The New Student At The Academ...

By HunniBee45

239 20 0

What if a laid back guy all of a sudden found himself in a completely different universe? What if clothes rul... More

Honnoji Academy
Tennis Match
A Very Interesting Morning
Its My Fault
Sanageyama's Will
Fight Club
A Journey
A Battle Against An Idiot
Ryuko and (Y/N) vs The Elites

A Fight Worth Watching

25 2 0
By HunniBee45

Pov Change
"Thought Comminication"

Narrators pov

When (Y/N) and Omita left, Satsuki sheathed her blade and let out a huff.

Satsuki: "I want you to keep your eyes on the both of them. The scar on (Y/N) stomach is not for no reason and whenever (Y/N) gets mad it seems to hurt Omita, maybe they are connected in some way."

Sanageyama: "Understood."

The next day in Mikisugi's class (Y/N) and Ryuko were glaring at Mikisugi and Mako was sleeping. Omita looked confused but didn't ask any questions.

When class was over Ryuko and (Y/N) went after Mikisugi. Omita followed behind them. When they turned the corner, Mikisugi was gone!

Ryuko: "Huh? Where'd he disappear to?!"

(Y/N): "Weird-"

Mako came like a bat out of hell at all three of them. (Y/N) and Ryuko stood out of the way, but it was far too late for Omita. But with Omita's quick reflexes, he caught Mako and set her down gently, he noticed a note on her back and took it off, he threw the nail out of a window, but the thing is the window wasn't open so it basically made the window break.

Omita: "Ai, (Y/N)-Kun, Ryuko-Chan, a note."

Ryuko took the note from him, it read as follows.

'See me after school where we met before.'

-Aikuro Mikisugi.

Ryuko crushed the paper and frowned.

Ryuko: "That bastard! Cmon, (Y/N)!"

(Y/N) blushed and nodded, Omita grabbed his shoulder and smiled brightly.

Omita: "Heh! I'm gonna go with you, Mako, will you be okay on your own?"

Mako: "Hai!"

Omita: "Just don't get into trouble okay?~"

They all left to where Mikisugi brought them yesterday.

Mikisugi: "This won't do, I'm afraid. We simply can't have you looking at me with such passion in your eyes at school."

(Y/N): "Ai! You perv, she wasn't looking at you like that.."

Mikisugi: "Speak for yourself, you were looking at me the same way, so you happen to like men-"

(Y/N) punched him in the face.

Mikisugi: "Gak! Cmon I was joking!"

Ryuko pulled Mikisugi up by his collar.

Ryuko: "There are some things you shouldn't even joke about!"

Mikisugi: "You're quite naive when it comes to this subject, aren't you?"

Ryuko quickly let go, a deep red blush covering her face, she sat down on the floor, her legs crossed.

Ryuko: "Just tell me who you are!"

(Y/N): "I would like-"

Omita: "Mikisugi-Sensei~ I would like to know too!"

(Y/N): "And how the hell do you know about her uniform?"

Ryuko: "We agreed you'd tell me if I beat up that Hakodate chick from the Tennis Club, remember?"

(Y/N): "So you either tell us or-"

Mikisugi scooted close to Ryuko, but (Y/N) pushed him away, now he sat beside Ryuko.

(Y/N): "Personal space perv."

Mikisugi: "A man's word is only good on the day it's made."

(Y/N): "What bullshit are you spatting?! You just don't want to tell her!"

Mikisugi: "It's only the truth..."

Ryuko quickly opened her case and pointed her scissor blade at Mikisugi. Mikisugi took off his glasses and all of a sudden his hair changed. (Y/N) groaned and Omita just stayed quiet with a look of wonder on his face.

Mikisugi: "Life fiber."

Ryuko: "Huh?"

Mikisugi: "That's what we call fighting fibers that have a life of their own. The fabric of One-Star Ultima Uniforms consists of 10% Life Fiber, while Two-Star uniforms contain 20%. These special fibers enhance human strength and draw out special abilities."

(Y/N): "Well that's self explanatory considering that damn midget Fukuroda."

