CRASH of DIMENSIONS: an anime...

By eldestreyne

595 34 45

What happens when eight anime dimensions suddenly collide? Due to the World Alteration Device, eight separate... More

Chapter 1 Sports Festival
Chapter 2 Somewhere in the Taisho Era
Chapter 3 Strangers in the Land of Fire
Chapter 4 Unlikely Visitors Outside the Wall pt/1
Chapter 4 Unlikely Visitors Outside the Wall pt/2
Chapter 5 Newfound Heroes
Chapter 6 Back in the Sengoku Era
Updates and Bonus Stuff
Chapter 7 Way Over in Yorknew City
Chapter 8 Demons and Yokai
Chapter 9: Eyes of Fate

Prologue: Across time and space

58 2 1
By eldestreyne

Disclaimer: I do not own Vanitas no Carte; it belongs to Mochizuki Jun.

Vanitas stood watching the World Alteration device, which resembled a huge organ. Sunlight streaming from the skylight gleamed on the keys and the shelves full of books surrounding it. They would be  leaving for Paris soon, but something just drew him to the device. The way it could control the very foundations of the universe, all with a few notes. The D'apchier family had labored for a thousand years to build this.

He sat down at the keyboard. Without thinking he played middle C. The note rang through the the room. It sounded too major, so he hit the E flat. Now it sounded right. He searched for the next note. A flat was also in the key of C minor, and a perfect fourth up from E flat. He hit it, then played the sequence again. He added more notes, and a left hand chord. The melody seemed to be calling to him. He kept playing, adding more notes and chords. Louder and louder he played, the tune reverberating across the room. Faster and faster-

The door slammed open, cutting him short. Noé stuck his head in. "Oi, Vanitas! What are you doing? We've got to go!"

"Okay, coming." Vanitas sighed. He skipped up from the keyboard and left the room.

A/N : I don't know if there's actually a skylight in the room, cuz it's been awhile since I read it, but I'll assume it is. Let me know if you know. 

For those who don't know what's going on, the world alteration device is a machine that can control alternate universes. If you want to go to an alternate universe, please vote.

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