⁜Inarizaki's Sleepy Sun⁜

By Crushed_Hope

4.1K 82 16

⁂Shoyo Rintarou is the younger brother of Suna Rintarou, even though it might not seem like their sibling's t... More

~Important loves~
⌀~The first day~⌀
※Their Noticing ⁜
৻The Practice Match with the Cats৻
₯Practice match With the Cats Pt.2₯
‡Baking For Them Pt.1‡
‖Baking For Them Pt.2‖
←The Family We Always Wanted→

⁐No comfort in my Mind⁐

477 10 6
By Crushed_Hope

{A/N: Hello lovelies, i hope you enjoy this chapter i wrote, Sorry for it being short but i'm having problems with coming up with idea's and motivation, Ect. But none the less enjoy this chapter please, Also i really wanted to thank you guys for 9 reads it makes me so happy!~ Don't forget to eat today!}



{TW: Self harm (Scratching)}






Shoyo was currently struggling to sleep, He was laying in bed trying his hardest to make his mind to stop speaking, Nothing was working, Overthinking was on of his many problems, He rolled to his side, His mind just wouldn't shut the fuck up, It was making him tired, But the tiredness couldn't be fixed at the moment, He tossed and turned, "Why did so many people look at me today.... do i look that ugly..? " Shoyo thought, The idea of people looking at him, Judging him, Just wouldn't go away, he didn't want these thoughts.... There really was no comfort in his mind, He didn't know being a manager would mean doing so many things.... He wondered what time it was, He had heard his parents come by earlier in the night, so he knew it was way beyond Midnight, He rolled to his right side and checked his phone, The time showed 3AM, He sighed. He began playing games on his phone, but when that didn't make him tired, He decided on some music for now, He opened Spotify, he played some songs in hope it would clear his mind, But when this failed to with the time being 3:38AM He sat up, his head felt horribly dizzy, He shut his eye's hoping for it to stop, it eventually did for the tangerine.

He walked to his window, He propped it open, The cold air rushing in, He loved that feeling the feeling of cold air that made him feel colder than he already did, No he wasn't depressed or anything, Life was just weird for him, He watched the night sky, how the stars looked, He really was just looking for anything that could distract him from scratching his arms, he did succeed in his plan, around 4AM his eye's felt heavy, he laid in his bed snuggling into his blanket imagining it was someone, Someone like Suna, Someone who cared for him, He tiredly smiled before eventually drifting to the thing he loved, Sleep.

But for Shoyo, His sleep would end only 2 Hours later, Suna opened the door to his younger brother's room at 6AM, He smiled at his brother but that smile quickly faded, when he saw how his brother looked, Suna could clearly tell he didn't sleep, Now a normal person couldn't tell but Suna could, "He must've been overthinking last night.... and i wasn't their.." Suna thought while looking at the boy, He slightly shook his younger brother, "Sho, C'mon..." Suna spoke softly placing a soft kiss on his younger brother's forehead, Shoyo slightly opened his eyes, "Good morning onii chan.." Shoyo said clearly tired while hugging his older brother, Suna hugged him back, He loved the small hugs Shoyo would give him.

"Sho... were you overthinking again last night...?" Suna asked pointing to his younger brothers arms, Shoyo looked down at them, There were fresh scratches, He must've done that without realizing, Shoyo slightly nodded, "I'm sorry o-onii chan..." Shoyo spoke, "It's okay, It's not your fault... i should've been here" Suna spoke holding his brother tightly, Shoyo just nodded "I-its fine..." Shoyo said while hugging him, Soon after they parted from the hug, "You should get ready, Do you need help bandaging your scratches..?" Suna asked concern filling his eye's, "No... i should be fine..." Shoyo said while shaking his head, Suna nodded before leaving,

Shoyo grabbed a his uniform, He decided against the shower since the scratches would sting, He bandaged his arm, He stripped from his old clothes, Quickly replacing them with the Inarizaki uniform, He brushed his teeth, He looked down at his now bandaged arms, He sighed why did he have to do that...? How did he not even realize he was doing it..? he put on the tan blazer to cover his arms he didn't want to look at it anymore.