Ryuko: "Now that you mention it... was that a Life Fiber?"

Mikisugi: "However, there exist in this world outfits woven entirely of Life Fibers."

Mikisugi looked at (Y/N) then back at Ryuko.

Mikisugi: "These are called Kamuis."

(Y/N): "Satsuki actually told me about them when I went with her to get a normal uniform."

Ryuko: "Eh?! You talked to her?!"

(Y/N): "Mhm, she offered to let me join the Elite Four-"

Ryuko grabbed (Y/N) by his jacket.

Ryuko: "Did she say anything about my father?!"

(Y/N): "No..."

She sighed and let go of (Y/N)'s jacket.

Omita: "So these Kamuis are a big deal, eh? You guys don't suppose Satsuki has one, right?"

(Y/N): "Knowing her, she probably does."

Mikisugi: "The only people who know of Life Fibers are the Kiryuuin clan and her father, Isshin Matoi."

Omita: "Then she definitely has a Kamui."

Mikisugi: "The Kiryuuin clan must have attacked Dr. Matoi to try to steal the Kamui he possessed and keep the secret for themselves."

(Y/N): "Sounds like something they would do."

Ryuko: "How do you know about this?"

The light from the sun outside shined on Mikisugi.

Mikisugi: "I hate the Kiryuuins' despotism, too. I was working with Dr. Matoi to try to thwart their plans for world domination. After he passed away, I received a letter. He had sent it before his untimely death."

"When I die, give you-know-what to my daughter. It's just like dead leaves in the forest,"

Ryuko: "So me meeting Senketsu was set up by you, then?"

Ryuko was now sitting down, Mikisugi was scooting closer to her so (Y/N), again, sat between them.

Mikisugi: "I was able to provide the perfect meeting spot."

Ryuko: "So like I thought, Satsuki is the one who killed my father?"

Mikisugi: "I can't say for sure."

Ryuko: "Fine, then. I'll beat the truth out of her-"

(Y/N): "No, we'll beat the truth out of her." "This must be the goal of this place."

Omita: "I think so."

Mikisugi: "I went undercover at Honnoji Academy to try to uncover what the Kiryuuins were up to."

(Y/N): "Did you figure anything out?"

Mikisugi: "No."

(Y/N) dead panned and sighed.

(Y/N): "So, you're completely useless."

Ryuko: "One more thing. When Senketsu awakens, why does he turn into that sleazy, midriff-baring number?"

(Y/N): "To be completely honest, it's kind of embarrassing."

Mikisugi: "Chalk that up to the makers of those Kamuis."

Ryuko: "Y-you're kidding."

Omita: "Hoh? Your father is a pervert too!"

Mikisugi: "Well, I'm hoping it's not that."

(Y/N): "I don't even know who made mine..."

Mikisugi: "There's a lot that I don't understand about Kamuis, too. You two, will have to find those answers by yourselves."


Omita was sitting in his Three-Star house, (Y/N) decided to move in with him, considering Omita had more than enough room.

Omita was looking out the window as always, he started to play with his magic a bit. Making different shapes out of fire, warping a small space of reality and so on. A bright light went off in the distance catching his attention.

Omita: "Interesting..."

The Next Day

(Y/N), Ryuko, Omita, and Mako were all walking into the school, Ryuko yawned catching everyone's attention.

Mako: "What's wrong, Ryuko? Didn't get enough sleep?"

(Y/N): "Hm? Omita offered to let you live with us. The offer is still on the table."

Ryuko: "I know, I know. I just felt like something bad was gonna happen."

When they walked in they looked up to a bright light.

Omita: "Wow, the sun is beaming today."

(Y/N): "That's not the sun, bro. It's just Satsuki."

Ryuko: "Satsuki Kiryuuin!"

Satsuki: "So you've come, Ryuko Matoi."

Ryuko smirked and put a hand on her hip.

Ryuko: "To what do I owe the honor of the grand welcome? Never thought I'd see you deign to stand here waiting for me."

Satsuki's heels clicked as she walked down the steps.

