Friendly Neighbors GokuxReade...

By Caramel_Wolf_27

38.1K 1.5K 281

This was supposed to be a One-Shots book, but with my inability to keep focused on one thing or plan, it's be... More

11 (🍋🍋)
🍋18+ optional chapter 🍋
Goku Appreciation Chapter
18+ optional chapter 🍋🍋
50 (🍓🍋)
61 (mild mention of lemon)
72 🌸lemon/fluff/family moments🌸
78 💪
79 💪
80 💪
81 💪
82 💪
83 📸📷
84 💪
85 💪
87 💪
88 💪
89 💪
90 💪
🌤️Filler:The True Start of Formed Feelings🌤️
🌤️Filler: Bulma's Cruise Party🌤️
🌤️ Filler: The Buu Saga🌤️
🌤️Filler: Drunk🌤️
🌤️Filler: Adventures 🍋🌤️
91 💪 (100th chapter)
92 💪
Appreciation Chapter Again
93 💪


245 8 2
By Caramel_Wolf_27

Just a few days had passed since the incident, yet Goku's protective instincts were on high alert, surpassing any mere understatement. His focus was unwavering, especially when it came to Solara and Gina, but even more so when it concerned you.

Throughout the day, Goku maintained his usual demeanor, engaging in training sessions with Vegeta, Piccolo, or Bardock, relishing in the meals prepared, and cherishing moments spent with all the children. But as night fell and tranquility settled in the air, a different side of Goku emerged.

In the depths of slumber, Goku would abruptly awaken, drenched in a cold sweat or startled awake, his first instinct to ensure your presence beside him. Nightmares plagued his mind, a logical consequence of recent events, yet he found himself unable to shake off their haunting grip. The fear of losing you consumed him, leaving him in a constant state of paranoia.

Goku observed your peaceful slumber, careful not to disturb you as he sat up. His eyes traced the contours of your body, draped in a loose-fitting T-shirt and shorts, his gaze lingering on the spot where your Saiyan tail once resided.

He couldn't help but notice the persistent soreness you experienced after losing your tail, a discomfort that surpassed his own, as well as Gohan's and Vegeta's. The thought crossed his mind that perhaps it was because you were female, and the pain lingered. The mere idea troubled him, as he couldn't bear the thought of Solara and Gina enduring the same agony if their tails were ever taken away. What troubled him even more was the fact that, like you, they showed no reaction to the full moon.

Various bruises still adorned your skin, remnants of the ordeal you had endured during your kidnapping. Some were more pronounced and unsightly than others, serving as painful reminders of the beatings you had gone through without being able to fight back.

Goku's gaze dropped, burdened by a heavy sense of guilt. He blamed himself for not finding you sooner, feeling that he was never quick enough to come to your aid when you needed him the most. It seemed that he could never reach you before the damage was done. Yet, despite his self-blame, you never held him accountable for his perceived lateness.

With utmost care, Goku slipped out of bed, his footsteps barely audible as he made his way to check on the children.

In the other room, Goten lay fast asleep, his baby sisters Solara and Gina peacefully slumbering beside him. Solara had her tail wrapped around his leg, holding one of his hands. Gina rested soundly in her crib, a pacifier soothingly nestled in her mouth.

Taking a moment to find solace in their peaceful state, Goku ventured outside to engage in a rigorous training session, hoping to exhaust himself enough to achieve dreamless sleep later.

As he unleashed powerful punches and swift kicks into the air, Goku's mind became consumed by his thoughts. Every single one revolved around you, his guilt fueling his strikes. However, when the image of ChiChi's face crossed his mind, a scowl etched itself onto his features.

ChiChi had appeared so elated to see him, oblivious to the fact that she had subjected you to torment throughout that time. Goku couldn't shake the anger that welled up within him, knowing that if given the chance, ChiChi would have undoubtedly harmed the girls as well.

A low growl escaped Goku's lips, his frustration simmering beneath the surface. How could he have ever been involved with someone like ChiChi?

As Goku continued his intense training, his mind wandered through the complexities of his past relationships. He had a knack for befriending individuals with questionable backgrounds, yet many of them had undergone positive transformations through their association with him. Tien, Yamcha, Piccolo, Vegeta, and even Turles had all changed for the better, hadn't they?

But when it came to ChiChi, Goku couldn't help but feel a sense of disbelief. How had he failed to see the warning signs all those years ago? Had she continued the charade of love until she grew bored, or would she have maintained the facade of happiness if he and you had never become involved?

