The Universe Of Tomorrow

By gunshyboo

486 333 193

In this captivating narrative, our familiar universe has been reshaped into a singular, colossal realm known... More

the map
tales of Zachery Joseph Knight
Aurora Jones
the shadow stalkers
Thanatos the immortal
The story of Bob's and Aiko's new beginning in the Cleansed world
White Lion's last story
The story of Bob's and Aiko's new beginning in the Cleansed world pt2
The story of Bob's and Aiko's new beginning in the Cleansed world pt3
Zazriel the Unsatisfiable
Viking Legend: Bjorn Ironaxe
The Enhanced Odyssey: Unveiling Powers
Spectral Love
The Labyrinth of Forgotten Souls: A Descent into the Unknown
The Infinite Loop of Corporal David Harris
Chasing Shadows: The Quest for the Shifting Core
Roots of Ruin: The Last Sanctuary
Unveiling, Redemption, and Farewell: The Final Odyssey
Shadows Over the City of Tomorrow: Unveiling the Hidden
The Legacy of the Talisman
Scales of Love and Destiny
Scales of Love and Destiny pt.2
The Legacy of the Talisman pt.2
Unseen Ties: The Enigma of Lilith
Tangled Realities : The Enigma of Lilith
destruction of Realities : The Enigma of Lilith
Shadows Over the City of Tomorrow: My Brief Return
Whispers in the City of Mistakes
Ambiguous Embrace: The Toxic Smile Chronicles
Ambiguous Embrace: The Toxic Smile Chronicles pt 2
Aetheria: Realms of the Beyond
Chronicles of the God of Wrath: Judgment Across Worlds
Azure Metamorphosis: The Curse of the Blue Elixir
Emissaries of the Ossuary: A Tale of Twilight Realms
Cycle of the Damned: The Rise of Aterna
The Ultimate Death Match Saga
Chronicles of the Aeternum Legion: The Saga of the Chronos Dreadnought
Whispers of the Deep: the Shifting tides between siblings
Whispers of the Deep: ironclad true nature
Whispers of the Deep: Realities Unraveled
The Walk Between Worlds
the walk between worlds pt.2
the walk between worlds pt.3
The Fixer's Gambit in the City of Tomorrow
Voyage to the Verdant Shadows
Echoes Of Past Minds

The Truth Of My Curse

10 16 7
By gunshyboo

I am Prince Adrian, a man marked by destiny in a city that thrives on extravagance and hidden dealings. My birthmark, a bold streak that adorned my face like an artist's brush stroke, set me apart from the very moment I came into this world. But it wasn't just the enigmatic mark; it was the captivating heterochromia that graced my eyes. One was a serene blue, reminiscent of a tranquil lake, while the other shimmered with the vibrant green of emerald leaves glistening in the sunlight.

Despite my royal lineage, I shunned the trappings of opulence favored by my siblings. Instead, I embraced a simpler style, often sporting casual pants and a hoodie that concealed my majestic heritage. Humility was my virtue, and I never saw myself as above others.

On this extraordinary night, I found myself immersed in an exclusive gathering within the City of Tomorrow's high-rolling elite. These parties were shrouded in secrecy, where the richest of the rich brokered deals involving rare liquids and invaluable resources. At my side sat my unwavering protector, Elara, a . She defied expectations, a petite figure with long, fiery red hair always held in place with an arrangement of small, luminescent leaves. Her eyes, the color of amber, held a hidden power that few could fathom. To many, she appeared as nothing more than a dreamy crush, but in reality, she was the most potent presence in the room, thanks to her  heritage and abilities.

As the night unfolded, a waitress with striking blue eyes and short black hair, wearing little more than strategically placed stickers, approached our table. Her confident demeanor belied her seemingly revealing attire, a testament to her familiarity with this world of luxury and excess.

Elara, my loyal guardian, observed with her ever-watchful amber eyes as I welcomed the waitress's offer. With a nod, I motioned for her to join us beneath the table, hidden from prying eyes. In this clandestine world, discretion was paramount.

As she slipped beneath the table and began to cater to my needs, a contented smile graced my lips. Her attentiveness was impeccable, her touch delicate yet invigorating. The party's relentless energy faded into the background as I closed my eyes, surrendering to the moment.