Satsuki: "It was you who said that when next we met, you would settle matters once and for all, remember?"

Mako: "How very conscientious of you."

Ryuko: "Mako, stand back."

(Y/N): "Omita, you stand back too, I'm helping-"

Satsuki: "No, you will not. You either stay back of risk permanent expulsion."

(Y/N) frowned.

(Y/N): "I won't intervene, but if I see Ryuko on the brink of death, I'll have no choice."

Satsuki kept her stoic face.

Satsuki: "I'll allow it."

Mako: "Okay guys! Ryuko, she who fights and runs away lives to fight another day!"

The three ran away from the fight to watch on the sidelines.

Satsuki: "Rejoice, Ryuko. You will be the first offering to my Junketsu."

Ryuko: "Junketsu? "Purity"? Is there anything about you that's pure?"

Satsuki: "Allow me to show you."

Satsuki flipped some things on her uniform. Then she transformed, it looked painful, but not as painful as Ryuko's transformation.

Satsuki: "Life Fiber synchronization: Junketsu!"

All the One-Stars clapped and blushed.

(Y/N): "Meat riders..."

Ryuko: "What the hell?!"

Satsuki: "That's right. This is my Junketsu."

Omita: "So that bright light last night was her..."

Satsuki: "You aren't the only one in possession of a Kamui."

Ryuko: "Lets do it, Senketsu!"

Ryuko pulled the pin on her glove and began to transform. The one-stars blushed when they saw Ryuko transform.

(Y/N): "Nghh..."

Ryuko: "So the reason you were afraid yesterday is because you sensed that thing?"

Senketsu: "Ryuko, I should warn you. Your opponent is more powerful than you are."

Ryuko and Satsuki were now face to face.

Ryuko: "Gee, thanks for your concern."

Shockwaves formed when they were close to each other. Dust and debris flew around. Mako was also flying in the air, but Omita held her hand to keep her in place.

Nonon: "Their willpower alone is enough to create shockwaves?!"

Ryuko and Satsuki kept walking towards each other. Ryuko had scratches on her face.

Ryuko: "Impressive, I'll give you that. But I won't give in to your intimidation, or it'll all be over!"

Satsuki slashed her blade, but Ryuko blocked it. The power behind the slash made a lot of One-Stars fly away. Ryuko was panting, but Satsuki didn't let up, she just kept throwing swings at Ryuko. (Y/N) wanted to jump in, but Omita held him back.

Satsuki: "Be careful, you should do your utmost best to avoid blood loss or else you'll lose consciousness too quickly."

(Y/N) saw Ryuko's blood hit the ground, he began to get worried. He was not beginning to run towards the fight. Satsuki looked at him out of the corner of her eyes.

Satsuki: "Stop. If you come any closer I'll have no choice but to kill her."

(Y/N) stood still. Was he really going to lose Ryuko if he intervened? But if he didn't he would also lose her...

Ryuko kept blocking Satsuki's attacks. Satsuki stopped and clenched her fist as she smirked.

Satsuki: "Magnificent!"

Then, Satsuki slammed her sword down causing Ryuko to fly in the air. She used the handle of her blade to make Ryuko fly far away from her. Ryuko screamed and crashed into the wall. Satsuki started walking towards where Ryuko landed.

Satsuki: "Truly fantastic. This is the power of-"

(Y/N) tried to kick her in the face but the blocked it with her blade. He jumped back and landed on his feet.

(Y/N): "I actually didn't mind your presence, but you're really, REALLY pissing me off!"

He clenched his fist and frowned, Omita fell to the ground.

Omita: "I can't keep this up... the only person that can suppress his power is him..."

Satsuki: "Hm?"

The seal deep inside of (Y/N) broke. (Y/N) was suddenly in front of Satsuki before she even realized. He punched her directly in the face causing her to skid back and crash into a wall.

Sanageyama: "Satsuki! We have to help her!"

(Y/N) looked at the four that were now running towards the fight.

