That girl | George Russell x...

By mollyy121

22.4K 888 185

Y/n , the one we all want to be , is sir Lewis Hamilton's adoptive little sister and a very loved ex-race dri... More

Part 1/*Introduction*
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
โ€ผ๏ธLittle Updateโ€ผ๏ธ
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26

Part 2

1.9K 50 5
By mollyy121

  It was the first time in 6 years since i've seen the track up close. A wave of sadness and happiness came upon me . I sight at the dark memory and carry on with my task.

  I was on my way to find the Mercedes pit and with that my brother . On the way there some paparazzi notice me and of course that wouldn't end there, they love to gossip, all of them noticed me. THE interviewer of F1 , Lissie , bless her soul , caught me first and not the other ones.

  Of course they were all panicking when they saw me there. I was sort of afk in this sport and on television for almost 7 years now , so when a former F2 driver champion and now a model ,appeared out of nowhere  they had to be the first to know.

As i said Lissie got me first. She started with the basic questions : How's your brother? , Does he know you are here at the Miami GP to support him?, Who this you came with? , How was your life after the accident? and so on.

  She was really nice, hope we can get brunch some day. After she was done with the interview I was on my way to find my brother , again.

  He didn't know I was coming , told him I was in Spain or something ,already forgot . I passed some drivers I was friends with but they saw I was in a hurry so they didn't bother me , of course not everyone .

  I don't where he came from but he was clinging onto me like there's no tomorrow.  "Y/N I'm so happy you're here you don't even know." after a minute he let me go "Wait , on the groupchat you said you were in France " (good thing my brother isn't in the group with us, love him tho<3) . Charles looked so hurt I'm starting to feel bad for lying to him. "I'm sorry I am trying to suprise Lewis cause , you know , not every year you could be on your 200 podium" . He looked at me with no emtotion at all , like he was expecting another answer.

Anyway he got over it , I got him dark chocolate from his hometown like a weekend ago and gave it to him just  now . Hope it didn't expired.

  Ok now i gotta find Lewis for real this time. I was fast walking, no , running when i saw the Mercedes pit.

   I found him , finally . He was getting ready for the first practice of the weekend. He didn't saw me approaching so I jump on his back like I used to do when I was little.

  I haven't seen so much happiness on a man's face before in my life . He looked at me with tears in his eyes i started crying too. We hugged like little kids and stayed like that for a bit. It was nice , I missed him.

"  Y/n , don't ever lie to me again, even if its to surprise me "  he was trying to sound mature and doing as he calls it "big brother duty". But it didn't worked. He was just happy I was there.

  "I promise I won't do it again , I wonder how the other didn't spilled the secret I was coming" at this point he didn't knew what to say. " Who knew?" "Carlos , Alex , George , Lando and Daniel, and maybe just maybe their girlfriends and maybe the entire social media cause Carlos likes to gossip, but I'm not sure" .

  I can't believe he did this, he called mom and told her what I just did and of course she got mad too , I told her I was in Italy or some country in Europe and that's why I couldn't talk with her , you know mom bad reception bad network etc etc. Mother's boy till death.

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