He slowly walked down the stairs, He slid on his shoes and socks, before walking into the kitchen where his older brother could once again be found, He was watching some drama that he took yesterday, "What drama did you get?" Shoyo asked peeking from behind the Tallers "Oh it's nothing, Just the Twins fighting.." Suna said as he played the video, Shoyo watched as the twins Faught on camera, "D-do they always fight..?" Shoyo asked grabbing toast and placing it in the toaster, "Mhm... It's sort of their thing." Suna simply stated while turning off his phone and shoving it into his pocket,  "Mmm, so that's how you get your daily does of fighting so often.." Shoyo said slightly smiling remembering their features, but his thoughts were cut off by the toaster launching his new toasted bread out, Shoyo walked over grabbing his toast a tiredly putting butter on it, "Do you think you can eat the lunch i made you today...?" Suna asked, He was always beyond concerned for his younger brother, I mean who wouldn't? He barely ate, and normally over thinked  and scratched unless someone was with him, Someone he trusted, Someone like Suna, Hinata looked up with a big bite of bread in his mouth, "I'll try onii Chan." Shoyo said his words slightly muffled by the bread in his mouth, Suna smiled at his younger brother and ruffled his hair.

They Ate their food, Well, Shoyo ate most of it, Suna was still happy he ate that much, Suna slipped his shoes on as Shoyo rolled down his sleeves and put his Tan blazer back on, Suna smiled at his younger brother, Before opening the front door walking out with shoyo, The cold October Air dancing with Shoyo's hair, Shoyo clung to his older brothers arm, "Oni chan..?" Shoyo spoke, "Hmm?" Suna responded, "What.... What if someone see's my bandages today and thinks i enjoy doing it....?" Shoyo asked his eyes full of sadness and curiosity, It pained Suna to see his little brother like this, "Im sure no one will see it.. But if someone does it's not their business, And i'll make sure they know that." Suna stated, His voice sounded concerned yet threatening, Shoyo nodded, He was happy his brother cared, But his brother always protected him, Not that he didn't enjoy knowing someone would help him, He knew his brother over did it some times, Which would result in Shoyo helping clean his wounds from the occasional fights that would go to far.

Eventually they made it to the gates of Inarizaki high, Which Shoyo had recently been to the day before, He slightly clung more to his brother, The sounds of people talking and yelling were heard, Suna understood he was nervous, Even though he had been there the day before he was still just as nervous as before, Suna gave him a reassuring head pat As he walked into school building, Suna guided him through the halls and to their lockers, Shoyo tiredly opened his locker door, He grabbed some of the books he would use for the first class, which was Spanish, Luckily for him Suna was in his class, But Sadly the class before lunch Suna wasn't in, Only Osamu. 

Shoyo slightly closed his locker door, Suna was already ready and was waiting, He smiled slightly at his tired brother, Shoyo held onto his arm tightly, Suna walked with him to their first period, He opened the class door, Only a few people were in so far, Around 7-8, Suna walked Shoyo to their seats located by the back, Suna sat down along with Shoyo as they waited for their Spanish teacher to walk in, Eventually he did He was a little late but still came, "Good morning Class!" The teacher yelled, The few students still having conversations quieted down, The teacher smiled, The wrinkles at his eyes folding, He eventually started whatever he was on about, Something about Spanish obviously, But Shoyo wasn't paying attention, He really wanted to sleep, He wanted so sleep so he could eat his lunch without people thinking he was weird or had and eating disorder or something, He didn't want to take the attention away from the people who actually had eating disorder's.

Eventually the class came to an end, The class flooded out along with Shoyo and Suna following behind slowly, He had one more period with Suna before he would be alone until lunch, They walked slowly and tiredly to their next period after stopping by their locker's once again,  Their next period was math, The one class Shoyo actually paid attention to, ...Kinda....

