The Dragon and the Rose // Ae...

Por 01elissa

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Viserra Targaryen was born with death. With her birth causing the death of her mother Queen Alicent Viserra h... Mais

Cast and Characters
Act I: Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Act 2: Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 8

181 12 0
Por 01elissa

When the first light of dawn tickled into her bedroom window Viserra felt oddly calm, the events of last night seemed more like a distant dream washed away by the waning moon and the rising sun. Viserra got out of bed with a sigh donning the dress she had asked a maid yesterday to lay out. She was tired of being treated as a fragile and meek thing. She would be strong, gentle but unyielding. A true rose Viserra thought. Beautiful to admire, dangerous to hold close. As her maids helped her into her attire Viserra admired herself in the mirror smirking at the girl looking back at her. The dress itself was simple. The Hightower colors of green were dominant with long sleeves and golden embroidery it was elegant and tasteful. Viserra paired the dress with an emerald necklace and finally braided her hair back into a coil placing a pin to hold it all in place. 

"You look stunning Princess" one of the maids remarked wistfully. Viserra turned to her and smiled. 

"Thank you...?" she questioned, "Katya, your highness" Katya answered. 

"Thank you Katya, though I must say the credit belongs to the merchants of the Free Cities, it was gift from one of them" she said, hoping not to sound too conceited. 

"Still Princess, you wear it well". Viserra thanked her and the others for their help before stepping out with a warm smile on her face. 

"Good morrow Ser Tristane" Viserra said to her guard who looked at her with raised brows before returning her greeting. They walked together to the dining rooms while Viserra smiled at the servants and maid passing by, some pausing to stare at the young Princess while some went by wordlessly. 

As Viserra entered the dining hall she did not react at everyone's reaction. Rhaenyra and her boys seemed shocked that Viserra was even here, Daemon scoffed and rolled his eyes. Her father seemed to lost to notice her while Aegon raised his glass of wine to her and Helaena smiled at her sweetly. But it was her grandfather Otto's reaction that pleased Viserra the most. Taking in her green attire Otto smiled and gave Viserra an approving nod while beckoning her to sit next to him. As she took her seat Viserra noticed Rhaenyra giving her a look of...apology? Viserra looked away, her half sister was likely lying, just as she lied about her sons' birth. Viserra vowed never to fall for her lies again. Aemond was absent but Viserra did not care, let him brood in his chambers. 

"Come granddaughter, join us.". Otto Hightower spoke with more genteel than Viserra had ever heard from him. She smiled taking her place beside him. 

"You look lovely my dear" Otto said kindly to her, Viserra smiled and thanked him as she eyed Rhaenyra who met her gaze with her own. "What is our next move?" She whispered to her grandfather who looked at her, surprised. 

"Not yet child, we are returning to King's Landing by the evening. We shall discuss this then". Viserra nodded, returning back to the meal in front of her. Rhaenyra stood up suddenly with a smile of her face that made Viserra feel uneasy. 

"I would like to announce that my sons and I shall be returning to Dragonstone with Prince Daemon and his daughters, Baela and Rhaena. We shan't be returning to King's Landing.". She said with grace. 

Viserra was shocked to hear that. She felt a sudden panic. Rhaenyra couldn't leave. Then she would be all alone and... Viserra forced herself to calm down. She'd be fine without Rhaenyra there to hold her hand. She stifled a scoff at the thought of Prince Daemon accompanying her back to Dragonstone. She looked at Luke who was sitting across from her. He gave her a sweet smile which she happily returned. Out of all of her nephews Viserra loved Luke the most. He was so sweet and gentle, even Aegon shared a brotherly affection for the boy. Viserra felt terrible at how scared he must have been yesterday when she asked her father to take his eye. She would apologize before they left. 

After breakfast Viserra used the servants' corridor to get to the kitchens, she stood there for a time trying to find the courage to open the great wooden door. Eventually she did and went inside, welcomed by the warm smell of spice and roast pig. 