(Y/N): "What did Satsuki say when I tried to intervene...? Oh she said, and I quote "Stop. If you come any closer I'll have no choice but to kill her." Did she or did she not say that?"

Satsuki came out of the dust cloud, her sword ready to slice (Y/N), but he just caught it with his hand. He punched her in her exposed abdomen, making her fall to the ground. Her sword flew away and landed on the ground with a thud. (Y/N) climbed on top of her and punched her repeatedly in her face. But a dark portal opened and a hand came and punched (Y/N) in the face. A guy came out of the portal.

(Y/N): "Ak... uma..."

Then, (Y/N) was unconscious.

Akuma: "That'll probably be the only chance I had to get a hit on you, idiot."

Name: Akuma Jigoku
Nicknames: Hell
Age: ???
Height: 5'0
Eye Color: Red
Hair Color: White
Personality: Childish, Idiotic, Calm, able to tell people's true feelings
Powers: Flight, Teleportation, Demonic Control, Power Locker
Elements: Darkness, Fire, Light

He looked around the school with wonder. Then he looked at Omita.

Akuma: "Ai! Omita-Kun! Come get this idiot!"

Omita just shrugged and threw (Y/N) over his shoulder.

Omita: "When will he wake up."

Akuma: "Knowing him, probably 30 minutes."

Omita sighed and created a portal. Then, he walked through it. Akuma looked around the school again and saw Satsuki getting up, her face was bloody and bruised.

Akuma: "Hoh? So you were the one that idiot was beating up~! My name is Akuma Jigoku!"

Satsuki: "I have no interest in children."

Akuma: "I'm not-"

Sanageyama: "So just leave the school or else we will have to defeat-"

Akuma uppercutted him out of the school.

Akuma: "Bye-Bye vomit haired man!"

Satsuki just ignored him and picked up her sword, then, she went back towards Ryuko. She ran up the wall, her sword ready.

Satsuki: "You have all this power at your disposal and this is all you can do with it, Matoi?!"

Akuma: "Even after a beating like that she was able to get back up! I'm impressed, though (Y/N) was only using 17/100 of his power..."

Ryuko uncovered herself from the debris that fell onto her.

Ryuko: "What was that?!"

Satsuki and her kept going at it for a while.

(Y/N): "Akuma-Kun."

Akuma almost jumped out of his clothes.

Akuma: "Ah! (Y-(Y/N), how the hell?! What the hell?!"

Omita: "He woke up pretty quickly, as you could see..."

Akuma: "Well, he is strong... so I could have guessed."

(Y/N): "Don't be so hard on yourself. You did manage to leave one hell of a scar on my body."

Akuma: "Hah! And it's still a trophy to me!"

Mako: "Omita-Kun~! (Y/N)-Kun~! You're back. (Y/N) was all like bam, bam, punch, bam!"

She mimicked punches as she talked, three boys all looked at her then laughed. But Ryuko falling out of the building caught everyone's attention.

Akuma: "(Y/N), you cannot jump in again, or else I will lock all of your power."

Akuma was serious, an expression that's rarely seen on his face. Even during fights he never has that expression.

(Y/N): "I won't..."

(Y/N) wasn't necessarily scared of Akuma, for fucks sake, (Y/N) was stronger than Akuma by a long margin.

Senketsu: "I can't take anymore."

Ryuko's uniform transformed back to its original state.

Ryuko: "Senketsu... why?"

Satsuki pulled up Ryuko by her hair. This angered (Y/N), but Akuma was perfectly fine.

Satsuki: "How pathetic. The Kamui saved you from passing out due to blood loss? But in a dormant Kamui, you might as well be naked."

Ryuko: "Im not sure how I feel about someone in that exhibitionist getup is making fun of me."

Satsuki threw Ryuko onto the ground.

Satsuki: "Exhibitionist? Nonsense! This is the form in which a Kamui is able to unleash the most power! The fact that society's values shame you only shows how small-time you are! If it means to fulfilling my ambitions, I, Satsuki Kiryuuin, will show neither shame no hesitation, even if I should bare my breast for all the world to see!"