They walked into the class the sounds of laughter and talking were very loud, Suna guided his brother to their seat's, Their seats for this class were in the middle row, But they were seated by the wall,  Shoyo sat by his older brother, He Anxiously held onto his older brother hand, Suna gripped his brother's hand tightly, He knew that simple gesture's like this often helped him, Shoyo looked up at him and smiled softly, His smile was full of love and comfort, The smile that made Suna feel at home.

The Math teacher walked in, She was a very tall woman who was sweet and kind, She had medium length hair with bangs, she was in her late twenties, She walked over to her desk and sat down before opening her mouth, "Good morning class, Today we are learning about-" The teacher continued talking about the lecture, Shoyo paid as much attention as he could, he at some part of the lecture let go of Suna's hand, Suna was also trying his best to pay attention to the lecture, Shoyo could feel his anxiety spike for a reason he didn't know, He felt himself start to to try and take off his bandages to try and scratch, But as much as he tried he didn't stop until a hand was placed on his arm, It was Suna's, Shoyo looked up at Suna He was about to apologize for trying to hurt himself, But the look Suna was giving was practically saying 'Don't apologize, it's not your fault' Shoyo held unto Suna's hand tightly, Shoyo hated how he always had to relay on his older brother, But he knew he had no comfort without him, especially not in his mind...



The Math class soon ended, And shoyo would part with his brother until lunch, They began their walk to their locker's it was quiet. His anxiety wouldn't stop, The thought's of something happening wouldn't shut the fuck up, Until his brother spoke, "Sho, I'll see you at lunch okay..? Promise me you won't scratch okay..?" Suna spoke placing his hands on his younger brother's shoulder's "promise....." Shoyo said Nodding his head, Suna smiled, He placed a soft kiss on his brother's forehead, Shoyo smiled, and with that Suna left to his class, Leaving the tangerine alone, But i mean who wouldn't?


Shoyo eventually made it to his one and only period without Suna, It was history class, He knew Osamu was in the class so atleast he knew one person, Shoyo opened the door, The room was a decent size, He searched the class room until he saw a familiar grey haired male, He seemed to be zoned out thinking about god know's what, Probably food, Shoyo took a deep breathe before walking to Osamu, "H-hey Osamu-san, Can i sit here with you....?" Shoyo asked holding his books tightly regretting ever opening his stupid mouth, Osamu seemed taken back, "I knew it i shouldn't have asked.." Shoyo thought. 

Just as he was about to leave he heard a voice, "S-sure Sho-kun!" Osamu said scooting aside for the tangerine, Shoyo was skeptical But the smile Osamu had, It felt like the one Suna would show him, The smile and Meant someone loved him other than his brother, it wasn't the same smile he showed to everyone This smile made him happy.. and warm.

He quickly sat down next to grey haired male, Osamu flashed him that smile, Shoyo did his best to smile, Osamu slightly chuckled at how cute the tangerine's attempt of smiling like that was, Before Osamu could really talk the teacher walked in, He was a medium height old man, He was bald and had a uniform on, He was bitter yet sweet? Like it was weird, The lecture started, He was talking about some war or something, Shoyo felt himself getting tired, Normally he would wait until he was with Suna, But something about Osamu made him feel safe,

He leaned against the grey haired male, Osamu felt his face heat up, The new person he liked was leaning his head on his shoulder, Osamu wasn't sure what to do, He froze while his face flushed, He remembered how his teacher was and tried his best to breath, Shoyo was now fast asleep on his shoulder, Osamu didn't know this meant Shoyo trusted him greatly, He gave shoyo's hair a ruffle, His hair was so fluffy and soft, He didn't know why but the feeling of Shoyo leaning on him / being this close to him was addicting for Osamu, But for some reason he didn't know why?  

