Riverdale tv Show

By Shannon426008

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About a town More

Chapter One:The River's Edge
Chapter Two:A Touch of evil
Chapter Three:Body Double
Chapter Six: Faster, Pussycats! Kill! Kill!

Chapter Four:The Last Picture Show

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By Shannon426008

Archie's voiceover
Previously on Riverdale...
Jughead's voiceover
The story is about a town,once wholesome and innocent......now forever changed by the mysterious murder of Jason Blossom on the 4th of July.
In School Hallway
Archie says to Geraldine "Can we talk,Ms. Grundy?" Geraldine says to Archie "About what?"
Archie says to Geraldine "You're the music teacher.Can we talk about music?"
Flashbacks of Archie's summer affair with the music teacher

At Sweetwood Ricer

End of flashback
In the Music Room
Archie says to Geraldine "We heard what we heard and afterwards we didn't do anything."
Geraldine says to Archie "How would we explain why we were together at 6:00 a.m. on the 4th of July?"
In Fred's office
Hermione says to Fred"Hello,Fred."
Fred says to Hermione "Can I get you anything?"
Hermione says to Fred "A job."
Fred says to Hermione "I can't very well have wife of Hiram Lodge......on trial for fraud and embezzlement,balancing my books."
In Pembrooke,Living Room/Dining Room
Hermione says to herself "Oh,Hiram..."
At Sweetwood River
Kevin says to Moose "Oh,my God.Jason.He was shot."
In Waldo's office
Tom says to Archie "What were you doing down at the river so early on July 4th?"
Archie says to Tom "Working on some songs."
Tom says to Archie "Were you alone?"
In Blue & Gold newspaper room
Dilton says to Bughead "I saw something
at Sweetwater River.Ms. Grundy's car.By the river's edge."
Jughead looks worried
Jughead's voiceover
It's been a week since the discovery of Jason Blossom's body.But his death is not the first,nor would it be the last casualty that the town of Riverdale would suffer.The Twilight Drive-In where I work,my home away from home...
At Twilight Drive-In sign

The letter C falls off
Jughead's voiceover
...a piece of town history,is closing for good,
just when we needed a place to escape to the most.With Sheriff Keller knocking on every door
and neighbor suspecting neighbor,Riverdale, every day that passes,is becoming more like Salem during the witch trials.And meanwhile,the girl next door,our friendly neighborhood
Hitchcock blonde,Betty Cooper,was wrestling with the knowledge that her best friend,Archie Andrews,was caught up in a forbidden romance.
In Betty's bedroom
Betty writing in her diary
Betty's voiceover
Dear Diary,Sheriff Keller doesn't know what I know,that Riverdale High's music teacher, Geraldine Grundy,was at Sweetwater River the
morning Jason Blossom went missing,and that since Archie was also there,they could have been there together.
At Pickens Park
Geraldine PLAYING her cello
Fred says SOFTLY to Archie
Fred says to Archie "She is incredible."
Archie says to Fred "She's the best."
Archie has flashbacks of his summer affair

