Because Of You

By Purplee0107

14.8K 726 375

What will happen when two souls, who are too ambitious get's arranged into a marriage? Will they realize each... More

Chp- 24


487 24 20
By Purplee0107

Another day, another drama. That's what happening in Kim house since their younger son's marriage.  All these dramas are exhausting for each individual. The omegas are not the only one who adjust with new people after marriage but it's also the responsibility of alpha and their family who needs to adjust. 

In the case of Kims , neither the family wants to change certain way of living nor the Alpha is ready to back off from his opinions and in the middle of all these is struck Jungkook , who is trying to make everyone happy but is he himself happy?

Another day , another challenge for Jungkook.

  Not wanting to repeat his past mistakes Jungkook is the first one these days to get up in the house. He cooks breakfast, prepare tea for Taehyung and then proceeds to wake his alpha up. It's for sure is getting exhausting for the young omega but he's ready to sacrifice if in return everyone just stays happy. 

He doesn't even have the guts to ask anyone if he shall start working or not seeing so many clashes happening between his alpha and Mrs. Kim. Fights after marriage are not a good sign and he do not want to put any bad label on their marriage. 

Today is an important day for Taehyung. Some investors are going to come in Kim's house for dinner and not even a single mistake is allowed. Jungkook won't let it happen. He has seen Taehyung being so tensed because of the aforementioned deal; The number of sleepless nights he has put on to not let any mistake happen from his side is commendable and after becoming eyewitness of everything how can Jungkook let any mistake happen from his side? 

After a lot of discussion, it was decided that Jungkook would be in charge for preparing dinner meanwhile Mrs. Kim and Seon-ho will clean and decorate the house elegantly. Jungkook is happy to cook delicious meals for everyone, but he still doesn't know why Mrs. Kim was so against him cooking for the guest. She wanted Seon-ho to cook because apparently, she liked his food better. 

He has decided a traditional Korean meal with a lot of meat for the menu and to make sure everything is ready before they come, he will start cooking from 3 in the afternoon. 

" Jungkook please help me with this tie. I don't know what's happening today. " Taehyung asked while trying to detangle the tie.

" Relax alpha. Everything would go smoothly. Just have trust in your hard work. " Jungkook said while helping the anxious alpha with his tie. 

Taehyung took a deep breath to relax his nerves and suddenly pulled Jungkook in a hug making him freeze. " Alpha? " Jungkook asked while rubbing his warm palms on his back. 

" Stay. Please. " 

Jungkook's right hand made its way into his alpha's hair and started playing with it. He smiled after hearing a deep groan of satisfaction that left from Taehyung's mouth. Taehyung loves when his omega strokes his hair. It makes all his stress evaporate and all he can think about is his husband. Jungkook. Kim Jungkook.

" I wish I could take you with me to the office today. " Taehyung mumbled snuggling closer to his neck to inhale addicting scent of omega greedily.

" I'm always with you hyungie. " Jungkook said pulling out of the hug and Taehyung almost whined. Jungkook held Taehyung's palm softly and caressed the blue thread adoring his wrist that he tied during their marriage. Seeing his omega's action Taehyung too smiled and said

" Indeed, you are. "   


Evening arrived way too quickly for Taehyung's liking. He had already informed his eomma about his arrival at home with the investors and asked them to vacant the living room so that they can execute their meeting peacefully.

After serving light snacks Somin took her leave and Taehyung took this as his clue to start. He wanted to see Jungkook once but since he came, he couldn't find his husband anywhere, maybe busy with the dinner.

Somin noona was looking a bit tensed, I just hope everything goes well.

He rubbed sacred blue thread on his wrist with his thumb and with a deep breath started with his presentation.








" We are interested in your project Mr. Kim but give us some time to discuss it with our team. We'll soon let you know our decision. " 

" I'm glad to hear it. We are looking forward towards our collab. Let's have dinner? " 

Taehyung went to the kitchen to inform them to serve dinner. 

  Where's Jungkook. Taehyung wondered after not finding his omega anywhere in the kitchen. 

" Eomma we are done with our meeting, set up the table for dinner. Make it quick. " 

" Huh! Just one job. We gave your husband just one responsibility but looks like he doesn't care about you at all Taehyung. Only moon knows where he went without preparing dinner and haven't come back yet. There are very minimum ingredients left so give me at least 20 minutes to prepare decent dinner till then go and keep them engage in talks. "  Mrs.Kim snarled.