Eventually the bell was about to ring, And Osamu knew this and was sad that he couldn't see the sleeping tangerine anymore, he sighed as he lightly shook Shoyo awake, At first he wasn't moving, Until Osamu spoke, "Sho-kun its me Osamu-san, It's time to get up the bell is about to ring." The way Osamu's voice was so soft, Softer than the way he spoke to anyone else, Shoyo slightly opened his eyes, He rubbed them slightly before he opened them fully, His Hazel eye's stared back at Osamu's grey eyes, Osamu was mesmerized, But looking into his crush's eye's soon stopped at the sound of the bell ringing, and waking up any student's who fell asleep.


Shoyo blinked a few time's before a light pink shade dusted his face, Osamu tried to stop the smirk that was creeping it's way onto his face, "A-arigato Osamu-san!" Shoyo said, Osamu gave him the warm smile, Shoyo felt his nerves calming, He wanted to hug Osamu so bad, "Well let's go Sho-kun" Osamu said standing up grabbing his books, Shoyo did the same, Osamu talked to Shoyo, Shoyo explained that his brother was probably waiting for him wherever they ate, Osamu walked him to the lunch room, Osamu blushed at how Shoyo held his hand tightly, Suna had once said that his brother was clingy whenever nervous or that was just his love language, Osamu smiled at this as he looked at his hand interlined with Shoyo's, Shoyo's hand were soft, and a colder temperature, Osamu loved the feeling of Shoyo's hand's, But alas soon they were there, Osamu was walking  Shoyo to their table When someone spoke.

"Sho!" It was Suna he was slightly jogging to his brother, The feeling of Shoyo's hand intertwined with Osamu's was removed, And instead Shoyo was hugging his brother, Osamu smiled and walked to the table, He sat down next to Atsumu letting the two have their brother moment, He could tell Suna wanted to ask Shoyo something, "What's got you smiling like more of an idiot than normally?" Astumu asked taking a bite of his lunch, Osamu rolled his eyes, "None of your business." Osamu stated taking a bite of Onigiri, Atsumu rolled his eyes back,

"Sho.... Did you... keep your promise..?" Suna asked, He was clearly concerned, "Mhm! I did, I fell asleep on Osamu, So my mind was occupied, I only thought about it once!" Shoyo said, It was a huge leap of improvement for shoyo, Suna was beyond happy, He hugged Shoyo tightly, "T-that's amazing!!!" Suna said pulling apart from the hug and patting his brother's head, Shoyo giggled, He was happy! It made Suna happy, Suna smiled as he grabbed his brother hand and walked him to their table...



 The rintarou brother's were now walking to their home for the day, They had done practice already, And Suna noticed something he didn't like at all, When they were eating, Shoyo didn't eat much due to lack of energy, Suna would just try and get him to eat more tonight, But, he noticed how the Twin's looked concerned on how little he ate, Suna didn't want people finding out and making fun of shoyo, Knowing the twin's if they found out they would try to joke about it, and Shoyo was already insecure enough, He didn't need the twin's to add to that insecurity.

Shoyo unlocked the door to their house, He walked in with Suna following slowly behind, Shoyo slid his shoes off by the door along with Suna, "H-hey Onii-chan?" Shoyo Spoke, "Hmm?" Sune tiredly but quickly responded, "U-uhm well since you need to shower, i thought i could make dinner tonight..?" Shoyo asked looking up at his brother slight, "Really? Sure!" Suna spoke excited, This meant his brother was happy, and plus his cooking was great so Suna wouldn't complain, Shoyo smiled, "O-okay well go shower!" Shoyo said, Suna chuckled as he walked upstairs.

Shoyo cooked an amazing meal for Suna and him, Well mainly for Suna, He was beyond grateful for his brother, He placed the food on the table it looked amazing it was just what Suna wanted to eat, Shoyo sat down next to Suna, They ate in silence both tired from their day, shoyo ate a small amount but still alot compared to normal.

Shoyo happily went to bed that night, but when he tried to sleep something was telling him, Something would happen in the future week.... But he didn't know what?




{A/N: Hello lovelies i hope you enjoyed this chapter!! i will be gone for a decent time tomorrow so don't expect an update early!~ Hope you enjoyed and have a wonderful day/night!!! (Not proof read)}



Word Count: 3024







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