VR Squad Oneshots

By OneGaySimp

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Random ideas I had that no one else has written, also request if anyone would like to- More

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When They're Sick: The Newbies

When They're Sick: The VR Squad

119 3 12
By OneGaySimp

Basically just what would happen if each person got sick-

Also- sorry for not writing/updating anything for awhile- uh personal issues- But hopefully I'm back now, as much as I can be <3

• Tycer doesn't normally get sick as he has a pretty strong immune system, so it's rare you'll see him get anything other than a few sniffles from the after math of his pranks.

• Since he's a "jerk" for most people, not really many people would care or notice when he does get sick.

• The few people who would be able to tell when he gets sick are Natsu, Friend, Luna, and sometimes Amber.

• His pranks usually become a lot less destructive when he's sick, or he does a lot less of them, which is how Amber is able to tell because she's mainly his number one target for pranks.

• Natsu and Friend will know because they hang out with him alot and can tell when there's a big change in his demeanor.

• While Luna can tell because of both these things.

• You'll probably have to bribe him to stay in bed and rest because he doesn't want to get left out of anything that is happening.

• Friend is the one who mainly takes care of him as they are one of the only three people who know how to care for someone who is sick and that actually care about him.

• Natsu would probably come by every now and then to check up on how Tycer is and Luna may drop by to give Friend some supplies and advice.

• Once he's better, he will just be all over Friend and pretty much back to his old self.

• Natsu is one of the people who gets sick almost all the time because of how oblivious and careless he is for his own well being.

• Before, almost everyone would be worried about him but now that this is a pretty normal occurrence, not a lot of people care anymore.

• Everyone would be able to tell when he's sick but the only people who will actually do anything is Moe, Friend, Luna, and ever rarely Maya.

• If Moe isn't around when Natsu is sick, then Maya will sometimes take her place and care for him, but this barely ever happens.

• Moe is literally all over him and making sure he doesn't do too much and stays in bed, aka she just babies him while Friend or Luna actually take care of him.

• Friend is mainly the one who cooks while Luna takes care of the medicines and such, which Natsu definitely gets all whiny about.

• When he's good again, he will make cookies or sweets of any kind as a thank you gift for Luna and Friend, then he'll definitely take Moe on a date (with Friend ofc :])

• It is VERY rare to ever see Dr.L sick as he is basically a big germaphobe and makes sure everything around him is super sanitary, which means if he ever is sick, he probably got it from someone else.

• Barely anyone can tell when he's sick as he's always cooped up in his lab and will most likely try to hide the fact he's sick.

• The only people he allows in his lab at times like this are Luna and Friend (because out of everyone, he sees them as the most "clean"), who are also the people that can easily point out when he's sick.

• Luna is the only one who can convince him to rest and take a break because well... It's Luna.

• Dr.L thinks Luna is the only one who takes care of him when he's sick because she's the one who give him his medicine and food and such, but Luna actually has Friend help her out alot, Dr.L eventually found this out.

• When he's not sick anymore, he'll immediately go back to any experiments he was doing before or will intensely clean his lab, and he will make sure to thank Luna for her help, Friend too sometimes.

Luna <3:
• Luna also isn't a normal one to get sick, as she is almost as much of a germaphobe as Dr.L, but because she hangs out with the others on adventures alot, she does tend to get sick sometimes.

• Literally everyone can tell when she's sick as she's not very good at hiding it, if she was trying to hide it in the first place.

• Though everyone can tell when she's sick, not many people can, or are allowed, to do anything about it because she sorta locks herself up in fear of getting others sick (she's a big worry wart).

• Probably the only person who is allowed to help her is Friend since they're the only person she can really trust to do anything medical related correctly (sorry Dr.L :[).

• If she ever sneezes or coughs when Friend, or anyone, is around she'll profusely apologize and promise that if they get sick she'll make it up.