She walked in confidently walking straight to the head chef Mora, "Hello again!" she said brightly. 

Mora turned to her and looked bewildered for a moment before bowing her head. "Your highness, it's an honor". Viserra cringed at the formality. 

"Come now Mora surely we have moved past these formalities." she said. The woman gave her an incredulous look before saying "How may I be of service Princess Viserra?". 

"I'd like your daughter Nadia, to accompany me to King's Landing". Mora's eyes widened in surprise "My...Princess I-".

"As my handmaiden" Viserra interrupted. To which the woman looked even more bewildered. "Princess...I am not sure, my Nadia's never been away from me". 

"I promise you" Viserra began "That she will be looked after, but I need someone I can trust Mora.". Mora nodded solemnly. 

As if on cue Nadia walked in the Kitchens with a stern look on her face. Upon seeing Viserra her whole demeanor changed. "Nadia!" Viserra said excitedly.

The elder girl let out a squeal as she ran to Viserra and hugged her tightly. "Oh I am so glad your here, everything's so fucking boring.". Viserra giggled at Nadia's words.  

"Nadia" Mora hissed "Not in front of the Princess". Nadia rolled her eyes dramatically. Viserra quickly told Nadia what she said to her mother and the girl seemed to get more and more excited. 

"Yes. Yes yes yes! Of course, I'll do whatever you need Vis". Viserra grinned at her new handmaiden's words. She looked to Mora for her approval. The old woman sighed deep and heavy, "Fine, since you both are so damn stubborn.". 

The girls squealed in delight as Viserra embraced Mora, she chuckled as she patted Viserra's head softly. "You are likely the sweetest Princess I have ever seen girl.". Viserra blushed profusely. She turned to Nadia trying to contain her excitement "Meet me in my chambers in an hour, I'll help you pack and fill you in". Nadia nodded eagerly and thanked Viserra again. The Princess bid them both goodbye and left the Kitchens. Though Viserra was exhausted from what happened last night she still had a few more things to do in the Driftmark castle. 

Viserra walked towards Jace and Luke's room where two guards were stationed at the ready. Although she did not like having to deal with the guards she was happy that all of them were being looked after now, Viserra recalled seeing another two guards posted outside Helaena's rooms as well. 

"Pardon me Ser's, I would like to see my nephews.". Viserra stated, she was surprised at the authority of her own voice. One of the guards, a young man with dark hair nodded and stepped aside, allowing her to pass. Viserra walked inside tentatively, she regretted her words yesterday and she worried that the boys would hate her just like their mother did. 

"Jace? Luke?" Viserra called out as both of them turned to her. Luke looked towards the floor hiding away from her gaze while Jace glared openly at her. 

"What do you want aunt?" Jace asked coldly, Viserra was shocked to hear such coldness in his voice. The very same Jace who use to chase her around in the gardens of the Keep, who would sit and talk with her for hours about his dragon Vermax. 

"I came to say goodbye, I do not know when we will next see one another.". Jace grumbled and stood from his bed walking past her. Before he left the room he threw Viserra one final glance "Goodbye." he said and left. 

Viserra sighed and turned to Luke who's eyes were fixed staring at the door which Jace had left from. She walked up to the bed and sat down next to Luke who stared up at her like a deer looked at its hunter. 

"I am not going to hurt you my sweet nephew.". She said softly ruffling his hair. 

"But you said-" before he could continue she interrupted him "What I said last night was wrong. Luke, what happened with Aemond was an accident I realize that now. And I am so sorry I never meant any of it. I cannot even begin to imagine how frightened you must have been.". Viserra said blinking back tears as she looked at Luke. 

He nodded "It all happened so quickly" Viserra hummed in attention "He was going to hurt Jace, I don't even remember taking the dagger out.". Luke's voice trembled as Viserra brought him into a warm hug. He clutched her tightly as he wept in her arms. 

