Almost Lover {Complete}

By rainbowkiller0

261K 7.7K 424

As ward of the Queen, Camilla Tully was raised alongside the Princess, Rhaenyra, and the Hand of the King's d... More

Part One
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Part Two
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Part Three
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Part Four
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four

Chapter Twenty Five

7K 211 2
By rainbowkiller0

With the agreed-upon plans for Daemion's crowning set in motion Camilla left the Small Council's meeting room. Her feet were quick as she briskly walked up the stairs, her slippers barely made a sound against the stone as they carried her to her eldest son's apartments. She paused before the door, her hand stilling against the door's handle. As if her body was not her own, her head turned from the door. Violet eyes landed on another pair of doors still guarded by two white cloaks. Camilla wondered if they knew the King's corpse rested several feet behind them, if they even knew he was dead.

Her breath was forced from her lungs at the thought. Viserys was dead, he was no more. Camilla had dreamt of this day for so long, she had even prayed for its arrival and now that it had happened Camilla almost felt empty. Or was it relief that Viserys' reign and her marriage to him had finally come to an end.

Camilla took a deep breath as she turned her attention back to the closed door in front of her. Her body felt light as she pushed the door open and entered Daemion's chambers.

A head of white hair turned to the door quickly followed by a head of gold. Daemion reclined on a chaise, his wife, Cerelle, sat between his legs, her back pressed to his chest and their babe, Valerion, sleeping against his mother's chest. Daemion's eldest two sons, Baelon and Aeryn played on the nearby rug. And while Baelon continued to play with the wooden dragon, Aeryn's head of messy gold curls perked up. A bright smile spread across the toddler's face as he carefully stood to his feet and toddled to his grandmother. Camilla picked the young child up with ease, lifting him high into the air and then bringing him close to her chest.

"Gan!" Aeryn giggled, reaching a pudgy hand up to touch Camilla's long strands of white gold. Camilla pressed a kiss to her sweet grandson's cheek before placing him back on the floor, watching as he returned to his toys.

"Mother?" Daemion called, pressing a hand to Cerelle's waist as he slipped from behind her. Standing to meet his mother. "Has something happened?"

"The King," Camilla began, she had long since stopped referring to Viserys as any of her children's father, even the ones that were of his blood. "Is dead."

Daemion froze at the news, and though he had never been close to the man he called father a part of him was still saddened by his death.

"That's not all, Daemion." Camilla stepped closer to her firstborn son, taking his hand in her's and holding it tight in fear Rhaenyra would appear and steal him from her. "In his last moments he named you heir."

"Me? What of Rhaenyra?"

"Rhaenyra will have her chance to bend the knee." With her other hand Camilla reached out cupping the side of Daemion's face as she had done when he was young. The skin along his jaw was rough and unshaven, reminding Camilla that he was no longer her little boy. "Preparations are being made for tomorrow morning." She pulled him closer, pressing a kiss to his other cheek. "You will be a good king, do not doubt yourself. I will be by your side just as I always have been, Sundrop."

Daemion rolled his eyes at the name his mother had called him as a boy, though there was a warmth in his eyes and his lips turned upwards showing his true feelings. Camilla quickly bid her good daughter and grandsons goodbye, promising to visit later to take the boys off of Cerelle's hands if she wished for a break.


All the lords and ladies that had been residing in the Red Keep had been gathered and escorted by the castle guard to the Great Hall. Fear and uncertainty danced on every noble's face as they were faced with the difficult decision.

"My husband, King Viserys amended his wish of who was to succeed him."Camilla began, her fingers drumming against the steel of the throne beneath her. "He named his first born son, Prince Daemion as heir."

"It is as simple as that." Otto stepped forward, his steely gaze passing over every lord in the room. "You once swore your banners to Rhaenyra. You must now pledge them to the future king."

Several lords bent the knee, swearing obeisance to Daemion, though still some remained standing.

"I must confer first with my house on this matter." Lord Harte spoke, quickly turning from the Iron Throne to leave the room.

"You'll not leave this room without declaring your intention." Otto warned the man.

Slowly the lord turned around, glaring at where Camilla sat on the Iron throne. "I am no oath breaker. I will not bend the knee."

"Anyone else?" The Queen asked, her tone cold as she looked across the crowd.

"House Fell keeps its sworn oath to the Princess." Lady Fell spoke up. Her voice was strong though her eyes flitted around the room in fear.

"Very well." Camilla waved to the guards standing on the sides of the hall. "I do hope your successors are wiser; it would be a shame for your houses to go extinct."

Two guards moved forward, grabbing the lord and lady by the upper arm and leading them away to the dungeons. They would be tried as traitors to the crown before the week was over.

Lord Casswell who had been anxiously watching finally fell to his knee. "Long live the King."

"Long live the King." The other nobles repeated.

Camilla's gaze drifted to where Larys leant against the wall. Feeling eyes on him, Larys's attention turned from Lord Casswell to his Queen. A slight tilt of her head let him know his instructions.


Back in her chambers Camilla finally felt as if she could truly have a moment to breathe. Her hand lifted from her side, rubbing at the side of her neck, hoping to ease the tenseness in her muscles. The doors to her apartments opened, though Camilla needn't turn around she recognised her guest's footsteps almost instantly. A calloused hand landed on Camilla's shoulder causing her to turn to the man. Daemon's finger's traced along the neckline of Camilla's dress, focused on the exposed skin.

"Daemon," Camilla whispered, her violet eyes searched his face for a sign of his true emotions. "It is alright to feel a sense of sadness."

"My son will be crowned King of the realm on the morrow, what is there to be sad about?"

"Viserys was your brother, I could never fault you for mourning him."