• She also apologizes to Friend alot when they help her because she believes she's "wasting their time" and "she'll make it up" but Friend genuinely does not care.

• After she's on her feet again, she will keep her promises and help anyone who got sick after her, believing that she got them sick, and will probably take Friend on a picnic or get the pizza or something.

• Moe, once again, doesn't get sick much but because she's literally all over Natsu when he's sick, she does get sick from that alot.

• A few people do notice when she's sick but whenever they offer to help, she just waves them off and they just go "okay then?".

• The only people she does let help her is Natsu (ofc), Friend, Violet, and sometimes Luna.

• Natsu gets all worried and freaked out when Moe is sick because he thinks she might die or leave him if he messes something up (normal relationship worries ya know?).

• Since Natsu will probably be running around worrying his head off, Friend is actually the one who will do anything, along with Luna and Violet sometimes.

• Violet just kinda shrugs it off and says "she'll be fine" and goes off to do whatever cultist do, while Moe actually doesn't really want Luna around (which is surprising) but Luna does still help by comfort Natsu and giving Friend supplies and advice, not around Moe ofc.

• When Moe's good again, she'll just go back to fawning over Natsu, probably say stuff like "Omg- Thank you for caring for me, I love u! <3" and give Friend a small thank you.

• Instead of it being, Maya doesn't get sick much, it's more of she isn't allowed to get sick, because she definitely works as a beauty and fashion expert/model, so she isn't allowed to be sick because "models are perfect and never get sick".

• So she isn't a germaphobe like Dr.L but she does extensively try to avoid catching anything at all, as she's afraid she'll lose her job if she does.

• Normally if she does get sick but it's a work day then she'll just desperately try to hide it and continue doing work.

• Amber and Friend are the main two that can obviously point out when Maya is sick, Luna a bit as well.

• Amber will usually let Maya off the hook and continue to do her work when sick because she knows Maya would reach out to her if it truly was bad.

• Friend and Luna just like to check up on her every now and then, just making sure she's alright and giving her anything she may need (food or medicine wise).

• But if it's ever a break day/a day off and she's sick, then she'll lay in bed all day and let whoever walk in and out.

• Once she's not sick anymore, she'll make sure to thank whoever had checked on her and made sure she was okay, probably by paying them because models are rich and stuff.

• Most of the VR Squad doesn't get sick much because they're just plain good at cleaning up after themselves, and you'd probably think the same of Amber, but no, she's quite the mess make, especially with all her potions and the weird ingredients needed for them.

• You're never able to really get a good look at Amber as she's always running around, either on another weird adventure, chasing someone, or searching for ingredients or artifacts, so you can never really tell when she's sick.

• The few people that can though are Maya and Friend, both of them mostly just say "she has slowed down a bit" which is slightly true but there's definitely more to it then that, but they wont say what.

• It will take lots of convincing to get Amber to lay down or even sit down, as she always has a long list of chores to do, but they're able to get her to calm down by Friend taking charge and doing Amber's "chores" for her.

• Friend is probably the only one Amber trust to actually get her "chores" done correctly, so while they're off doing that, Maya will stay back and take care of Amber, but if she's busy then Luna will take her place instead.

• And when she's good again, she'll probably just give a small thank you to whoever and go back to doing her "chores".

• Emi is also definitely one to get sick easily, and probably quite a lot too.

• Some people may notice when she's sick but she will deny it and start a scene for no reason, so most people just kinda walk away and leave her be as it's obvious she wants to be alone.... except for one person.

• Friend is the one, and probably only person who actually tries to help Emi instead of just walking away, mostly because they know Emi has a softer spot for them so they can use that against her, and also because, "bully or not, everyone on this island are friends and we shall always have each other's backs" - probably something Friend would say.

• Emi, being a tsundere for Friend, will fight back when Friend tries to help her and when they oblige and start to leave, that's when she back tracks and tells them "they can stay... or whatever".

