A watery witch of his heart (...

By AmoraPantila

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Her mother is a Siren and her father is son of the most powerful wizard falling in love both made the most be... More

Meet The Characters
Her Aesthetics
The Adventure of The Witch Mermaid
New friends & enemy
Class Study
A lake for fun
A shocking mystery
George and Serenity
Feather and Friend
A nice game of quidditch
A chat with Hagrid
A Christmas farewell
Spending Christmas with mermaids
Back for more
Interaction in the woods
A talk between friends
A wisdom of a life time
To a risky adventure
To protect a friend
End of a first year
A new mystery (Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets)
A new blooming self
To meet the kind Weasleys
Meet The horrid father Malfoy
Return to Hogwarts
A step up
Nightly chat
The secret of a chamber
Quidditch horror
The Weasley boy
Dueling stand
A family in need
Shocking news
A spider frency
A turn of events
The true heir
Heir of Slytherin vs Heir Of ?????
Major smile and a Hufflepuff heir
The Golden Four Reunited
Glow up for a mermaid girl (Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban)
Serenity glow up!
Return of the four golden friends
A shocking mystery
Class of deviation and fun
Track of Sirus black worst fears to fun
Disagree to agree
A class of minds
Wholesome twirled around
Another year end
New Aquatic year (Harry Potter and The globet of fire)
New water to be
New year
A blue trifecta
Jealous will be one
A Small teach of a serpent
First part of Tri-tornament
To ask the the girl
A really Weasley is that one
To help harry with the egg
The underwater part of tri-tornament
To protect a friend is her power
A lost of a friend and new year end
New mergirl appeared (Harry Potter and Order of the Phoenix)
A watery appearance
Returning to Hogwarts
A detention of Hades
A defense to each other
A River Tale
To face our demons
A mischief we are
To stop an evil once an for all
To A River Tale (Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince)
All For One
A sneaky up finding
A mother talk
A Quidditch Practice
A thought
A Quidditch game and a friend of need
Christmas with the Weasleys
Bloody Hell!
Her water fun turns to her air nightmare
To finish what he started
Her Light will show (Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallow part. 1)
To Battle One

A game of thoughts

63 1 0
By AmoraPantila

In snape class by ron side

"Turn to page 394." We all get our books out

"Excuse me, sir. Where's Professor Lupin? That's not really your concern, is it, Potter? Suffice it to say your professor finds himself incapable of teaching ...at the present time. Turn to page 394.'


"Sir, we just learned about red caps and hinkypunks." Uh where did she come from

"We're not meant to start that for weeks."


"When did she come in? Did you see her come in?"

"Now, which one of you can tell me the difference ...between an Animagus and a werewolf?" I raised my hand along Hermonie

"No one? How disappointing."

"Please, sir. An Animagus is a wizard who elects to turn into an animal. A werewolf has no choice. With each full moon ...he no longer remembers who he is. He'd kill his best friend. The werewolf only responds to the call of its own kind." I spoke honestly Malfoy howled idiot I rolled my eyes

"Thank you, Mr. Malfoy. That's the second time ...you've spoken out of turn, Miss Dumbledore. Are you incapable of restraining yourself ...or do you take pride in being an insufferable know-it-all?"

"I had my hand raised if didn't noticed." I snip back

"Five points from Gryffindor." Ugh i hate him

"As an antidote to your ignorance, and on my desk, by Monday morning ...two rolls of parchment on the werewolf, with emphasis ...on recognizing it."

"What!" I said shocked

"It's Quidditch tomorrow."

"Then I suggest you take extra care, Mr. Potter. Loss of limb will not excuse you. Page 394. The term "werewolf" ...is a contraction. of the Anglo-Saxon word "wer" ...which means "man," and "wolf." Werewolf, man-wolf. There are several ways to become a werewolf. They include being given the power of shape-shifting... ...being bitten by a werewolf..." At quidditch game it was a raining ordeal we were all covered

as we cheered on Harry but I cheered on George as well

"Go, Harry! Go, Harry!"

"Go George!" I cheered on but then we see his falling in tremendous speed i used a spell

"Harry!" I screamed in worried

"Aresto momentum!" I spelled. At the hospital wing

"He looks a bit peaky, doesn't he?" I was by George

"Peaky? What do you expect? He fell over 100 feet."

"Let's walk you off a tower..."

"And see what you look like."

"Probably a right sight better than he normally does." He awoken

"How are you feeling?"

"Oh, brilliant."