" Jungkook isn't here? What do you mean by that? He's missing and you guys are informing me now?" Taehyung hurriedly took out his phone to contact his omega but the said omega's phone was switched off. 

What is he supposed to do in this situation? There are investors siting in his living room, his husband is probably missing, and the dinner is not ready. What should he take care of first?   

" Eomma when was the last time you saw Jungkook? "

" Huh? Will you stop talking about him? Let me work Taehyung. He's not a kid, he'll come back. Focus on your career which is at stake. " 

" Eomma. " Taehyung asked again in a deadly calm voice. Only he knows what hurricane is growing inside him. 

" I saw him after lunch time when he was in the kitchen preparing for dinner." Seon-ho decided to interfere seeing Taehyung losing his calm.

" After lunch time? So, he's not seen by anyone after what? 3 p.m.? " Taehyung asked amused by his family. 

" He was preparing for dinner?  So where is his prepared food? Probably in the dustbin." Mrs. Kim scoffed. 

Jungkook where are you? 

Taehyung ruffled his hair in frustration. 

" See I told you right Somin? Jungkook is not right for my Taehyung, but your Appa didn't listen to me. Now see. He left his husband for moon knows what. How can he do this? Not only this but he also didn't fulfill his vows. How can you lie to Moon Goddess when you have no intention to complete it. But my son doesn't understand anything. The moment he will come, he will run behind him like a lap dog. " 

" Will you calm down Eomma? My husband is missing! You understand that? He's an omega and is missing. It's freaking 8 p.m. and my husband is out there alone. I can't reach him through phone and God knows what happened and you can't just keep your mouth shut for a minute? Why do you hate him so much? Even during Seon-ho-shi's time you looked concerned then what happened now? " 

" You still don't want to see his true self Taehyung? Are you that dense or what? " Mrs.Kim shouted. 

" Jungkook? " Somin said looking surprised. Taehyung instantly turned around to see Jungkook entering through back door looking like he cried minutes ago. 

Taehyung rushed to embrace his husband and finally sighed in relief. He doesn't care about his mother's fake cough nor Somin's constant questions. His husband is safe, in his arms, finally.

" Are you ok? Why did you cried and why the heck is your phone switched off pup? " 

Jungkook blushed by the sudden affection. 

" Leave all that! Why didn't you cooked dinner? Can't see your husband happy and successful?" Mrs.Kim said pushing Taehyung from Jungkook.

Jungkook looked around in confusion but soon replied to not come out disrespectful to his in-laws. " I cooked dinner and after that I rushed to hospital Eomma. I even texted you because I was in a hurry so couldn't inform in person. Did you guys didn't check refrigerator? Everything is ready, you just have to reheat the food. And my phone's battery was dead alpha, sorry."  

Mrs.Kim looked at him with a scowled face and opened her mouth to say something but Taehyung cut her off.

 " Ok now everyone shut up. Not a word. Somin Noona and Eomma will reheat the food, Seon-ho please place everything on the dining table and Jungkook go and take a shower and freshen up." Taehyung said and decided to leave and join Mr. Kim and Ha-Joon in the living room after passing a small assuring smile to Jungkook. 


Everything went well at the end. Taehyung is relieved that finally everything is getting back on track now. His company is doing well, they are getting many projects from different countries. Projects are small and will give them no recognition but right now their main focus is on survival and profit. Expansion is not something anyone is thinking about right now.

He was content. Finally done with his professional duty now he can pay attention towards his personal life.

He was worried about the reason why Jungkook has to go to hospital but refrained himself from asking any question in front of his Eomma knowing her very well. He couldn't afford another argument that time. Now he's planning to take Jungkook in there room to have a nice conversation but before he could act on it Mr. Kim beat him to that.

" Where were you Jungkook? I got to know the mess created today because of your absence. " Mr. Kim said calmly but strictness was clear in his voice.

Taehyung looked at Jungkook who was uncomfortable with all the attention towards himself. If he interfered it's going to be a big chaos so he just simply waited for his husband to speak. Mr.Kim wasn't anyway rushing.

" A-Appa I went to the hospital today. When I was in the middle of preparing dinner for everyone, I got a call from Nari that my dad got a minor heart attack today and they all are in the hospital. He was out of danger but I just couldn't sit here after getting that news so I quickly finished preparing dinner and rushed towards hospital to meet him...... I'm sorry for not informing anyone. " Jungkook said while looking downwards the whole time.