At Pickens Park
Archie touches his neck
Fred and Archie walks over to Mrs Grundy and Geraldine putting her cello back in the case
Fred says to Geraldine "I'm usually more of a
classic rock kind of guy......but that was beautiful.
Archie says to Geraldine "Congratulations,Ms. Grundy."
Archie gives Mrs Grundy flowers
Geraldine says to Archie and Fred "Thank you,
both of you for coming."
Fred says to Geraldine "No,you kidding? Archie,
he wouldn't miss it.I had to beg him to let me come." Archie says to Geraldine "Great.I'll see you at school,Ms. Grundy."
Archie says to Fred "Let's go,Dad."
Fred says to Geraldine "Well,I was thinking that, you know,if you're gonna be alone tonight......that we could take you out to dinner."
Geraldine says to Fred "Oh,no.I...No,I couldn't impose."
Fred says to Geraldine "After everything you've done for my son? I...You know,with his music,
it's the least I can do.I insist."
Fred looks at Archie and Archie nods
In Pops
Jughead says to Beronica and Kevin "The Drive-In closing is just one more nail in the coffin that is Riverdale...No,forget Riverdale,in the coffin of the American dream."
Jughead says to Beronica "As the godfather of indie cinema,Quentin Tarantino,likes to say..."
Kevin says to Jughead "Please,God,no more Quentin Tarantino references."
Jughead says to Beronica and Kevin "What? I'm pissed.And not just about losing my job.The Twilight Drive-In should mean something to us.
People should be trying to save it."
Veronica says to Jughead "In this age of Netflix and VOD,do people really want to watch a movie in a car? I mean,who even goes there?"
Kevin says to Veronica "People who want to buy crack." Jughead says to Beronica and Kevin "And cinephiles,and car enthusiasts."
Jughead says to Betty "Right,Bets?"
Betty says Jughead,Kevin and Veronica "Totally."
Jughead says to Beronica and Kevin "Anyway,it's closing because the town owns it,but didn't invest in it.So when an anonymous buyer made Mayor McCoy an offer,she couldn't refuse..."
Veronica says to Jughead "Anonymous buyer?
What do they have to hide? No one cares."
Jughead says to Veronica "I do."
Jughead says to Beronica and Kevin "Also,you guys should all come to closing night.I'm thinking American Graffiti.Or is that too obvious?" Veronica says to Jughead "I vote for anything starring Audrey Hepburn.Or Cate Blanchett."
Kevin faces to Veronica
Kevin says to Veronica "Or The Talented Mr. Ripley." Kevin says to Betty "Betty,your choices?"
Veronica says to Betty "Everything okay,B?"
Betty says to Veronica "Yeah,yeah.I'm just thinking.Um...Maybe Rebel Without a Cause?"Kevin and Veronica SNICKER
Hermione walks over to Veronica and Veronica's friends table
Hermione says to Beronica and Kevin "Here you go,kids." Veronica says to Hermione "Thanks, Mom." Cheryl says to Tina and Ginger "If I would have known Mama Lodge was working as a waitress at Pop's......I never would have given Veronica a spot on the Vixens.It's off-brand and sends a false message about acceptance."
Tina says to Cheryl "After her TMZ-style take-down of Chuck,all the Vixens kind of like Veronica now." Cheryl says to Tina "Do they?"
Hermione gets the cash off Cheryl's table and Cheryl bangs on hand on the table
Cheryl says to Hermione "Be sure to put all that
cash in the register.You are a Lodge,after all
and Lodges are known to have sticky fingers."
Veronica stands up
Veronica says to Cheryl "Cheryl."
Hermione says to Veronica "Honey,I got this."
Hermione says to Cheryl "Cheryl,I went to school with your mother.She didn't know the difference between having money and having class,either."
Hermione walks away and Veronica sits by Kevin
Kevin says to Beronica and Jughead "Now,that's an odd combo of people."
Betty turns to face Mrs Grundy,Archie and Fred Andrews
Betty says to Kevin,Veronica and Jughead "I'll be right back." Jughead says to Betty "No,Betty.No. Don't..."
Betty stands up and Betty walks away
Kevin says to Jeronica "Wait,what's happening?"
Betty walks over to Archie
Fred says to Betty "Hey,Betty."
Betty says to Fred "Hi,Mr. Andrews."
Betty says to Geraldine "Ms. Grundy."
Betty says to Archie "Archie,can I talk to you?"
Archie says to Betty "Sure.I'll call you later?"
Betty says to Archie "No,actually,now.Just school stuff.Outside?"
Archie stands up and Archie follows betty
Outside of Pops
Betty says to Archie "Archie,as your best friend,is there anything you want to tell me?"
Archie says to Betty "I don't think so."
Betty says to Archie "Ms. Grundy was at Sweetwood River on July 4th.Were you with her?"
Archie looked shocked
Archie says to Betty "Did Jughead tell you?"
Betty says to Archie "Jughead knows about this?"
In Pops
Kevin is looking out of the window
Veronica says to Jughead"What's happening out there? Do we know? Is it about me?"
Jughead says to Veronica "I have a strong inkling,and no.Also,I'd let it go."
Veronica says to Jughead "Yes,but you're you, and I'm me.You do you,girl,I'll be back."
Veronica stands up and walks out
Kevin says to Jughead "What was it like before she got here?"
Jughead eating cherry
Kevin says to Jughead "I honestly cannot remember."
Outside of Pops
Archie says to Betty "It's not what you're thinking." Betty says to Archie "So, it's platonic..." Archie says to Betty "Okay,well, maybe it's a little like what you're thinking..."
Betty says to Archie "Archie,are you and Ms. Grundy,like,together? Like,romantically?"
Veronica walks over
Veronica says to Archie "Oh,my God.You and your music teacher are having an affair?"
Archie says to Beronica "We are......together. Look,I know that sounds bad,but..."
Veronica says to Archie "Bad? It sounds scandalous." Betty says to Archie "It sounds like jail time to me.Illegal!"
Archie says to Betty "Betty,don't go there."
Betty says to Archie "Oh,I'm already there."
Archie says to Veronica "Ronnie,a little help here?"
Veronica says to Archie "I mean,technically, Betty's right.And ethically,well,what is Grundy to you, anyway? Your girlfriend?"
Archie SIGHS
Veronica says to Archie "Your booty tutor?"
Archie says to Beronica "I don't know,I don't
know what to call her." Betty says to Archie "You said you were at the river alone.You lied to Sheriff Keller,to all of us.Why? To protect her?"
Archie says to Betty "She believed in me when no one else did." Veronica says to Archie "Okay, we get it." Archie says to Betty "Betty,say something, please."
Alice says to Betty "Get in the car,Betty.Now."
Betty opens the car door and gets in and closes the door and puts her seatbelt on
Alice says to Betty "What have I told you about those two?" Betty says to Alice "Can we just go?"
Alice drives off
Veronica SIGHS
Veronica says to Archie "Oh,Archiekins.You're in it deep this time."
In Betty's bedroom
Betty writes in her diary and Betty goes on her laptop
Outside of Pops

Cheryl spots FP Jones and Hermione Lodge together
Cheryl says to Ginger "Turn down the music."
Ginger turns the volume down and the VOLUME DECREASING
Cheryl says to Tina and Ginger "I spy with my little eye Hermione Lodge,full of secrets.Riddle me this,hair models of the damned,why is Veronica's mother having a clandestine tete-a-tete with a Southside Serpent behind a dumpster at Pop's?"
Cheryl takes a picture of them
FP says to Hermione "Yeah,so we agree."