The rich aroma of the exotic drinks and the subtle hum of conversation formed a soothing backdrop to our hidden sanctuary. Elara's presence, always potent, seemed to infuse the air with an undeniable allure. She was more than a guardian; she was a confidante, a companion in this realm of excess and indulgence.

Time lost its meaning as the world above continued its revelry. In this concealed haven, I found solace and pleasure in the delicate ministrations of the waitress, her nimble fingers and enchanting presence intertwining with my senses. It was a moment of bliss, a stolen interlude in the grand tapestry of the high-rolling world I inhabited.

With each passing second, I cherished the fleeting escape from the weight of my royal responsibilities. Here, beneath the table, surrounded by the trappings of power and excess, I found a rare and precious respite, a smile ever-present on my face as I surrendered to the pleasures of the night.

As the waitress completed her discrete transaction with me, she ensured not to leave any mess behind, her professionalism evident even in these clandestine dealings. With a graceful exit, she slipped out from beneath the table, her lips covered by a finger, a sign of utmost secrecy. I barely paid her departure a second thought, for I knew the nature of her tasks could sicken even the most callous.

Fixing my disheveled clothes, I turned my attention to Elara, my ever-watchful guardian, and couldn't help but ask, "Why don't you ever do things like that for me? I'm sure your talents are not limited to such activities."

Elara rolled her eyes, her annoyance apparent as she retorted, "In your own words, 'I won't make you do anything you don't have to in order to protect my life.' Do you not recall this conversation? You wouldn't retract your words and allow me to commit myself to such activities."

I chuckled at her response, shaking my head in amusement. The thought of our relationship involving such tasks never sat well with me. I cherished her presence as my protector, my confidante, and my friend.

I turned my gaze toward the revelry in the room, pondering the lives of those around me. I wondered how many had climbed to their exalted positions at the expense of others, how many had met their fate for these few years of opulence. The weight of privilege and responsibility pressed upon my shoulders as I contemplated the price of the high life.

The night had grown dull for me, the party's allure fading as the revelry continued. It was time to make our exit, with Elara close behind, ever watchful.

As we moved towards the exit, a commotion seized my attention. A group of enforcers, known for their unwavering dedication and formidable protective skills, were causing a scene. Their loyalty to the city could sometimes manifest as ruthlessness beyond expectation.

What drew my immediate concern was the sight of them brutally pummeling a defenseless girl who offered no resistance. I couldn't stand by and watch this senseless violence. I shouted toward the enforcers, "Hey, cut it out! She's clearly not fighting back!"

They paused, their eyes locked onto me. One of them advanced toward me at alarming speed, as if ready to attack. But in a split second, a massive owl bear materialized between us, its deep growl resonating and causing the ground to tremble. Fear washed over the enforcer's face before he regained his composure and barked at his companions, "Let's go, boys, our job is done here."

They made a swift exit, leaving the girl battered and bloodied. I rushed to her side as she struggled to get to her feet, her body covered in cuts and bruises, her blonde hair stained red, and one of her gray eyes bloodshot. She was in a dire condition. I offered my hand to help her up and asked with concern, "Are you okay?"

She let out a wry chuckle and replied, "You may be brave, but not so smart, huh? I appreciate the help, but I need to be on my way before they come back."

At that moment, Elara shifted back into her human form, her presence a silent reassurance as we stood there, facing the uncertain night together.

Determined to help the battered girl, I extended my hand, hoping to offer her some assistance. However, to my surprise, she slid through the crowd, a fleeting wisp of a figure, as if she believed Elara and I meant her harm. Confusion mixed with awe left me standing there, my hand suspended in the air, unable to fulfill my intentions.

With help now beyond reach, Elara and I made our exit from the party, leaving the strange incident behind. I hailed a taxi to take us to the City of Mistakes, a place shrouded in post-apocalyptic beauty. It was a landscape of ruins from a once-futuristic city now overtaken by nature, its greenery and wilderness reclaiming the land abandoned by humans. Few residents dared to call this place home, but for those who sought solace in the harmony of nature, it was a captivating haven.

