
By weeb_queen123

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What if meliodas had a wife before the war. She was his everything. His hearts, his soul, his strength. What... More

chapter 1: Before. . . . Pt:1
Chapter 2: before. . . pt 2
Character Info Sheet
Chapter3:Revival Of The Demon Clan
Chapter 4:Hell Hath No Furry Like A Woman Scorned
Chapter 5: Lilith
Chapter 7: Memories

Chapter 6: Undying Passion

3.2K 73 2
By weeb_queen123

(The cloak is midnight purple and the moons are gold)

My love, My love
My fearless love
I will not say goodbye.

A beautiful voice sang out not the night sky.

Sea may rise
Sky may fall
My love will never die.

A woman with long red hair walks along a path into the forest. Her eyes closed as her cloak waved in the calm breeze. The quiet night air filled with her melody. A little boy is nestled into her chest, arms wrapped neck. The little boy sighed happily," Mommy your voice is so pretty" he said smiling calmly. The woman chuckled and halted in front of a large clearing with a lake in the middle "How about this, you can play for a few hours my child and then it's time for bed".

Lilith POV:
Azrael groaned and whined childishly "But momma, I wanna stay up with Uncle Zel and Uncle Esta. Plus I've been asleep all day"! A laugh rose from my chest as I ruffled his hair. Azrael pouted and gave me puppy dog eyes. My smile faltered and I looked into his emerald-green eyes. For a second I saw ' him '. Azrael has his smile, his laugh, and most of his expressions but they have never meant before. How does that work? He even has his father's nose. " Momma, what's wrong? Why are you sad" Azrael spoke up tilting his head confused. I smile and kiss his forehead" Nothing my little moon. How about you go play" I said putting him down.
Azrael happily ran into the field as I sat under a large dead tree. As soon I sat down, the field and tree sprang to life. Flowers blooming, the tree looking healthy and stronger than ever. Azrael squealed and jumped up and down in the flowers. Happily laughing and running through the field. He doesn't deserve this. He deserves a mom and dad, I wish I could give that to him. I shook my head and looked at the beautiful night sky. "Momma, momma look at this" Azrael said handing me half of a sword. My eyes widened and a gasp ripped through my throat.

" Are you alright Lilith?" Meliodas said as he grabbed my hand pulling me up gently. His dark eyes filled with worry. I laughed and kissed his cheek." I'm fine just a scratch my love". Meliodas blushed heavily and turned away. " Alright you lovebirds break it up," Zeldris said huffing and crossing his arms. I laughed and grabbed my weapon. Meliodas put his arm around my hip as I opened a portal and " Home sweet home"!

"Mma?, momma?!, MOMMA!!!!" Azrael yelled as I dropped the helt of the sword. My hand was bleeding from the blade. I sighed and healed my hand "See all better hun, Momma's completely fine " I said smiling as I stood up. I held out my hand for him" Come on Azzie, your uncles are probably worried about us and the sun has begun to rise". Azrael grabbed my hand as I picked him up and strapped the broken sword to my hip. I spread my wings and take flight back to the castle.

Time skip with the commandments

A smile warms my face as Azrael snuggles into my lap, yawning. His little wing stretched and then folded back into place. " Momma can you tell me a story," he said yawning softly. I smile gently and cradle his small body " Of course my darling, what do you want the story to be about". He thought hard before brightening up." Can you tell me a story about my dad, please? You never talk about him and when we were in that village, the other kids had mommies and daddies. So where's mine, and what is he like? And why isn't he here with us? You always say he loves me but if he did why isn't he here " Azrael said innocently as he tears up at me. I was stunned and so were the other commandments. Zeldris Gloxinia and Drole glance over at me stressed or worried. I let out a sigh, ' I knew this day would come." Oh, my beautiful moonlight, your father's name is Meliodas. You look a lot like him actually. You have his eyes and wild hair. His goofy smile and laugh" I said and tickle his tummy as he busted out giggling. My smile comes back as I listen to my boy's adorable giggling. I stop tickling him and hold him close to my heart." You even look like him when you are mad but they say you look like me" I chuckle weakly." You have my lips but his nose, your heart is purer than both of ours combined. Your father, Meliodas was great and powerful leader and the oldest son of your grandfather Ahriman (the demon king). " I said as Azrael gasped his eyes sparkling with excitement" does that mean he's older than Uncle Zel and Uncle Esta"!! I snickered as Zeldris huffed crossing his arms and Estarossa chuckled at the child. " Yes my child, it's true Also your uncle Zel and your father are the same height. It always made Meliodas and Zeldris upset when I pointed it out though," I said with a cheeky grin as Zeldris yelled " HEY "!!!! We laughed. "What else momma! What else!! Azrael said excitedly. " He was brave and strong, but not only physically. he had a strong heart. His love for his people and his family. He was a great man!" I said smiling weakly. the memories of the past flowing back at me painfully. ' Why is this so hard '. Azrael looked down sadly "Momma if daddy loves us so much, why did he leave us? Why did he abandon his home for her? If he loved us so much then why momma?! Why did he leave us alone? Did you not love him anymore" he said as tears filled the child's eyes. I gasped as tears filled my own" Oh darling, I loved you father but he -"" left us for a goddess named Elizabeth. the daughter of the supreme deity" Azrael said frowning as his eyes flashed purple-ish black.

