Love in Uniform

By saigesgmai

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Amelia brown army nurse her farther a general is well respected. she grew up at the base being raised by fema... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Military ball!!
Chapter 5

Chapter 4

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By saigesgmai

The next day Diane and another nurse who I haven't bothered to learn there name are on outside duty so it leaves me and two other nurses. We take care of some soldiers and it's time for lunch finally. Im the last nurse in the tent everyone else is at lunch.

As I'm getting ready to leave walking out the door someone walks in blocking my way. I look up and guess who it is. "Why are you here?" I ask fucking annoyed. "I'm hurt I need your help." He says holding his side with a fake cough. "Can it wait till after lunch Aiden I'm starving" I plead with him as I know he's doing it to annoy me. "Now if it was any other soldier you would cater to them, why not me?" He ask. "Because I don't give two flying fucks about you. Now sit down so I can do this quickly."

He sits down on a bed near by bed and I get some bandages out as he lifts up his shirt to see a big bloody gash. I sit down on a chair and take some bandages out. "For someone who doesn't give two flying fucks about me you sure look like you d-" before he could finish I cup his mouth. "Shut it" I say and remove my hand.

I bandage his stomach around his rock hard abs. Fuck why am I think of that. I bandage him up but as I do I start blabbing "so how do you keep getting these big ass cuts" I ask him and cursing for nurses is completely unprofessional but it's Aiden I don't actually care. "Well im just being clumsy to get hurt to see you" he chuckles sarcastically. "It was just a question no need to be an ass." I say

"Well what did you want me to say. When you ask me how do you keep getting hurt"
"I don't know just don't be weird" we go back and forth as I patch him up. After I do we walk to lunch together in silence mostly because every time he says something I tell him to Shutup.

When we get to lunch we get our food. I change it up a little and get fries. Just fries. I'm a pretty picky eater and it doesn't help when you live on a military base. I sit down across from Diane and of course Aiden sits next to me. Diane adverts her attention from carter to me. "So mili" she says kinda in a sing song voice. I roll my eyes "have you found a date to the ball yet?" She ask.

I get a little annoyed and shake my head. Of course I haven't. Who except for Marilyn Monroe can find a date in less then 24. "Well we gotta find you one" she says "what about him?" She says pointing to a solidier across the room. "Absolutely not! He looks like he's 22 and totally not my type" I say eating a fry. "Ok what about jack" carter says. I roll my eyes and look at his suggestion. "He's our age and good looking" he continues on. "No." I say blankly eating another fry,Aiden laughs. His laughs nice.

And before they could say anything else I stop them. "You guys know I can't just pick and chose right they have to like me to." I say dipping a fry in ketchup and swirling it around boredly. "Oh cmon mili your fucking hot shit. Your sexy and any one of these guys would be estatic to have you as a date" she says and I roll my eyes and scoff. But she's not done. She turns to Aiden. "Aiden isn't she fucking hot?" She ask.

Aiden chokes a little at the question. "Don't answer that" I warn at him "well of course shes hot" he says with a smirk looking down. I hit him. He doesn't react but I look over to Diane and her eyes widen. Like a idea just went off in her head. That's never good. She smirks and continues eating hot soup not prying me about the date anymore. I don't think much of it and keep eating.

After lunch I go to the nurses tent and Diane follows with carter and Aiden? They follow her in and Aiden looks as confused as I am. "Ok mili your being stubborn so I have to take matters into my own hands" she says which makes me suspicious. She turns to Aiden and now I know what's happening. But before I could stop her she's already talking.

"Aiden you don't have a date right?" She ask and Aiden Shakes his head no. "Ok so how about just for the night you and mili go together" she says clapping her hands together. "Absolutely not!" I say
"Oh cmon mili you two already hate eachover and I don't think it possible to hate eachover more. And you just need to be announced together you don't have to talk the rest of the night just one or two dances that's all. Plus you guys look good together" she explains

"Still that's a hard no and I think Aiden agrees" I say. But Aiden shakes his head "actually it save me time to find a date and the stress" he says and Diane looks at me with a i told you so look.  "cmon it would be good for both of you" she says "and plus mili we could buy dresses and don't even have to pay" she giggles since it's tradition for the guy to pay for dress and that stuff. I roll my eyes "fine but only one dance ONE" I express my arms crossed.

Diane squeals Excitedly. "Ok you two dress shopping tomorrow at 2 meet us at the bus stop ok?" She says turn to the boys and they leave. Jesus what have I gotten my self into now. Im definitely gonna regret this.

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