In School Hallway

Archie says to Jughead "How hard it would even be,if I've me a little heads-up?"
Jughead says to Archie "Look,I am,by nature,a conscientious objector.Not saying anything
to either you or Betty......was the most moral,
apathetic choice I could make."
Archie says to Jughead "But,Jug,she's not going to write about me and Grundy in the paper,is she? Like she did with Chuck?"
Jughead SCOFFS
Jughead says to Archie "Dude,seriously?
Jughead SOFTLY
Jughead says to Archie "Okay.Come on."
Jughead and Archie walking together
Jughead says to Archie "Think about what you're asking.If there was even an iota of a chance
that something could hurt you in any way,Betty wouldn't do it.Probably."
Archie says to Jughead (shocked) "Oh, my God." Jughead says to Archie "I'm kidding.But maybe she has a point.What do you see happening with Grundy,long-term? What do you want?"
Archie SIGHS
Archie says to Jughead "I want to be with her.I don't know how,but I wanna hang on to
what we have for as long as possible."
Jughead says to Archie "Yup.I feel that.I've been trying to hold on to something a lot older than me,too." Archie says to Jughead "Just...If Betty's
gonna do anything crazy,can you please let me know so I can do something to stop it?"
In the music room
Betty says to Geraldine "Thank you for taking
the time,Ms. Grundy.Like I said,the Blue and Gold is doing a series of articles spotlighting teachers,and you're our first.Let's begin.Uh,you joined the faculty last year.Where did you move to Riverdale from?" Geraldine says to Betty "Um, here and there.I was just mostly on the road."
Betty says to Geraldine "But you've taught at other schools,I'm assuming?"
Geraldine LAUGHS
Geraldine says to Betty "Oh,yeah.Of course.Yeah,right." Um...can I get their names?"
Geraldine LAUGHS
Geraldine says to Betty "Seaside High,Centreville High." Betty says to Geraldine "What made you leave?" Geraldine says to Betty "They were temporary placements.Just filling in for maternity, sabbatical,things like that.This is my first permanent position."
Betty says to Geraldine "Getting back to music,
you're working with Archie Andrews on an independent study.Have you ever done this
sort of thing before?"
Geraldine says to Betty "Yes.Last year."
Betty says to Geraldine "Oh."
Geraldine says to Betty "With Tomoko Yoshido
and Jason Blossom."
Betty looks shocked
Betty says to Geraldine "Jason? Before..."
Geraldine says to Betty "Such a tragedy.He was an inspiration." Betty says to Geraldine "And pretty cute,right?"
Geraldine gets closer to Betty's face
Geraldine says to Betty "I don't think of my students that way.
Betty says to Geraldine "No,no,no,no."
Geraldine says to Betty "And I'm sorry.I really should prepare for my next class."
In Students Lounge
Kevin says to Veronica "It's this quintessential
rite of passage.Making out with your boy or girlfriend at the movies."
Kevin SIGHS and Kevin flops down on the sofa
Veronica says to Kevin "Why don't we go together? I can't promise you any action,but maybe I'll bring you good luck."
Kevin says to Veronica "Great.Another night,
another hag."
Veronica LAUGHS
Cheryl says to Veronica and Kevin "Speaking of hags..." Cheryl says to Veronica "Veronica,it's so devastating to me...that your mother has to sink to such unspeakable lows just to keep those knockoff Hermes bags on your arm.What's next, selling her hair extensions?"
Veronica says to Cheryl "My mom's a waitress,
Cheryl,not Fantine. And your faux concern reeks
of ulterior motive.What is it?"
Cheryl says to Veronica "Only to remind you of
your place in this school.Nay,the town's social hierarchy." Veronica says to Cheryl "Threatened much? Don't worry.You may be a stock character
from a 90s teen movie,but I'm not."
Veronica stands up
Veronica says to Cheryl "And what does any of this have to do with my mom being a waitress?"
Cheryl says to Veronica "It's just that I saw her talking to a Southside Serpent last night.In the alley behind Pop's.They were having an extremely heated,intimate discussion.See for yourself."
Cheryl shows Veronica the picture