Omita: "She has zero shame."

Satsuki raised her blade above her head.

Satsuki: "My actions are utterly pure!"

Akuma: "What a strange universe."

Mako did some sort of pose, catching everyone's attention. She stood in front of Ryuko, almost as if she was shielding her.

Mako: "Get naked, Ryuko!"

(Y/N): "Eh?"

Mako: "I can say beyond a doubt that you are not inferior to Lady Satsuki! Your boobs are bigger than hers!"

(Y/N) was suddenly next to Mako, also doing strange poses. Akuma and Omita looked to where he used to be standing with dumbfounded faces.

(Y/N): "You can do it, Ryuko! Just show off that bangin body! Don't be embarrassed never, never, NEVER!"

Omita: "Ryuko will defeat you! She will! With her body!"

Now Omita was doing weird poses. Akuma just stood there looking confused.

Mako: "I saw them! "That Ryuko, she's got a great rack!" My whole family was talking about them!"

(Y/N): "Your curvaceous body drew me in! And you resilience made me like you! So Ryuko...!"

Akuma: "Get NAKED!"

Akuma, (Y/N), Omita, and Mako was doing poses infront of Ryuko. Everyone present there was astonished and confused.

Ryuko: "Get... naked?"

Satsuki: "What foolishness is this?! Just look at the nonsense your weakness has led to! You have disappointed me utterly, Matoi!"

Satsuki swung her blade now at Ryuko, but she blocked.

Satsuki: "What?!"

Ryuko: "It ain't nonsense! It ain't nonsense at all!"

Senketsu: "Ryuko."

Ryuko: "Yeah."

Ryuko pulled the pin on her glove with her teeth. Then, her transformation began...

Ryuko: "I finally understand. I need to get naked. Putting on a Kamui like you means for us to become one! It means for you to become my skin! Thats what it means to master wearing you! Isn't that right, Senketsu?!"

Senketsu: "Yes! That's exactly right!"

Ryuko: "Life Fiber Synchronize, Kamui Senketsu!"

(Y/N) saw how her transformation was different... is it because she stopped being embarrassed of being almost naked unlike him? He never really felt like the Kamui was even actually in sync with him... it always felt like he was just wearing it.

Everyone was astonished by her transformation. Then the fight was on... Ryuko was faster than before.

Satsuki: "She's fast!"

They clashed blades faster than before. Both of them blocking.

Ryuko: "I feel it! This is the real you, Senketsu!"

Senketsu: "This is our power, mine and yours!"

Ryuko spun around, fast like a tornado.

Ryuko: "The reason you were drinking so much blood is because I was rejecting you out of embarrassment! The more my heart was closed the more you yearned for a blood connection! That's what happened, right?!"

Senketsu: "As you are now, the blood i just drink is more than sufficient! You are wearing me, and I have been put on by you!"

Ryuko swung at Satsuki, faster and harder than ever. Satsuki managed to dodge quickly.

Ryuko: "Senketsu!"

Her scissor blade changed, the handle grew longer and the blade was split into two. Then the blade got longer and sharper. Akuma's eyes widened.

Akuma: "Hoh~? This got even more interesting!"

Ryuko: "Let's do it! Scissor blade! Decapitation Mode!"

She swung at Satsuki who was now flying in the air. She managed to dodge, but now the wall was broken. Satsuki landed on her heel and her back was bent.

Omita: "Did... Ryuko win?"

Satsuki: "Looks like this fight has finally become interesting."

(Y/N): "Akuma just let me kill her!"

The Elite Four heard this and got on guard. Satsuki and Ryuko charged at each other again, their swords clashing against each other. Making shockwaves and debris fly. Again, mako was flying in the air, but Omita kept her in place.

Ryuko: "Now you're going to tell me, Satsuki Kiryuuin! Was it you who killed my father?!"

Satsuki: "What good will knowing that do you?"

(Y/N): "So she'll know if she will have to kill you, you better be happy I'm not the one doing it!"

Ryuko: "I don't know! But not knowing just doesn't sit right with me!"