"You gave us a right good scare." George sat me on his lap i blushed lightly but harry was my worry right now

"What happened?"

"Well, you fell off your broom."

"Really? I meant the match. Who won?" um...

"No one blames you, Harry. Dementors aren't supposed to be on the grounds. Dumbledore's furious. After he and serenity saved you, he sent them off."

"There's something else you should know too. When you fell, your broom sort of blew into the Whomping Willow, and... Well..." Ron showed him his broom was bashed to pieces. After Harry was well walking back to our common room with George alone

"Oh I forgot to hand you something."

"What is it love?" I take it out my pocket and hand it to him

"It's a pranking charm." I hand it to him

"I know how much of a prankster you are along with Fred."

"I love it but as much as i love you." He kissed my nose making me giggle.

"Oh Weasley you make me blush."

"You more amore that you drive me to the stars and back with your beauty, self worth and self being." He held me by my waist as we stood close

"Oh Georgie."

"Oh my Aurora." It was a winter

George and Fred they were building a snowman's with my help while George cuddle me from behind placing his head on my shoulder lightly

"Will you two just admit your dating already." Asked Fred smirking

"We're not dating Fred." I said placing a button on the snowman face

"Sure your not."

"For sure why ruin our secrecy." George plays into Fred game

"So you are dating."

"George, he'll never be quite about it."

"You know Fred, he annoys anyone that won't give in what he wants." then I see foot prints on the snow weird thing is no one there so i tap George arm and he noticed it to we signal fred and both of them grab the invisible person

"Guys, let me go."

"Clever, Harry."

"But not clever enough."

'We've got a better way."

"I'm trying to get to Hogsmeade."

"We know."

"We'll get you there."

'We'll show you a quicker way."

"If you pipe down."

"Bless him."

"Let me go! Come on, guys. Don't..."

"Now, Harry."

'Come and join the big boys."

"And girl." I spoke once alone

"What are you doing?!" They hand him parchment paper

"What's this rubbish?"

"What's this rubbish?" he says. It's the secret to our success."

"It's a wrench giving it to you..."

"But we've decided your needs are greater than ours. George, if you will." He takes out his wand

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." He spelled the parchment

"Messrs. Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs ...are proud to present the Marauder's Map."

"We owe them so much." I gently hit George arm playfully glaring at him, i stood by Harry and look at it

"Hang on. This is Hogwarts. And that... No. Is that really...?"


"In his study."


"Does that a lot."

"So this map shows..."


"Where they are."

"What they're doing."

"Every minute."

"Every day."

"Brilliant! Where did you get it?"

"From Filch's office. First year."

"There are seven secret passageways ...out of the castle."

"We'd recommend this one. The One-Eyed Witch passageway. Leads you to Honeyduke's."

"Hurry. Filch is heading this way."

"And don't forget. When you're done, just give it a tap and say:"

"Mischief managed." Otherwise, anyone can read it."

"We'll let's go." I tell Harry

"Oh i almost forgot." I kiss George cheek

"Bye George."

"Aww and where's mine love?" Fred said George glared at him but i chuckled lightly and kiss him too

"Bye Fred." and left with harry. We go under cover in his father invisible clock and I might have take someone lolly while walking. Then we see Malfoy messing with our friends so why not mess back we mess with Malfoy and his goons but mostly malfoy.

"Get out of the way! Move!"

"Malfoy! Wait! Wait!" Once gone we mess light with our friends

"Harry!" We uncovered ourselves laughing

"Bloody hell, Harry. Serenity. That was not funny." We laughed

"Those weasels! Never told me about any Marauder's Map."

"He won't keep it. He'll turn it over to Professor McGonagall. Aren't you?"

"Well." I mean

"Sure. Along with his Invisibility Cloak."

"Look who it is. Madam Rosmerta. Ron fancies her." I joked

"That's not true!" Then we overheard and heard Harry name which he decided to follow under his father cape we tried to go in after but we weren't allowed in do to our age oh Harry

"Why does he always do this."

"No kidding." We wait from him when he leaves out we followed

"Sorry. Excuse me, excuse me."

"Merry Christmas." When we found him sitting on a rock threw the forest he was crying when we uncovered him

"Harry, what happened?"

"He was their friend ...and he betrayed them. He was their friend! I hope he finds me because when he does, I'm gonna be ready! When he does, I'm gonna kill him!" I walked over

"Harry you don't mean that, your talking out of hate, you must think clearly." I advise him.

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