As we arrived, the first light of dawn painted the City of Mistakes with an enchanting glow, revealing its mesmerizing beauty. We soared through it in the flying taxi, beholding the stunning juxtaposition of nature's reclamation against the remnants of human innovation. It was a breathtaking spectacle, a reminder of the balance between creation and destruction, and a testament to the enduring resilience of the world.

The taxi dropped us off at the train station, now a forsaken ruin with its tunnels filled with gallons of water cascading down like a magnificent waterfall. These places, once bustling hubs of transportation, now stood as testaments to the inexorable passage of time, their former purposes replaced by the awe-inspiring beauty of nature's reclamation.

As the taxi departed, I ventured forth with Elara by my side. In the City of Mistakes, its primary residents were the underbelly of society, including goblins, ogres, and those involved in illicit activities to secure their livelihoods.

My natural inclination was to explore, much to Elara's unease. She remained vigilant, her senses heightened to the potential threats lurking in the shadows. Meanwhile, I immersed myself in the post-apocalyptic world, relishing the fresh air that permeated the atmosphere.

Our journey took us through the labyrinthine streets of the city, where towering structures once reached for the sky, now decaying day by day. I marveled at the resilience of nature as it gradually reclaimed this once-great metropolis. The juxtaposition of decay and renewal was a reminder of the enduring beauty that persisted in even the harshest of circumstances.

As we wandered through the decaying streets of the City of Mistakes, an unfamiliar urge began to creep upon me, unsettling in its intensity. My gaze involuntarily fixated on Elara, her beauty and grace undeniable. The primal needs stirred within me, and I struggled to suppress them, battling the intrusive thoughts that threatened to overwhelm my self-control.

Elara's perceptive eyes didn't miss the subtle change in my demeanor. She looked at me, her voice soft and understanding. "I see the urges are coming back, sir. You know I am here to serve and protect you. Just say the word, and I shall grab the nearest sturdy structure. to help you quell those desires."

I shook my head, the internal conflict evident in my eyes. "You know my answer to that. I wish I wasn't cursed with this insatiable need. It won't be long before countless descendants of my bloodline wander this world."

The curse that plagued my family for generations was a dark and relentless one. Each member of our lineage was afflicted with a curse corresponding to one of the deadly sins, and mine was a particularly harrowing one: lust.

This insidious curse manifested as a relentless and overwhelming need for physical intimacy and pleasure. It was a desire that could become all-consuming, rendering me powerless to resist its call. In its grip, I would lose control, descending into a state where nothing but carnal desires dominated my thoughts and actions.

It was a curse I had fought to manage throughout my life, employing every ounce of willpower to keep it at bay. When left unchecked, it had the potential to wreak havoc on my life and the lives of those around me. It had already led me into an unconscious autopilot state on one fateful occasion, where my actions had been far from consensual, and Elara had been among those affected.

Despite her forgiveness, I carried the weight of that shame and regret, vowing never to let the curse take hold of me again, especially when it meant putting her or anyone else in such a vulnerable and harmful situation.

As Prince Adrian and Elara continued their journey through the City of Mistakes, they stumbled upon a stronghold of goblins. Adrian's hand instinctively found his pockets, where he carried a substantial sum of money. It was in that moment, the relentless urge resurfacing, that an idea took root in his mind.

The two approached the goblin stronghold, but as they neared, the goblins on the outside drew their blades and shouted for their compatriots inside to join them in attacking. Adrian, undeterred, revealed the wad of cash from his pocket and boldly announced his intention, "I seek the finest female counterpart of your species to satisfy my needs!"

The goblins, though initially hostile, couldn't help but burst into raucous laughter at Adrian's request. One of them taunted, "What makes us not just kill both of you and take that money from you?"

Adrian, still smiling, snapped his fingers, signaling Elara to reveal her true power. She transformed into a massive serpent with backwards-facing teeth, emitting a green mist from her mouth that carried a putrid odor of decay. The goblins recoiled in fear, their initial bravado replaced by wide-eyed terror.

Adrian maintained his composure and asked, "So, do we have a deal?"

The goblins, now thoroughly fearful for their lives, hesitated briefly before some of them hurried inside to inform their leader of the unusual proposition they had received.