" How's he now? What did doctor said? " Mr. Kim asked softly this time after understanding the situation.

" He's fine now. Doctor has strictly forbidden him from overworking himself. Looks like he was skipping meals and was overworking since months so...." Jungkook sniffed again getting reminded of his Dad's condition.

Mr. Kim nodded " Jungkook next time if you ever have to go somewhere then inform someone personally to avoid any problem ok? Text messages can get ignored so take care of that. "

Jungkook nodded obediently. " And Taehyung , take Jungkook with you tomorrow morning and meet your Father-in-law. Buy some fruits for them too on your way. Got it? "

Taehyung too nodded.

" Today was so hectic no? Finally everything is settled now. I panicked so much after Aunty informed me that guests are on their way and nothing is prepared. Jungkook you should have really informed one of us so that we wouldn't have panicked so much." Seon-ho said

" It's ok. Somewhere it's all of your fault to not check fridge. How can you even cook without checking what's in the fridge? What Jungkook did is understandable. Who would be in their right senses after hearing such a news about their father? He cares for his father which is good. Now everyone go and rest. I'm tired too. " Mr. Kim said and got up to leave.

" But still—" Seon-ho tried to speak when Mr.Kim stopped him by showing his palm.

" You're our guest so maybe you are unaware about the fact that after I dismissed a topic then nobody talks over it. Understand? And I don't like outsiders talk in my family matter. Ji-ho teach him our family rules to prevent any future discomfort. He at least would listen to you na? After all you think so much about him. " Mr. Kim said but his eyes held some different emotions. Something which nobody could understand except Ji-ho.

Taehyung held Jungkook's hand and took him towards there room. Today's dose of family drama is complete.


Taehyung and Jungkook made their way towards the couch and Taehyung made his omega sit gently on the couch.

" Are you ok pup? " Taehyung asked and held younger's hand to provide much needed warmth.

" I was s-scared. My mind went blank and I just couldn't think rationally Alpha. " Jungkook whimpered after thinking about those moments again. He felt like his own heart beat stopped.

" Shh... everything is fine now Jungkook. Calm down ok? We will go tomorrow to pay him a visit. " Taehyung said rubbing his another hand on Jungkook's back to calm him down.

" How can I help him alpha? I want to lessen his burden somehow. What to do? " Jungkook asked looking a little lost. He can't believe that just few hours ago he was about to lose his Appa. This sudden thought was enough to feel shivers run all over his body.

" I don't know pup. The only solution I can currently think of is Co-ownership. Among the three of you one can become a Co-CEO to help him in business. " Taehyung suggested wanting to help his omega in anyway possible. He can smell his distress and it's stressing his alpha wolf.

" Co-CEO? B-but none of us have any knowledge about business alpha. I'm afraid instead to lessening his burden I might create more. " Jungkook became sad feeling useless.

Taehyung nodded in understanding. " I can always help you out Jungkook as much as I can. But isn't your dream is to become a fashion designer? How about Jin hyung or Nari? "

" My dream is not more important than my Dad alpha. And I don't think Nari would like to take such a responsibility. She too dreamt of becoming a fashion designer. About Jin hyung....I don't know." Jungkook is feeling extremely tired. He leaned into the warmth of Taehyung and closed his eyes to rest.

( So there position is somewhat like shown below except the fact that Jungkook is resting his head on Taehyung's shoulder.)

" Relax ok? We'll go there tomorrow and then see what they have thought about it. We might get even better idea. Now get up, let's go and sleep. You must be tired." Taehyung said

" Let's stay like this for awhile pleaseeeee hyungie." Jungkook whined and rubbed his cheeks on....on?....on Taehyung's hard chest ofcourse! (⁠◡⁠ ⁠ω⁠ ⁠◡⁠)

Taehyung gave in like always into his husband's cute antics. It's very late and he's tired too from all the work but for his husband? He can always manage after all what does his husband ever demands for? Just some of his time which he's more than willing to give.

After noticing Jungkook on the verge of sleeping he decided to get up.

" Jungkook? Get up now. Let's sleep on the bed hm? It's late. " Taehyung said softly nudging him.

Jungkook just whined and tighten his hold on his Alpha's t-shirt.
" Jungkook-ah? It's getting late pup."

" Nwooo"

Taehyung shook his head in disbelief. He can clearly see that Jungkook is uncomfortable on the couch but he won't budge at all. He took a deep breath and picked Jungkook up in his arms in bridal style. Jungkook was very much awake and knew what's happening but he continued his act. Only he knows how he controlled himself from squealing loudly.

