52
By rileycallmeriley

Y/N's POV:

Staying with my bestie isn't so bad. Right now, they are outside getting groceries, so right now I decided to just watch TV or something. I heard they had Wii sports, but I can't find the remote. Sp, maybe later we can play. I clicked on the latest video of (Youtuber), and decided to watch to pass the time. I requested for (chips) and (drink) because we're all out... Sadly. Well, that isn't as big of a crisis as dealing with a psychotic maniac who's out to kill me. So, I'd rather wait for (chips) then deal with him.

I was watching, until I got a text from... Mike. Or Mal. Mike and Mal? Ugh, I don't even know anymore! Either way, I decided to open the DM.


Mike_01: Hello Y/N! I came by your work place, but you weren't there. Someone else was working! Where are you?


He came. To my work place. Mike. At my work place. Wow, he really does like to hang out with me. I thought that he would only hang out with me because I looked pathetic and that he thought I had no friends. Well, whatever. I can't keep him waiting! I quickly replied to the message, which turned into a whole conversation. 


Y/N: i have one thing to say. mal.

Mike_01: Oh no...

Y/N: yeah, oh no. you need to control your little friend, because he almost attacked me yesterday.

Mike_01: Oh my! I'm so sorry...

Y/N: its not your fault, Mike. you dont have to apologise.

Mike_01: Ok... but i still feel very bad. I really do.

Y/N: its ok, rly...

Mike_01: Alright... If you say so. Anyways, where are you?

Y/N: im at my besties house. gotta stay low from mal, yknow?

Mike_01: Reasonable. Well, where's your friends place?

Y/N: (Address of friends apartment)

Mike_01: Alright, thanks!

Y/N: no problem dude. well, cya.

Mike_01: See ya!


Well, that went well. Lets hope that Mal forgets that texting exists, and that he never sees that text. There's no way that Mal would ever find me. Never! Well, I hope... But, in my heart, I know that Mike is Mike, and him texting right now was him alone. NOT MAL. It couldn't! But... what if?


What. An. Idiot. Leaking her only safe space... To me. The idiocy is almost laughable. Oh wait, it is. But, I'll keep the laughter for later. I want to see this Y/N... find her... and make her life a living HELL. If I can't be in control in Mike's head, then he can NEVER have a good life! He ruined mine by trying to erase me, so why should I go nice on that idiot? Once I find Y/N... and ruin her friendship with Mike, then he will have NO ONE. That will give him a reason to put me in control. Why would anyone live if everyone is constantly hating on them? Calling them names or ignoring them? With that, I will be in full control, and NO ONE WILL GET IN MY WAY! 

Mike has a car, which is good. At least he has a driving license. He's not a total idiot after all. I get inside the car, and I notice a can of hair spray. Of course he has hair spray. I spray my hair, so it stands up nice and straight, just like Mike. Then, I start the car, and I start to drive to her "bestie's house". That sounds... very idiotic to say. "Bestie"... I'll definitely stop.

After about 30 minutes of driving, I finally found the building that Y/N is staying in. I hope that her friend isn't there... It would make my plan even harder to proceed with. I go to level 8, and I go to apartment 206. I knock on the door. I hear a little voice. Only one though. So, that must be Y/N... I hope. 

"Coming!" The voice says, and then I see Y/N, standing in the door.

"Hey Y/N! I just came by to say hello!" I say, in my annoying Mike voice.

"Oh hey Mike! Glad to see you. Come in, make yourself at home!" She makes space for me to walk inside the apartment.

The apartment was furnished with many expensive items. Her friend must be very rich.

"Your friend is quite rich." I say to Y/N.

"Oh yeah, she is. But this is mostly her parents' stuff. This is her parents' apartment, but she goes here every few months because she lives far away for business trips and such." Y/N explains.

"I see..." I then sit on the couch.

"Feet! Shoes! Take your shoes off!" Y/N blurts.

"Oh, sorry!" I get up, and take my shoes off. I sit them by the door, and I go back to the couch. I sit down and I make myself comfortable. Well, at least I try.

"Do you want anything? She asks. I see her, standing in the kitchen, waiting for a response.

"Just water..." I say. Then, I remember that I'm Mike. Gotta have manners, I guess. "...please."

"Alright!" She pours a glass of water from a little water filter, and she passes it to me. "There you go. Nice and cold." She then sits down beside me, a little closer than expected. She notices my look, and she backs up a bit. "Sorry..."

"It's fine! I don't mind!" I say, once again in my annoying Mike voice.

"I'll just... stay here. Yeah, stay... Right here..." She says awkwardly. Then, she decides to start a conversation. Finally. "So, why did you bother to come here?" She asks politely.

"Well... I was very bored, and calling Sierra and Anna Marie didn't feel right. SO, I decided to say hi to my new best pal!" I say, then I laugh nervously. Y/N gives me a suspicious look.

"Ok... Weird...." She then thinks to herself, and smiles. "I love the bracelet you gave me when we went to the park! It's so pretty!" She says happily.

"I... Well... You're welcome!" I say with a fake smile. I laugh nervously again.

She looks at me with a serious look, but with a slight smirk. "Caught ya Mal." She says confidently.

"W...what?" I say, pretending not to know anything. I laughed again, then, I looked at her with a serious look, and I sigh. I speak in my normal voice. Dark, and scary. "Oh whatever... I'm done with acting like that dumb@ss." I say. I shake my head so my hair goes back to the normal side swept hair, covering half my face. 

"Why are you here Mal? Why did you decide to come?" Y/N says with a serious voice.

"What do you think? Do you think that I would want to hang out with an idiot like you? As if." I say, then I blow my hair to the side a bit more.

"But you're here now. In the apartment. What did you want to do?" She says. Then, I grab her by the collar of her shirt. 