Cheryl walks out and Veronica turns around to face Kevin
Veronica says to Kevin "Who or what is a Southside Serpent?"
Kevin says to Veronica "They're this gang of bikers who pretty much stays on the south side of town.And thank God,cause they're sort of dangerous.Drug dealers and petty thieves."
Veronica says to Kevin "Then what was my mom
doing with one of them?"
In Pembrooke,Living Room/Dining Room
Hermione SIGHS
Hermione says to herself "Ugh."
Hermione says to Veronica "Who knew working would be so tiring?"
Hermione drinking a glass of wine
Veronica says to Hermione "Mom."
Hermione says to Veronica "Hmm?"
Veronica says to Hermione "Cheryl showed me a picture.You were standing behind Pop's with a Southside Serpent.Those guys are thugs.What were you doing?"
Hermione says to Veronica "First off,you have
nothing to worry about.Come here,sit."
Veronica sits opposite to her mom
Hermione says to Veronica "Now,remember Veronica,I grew up here.The Southside Serpents may be from the wrong side of the tracks,but I went to high school with some of them.I was just being polite." Veronica says to Hermione "Cheryl said it looked like you were arguing."
Hermione says to Veronica "Arguing?"
Hermione says to Veronica "Hardly.He made a lewd comment,and I put him in his place."
Veronica says to Hermione "Mom,if you're in some kind of trouble..."
Hermione says to Veronica "I'm not.Mija.Now, when have I ever lied to you?"
In Sierra's office
Sierra says to Jughead "I'm sorry,but the Twilight Drive-In? It's a blight that's become a cesspool,
and a hangout for criminals..."
Sierra says to Jughead "...and transients.And the deal's done.Andrews Construction is scheduled
to demolish the lot on Monday."
Jughead says to Sierra "Mayor McCoy,when I was a kid,my family and I would go to the drive-in all the time.We couldn't afford tickets for everyone,so my sister Jellybean and I would hide in the trunk until we parked.We'd sneak out.
Jughead says to Sierra "It's like my home."
Sierra says to Jughead "That's a very sweet
sentiment, Mr. Jones.But the future of Riverdale is at stake."
In Pops
Betty says to Archie "Ms. Grundy showed up in Riverdale a year ago,out of thin air.There's no record of her before that.Her Facebook,her Linkedln account,they were all created one year ago.Before that,she's a ghost.She doesn't exist. The only Geraldine Grundy I could find was a woman who died seven years ago."
Archie stammers on his words
Archie says to Betty "Where did you find all this?" Veronica says to Archie "The deep web.The dark internet.Check it,it's all online.Simple googling." Archie says to Betty "And did you cyber-stalk Ms. Grundy before or after you interviewed her for a fake article? Why are you doing this,Betty? I'm not in any danger."
Betty says to Archie "You don't know that."
Archie says to Betty "Yeah, I do,I'm with her.I know what we have,and you don't."
Betty says to Archie "She taught Jason Blossom.
Did you know that?" Archie says to Betty "She's taught a lot of people,Betty.What's your point?"
Betty says to Archie "My point is,you don't know anything about her,Archie.Doesn't that worry you?" Archie says to Betty "Betty, let this go."
Betty says to Archie "Archie,please..."
Archie says to Betty "If you're really my friend, you'll let this go." Betty says to Archie "Okay.I'm sorry.I'm done.I'll stop digging."
In the Living Room
Archie says to Geraldine "I know it's not the drive-in,but given our circumstances..."
Geraldine says to Archie "It's perfect.Is everything okay?"
Archie says to Geraldine "We've always been so focused on me.My music.We never get to talk about you and your life."
Geraldine says to Archie "What do you wanna know?" Archie says to Geraldine "I don't know.
Stuff.Anything.Have you always wanted to be a teacher?" Geraldine says to Archie "No."
Geraldine LAUGHS
Geraldine says to Archie "No,I,um...I graduated Juilliard......and I auditioned at Carnegie Hall,
Lincoln Center,all the big symphonies......but I didn't make the cut.Not even close.I had a dream.
But.....sometimes that's all they are.Just dreams."
Archie says to Geraldine "And what about us? Is this a dream?" Geraldine says to Archie "Would that be so bad? If it is...It's a nice dream."
Archie says to Geraldine "Where does this end, Geraldine?" Geraldine says to Archie "I have no idea.But we're here.And for me...That's enough."

At Grundy's house
Veronica says to Betty "So much for letting this go.Are we really breaking into Grundy's car right now?"
Betty using a crowbar to open Mrs Grundy's car door
Veronica says to Betty "How do you even know how to do that?"
Betty says to Veronica "My dad and I fix cars together.Thank God,she drives an old..."
Betty smiles and removes the crowbar from the door and Veronica and Betty gets into Mrs Grundy's car
In Mrs Grundy's car
Veronica says to Betty "Okay,before going any further,if I'm committing a felony,I need to at least ask the question.Are you doing this because you still have feelings for Archie,or..."
Betty says to Veronica "No,Veronica.We're doing this because Grundy has Archie under some kind of sexual spell......and he won't listen to reason. We're looking for anything that proves Grundy isn't as clean as she says she is."
Betty finds a box
Betty says to Veronica "Bobby pin."
Veronica says to Betty "Okay,Ms. Gyver."
Betty uses the Bobby pin to open the box
Betty says to Veronica "I learned that from the Nancy Drew detective handbook."
Veronica says to Betty "Okay,go."
Betty finds Mrs Grundy's drivers license