• Friend knows how to really pull at Emi's strings and can easily get her to be all begging or super irritated, being raised by a manipulator to also be a manipulator has it's perks :].

• When she's fine again, she'll try to poke fun and Friend and try bulling them again, but it becomes pretty obvious that she's trying to (badly) thank them.

• It's quite rare for Violet to get sick, as she is very good at cleaning up after herself and leaving no evidence- I mean... Leaving no mess behind after her... normal everyday activities.

• Though there are times where she'll get sick because of a corpse that was left out for a bit too long- but other then that, she'll probably just catch a cold or something from someone else.

• Genuinely no one will notice as she just appears and disappears alot, so nobody ever knows where she goes but if you are able to catch her sometime, then it'll be pretty obvious she's sick with all her, very loud, sneezing and coughing.

• Moe and Friend are able to easily catch on for when Violet is sick before anyone else, and are also the two that try and help her out, no matter how much she denies it.

• Moe mostly just babies her the whole time, which Violet finds very annoying as they are the older sibling, while Friend actually tries to give her medicine and such and even promises to help Violet with any "chores" she may need to catch up on after this, which Violet greatly appreciates but doesn't show.

• When Violet is better, everything will immediately go back to normal like they weren't even sick in the first place, except she will have the help of Friend for the next few ritu- chores... that she needs to do.

• Avery is basically IMPOSSIBLE to get sick as they are a demon, so they don't really even have a immune system or such things, which is also why Avery only ever eats cotton candy and sugary things because they don't have to worry about their "health" or "cavities" because they don't get affected by those things like humans do.

• The only way Avery would be able to get "sick" is if it comes from a potion or spell or even if someone poisoned their food, then they'd get some side affects but not fully affected by whatever it was.

• Literally NOBODY wants to help Avery, they aren't taking the chance of this being a trap or set up of the sorts, so nobody does anything and just lets Avery squirm in pain by themselves.

• Except for one person, Friend, like I mentioned with Emi, Friend kinda follows a rule of their own "Doesn't matter what you are or what you do, everyone on this island are friends and we shall always have eachothers backs"

• The first time Avery was "sick", they just thought Friend was trying to be nice and help them feel better, but then it happened again, and again, and again... Friend genuinely does not care if you're a crazy, murderer yandere, if you're in pain, they will help you.

• So now anytime Avery wants alone time with Friend, they will purposely find a way to make themself "sick" and then Friend will just have to heal them back to health.

• There are even times that when Avery feels better, they will just continue to act sick or continue to make themself sick so Friend will have to stay and take care of them longer.

• But eventually they have to give up the act or they genuinely feel and when they do, they're just back to being all over Friend (probably even more if that's possible) and weirding everyone out.

Friend <3:
• Friend is very VERY easy to get sick, having bad mental and physical health will do that to you, so they are almost sick all day, everyday.

• But almost nobody is able to tell that they're sick because they are so good at hiding it (*cough* The Commission *cough*), they hide it so well to the point that sometimes they forget they're sick and when they randomly hunch over, throwing up, everyone goes nuts.

• Friend is very capable of taking care of themselves, and everyone knows this, but when they're sick, everyone just acts like they're so fragile they'll break at the slightest touch (which they might-).

• There's some people that don't really care or are concerned much, (Dr.L, Violet, Emi) and there's some people that just check up on Friend every now and then, (Moe, Maya, Amber), and there's the people who go absolute crazy (Luna, Tycer, Natsu, Avery).

• Moe and Natsu definitely cook alot for Friend, Tycer is just all over them, babying them, Luna has all the medical supplies, and I mean all of it, Amber and Maya stop by once in awhile to drop off some get well soon gifts, Avery isn't allowed near Friend or even in the same room as them, and all the others are just doing their own things.

• Once Friend is allowed out of bed, most of the others just treat them like normal while a few others are still hanging over their should for the next couple of days (Luna, Tycer, Avery).


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