Jungkook pov

He lay me on the bed gently. He didn't left, I can still feel him near me. I can tell he's close by the sound of his breathing.
Our room is too silent and dark which enhanced my other senses. I could feel heat reaching my cheeks and I can swear that he can see my red cheeks in this moonlighted room.

Shall I open my eyes?

No way! My wolf replied.

I can feel his lips near my ears and a sudden urge to hold something risen inside me and in this condition the only thing I could find was bedsheet.

He started leaving kisses behind my ear making me shut my eyes tightly. He knows! He knows I'm not asleep.

Hyungie started trailing kisses from my ear till my jaw taking his own pleasant time and I can smell my own arousal. It's so embarrassing. When he kissed corner of my lips, I waited. I waited for his lips to bless my lips but it never happened.  I can't control it anymore. Is he teasing me? He just can't leave me hanging like this!

Fuck it!

Author's pov

Jungkook opened his eyes to find Taehyung looking at him with eyes holding many emotions. One of the prominent one was lust.

Taehyung smirked and that was the hottest sight for Jungkook.
Oh bless my eyes!!!!

Jungkook's eyes travelled from those eyes to his lips and he gulped all his shyness away. He's not at all in his right mind, his omega is craving for his mates touch.

He raised his hand and pulled Taehyung down from his nape, he inclined his face toward him and lay his mouth on Taehyung's mouth. After making the first move Jungkook submitted to his alpha. He let him do whatever he wants.

Taehyung worshipped his lips in a way he himself didn't knew he can. His tongue devoured every corner of his mouth. Their lips working in sync and since when Jungkook became just a good kisser, he himself don't know. It's like his body knows what to do when Taehyung is near.

" Take out your tongue pup. "

Jungkook obeyed. His already flush mind cannot comprehend his surroundings. He is too deep into the pleasure his alpha is giving him that no way he will refuse him. He's gonna take everything Taehyung has to offer.

Taehyung looked at the pink tongue slightly peaking out of the lips with drunken eyes.

He whispered in his deep voice
" More puppy."

He sucked his tongue making Jungkook feel shivers of pleasure. He whimpered feeling something alien. His body never experienced anything like that and he don't know what to do. He just clutched Taehyung's hair in strong grip from his right hand meanwhile left clutching on his back. Taehyung gulped all the embarrassing sounds Jungkook was making.

*Knock knock*

"Jungkook? Are you still up? " Somin's voice echoed

Jungkook pulled away a little and tried to catch his breath. But Taehyung is an impatient man. He held Jungkook's jaw and said " Did I told you to stop? "
And without hearing any reply he again attached their lips.


After their intense makeout session Jungkook was too shy to even look at Taehyung. He just turned around and hide himself inside the blanket when Taehyung went inside the bathroom to shower and deal with his little problem. *Cough* *cough*

It was HOT!
Orla shouted and Jungkook decided to ignore that jumping figure at the back of his mind.

Taehyung entered the room and found a big lump inside the blanket. He shook his head again cause of  his omega's cuteness. Is he the same person who kissed him not 10 minutes ago?

"A perfect hubby doesn't...he shouldn't make his partner yearn for cuddles you know. You make me yearn for your kisses, hugs, cuddles and....and your m-"

Taehyung cleared his throat to clear his thoughts. He laid on his side of the bed and looked towards Jungkook who straightened his posture sensing elder's presence but still didn't came out of blanket.

We have made quite a progress. I don't think we are rushing anything right?

Taehyung turned towards Jungkook after contemplating for good ten minutes. He pulled Jungkook towards his chest wanting to spoon him.

What? He wants to be a perfect hubby for his omega. Got problem with that? Go and cry in the corner with your single ass!

Jungkook finally after realizing their position slowly tried to shift more towards his alpha and quickly held his hand which was laying over his waist.
They are cuddling!!

Jungkook is so happy. He's glad that this day ended on a good note for both of them. He can sleep peacefully now.


" What was that Alpha? Why did you said something like that in front of kids while looking towards me?"

" You don't know why? "


Do you guys use Ao3 as well? Mind dropping some suggestions?
I'm recently into royal au but I don't mind trying different genre be it on this orange app or other.
Do reply, you guys just leave me on read.👉👈

An early update just because I felt like. Atleast now I deserve some appreciation no? Please tell me what you think about characters now. Also what you are expecting would happen to and Seon-ho.


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