It wasn't as if you both had intentionally sought each other out. The circumstances of your relationship had unfolded naturally. Yet, Goku couldn't help but question why he hadn't recognized ChiChi's instability earlier.

Deep down, he knew that something was amiss, but he had never taken decisive action. Perhaps he should have realized from the moment she reminded him of that foolish promise that her intentions weren't rooted in love, but rather in preserving her own reputation. After all, who would dare to challenge the wife of Earth's savior?

A wry chuckle escaped Goku's lips as he continued his training. It was almost comical, in a way, how everything had unfolded from the very beginning.

Goku's movements gradually came to a halt, leaving him standing still, his gaze fixed upon the expansive night sky above the crop fields.

A wave of introspection washed over him. Was he too quick to place blame solely on ChiChi? In a way, he was at fault as well. He had allowed himself to develop feelings for you despite being married and having children, all while ChiChi was present.

Closing his eyes, Goku replayed the moment when he had introduced you and ChiChi to each other. He recalled your genuine kindness and politeness towards ChiChi, your caring eyes captivating him in ways he hadn't anticipated. A smile tugged at his lips at the memory.

However, the recollection of ChiChi's skeptical expression and her immediate display of possessiveness, refusing to even shake your hand and clinging onto Goku during the introduction, dampened his spirits. It was only after bombarding you with questions and discovering your inheritance that ChiChi reluctantly accepted you as a mere acquaintance. In hindsight, Goku realized that this should have been a glaring red flag, indicative of ChiChi's materialistic tendencies.

As Goku delved deeper into his thoughts, the more his frustration grew.

He couldn't help but recall the countless instances where ChiChi had undermined both you and him. Invading your home without permission, engaging in actions that you were too kind-hearted to put a stop to, all the while belittling your worth and exploiting your willingness to help the family.

His fists clenched tightly, teeth gritted in frustration with himself. He realized that you had lost a significant amount of self-confidence since ChiChi entered your lives, yet he had failed to notice until the moment you were driven away by ChiChi's actions. The overwhelming feeling of losing you had clouded his mind, rendering him unable to think clearly until you were eventually found, over a thousand miles away, trying to rebuild your life.

The weight of his selfishness weighed heavily upon him now, a realization that struck him with full force. And to think that throughout it all, you never once blamed him. You never held him accountable for his own shortcomings. Your unwavering support and understanding were more than he deserved.

"Goku?" Your gentle voice broke through the darkness of his guilt, pulling him back to the present moment.

Goku swiftly turns to face you, attempting to offer a reassuring smile. "Hey, Y/N. Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you," he says, his voice filled with genuine concern.

You gaze up at him with a soft expression, a hint of remorse in your eyes. Your Saiyan hair is slightly disheveled from sleep, but it doesn't diminish the warmth in your touch as you cup his face gently between your palms. Your thumb brushes tenderly under his eye and across his cheek.

Goku's eyes widen with realization as he feels a dampness streaking his cheek in the same direction as your thumb. He instinctively pulls away slightly, feeling a pang of shame for you finding him in such a vulnerable state.

You place a comforting hand on his shoulder, trying once more to reach out to him. "Goku... Was it another nightmare?" you inquire, your voice filled with empathy. Goku starts to shake his head, but guilt washes over him, preventing him from nearly lying to you. "I... kinda..." he admits, his voice trailing off.

He turns back to face you, the haunting images of your battered body flashing through his mind at lightning speed. The smile he had attempted to conjure fades away, replaced by a somber expression.

You observe Goku's expression, and this time it's your turn to offer a reassuring gaze.

"Goku, I promise that I'm okay. But, are you?" you ask gently, understanding the immense stress he must be feeling. Goku's protectiveness towards you and the girls had become even more evident, as he had been cutting his training short just to check on all of you. He would jump at every flinch or wince you made, just to ensure your well-being.

Goku's eyes lower, unable to meet your gaze directly. Instead, his focus settles on one of the bruises on your thigh, a mark shaped like a hand, a painful reminder of the rough treatment you endured at the hands of the Red Ribbon Army. It fills him with an internal rage, knowing that the most loving person in his life had been subjected to such torture.

"I don't know," he whispers honestly to you, his voice filled with vulnerability.

You gently place a finger under Goku's chin, tilting his head up so that his gaze meets yours, redirecting his attention from the sight of your bruises.

Goku's deep, onyx eyes lock with yours, and you return his gaze with a profound love.

For a brief moment, he believes that he doesn't deserve such a look from you. However, he suddenly begins to hear your thoughts, your reassurance and love flowing into his mind telepathically. It soothes his guilty conscience, calming the storm within him.