"He might have been of my blood but I have not considered him my brother since he stole you away from me," Daemon finally met Camilla's eyes so she could see their was no trace of dishonesty on his face. "I have waited for this day for nearly twenty years, I feel no grief or sorrow for Viserys's fate. I rejoice that he can no longer cause you or the children harm."

His name left Camilla's lips in a sigh as her hand cupped his cheek, pulling his face towards her own so their lips could meet. The kiss was soft and full of relief and love. Both were finally free from the burden that had been plaguing their relationship. Daemon's hand gripped Camilla's shoulder as his other arm snaked around her waist, pulling her closer. Daemon pulled away slightly, sucking in a deep breath as he pressed his forehead to Camilla's.

His nose brushed against her's as he stared into her eyes, his gaze soft and full of love. "Avy jorrāelan, ñuha prūmia."

A smile pulled at Camilla's lips and her eyes began to water at the tenderness in Daemon's voice. Her hand moved from his cheek to the back of his neck, pulling his face closer so her lips would brush against his own as she spoke. "Avy jorrāelan, ñuha ābrar"

Their lips met once more in a sweet kiss before a knock sounded from the door. Camilla took a step back, though the two were still improperly close. She straightened her shoulders before calling out to whoever had knocked.

Camilla felt no sense of shock as Larys entered the room closely followed by two castle guards dragging Lord Casswell with them.

"He was fleeing from the gate." Larys informed Camilla. "A warning for the Princess I'd wager."

"What say you?"

"The Lord Confessor presumes. I have no love for the Princess."

"Then where were you going with such urgency then?"

When the older man made no move to speak, Daemons stepped forward. "Put his head on a spike so it might serve as a warning to any other might be traitors."

At Camilla's nod the guards dragged Lord Casswell from her chambers, ignoring his cries for release.


A stage had been quickly constructed in the Dragon Pit so that the lower class could attend the ceremony and see their new king be crowned. The Bell tolled in the distance as thousands of small folk flooded into the Dragon Pit. Those of Noble birth watched from the balconies as the royal family and members of the Small Council took their places on the stage.

"People of King's Landing," Otto Hightower shouted, his voice carrying throughout the large building. "Today is the saddest of days. Our beloved King, Viserys the Peaceful, is dead."

The crowd murmured at the Hand of the King's words.

"But it is also the most joyous of days," Otto continued. "For before his spirit left us he shared his final wish. That his firstborn son, Daemion should succeed him."

Applause filled the giant room at the news, many rejoicing that a king would continue to sit upon the Iron throne. Guards entered the large room from a side entrance, parting the crowd and making a walkway of sorts to the stage. Horns sounded as the guards raised their swords and Daemion and Cerelle entered the Dragon Pit.

The young man paused for a moment. Sensing her husband's anxieties, Cerelle grabbed Daemion's hand and squeezed it tight. Daemion offered her a thankful smile before lifting his hand in hers and moving down the steps. The knights quickly lowered their swords as Daemion and his wife passed.

"It is your great and good fortune and privilege to witness a new day for our city. A new day for our realm. A new king and queen to lead us."

Camilla stepped forward as Daemion and Cerelle finally joined the royal family on the stage. She pressed a kiss to her good daughter's cheek before cupping Daemion's face in her hands and tilted his head down slightly so she could press a kiss to his forehead.

Daemion stared at his mother as she pulled away, grabbing her hand and pressing it back to his cheek for a moment. Daemion was frightened, he didn't know how to rule, he didn't feel prepared. But looking at his mother he knew he would never be alone. "I will make you proud, mother."

"I already am." She whispered back as she stepped away, watching him as Daemion and Cerelle dropped to their knees before two Septons.

"May the Warrior give him courage. May the Smith lend strength to his sword and shield. May the Father defend him in his need. May the Crone lift her shining lamp and light his way to wisdom." With every sentence the Septons smeared oil on Daemion and Cerelle's foreheads.

A crown of valyrian steel set with rubies was placed into Daemon's hands by the Septon. The Rogue Prince stepped before his son, lifting the crown high so the crowd could see it. "The crown of the Conqueror passed down through generations."

Camilla sighed in relief as the crown was placed upon her son's head of white hair, before stepping in front of Cerelle. A slimmer steel circlet studded with rubies and pearls was handed to Camilla. The Dowager Queen lifted the circlet into the air before placing it onto Cerelle's golden locks.

"My Queen." Camilla spoke to the younger woman, bowing her head in respect. She took a step back, gazing out into the crowd.

"Let the Seven bear witness: Daemion Targaryen is the true heir to the Iron Throne." Camilla's voice carried throughout the room. Daemion stood to his feet before turning to his wife and offering her his hand. Cerelle smiled up at her husband as she stood up, both turning to the crowd and lifting their joined hands. "All hail His Grace, Daemion, first of his name, King of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm. And his wife, Queen Cerelle Lannister."

"Daemion the King!" Daemon yelled causing the crowd to erupt into cheers.

A large smile spread across Daemion's face as he looked at Cerelle, his lavender eyes full of love. Camilla smiled at her son's marriage, she was forever thankful that the two were so taken with each other. Feeling a large hand grabbing her own, Camilla turned to look at Daemon, seeing the same love stricken look in his eyes as in their son's.

AN: This was supposed to come out last week but I saw one tiktok edit about Astarion from Baldur's Gate 3 and kinda went down a rabbit hole. So sorry. 

In other news, I'll have the epilogue out sometime this week.

Also I was inspired by how Alicent crowns Helaena in the books and wanted to do something with that. I watched so many coronation videos on youtube to figure out how I wanted it to look.


Avy jorrāelan, ñuha prūmia = I love you, my heart

Avy jorrāelan, ñuha ābrar = i love you, my life

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