Betty says to Veronica "Oh,my God."
Veronica says to Betty "Oh,my God.Jennifer Gibson? Who the hell is Jennifer Gibson?"
Betty says to Veronica "That's not the only thing."
Betty is holding a gun
At Andrews house
Archie says to himself "Oh,God."
Archie says to Betty "Please don't tell me you're
still on this crazy witch hunt."
Betty says to Archie "It's not a witch hunt,
and it's not crazy.We were just in Grundy's car..."
Archie says to Betty "What?"
Archie says to Veronica "You were in her car?"
Veronica says to Archie "Yeah,and thank God we were.We found a gun."
Archie says to Veronica "What?"
Betty says to Archie "And an ID with the name Jennifer Gibson.This is proof Ms. Grundy is not who she says she is."
Archie says to Beronica "Then who is she?"
Veronica says to Archie "Obviously some sketch-queen named Jennifer Gibson."
Betty says to Archie "Archie,what if she had something to do with Jason's murder?"
Archie scoffs
Betty says to Archie "She taught him,she made you lie about him,we know she was at the river, she has a gun." Archie says to Beronica"So does Dilton Doiley,but you never thought he killed Jason." Veronica says to Archie "Open your eyes, Archie.Jason was her student last year. Everything about her is a huge,boldfaced question mark." Archie says to Beronica "Okay, whatever her name is,she's not a killer."
Betty says to Archie "You didn't ask her,did you?
About her name? And why there's no record of her before last year?"
Archie SIGHS
Betty says to Archie "Why not?"
Archie walks off and walks into his house
In Fred's office
Jughead says to Fred "Mayor McCoy says you won the contract to tear down the drive-in."
Fred says to Jughead "I did.Look,I'm sorry, Jughead.I know how much you love the Twilight. And so do I." Jughead says to Fred "Mr. Andrews,just give me one week.....to track down the person who bought the land......and convince them not to demolish a holy house of cinema."
Fred says to Jughead "It's a big contract for me, Jug,and for my guys.Whatever they build in the place of the drive-in could mean more jobs..."
Jughead says to Fred "Yeah,in what? Some hypothetical future? You put one Jones out of work,why don't you put out another,huh?"
Fred says to Jughead "Jug,your dad was taking materials from one of our job sites.I had to let him go." Jughead says to Fred "Right.You did what you had to do,like you're doing here now."
Jughead SCOFFS
Jughead says to Fred "Later."
Fred says to Jughead "Jug."
Jughead walks out
In Sierra's office
Sierra holding a half glass of whiskey and Hermione walks in
Sierra says to Hermione "You're late,Hermione."
Hermione says to Sierra "I had to make a pit stop.And as we discussed,Madam Mayor...A donation to your re-election campaign."
Sierra says to Hermione "And Lodge Industries gets the Twilight Drive-In.It's one of the most prime pieces of real estate in Riverdale.No one can know that I helped goose this deal along.
Especially not the Blossoms."
Hermione says to Sierra "Your secret will be safe with me,so long as you hold up your end of the bargain.
Hermione walks out
In Grundy's house
Geraldine LAUGHS and Archie stands there with his arms crossed
Geraldine says to Archie "Are you just gonna stand there?"
Geraldine CHUCKLES
Geraldine says to Archie "Archie...Talk to me. What is it?" Archie says to Geraldine "Is your real name Jennifer Gibson? Who are you? And what are you really doing here?"
Geraldine says to Archie "Archie..."
Archie says to Geraldine "Why the new identity,
the moving place-to-place? Tell me the truth, please."
Geraldine sighs and Geraldine takes her glasses off her face and puts them away
Geraldine says to Archie "I......was in a bad relationship.A relationship...I was married......to a man who would come home from work every night,late and drunk......and with a temper.One night,I ended up in the emergency room......with broken ribs and a shattered collarbone.The next morning,he barely even remembered the fight.
And he promised that it wouldn't happen again.
But it did.Again.So I left.And I got a divorce.
Changed my name.And I came here.And I...
Well,I met you."
Geraldine EXHALES and Geraldine SOBS and Archie hugs Mrs Grundy
In Tom's office
Kevin says to Tom "Nice murder wall,True Detective."