Your thoughts convey all the adoration you hold for him, emphasizing that you never take him for granted and are genuinely grateful to have him in your life as the father of your children and the man you truly love. You assure him that what transpired as a result of ChiChi's dangerous actions was not his fault in any way.

Goku feels himself breaking down, a rare occurrence for him but not the first time when it involves your well-being. Yet, you don't judge him for his emotional reaction. Instead, you hold him close, rubbing soothing circles on his back as he embraces you tightly during this vulnerable moment.

Your free hand gently rests atop Goku's head, your fingers threading through his hair in a soothing manner. The gentle scratching of his scalp helps him relax, allowing his emotions to flow without restraint.

Goku's body trembles slightly as a silent sob escapes him, his head buried against your shoulder. You remain steadfast, offering your unwavering support as his shoulder to cry on for as long as he needs. Just because he is the Earth's strongest fighter doesn't mean he has to maintain a facade of strength at all times. You understand the importance of embracing weaknesses and healing after being beaten down. After all, you are Saiyans, strong in more ways than one.

You stand there lovingly with Goku until he holds you tightly against him, his choked breathing and sniffles gradually subsiding.

"You're my everything, you know that, right?" you ask him softly, pressing a tender kiss to his forehead.

Goku relaxes a bit more, giving a subtle nod, and allows you to guide him back into the house when he's ready.

After a bit of warm tea and a quick cleanup as you both retreat to your shared bedroom, the atmosphere is filled with a mix of comfort and desire. Goku, still feeling the weight of his emotions, wants to reciprocate the affection and love you have shown him.

He places a tender kiss on your lips that slowly intensifies, fueled by the deep connection you share. Your bodies press against each other, seeking solace and passion in one another's embrace.

Goku's kisses trail along your exposed skin, his touch gentle and loving. As his lips ghost over your injuries, he does so with utmost care, wanting to bring you pleasure and distract you from the pain you endured. He hopes that by focusing on his love for you, the nightmares from the kidnapping incident will fade away.

In this intimate moment, you both find solace and healing in each other's arms, seeking comfort and strength in your shared love.

It doesn't take long before you're both actually back in bed, locked in an intimate embrace.

Goku's eyes remain staring into yours as he's entered you, his forehead pressed against yours. You're holding each other lovingly, your lips brushing together in butterfly kisses as Goku moves his hips, your legs locked around his waist.

You both stay engaged in your intimate love rutting for a good hour, whispering words of love and affection to each other as your pent up emotions are fueled and released quietly yet blissfully.


Once the morning sun rises, Goku finds himself waking up much better than last time, his arm draped over your waist and your back against his chest.

He nuzzles his face into your hair as he doesn't wake you, his heart swelling with complete love. You had given him what he needed, you always knew what to do for him.

Not long passes before Goku can hear the children stirring in the adjacent room. He hesitates, torn between staying by your side and preventing Goten and Solara from barging in.

With a soft sigh and a tender smile, Goku presses a kiss to the nape of your neck, then your cheek, before reluctantly rising and dressing himself.

About thirty minutes later, you awaken, startled by the sound of something crashing onto the kitchen floor. Carefully, you rise from the bed, realizing Goku is no longer beside you. You dress for the day, mindful of the lingering soreness in your back from the removal of your tail, but relieved to find that the pain has significantly subsided.

As you step out of the bedroom and make your way to the kitchen, you stifle a giggle at the scene before you: Goku, Goten, and Solara are all covered in flour and egg, their attempt at making breakfast turning into a charming mess. "Do you need any help?" you offer, unable to contain your amusement.

Four pairs of eager eyes turn towards you, their faces lighting up with joy. You return their smiles as you make your way towards them, cradling baby Gina in one arm while using your free hand to pour juice into cups and brew coffee. With gentle instructions, you guide the others on their tasks. Solara, being the youngest, is assigned to whisking raw eggs, ensuring she stays away from anything hot, heavy, or sharp.

Goku, surprisingly adept in the kitchen, joins in the culinary adventure, playfully goofing off with Goten as they tackle the rice, pancakes, and bacon. And for some inexplicable reason, smashed avocado finds its way onto the menu. A hearty breakfast fit for a family of Saiyans, indeed.

During a leisurely day at home, Gohan and Videl pay a surprise visit with their young daughter, Pan. The children are engrossed in a collection of Disney movies, surrounded by coloring books and toys, while the adults find their own spaces.

You and Videl engage in peaceful conversation in the kitchen, busying yourselves with snacks. Meanwhile, Gohan and Goku find solace sitting together on the rooftop of the house.