"Listen, little...." I hesitate with words. I stutter a bit, then I stop and continue. "Mike..." I smirk slightly. "Is gone. And he's NEVER coming back." I laugh quietly and slightly. I go a bit closer.

"Wh...what?! Mike?! Gone?!" Se says with fear in her voice.

"I see fear. I like fear." I smile a bit more. 

"Listen, little sh1t. How about you go on your merry way, and leave me alone. Leave Mike alone. Leave the world alone! This world doesn't need someone like you dancing around talking about how you wanna ruin lives. So, piss off!" She says with slight anger in her voice. And, a bit of annoyance too. 

"Wow, feisty you are. Your good competition." I say with a bit of a.. nice tone? What am I doing?  I let go of Y/N, and I got off the couch. "Thanks for the water. You look thirsty yourself. Here's a drink, you need it...!" I say, with a bit of a sadistic look on my face. Then, I threw the cup at Y/N. She dodges it, and a crashing noise is heard behind the couch. Water is everywhere, and her shirt is soaking wet. I laugh a bit, and I walk to the door. But, while I was walking, her friend was behind me. 

"You look hungry. Let me serve you a dish of PAIN AND SUFFERING!" Y/N's friend yells, then hits me with a plate. I fall unconscious. 

5 minutes later...

I woke up. I look around me, and I notice that I'm inside of the kitchen, close to the little bar table. I am tied on a chair with... pink and yellow rope? I look confused.

"You don't like the rope?" Y/N's friend asks. "Well... DEAL WITH IT!" She yells. 

"Ugh, stop yelling! I'm not deaf." I say with annoyance in my voice. Then, I see Y/N, leaning on the counter top, smirking. 

"Well, who are you, and what do you want?! I'm gonna call the FBI if you don't answer me right now!" They yell.

"Ok ok... My name is Mal." I say quietly.

"Ok Mal. But listen carefully." They get a bit closer, with a serious look on their face. They speak with a quiet tone. "If you ever try to escape? Yeah, you're dead. But don't worry, I'll let you go. I don't want some loser stinking up my apartment." They raise their voice. "Now, why are you here?!"

"Rude... But I'm here to see Y/N." I say.

Y/N's friend turns to Y/N. "Did you give this man my address?" They ask.

"I thought I was talking to Mike, ok? Mike has DID. If you don't know, that means dissociative identity disorder, or MPD, multiple personality disorder. So, right now you're talking to one of Mike's personalities... Mal. Mal took over Mike's body, and right now he looks like Mike, but it's just Mal but with emo hair. So, calm down (bestie name)" She snickers a bit.

Their eyes go wide. "Oh. My. GOD! That's the Mike guy, but like... Mal?" They ask.

"Yeah, pretty much." Y/N then walks to the bathroom. "Gonna go. Be right back. She then closes the door, and now its only (bestie name) and I.

"See ya sister!" They then look back at me, and they stop smiling. "Alright bean sprout, listen up. You stay here, while I order some pizza. I'm done with looking at your ugly @ss face." They then walk off, and pick up their phone and they start to dial the number. Great. The plan failed. And BIG TIME.

Y/N's POV:

Alright. I'm not actually doing anything in the bathroom. I'm more of HYPER VENTILATING and DYING right now. Mal, The Malevolent One... trademark, is inside my bestie's apartment, tied to a chair with pink and yellow rope. My bestie can be insane, but they're straight up KIDNAPPING the man. I don't know what to do! I really don't! This is too hard! Plus, I just witnessed Mal get hit in the head with a plate. And, I almost got hit in the face with a glass cup. What is going on?! This guy has more mood swings than when I'm on my period! Jesus.... Well, I decided to finally get out, and sit on the couch beside my bestie.

"I'm ordering pizza. It helps me yell louder, plus I'm hangry." My bestie says.

"Alright, you do whatever." I go on my phone, and I start to scroll through TikTok.

My bestie and I talked for a while, while Mal... Just sat there. Miserable. I felt kind of bad, so when my bestie went inside her room to take a nap, I untied him.

"W...Why are you untying me?" He asked in a genuine confused voice.

"Because I feel bad. Even if you.. wait why am I doing this?" I ask myself. He did throw a cup at me. "Ok, you know what? Back on the chair you go- AH!" He was already untied, so while I talked, he grabbed me and tied me onto the chair instead. "Well great." 

He laughs evilly. "There. Much better. Now, I have somewhere to be. Have fun." He smirks, and walks away, whistling 'Hall of the Mountain King', his signature song. 


He stopped, and slowly turned to me. "...Inbecile? Who are you calling inbecile?" He says with anger in his voice.

"Tying a weak person up? Sounds like you're a weakling yourself." I say with confidence. And it's true. Tying up a weak victim... heh.

"So you're saying I'm... pathetic?" He says, and moves closer.

"Yeah, basically."

"Well... I'll...." He then looked at me with guilt. He walks forward, and unties the ropes. "Alright, you're free..." He says with a guilty and sad tone. I felt so bad... That I patted his head. He looked surprised.

"Don't ask." I say quickly, before he says anything. He then stops the sad look and smiles a tiny bit. 

"I'm... sorry. For almost hitting you." He says. Then, he widens his eyes, gasps, and his hair changes from the Mal hair to the standing up Mike hair. He looked around, confused. "What... What happened? Where am I?" He said, confused.

"...Mike? Is that you?" I say, a bit worried that he might be faking. 

"Yeah, I'm Mike..." He says with a smile. 

I hugged him instantly. "Great! I'm so happy!" 

Mike blushes a bit. "That's great to hear... But, mind explaining what happened?" Mike asked.

"Of course! So much drama happened while you were gone."

We then sit on the couch, and I start to explain.

(WC: 2214)

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