Kevin says to Tom "Here's your High Point,Dad."
Kevin gives his dad coffee
Tom says to Kevin "Thanks,bud.You need something?" Kevin says to Tom "Can I borrow the truck for the drive-in?"
Tom says to Kevin "You got a date?"
Kevin says to Tom "No,I'm going with Veronica."
Tom says to Kevin "Oh,okay.I mean, is there not a nice gay kid at your school?"
Kevin says to Tom "Yeah.There is.Me."
Tom says to Kevin "All right.No cruising guys tonight.Okay? We both know what goes on in those woods." Kevin says to Tom "Oh,my God, Dad..." Tom says to Kevin "No,I'm dead serious.
All right,we've got a murderer on the loose and a lot of unsavoury characters in that part of town.
So,if you go,you stay in the truck."
Keep says to Tom "All right."
Tom says to Kevin "Okay? Get."
In Andrews house 2037,doorway
Hal knocks on the door
Hal says to Fred "We're sorry to come unannounced,Fred.It's been a rough couple of months for us.But Alice and I..."
Alice says to Fred "We think that Archie and Betty should stop spending time together.Their relationship isn't good,for either of them.And their respective behaviour reflects that."
Hal says to Fred "All right.So,if there was anything that you could do on your end..."
Fred says to Alice and Hal "My son's a good kid."
Alice says to Fred "I live next door,Fred.I see him sneaking out at night,slinking off into the darkness at all hours." Fred says to Alice "Alice.
Are you spying on us?" Alice says to Hal "Come on,Hal."
Alice grabs Hal's arm
Alice says to Hal "We said what we came to say.
It's on him if he ignores us."
Hal and Alice and Fred leaves the door open and stares at Hal and Alice for a bit before closing the door
In the streets
Archie and Betty walking together
Betty says to Archie "Oh,my God."
Archie says to Betty "Intense,right? That's why she has a fake identity and keeps a gun."
Betty says to Archie "It still doesn't make what she did to you okay." Archie says to Betty "She didn't do anything.Betty,you have to accept that.
And I'm all she has,right now."
Betty says to Archie "You're in over your head, Arch.You're in this relationship with this person......who is cutting you off from everyone else in your life.Just think about what you're doing,Archie."
Betty looks at Archie as Barchie stops walking
Betty says to Archie "Not ont for your sake,but Ms. Grundy's.Is this really what's best for her?"
Archie says to Betty "I am gonna deal with this,
but on my terms,not yours."
In Pembrooke,Living Room/Dining Room
Smithers walks in holding a black dress
Smithers says to Hermione "Good day,Ms. Hermione.From the dry cleaners."
Hermione says to Smithers "Ah,thank you, Smithers.And Fred Andrews is escorting me to the drive-in,so all the pieces are in place."
Smithers says to Hermione "The drive-in with Fred Andrews?" Hermione says to Smithers "Yes.
An attractive woman going with an old friend is less conspicuous......than an old crone going alone." Hermione says to Smithers "You're not an old crone,Ms. Hermione."
Hermione says to Smithers "Of course not.That was a joke."
Smithers walks out
In Betty's bedroom
Alice Humming
Alice finds a gun and Alice picks it up and Alice looks shocked and Alice grabs Diary and reads it
At Cooper house
Alice opens the door for Betty
Alice says to Betty "Finally."
Betty says to Alice "What's wrong?"
Alice says to Betty "What's wrong is my daughter
is hiding a gun in her bedroom.And that's just for starters."
Betty says to Alice "I can explain that."
Alice says to Betty "Oh,you will."
Alice puts the gun down
Alice says to Betty "Now,get in the car."
At Twlight Drive-In
Veronica has a head on Kevin's shoulder and bikers chattering and Cheryl parks her car and Cheryl gets out of her car and closes the door
Cheryl says to Kevin and Veronica "Make some room,outcasts."
Cheryl hops onto the truck
In Fred's truck
Fred says to Hermione "Hmm.Yeah.I'm having deja vu.Yeah,senior year,we're here,watching Candyman.God,I hated that movie."
Hermione says to Fred "You picked it."
Fred says to Hermione "Mmm-hm."
Hermione says to Fred "Did you think I'd get scared,and jump into your arms like a damsel in distress?" Fred says to Hermione "You did kiss me that night.The briefest of flings."
Fred says to Hermione "Mm-hm.You kissed me."
Hermione CHUCKLES and Hermione's CELL PHONE CHIMES