"How do you know this Azrael," I said seriously, glancing back at Zeldris. Zeldris looked shocked and looked at me' Did you tell him' I thought harshly 'No I didn't it's not my place to say' he thought back seriously. I looked back at Azrael and held him closer to my chest as he cried into my chest. " Darling, It doesn't matter what happened to him. He is our past and we are the future. His betrayal means nothing to me anymore. Your mother is strong and even more powerful than that old fool," I said flexing playfully as Azrael looked at me and giggled softly. I smiled warmly and wiped his tears.

"Distant moon, so big and bright
Softest silver glowing through the night
High atop, the mountain gold
Sun unseen, the world is cold
Now I know, my chosen path
Higher calling they will know my wrath
Raise my relic blade, I will not be swayed
With the might of the moon by my side" I sang softly swaying as Azrael yawned snuggling closer. I hummed the last lines softly. I lay him down on a hammock made of soft wed-like vines. I tucked him in and kissed his head softly "sweet dreams my moonlight".

A heavy sigh leaves my lips as fly up to the higher branch leaves of the large plant." Ok, who the blazing hell told Azrael about THAT, of all the things " I yelled grumbling the last past. Zeldris put his hand on my shoulder as I sat down. " Lilith it was bound to happen, the holy war, the betrayal of the race, all of it has been archived and historiated". I looked down defeated" I know, I just don't want him to feel that hurt, it's not fair to him" I whispered. I snapped my fingers opening a portal as a barrel fell into my awaiting hand. Popping the lid open I tilt it back gulping down half the liquid. " Really Lily alcohol," Gloxinia said chuckling playfully as I flipped him off. " It warms the soul ya little bastard," I said sassily sipping more. "- I also got rid of those pesky gnats in his group. But to be honest the hold thing was disappointing!" Galand continued "How could the heretic who once struck terror into the heart of the demon race meet such an end?" I rolled my eyes ' this old fool can tell illusion from memory alterations'. "That seems rather hard to believe," Fraudrin said calmly arms folded."Aree you doubting me. You don't trust the words of Galand of Truth?" Galand said angrily sitting up. "N,o I'm well aware of your power just a bit surprised" Fraudrin retorted. Galand got up weapon in hand as I huffed annoyed. " Are you going somewhere again?" Gloxinia said as I sat on his cocoon of green tentacles. " No just a little walk. It's not in me to sit still like the rest of you" Galand answered jumping away. "That old dumbass. I'll be back" I growled out annoyed teleporting in front of the giant girl. She looked scared and confused. ' She looks so young. She hardly looked over 300 years old I gave her a comforting smile" My child, what has you so riled up" I said softly, my motherly tone soothing the young girl. She was shaking as her head slightly glanced back, I glared harshly at Galand and surprisingly Monspeet. " Galand, Monspeet you leave this poor child alone" I scolded crossing my arms under my chest. The girl shook harshly as she swung her hammer at Galand.

She looked up at me like a scared little girl, it made my heart shatter. I teleport the girl to the much older one "Take the child and run as far as you, my children" I said firmly as I teleported them away. I let my power flood the area, a dark aura surrounding it " How about you shut up and go back to base " I spoke calmly as they stopped their tantrums looking shocked and pale. I could feel Meliodas, he was so far away yet so close. The pain in my chest multiplied as I held my heart " Lilith you feel it too and as a response, your very soul calls to him" Monspeet said as he stared in the direction of the magical presents we felt. Monspeet powers up a flaming bird" MONSPEET NO PLEASE" I call out but before I can stop him Galand holds me back. I kicked Galand as far as could and yelled " Celestial summoning: GUARDIAN AND HEALER ". Two large griffons took off running before soaring off after the flaming bird. One griffon was all black with a white bird skull with antlers, its twin had an all-white body with gold fading ends. The white one also had antlers with tree vines and flowers. They both had matching collars made of gold with each having a dark blue (black) or purple (white) moonstone gem.