Viserra soothed him gently, telling him sweet nothings and apologizing. Eventually Luke calmed down and Viserra took him by the shoulders "Listen to me" she said with a surprising calm as Luke's dark eyes turned to hers "whatever you need. Even if I have to come to Dragonstone myself, whenever you need me I'll be there Luke, I promise. We might be going separate ways but I will never abandon you. Ever.". 

There was a fanaticism to Viserra's words, a desperate plea. A vow. "And I'll write to you" Luke promised with a smile on his face. 

"I will look forward to that.". Viserra replied sweetly she pinched Luke's cheeks making him giggle. 

"You know Jace will come around too" Luke said. Viserra nodded not wanting to say anything more. Jace was entitled to his anger, if he wished to speak to her she would let him. As Viserra headed back out the door Luke called out to her again. Viserra turned to face him as he spoke 

"Your dress" he began "it suits you.". Viserra smiled and left the room feeling far lighter than before. 

Viserra's next stop was Baela and Rhaena, as much as she disagreed with Rhaena's supposed claim on Vhagar she felt bad for the girl. She only just lost her mother and then Aemond went ahead and claimed Vhagar. She walked inside the girls' chambers readying herself for whatever insults Baela no doubt had ready. But as she walked in it was Rhaena who came towards her angrily causing Viserra to freeze in panic. 

"You bitch" she swore "how dare you say that to Luke. His eye? You wanted his eye Viserra?" Viserra fought the urge to roll her own eyes. Baela glared at her sister before coming to Viserra's defense. 

"Enough Rhaena, Viserra was just defending her family. Like any of us would." she said to which Rhaena cursed and walked out, almost exactly like Jace did a little while before. Once she left Baela turned to her and gave her a conniving look. 

"Ignore her, she's just jealous that Vhagar didn't burn Aemond to a crisp. Although that was a dick move from him.". Viserra couldn't help but agree, Aemond's actions nearly turned everyone against the both of them. She knew that after that night there became a divide between their family, one as great as the Narrow Sea. 

"I'm sorry.". Viserra started "For what I said and what my brother did.". She held Baela's hands and looked into her eyes, Baela's gaze softened at the remorse in Viserra's voice. 

"I do not want us to become enemies over this. What I said the other day, is those caves I meant it. Both of you are my friends and I'm here for you.". 

She noticed Baela's eyes water a little at the sentiment. "I'm not going to Dragonstone with the others" she admitted. When Viserra's brows creased in confusion she explained. "Grandmother has decided to take me to ward. I'll be staying with her here.". 

Viserra squealed as Baela smiled widely "That is fantastic! Think of all the people you'll meet.". Baela nodded before adding "And the sailors who frequent my father's ships".  Viserra blushed at her suggestion. 

"You could come visit me too!". Baela thought excitedly, Viserra frowned a little "I don't have means to get here. Unfortunately I still don't have a dragon.". But Baela looked unperturbed "Whenever you wish to visit, send me a raven and I shall bring Moondancer to the Keep, she's growing larger by the day. And I suppose you could always ask Aemond to bring you on Vhagar.". 

Viserra cringed remembering the fight they had last night but she did not voice as such to Baela "Right. Of course.". 

The girls spoke for a while before saying their goodbyes and parting ways. As Viserra walked to her own rooms she passed by Rhaenyra's. For a brief moment Viserra wanted to go inside and speak with her sister too. Then she remembered the lies, the deceit, the way in which Rhaenyra tried to fool everyone at court. She said that she saw Viserra as a daughter and still never found it in her heart to try and tell Viserra the truth. She never trusted Viserra or she must have found her incredibly stupid. Either which ways Viserra knew she couldn't speak to her. Despite all the people around her and all the people who were kind to her Viserra knew that she was alone in this world. With a sigh she moved away from the door she didn't realize she was holding and walked away leaving the corridor empty once again. 