I watched as a goblin dragged out a female goblin, clad in nothing but bra and panties, her deep red hair matching the intensity of her big red eyes. A chain around her neck forced her to follow obediently as they approached me. The goblin brutally kicked the female goblin to the ground and held out his hand, awaiting payment.

As I gazed upon the female goblin, her petite figure and curves evoking primal desires, my mind swirled with forbidden thoughts of what I wanted to do to her.

With a nod, I handed the goblin the full wad of money, ranging from hundreds to thousands of dollars. The goblin snatched the payment and quickly retreated into their stronghold. Elara, now back in her human form, remained poised as I unchained the female goblin.

She snapped her teeth at me, narrowly missing my fingers, and I held my hand out, signaling Elara not to harm her for such actions. I carefully attempted to remove the chain collar from her neck, and then I helped her up from the ground, my voice gentle as I explained, "I'm aware of how this situation may look, but all I need you to do is satisfy my needs, and then you're free to go wherever you wish on my behalf."

The female goblin regarded me with a judgmental look, seemingly trying to discern any deception in my words. With a twisted smile, she responded, "Alright, why didn't you say so? I'll be your... companion for a while, and then I'll live a good life. I'm more than happy to oblige you right now."

She turned and began to lower her panties, revealing more than I was comfortable with in this public setting. I quickly covered my eyes, feeling a sharp pain tightening my muscles as the urges threatened to overtake me. I spoke firmly, "Not here, for all to see."

The goblin, seemingly unphased, responded with a hint of mockery, "You've got stage fright, huh? That's fine. Let's find a little hiding hole to satisfy your desires."

The female goblin, with her sultry smile and twisted sense of humor, revealed her name as Tarnia. As we continued our quest to find a more private location, she led the way through the labyrinthine ruins of the City of Mistakes, her confidence unwavering despite her previous predicament.

Elara and I followed closely behind, the strange turn of events leaving me conflicted, my thoughts divided between the primal urges that had brought us here and the unease of what lay ahead for this female goblin.

With Tarnia leading the way, we found a secluded, decaying building in the City of Mistakes. The structure, battered and crumbling, offered us a semblance of privacy amidst the post-apocalyptic backdrop. I turned to Elara, instructing her firmly, "Keep watch, and make sure we aren't disturbed."

Elara nodded in understanding, her vigilant eyes scanning the vicinity as she took up her post outside.

Inside the decrepit building, Tarnia knelt down on the rough floor, a knowing anticipation in her eyes. My heart raced as I reluctantly began to undress, revealing the source of my unrelenting urges. It was a physical manifestation of the curse that plagued my family, something I had come to resent.

Tarnia's eyes widened with amazement at the size, and she eagerly tried to swallow it whole, but her attempts resulted in an uncountable number of gags and struggles. The awkward and slightly uncomfortable situation only intensified the internal conflict that had brought us here, as I grappled with my need to satisfy the curse that tormented me.

As Tarnia continued her efforts, struggling to accommodate my size, the room filled with a mixture of desire, frustration, and a strange sense of vulnerability. The echoes of her gags resonated in the desolate building, a stark reminder of the curse that had brought us to this peculiar encounter.

Despite my initial intent to silence the unrelenting urges, the reality of the situation weighed heavily on me. It was a physical release, yes, but it also served as a constant reminder of the curse that tainted my family's lineage, and the moral implications of my actions weighed on my conscience.

Tarnia's efforts persisted, but with each gag, I found myself becoming increasingly conflicted. This encounter was meant to satisfy the curse, but it had become a stark reminder of the price I paid for my bloodline's past transgressions, and the sacrifices I had made to protect those I cared about.

As time seemed to merge into one, she got to her feet after a few more attempts. She then bent down and pulled her panties to the side. My body began to go into autopilot and I inserted my member into it with a wet slap echoing through the building. She gasped as my member sept its way to the end of her uterus making its size bulge through her stomach.  She gasped with steam coming from her mouth as spit uncontrollably leaked from her mouth. I withdrew my member with only the tip remaining then slid it back into her once again. This time she shifted forward making her hold on the ground slip. I grabbed hold of her body, keeping her from hitting the floor of the building.  Now as if she was a mount on the wall of a lodge showing my achievements. The bulk of my members were still almost forcing it through her.