with Meliodas and the sins. Meliodas pov:

I felt Monspeet's hellfire bird race towards us but also another familiar power. My eyes widened 'Guardian' were the first words I thought as I ordered Hawk's mom to change cores. The image of two griffins invaded my head, one black it protected the other white it healed. 'Is Lilith really with them' I thought sadly as the loud calls of the mighty griffins came closer. They were chasing the birds, healing and protecting the land and creatures all around us. Hawks's mom changed direction and ran head-first into the attack before it hit she swallowed it. The griffins circled us, as the other readied attacks." WAIT DON'T ATTACK" I yelled out as the griffin squawked loudly behind me. I faced them as they stared at me. The white one came closer and dropped a blue and gold lily that faded into purple before it vanished. I picked it up gently and smelled it. It smelled amazing, it was sweet but not overpoweringly so. It smelled fresh- "What do you think Mel There is my very own creation" a beautiful voice called out in my mind. I looked around but couldn't find the source." Sir Meliodas are you alright" Elizabeth called out loudly. She held her arms in a way that pushed out her breasts. But I ignored her, 'Lilith'.

"- Give the captain back the power I stole from him," Melin said looking at me and analyzing my mood. My head was down and my hand that didn't hold the rose trembled slightly. Memories flashed in my head. A pregnant woman, long beautiful red hair, warm lavender eyes, smooth almond skin shined in the sun, a warrior. A goddess. The grand masters murder, us being framed." I took a percentage of the captain power, because it was too overwhelming and dangerous" Merlin said.' The other looked shocked. I wonder what they would think of me if they knew what I am or who is was ' I thought worried. " Yes, that's why the captain always keep his emotions in check" Merlin said staring at me." You mean like this, the same way I'm exerting myself when I transform like this?" King said transforming into his bigger form. "but on a whole different level" hawk said frowning as king turned back into his fairy form." I mean it not like he hasn't gone berserk before so what's the difference?" hawk said confused. "Those times in terms of his true pow, what you saw was merely the dregs" Merlin explained calmly looking up at us. hawk laughed" merely the dregs she said". I huffed and crossed my arms " laugh it up pork ball." " Ten years ago, amid the drama of our exile, when a certain young girl got in the way trying to help us, causing her to get injured. The captain started to lose control. So for everyone safety, I separated his strength from him" Merlin finished. " oh yeah, your right I completely forgot about that" I said uncaringly crossing my arm. " we're going to need that power back in order to battle the ten Commandments" Merlin stated firmly. " Makes sense. Where is it now?" I said." Its the holy land of the druids, Istar".

Elizabeth ran up to me as I walked ahead" Sir Meliodas are you familiar with the druids and what they do?" she said. ' You just heard me say I've been here' I mentally dead panned" yeah the sins had a mission here once" I said a Elizabeth continued to talk. ' has she always been this . . . . annoying'. "wow this is amazing" hawk said as we made it through the entrance to Istar. " We were already aware of your arrival, its been too long seven deadly sins." a Jenna said happily. hawk walked up with is normal introduction ally to get a stick in the nose. " what's up Theo. Looks like you've really bulked out" I said smiling at the kid.

No one's POV:

Elizabeth smiled and giggled at the scene as Zaneri stared coldly at her. " its nice to meet you. I'm the kingdom of liones' third prin-" Elizabeth didn't get to finish as Zaneri turned away from her. Meliodas walked up the duo and greeted Zaneri. Zaneri calmly put Meliodas' s hand on her chest " Meliodas. I'm very happy to see you again" she said quietly smiling with a soft blush. Elizabeth looked shocked and bubbled jealously at the scene before her. ' Meliodas is mine.' she thought bitterly. " Sorry, I'm married" Meliodas said shocking the duo and himself as he took his hand away. 'I'm married. but too who. Why did I say that' Meliodas thought as he stared at his hand as the image of a ring on his finger appeared. The ring was gorgeous. It had on obsidian black and purple band with small dark blue and midnight purple moonstone gems around it, also a dragon design in crested on it. I shuck my head and focused on the conversation. " Meliodas if you ready lets go to the tower on the right. you too" Zaneri said pointing to the large tower as Meliodas and Elizabeth followed her.

Zaneri explained the trial and warned him of it difficulty . Meliodas smirked and accepted the challenge proudly. As Zaneri started the trial a bright blinding light blinded him. When he opened his eyes everything was very familiar.

" Now way it cant be . . . . That crest! Is this . . . .


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