Ryuko punched Satsuki in the arm, creating a giant crater in the wall from the force behind it.

Satsuki: "I have nothing to say to someone as devoid of aspirations as you!"

Satsuki kicked Ryuko, created a giant crater in the wall, the same as the one Ryuko made.

Ryuko: "The way you talk pisses me off!"

Satsuki: "That is totally fine with me!"

The both of them clashed blades again, making dust fly and a perfect circle crater form. More One-Stars flew, the Elite four covered their faces but (Y/N), Omita, and Akuma were perfectly fine.

Akuma: "So, those people are the Elite four? They are pretty weak to me."

Omita: "No kidding."

(Y/N): "Sanageyama is like a chihuahua that always humps your legs, but the difference is he only humps Satsuki's leg..."

The three of them snickered. When the dust finally settled. Ryuko fell to one knee.

Ryuko: "I'm gonna crush them."

Satsuki: "What?"

Ryuko: "I don't know what you're thinking, but I'm gonna take all those precious ambitions and aspirations of yours and crush every last one of 'em!"

(Y/N): "And I'm gonna help-"

Akuma: "No you won't."

(Y/N) crossed his arms and sat on the floor like a child.

(Y/N): "No YoU wOnT."

He said in a mocking tone.

Ryuko: "That oughta loosen your lips a little."

Satsuki pointed the end of her blade at Ryuko's face. Then she smirked.

Omita: "The world is ending! She changed her emotion! Guys, let's go back to where we came from!"

The three of the boys laughed again. Satsuki lowered her blade and started walking back up the stairs.

Satsuki: "How amusing. You're going to crush my ambitions, are you?"

She turned around on her heel and faced Ryuko, still with a smirk present on her face.

Satsuki: "Honnoji Academy is my kingdom!"

The elite four stood in front on her, like a pack of wolves.

(Y/N): "Pffft! The weak is trying to look strong."

Omita: "L-look at Sanageyama! Hahahaha!"

Akuma: "Vomit hair is trying to look menacing!"

The three of them smacked each other playfully while they laughed loudly.

(Y/N): "Look at Nonon's big ass hat!"

Omita: "Look at Ira's big self!"

Satsuki groaned.

Satsuki: "If you say you will topple all by yourself, then I accept your challenge. (Y/N)-"

Her eyes sliced over to the three laughing boys, they all stopped at looked at Satsuki.

(Y/N): "Hm?"

Satsuki: "Join the Elite Four-"

(Y/N): "Nope."

Akuma: "Hey~! Can I join?"

Satsuki: "And who might you be?"

Akuma: "Oh! I'm (Y/N)'s cousin!"

Satsuki raised her eyebrows and smirked.

Satsuki: "Fine."

Akuma: "But only on one condition."

Satsuki: "And that is?"

Akuma: "I dont fight Ryuko, I want to fight (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "Akuma if we fight here we'll-"

Akuma: "I know, and that's why we will use the power we had when we were first born."

(Y/N) smirked.

(Y/N): "Deal!"

Akuma walked up to the Elite Four and stood beside them. He was shorter than all of them. The One-Stars looked at each other.

Satsuki: "Ryuko, (Y/N), beginning tomorrow, every last club here will be after your head! Do you still think you could win?"

(Y/N): "Yes."

Akuma: "So every club is a what star?"

Omita: "Two-Star."

Akuma: "Oh."

Akuma was snickering.

Ryuko: "You bet your ass we can win."

Ryuko got off of her knee and pointed her blade at Satsuki.

Satsuki: "As you wish. Then defeat each and everyone student who comes after you."

(Y/N) used wind slice on one of the Two-Stars and they instantly turned naked.

(Y/N): "Sen-I-Soshitsu."

He said in a bored tone.

The naked Two-Star crawled away. Satsuki raised an eyebrow.

Satsuki: "Hm. If you can, then Junketsu and I will face you again."

Ryuko: "And if I win, you're gonna tell me everything."

Satsuki: "We're in agreement, then."

Ryuko: "You're on."

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