I began to lose my control as my body grabbed her arms and pulled her towards me further expanding her body to its limits. My body relentlessly thrusted into her as my hands pulled her arms forcing her body back towards me. Her mouth agape spit streaming from her mouth with a gasp with each thrust.  My body picked up speed as I was growing near climax.  She randomly flopping around as I began to violently thrusted into her. My load began to Release into her womb. Her stomach expanded to double its size and she gasped loudly as I let her arms go. She placed them on her stomach as it continued to expand with my load swirling around inside her.

I pulled her off my member to watch her stumble about as the thick white liquid Sept from her womb released the built up pressure. I unfortunately was not yet satisfied.  Unannounced to her I grew close to her. In a surprise Yelp she spoke in a panicked tone. "You're still not done. Give me a second to rest I don't… Ahh!"

I slammed her into the corner making her ass and face me. Her upper body firmly planted itself on the dirty corner surface. I wasted no time inserting my member into her other anal cavity. She screamed in pain and yelled " you're too big for there, you're going to rip me in half damn it!" Against her pend I continued my penetration. I could hear whimpers and crying from her as I began to plunge into her ass with ruthlessness.  Her body kicked and tried to get free from my grip but I placed my hand on her lower back forcing her to stay still as I continued to force my member in and out of her.

Eventually as she kept fighting me I pressed too hard on her back making her go limping. Despite this I couldn't stop my body giving into my insatiable lust. I continued this till I Released two separate loads into her ass. The Semen made its way through her stomach and out her mouth. 

I stood there, gasping for breath, my eyes fixed on the lifeless body of the goblin girl. A heavy sense of regret and remorse hung in the air, knowing that I had gone too far, that my cursed desires had once again led to a tragedy.

With a heavy heart, I mumbled my condolences to her, even though I knew it was far too late. The room bore witness to the violent aftermath of my actions, and it was a stark reminder of the price I paid for my family's curse.

Quickly, I dressed myself and left the forsaken building, leaving the lifeless goblin behind. Elara, understanding the burden of my curse and the toll it had taken on me, offered only a pitying look as she followed me, wordless.

As we walked through the desolate streets of the City of Mistakes, the air felt thick with regret, and the weight of my actions pressed heavily on my shoulders. We made our way toward the ports of the land, where the sun was slowly sinking on the horizon, marking the end of a day filled with darkness and regret.

We reached the edge of the concrete port, the waters below stretching out beneath us as the setting sun cast a fiery glow on the horizon. I stared at my feet, dangling six feet above the water's surface, contemplating the weight of my curse.

In a quiet voice, I finally spoke, "Do you think it would be better if I didn't carry this curse anymore? Like, permanently..."

Elara hesitated for a moment before responding, her gaze fixed on the sun's descent. "I can't answer that, sir. What I can say is that I've seen the effects on you worsen greatly since the first time it took control over you."

I nodded, the burden of the curse weighing heavily on my mind. "It's just... I don't want to hurt anyone else. I can't bear the thought of causing more pain."

Elara placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. "We'll find a way to deal with this curse, Prince Adrian. We've faced challenges before, and we'll face this one together."

As we watched the sun dip below the horizon, I couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope, a belief that there might be a way to break free from the curse that had haunted my family for generations.

As I stand here, overlooking the fading sun, I can't help but feel a deep sense of responsibility for the curse that has plagued my family for generations. It's a weight I've carried for far too long, and I've witnessed the pain and suffering it has caused to those around me.

So, dear reader, I want you to know that I've made a decision. I'm going to search for a way to end this curse, once and for all. I can't allow it to continue, to hurt others as it has hurt me and those I care about.

If you hear from me again, it means I've found a possible solution, a way to break free from this curse's grip. But if you don't, if this is the last you hear from me, then I want to take this moment to apologize to all those who have been hurt by my actions, by the curse that I bear.

I hope that one day I can make amends and find a way to lift this burden from my shoulders, for my sake and for the sake of those I love. Until then, I embark on a journey to find a solution, to bring an end to this curse, and to find a path toward redemption.

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