Gohan's expression turns somber as he shares a heavy piece of news with Goku. "Mom is currently in a psychiatric ward for her safety and ours," he reveals. The weight of the situation settles in Goku's gut, but it does little to ease the unease he feels towards ChiChi. He harbors deep mistrust towards anything involving her, and it remains the heaviest burden on his shoulders. The mere thought of having to deal with her again, if the situation demands it, makes him recoil.

Quietly, Goku asks, "How long will she be there?" He knows that Gohan and Goten will likely still have to face the challenges associated with their mother.

"Either until she's deemed mentally stable again by the doctors, or until she completes her mandated time there. Whichever comes first," Gohan explains, his voice tinged with a hint of guilt. He couldn't help but feel conflicted about not wanting to deal with his mother now, but his primary concern was for Goten. He knew his younger brother would likely have to navigate their mother's presence until he turned eighteen, and that thought weighed heavily on Gohan's mind.

Goku lets out a sigh, his arms resting behind his head as he reclines against the rooftop, his gaze fixed on the sky above.

"Hey, Gohan?" Goku's voice breaks the silence, and Gohan looks down at his father with curiosity. "Yeah, Dad?" he responds.

"I'm sorry for not being there for you when you needed me the most, and for not supporting you better," Goku admits, his words carrying a genuine sincerity.

Gohan's eyes widen momentarily before he averts his gaze. He had held a lingering resentment towards his father for the missed opportunities and the times when Goku was absent, even when he wasn't dead. However, Gohan also understood the immense weight that his father carried on his shoulders.

Goku's voice grows softer, yet still resonates with clarity. "I won't hold any resentment towards your mom for her choices in raising you. In a way, I'm grateful for that. But if I'm being honest, I sometimes wish we had never crossed paths back then," Goku confesses. "If it had been Y/N, if she had been your mother, maybe things would have turned out better for all of us."

Gohan listens attentively, understanding that his father's words stem from the recent events that have caused Goku to reflect on his relationship with ChiChi more deeply than before.

"Dad, I love Y/N like a second mother, but I wouldn't want anything to have changed," Gohan responds, causing Goku to look at him intently.

"Mom was a great source of strength for me when I was young, even if she had her extreme moments. She was still really good to me. If Y/N had been my mother, I might not have ended up with the life I have now. I can't imagine my life without Videl or Pan," Gohan says, a soft smile gracing his face.

"What I'm saying is, everything happens for a reason. And even though there have been a lot of bad moments, there's also been a lot of good ones too. Great ones, actually." Gohan continued. "I mean, look at your life now. You've changed for the better, and that was thanks to Y/N making the decision to even move out here in the first place. I mean, I have sisters, I never would have thought I'd see that happen! And even more so, you've stepped up so much more! You're so much happier."

"All in all, the universe has its ways of making things work out. Keep making sure you enjoy the little things." Gohan finishes.

Goku stares at his oldest son, being proud of the way he turned out despite it all. Sitting up, he smiles and pats Gohan on the shoulder. "Thanks, son. I'm glad you became a great scholar instead of a fighter. But, if you ever decide you wanna train again I'll be here for that too."

Gohan smiles, feeling closer to Goku now more than he ever has before.

He looks up to the sky again, enjoying the chilly weather of autumn that's settled in after the hot summer that passed through. "Oh, dad, I've been wondering."

Goku looks at him. "Yeah?"

"Are you ever going to marry Y/N?" Gohan asks.

Gohan's question catches Goku off guard, and he finds himself momentarily speechless. His cheeks flush with a deep shade of scarlet as he tries to gather his thoughts. The idea of marrying you, now that he understands the concept, fills him with a mix of excitement and nervousness.

"Uhh, I... I'm not sure if Y/N would want that kind of attention," Goku stammers, his voice meek. Deep down, though, the thought of seeing you in a beautiful white wedding dress and embarking on a honeymoon together ignites a wave of desire within him. He discreetly adjusts himself, grateful that Gohan doesn't seem to notice his obvious excitement.

Gohan chuckles, standing up. "Well, it was just a thought. Anyways we should head back inside, I think Videl mentioned grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup since it's getting colder now."

Goku exhales a breath he didn't realize he was holding, relieved that the topic has shifted. He smiles at his son, grateful for the lightheartedness of the moment.

"Yeah, just a thought, and that sounds yummy!" Goku replies lightly, his voice returning to its usual cheerful tone.

But, Goku would be lying if he didn't say that the thought of finally marrying you wasn't stuck in his head now.

Universe, you definitely had a way of working things out.

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