Fred says to Hermione "Is,uh,everything all right?" Hermione says to Fred "Yes.Um,I'm still hungry.I'm gonna get some popcorn."
Fred says to Hermione "Oh,I'll come."
Hermione says to Fred "No,it's fine.I'm gonna powder my nose.Excuse me."
Hermione walks out of Fred's truck
Alice bangs on the window and holding a torch flashing in her face
Fred says to Alice "Alice!" Alice says to Fred "I'm sorry to interrupt your adultery.Fred,but you need to come with me." Fred says to Fred "Alice, what?" Alice says to Fred "It's about the kids."
In Tom's truck
Kevin says to Veronica "That hair."
Veronica says to Kevin "That jacket."
Cheryl says to Veronica and Kevin "Jason always adored the drive-in."
Kevin says to Cheryl and Veronica "Southside trash." Veronica says to Kevin "They've been doing that since the opening credits."
Kevin says to Southside Serpents "Shh!"
Serpent 1 says to Kevin "Whatever!"
Kevin sighs
Serpent 2 says to Kevin "Screw off!"
Joaquin says to Kevin "Nice haircut,you dweeb."
Southside Serpents ALL SHUSHING
Veronica says to Southside Serpents "Hey! You know what happens to a snake when a Louis Vuitton heel steps on it? Shut the hell up,or you'll find out!"
Southside Serpents ALL APPLAUDING
Man 2 says to Veronica "You tell them!"
Car horn honking at Veronica
Veronica says to everyone "Thank you."
Kevin says to Veronica "I cannot believe you just
threatened a gang-banger."
Veronica says to Kevin "I've dealt with worse in the East Village.I just hate when people disrespect my cinematic experience."
Veronica says to Kevin "How about a refill?"
Cheryl says to Kevin "Yeah,Kev,how about a refill? Cherry cola,as always."
Veronica sees her mom with FP Jones from Tom's truck
At the snack bar
Kevin says to Ben "Can I get a refill?"
Kevin sees a couple kissing
Kevin says to Ben "And some gummy worms and a cola.And a hot dog? Who am I trying to impress?" Ben says to Kevin "We're out of dogs."
Kevin says to Ben "Figures."
Joaquin says to Kevin "Not so tough without your beard,huh?"
FP says to Hermione "Where's the rest of it?"
Hermione says to FP "The rest of it?"
Veronica is spying on her mom
Hermione says to FP "It was my understanding that that was the agreed-upon amount."
FP says to Hermione "In that case,maybe we need to have a word with your husband."
Hermione says to FP "Good luck with that.As long as Hiram's in jail,you'll be dealing with me."
FP says to Hermione "Mmm-hmm."
Hermione says to FP "Is that a problem?"
FP says to Hermione "Mm.Enjoy the movie, Hermione.We'll be in touch."
In music room
Archie KNOCK ON DOOR holding a gift
Geraldine says to Archie "No drive-in for you tonight?" Archie says to Geraldine "I got you something." Geraldine says to Archie "Is this to make me feel better about my tragic past?"
Archie says to Geraldine "No.It's a...It's a thank-you gift for everything you've done for me."
Geraldine opens it
Geraldine says to Archie "Archie."
Geraldine says to Archie "This..."
Geraldine says to Archie "Um...you cannot afford this." Archie says to Geraldine "I pawned one of my guitars." Geraldine says to Archie "Why?"
Geraldine stands up
Geraldine says to Archie "You don't need to thank me.You shouldn't thank me."
Archie says to Geraldine "Ms. Grundy,I don't,I don't want to end our lessons,but...."
Geraldine says to Archie "But that's what you think we should do."
Archie says to Geraldine "Don't you?"
Geraldine says to Archie "So,that bow...is a goodbye gift?"
Archie says to Geraldine "It's a see-you-around-the-halls gift.A don't-forget-me gift."
Geraldine CHUCKLES
Geraldine says to Archie "That is hardly likely."
Geraldine and Archie hug each other and about to kiss when Alice,Fred and Betty walks in
Alice says to Geraldine and Archie "Well,well, well." Alice says to Fred "There they are.What did I tell you?" Geraldine says to Alice "Can someone tell me what's going on here?"
Alice says to Geraldine "Of course."
Alice says to Archie "Archie,would you like to share with us what you and Mrs. Robinson have been doing during your music lesson? And please don't leave out any of the lurid details,because Betty here keeps a very meticulous diary,and I'm more than happy to fill in the details."
Back of the Twilight Drive-In
Joaquin and Kevin kissing