Rhaenyra's pov

Rhaenyra could've sworn that someone was there outside. But when she opened the door the corridor was empty, with a shiver Rhaenyra closed the door and went back inside packing away the last of her things and preparing for the journey back to Dragonstone. She felt relieved that nobody spoke of Laena or Laenor at breakfast, she did not think she could handle any more contempt from her own family. Rhaenyra did not feel completely guilty, Laenor made his decision to leave them, he had agreed not that anyone would ever listen. No it was much easier to blame to woman for her treachery than it was to hold the man accountable for his actions. Some night Rhaenyra would cry herself to sleep wondering what it was that she did to deserve all this. 

"Pardon me Princess" a voice spoke from behind her. Rhaenyra turned facing her handmaiden she did not notice walk in "the others are ready to make leave.". 

"Thank you Brella I shall be there shortly.". The handmaiden bowed and left the room. Rhaenyra sighed and dressed herself quickly in riding clothes. 

As she walked outside where her father and her half siblings were waiting to board their ship Rhaenyra caught sight of Viserra speaking to Otto Hightower. It was in that moment that she realized how badly she'd failed. She failed to form a decent relationship with her siblings, she'd failed to keep their family together and she'd failed to look after Viserra as she had promised Alicent over a decade ago. For a second Rhaenyra contemplated going to Viserra and clearing the air from last night. But it would be useless. Rhaenyra knew that she lost Viserra the moment she came into the breakfast rooms clad in Hightower green. She could only hope that the girl wouldn't get lost in the sea of anger and treachery that Otto drowned his own daughter in. 

After saying her goodbyes to her father Rhaenys, Corlys and Baela Rhaenyra prepared to take flight back to Dragonstone. She strapped Joffrey into Syrax's saddle while Daemon did the same for Rhaena. Truthfully, Rhaenyra was glad that Daemon was coming with her to Dragonstone. In the span of a week she'd lost Harwin, Laenor and Laena. Daemon and her children were all she had left. She did not fully realize how lonely she was until Daemon and her spent that night on the beach. She did not know how badly she carved touch and love. How badly she missed being desired and wanted. 

Rhaenyra gave a quick glance back towards her other siblings, she smiled and gave a nod in Helaena's direction which the girl returned with a wave. Rhaenyra did not bother addressing Aemond. Though she felt pity for the boy, he had called her sons bastards and then also threatened their life. No doubt he was hearing those slanders from Ser Criston who was openly glaring at Rhaenyra. 

As the ship set sail and began to push away from the shore, Rhaenyra watched with detachment as Vhagar and Dreamfyre took flight. She sighed as she walked over to Syrax, stroking her scales as she smiled up at Joffrey. 

"Muna let's go please" he whined. 

"I'm coming sweet boy, I have to see you brothers off first.". Rhaenyra replied softly. 

She turned, eyeing how Jace and Luke got on their dragons. They had only just started to ride their dragons over longer distances. She smiled watching Jace teach Luke what commands to give and how to adjust the saddle, she was so proud of him, her heir. He would make a fine king indeed. 

Rhaenyra got into her saddle and watched as Daemon took off on Caraxes followed by Jace and Luke on Vermax and Arrax. 

"Soves Syrax" she commanded. 

The dragon unfurled her wings and let out a roar before leaping into the sky and going upwards towards the heavens. As Syrax gained height the sea underneath seemed to expand until the horizon. Joffrey shrieked in delight and Rhaenyra too felt a weight being lifted off of her shoulders she looked down at the ship carrying her father and Viserra back to King's Landing. She did not know when she would next see them. Rhaenyra was sick of her treatment as court. Hearing Ser Criston send insults her sons' way, having to fight against the Lords and her own father for a seat at the Small Council, arguing with Otto Hightower on the wellbeing of the realm. As Syrax headed towards Dragonstone Rhaenyra wondered she was making a terrible mistake. 

Viserra's dress  

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