Kevin says to Joaquin "Okay,okay.This time I really need to go."
Kevin and Joaquin chuckles
Kevin and Joaquin kiss again
Joaquin says to Kevin "I'm Joaquin,by the way."
Kevin says to Joaquin "Give me your phone."
Joaquin gives Kevin his phone
Kevin says to Joaquin "This is my number.Use it."
Kevin gives Joaquin's phone back to Joaquin
Joaquin says to Kevin "Kevin Keller..."
Joaquin says to Kevin "As in Sheriff Keller?"
Kevin says to Joaquin "Is that a problem?"
Joaquin shows Kevin his Serpent tattoo
Joaquin says to Kevin "Is this a problem?"
Kevin says to Joaquin "I won't tell if you won't."
Joaquin kisses Kevin
In the Music Room
Alice says to Archie and Geraldine "I never thought that I would live to see the day.I thought the one thing that we could keep our Riverdale safe from was child predators."
Archie walks to Alice
Archie says to Alice "Ms. Grundy's not a predator.She's a good person."
Geraldine says to Archie "Archie,you don't have to defend me." Fred says to Geraldine "No,he doesn't." Alice says to Fred  and Betty "Well, they're not denying it,are they? They're clearly guilty.I think the next step is we take this to Sheriff Keller......and let the wheels of justice take over." Archie says to Fred "Dad,you can't let that happen." Fred says to Archie "Son,it's complicated." Archie says to Fred and Alice "She didn't force me to do anything.I went after her."
Geraldine sits down
Archie says to Fred and Alice "Everything that happened,I wanted it to happen."
Alice says to Archie "There's no surprise there.
Betty says to Alice "Why are you doing this, Mom? Putting Ms. Grundy on trial."
Alice says to Betty "This isn't just about her.This is about him.I want you see what kind of person
Archie truly is." Fred says to Alice "Wait a minute,that is what this is about? Your crazy grudge against my teenage son?"
Betty says to Alice "I'm never going to stop being
friends with Archie,Mom.Ever."
Fred says to Alice "We are done here."
Alice says to Fred "Oh,we are far from being done here." Archie says to everyone"Stop,stop!"
Fred says to Alice "Shut up."
Archie says to everyone "Stop! Please.You're right,Mrs. Cooper.You're right.I'm selfish.And I'm stupid,and I don't deserve to be your daughter's friend.But please,don't hurt Ms. Grundy because you wanna hurt me."
Alice says to Archie "This isn't about hurting anyone,Archie.It's about doing what's right.And of course,informing our neighbors."
Fred says to Alice "Alice,I swear to God..."
Alice says to Fred "You swear to God..."
Betty says to Alice "Publish one word about this...Mom...and I will tell everyone that I broke into Ms. Grundy's car." Alice says to Betty "Betty..."
Betty says to Alice "That I robbed her......and made up the story of their affair.It will be like,I finally snapped.Like Polly."
Alice says to Betty "Betty..."
Betty says to Alice "It'll prove what everyone
already thinks about us.Crazy runs in that family.
Like mother,like daughter."
Alice says to Betty "You wouldn't dare."
Geraldine says to Alice "I'll quit.I'll quit my job. Will that satisfy you?"
Betty says to Geraldine "Yeah,it will.It has to."
Betty says to Alice "And I absolutely would dare, Mom." Alice says to everyone "She has to leave town." Archie says to everyone "The hell she does." Fred says to Archie "Son."
Archie yells at Fred"Why does she need to leave town?" Fred says to Archie "Because it's what's best."
Fred says to Archie "And Alice will keep her word." Alice says to Fred "I will."
Geraldine says to everyone "I'll pack up my things.I'll be gone by morning."
Archie says to Geraldine "Ms. Grundy."
Geraldine walks out
At the Keller house
Tom gets out of his car
Tom says to Kevin "How'd you like the movie?"
Kevin says to Tom "Quite the twist ending."
Tom notices his office door is broken open and he grabs his gun out and opens the door with his side and sees it's trashed
Kevin says to Tom "Oh,my God."
In Pembrooke,Living Room/Dining Room
Hermione walks in
Hermione says to Veronica "Veronica."
Veronica stands up
Veronica says to Hermione "What the hell was that? I saw you with that biker guy.That Serpent.
And don't tell me you were just being polite."
Hermione says to Veronica "I was handling some unfinished business for your father."
Veronica says to Hermione "I'm gonna need more than that,Mom.Details.Specifics."
Hermione says to Veronica "All right,then.Your father hired the Southside Serpents......to help decrease the value of the drive-in's land......so he could purchase it at a cheaper price using an offshore LLC.What you saw was me paying them
for a job well done."
Veronica says to Hermione "So Daddy's the anonymous buyer?"
Hermione says to Veronica "Mm-hm."
Veronica says to Hermione "And he's doing this from jail?" Hermione says to Veronica "He has an extremely long reach,your father.And he's sunk every last penny that we have into this deal."
Veronica says to Veronica "So Dad really is..."
Veronica sits down
Hermione says to Veronica "Dad is a businessman."
Hermione sits by Veronica
Hermione says to Veronica "He saw an opportunity,and he took it.And it was happening anyway.Old Riverdale's dying.He's just simply helping it along."
Veronica says to Hermione "But it's wrong."
Hermione says to Veronica "Wrong? Well,did you like living at the Dakota with a Central Park view? Did you like your personal shopping account at Barneys? How about our family
dinners at Jean Georges? Your Hermes?"
Veronica says to Hermione "Those were just things,Mom..." Hermione says to Veronica "That was our life,Ronnie.Provided to us by your father.
In Fred's truck
Fred walks out and opens the door for Archie and Archie just stays there
Fred says to Archie "You are not those things you said.You're not stupid.This wasn't your fault."
Archie walks out
Archie and Fred hug
In Betty's bedroom
Alice says to Betty "Betty.Polly kept so,so many secrets from us.I won't have any more secrets between us.Not anymore.Not if I'm gonna keep you safe." Betty says to Alice "What's my name, Mom? Say it." Alice says to Betty "Elizabeth Cooper." Betty says to Alice "That's right.I am Elizabeth,I am not Polly.Archie is not Jason.So stop using them as an excuse to control my life!"
Betty SNIFFLES and wipes her tears away from her eyes
Alice walks out
Betty looks out of the window and sees Archie upset in his bedroom
Betty texting Archie
Betty:I'm sorry
Betty presses the send button
Archie:It's okay,U were trying to help...

Betty's voiceover
Dear Diary,love makes you do crazy things,and maybe some of what I did was wrong,but maybe...Maybe I was right about some things, too.Maybe Ms. Grundy was dangerous in some way.Tomorrow morning,when we wake up,the world will,yet again,be changed.
In Twilight Drive-In
Jughead looking at the stuff for one last time and packs his stuff
Jughead spray paint a crown on the drive in
FP says to Jughead "They'll tear that booth down, too.Raze the whole place.Send it to the junkyard.
And us with it." Jughead says to FP "Yeah... Maybe they'll save it.All the pieces.Store it in the town hall attic,and rebuild it in a hundred years.
Wonder who the hell we were."
FP says to Jughead "Hmm."
FP chuckles
FP says to Jughead "So where are you gonna live now?" Jughead says to FP "I'll figure it out,Dad.
I always do."
End of episode

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it's really good, i spent a lot of time working on it so if you read it that would be deeply appreciated :)