Arrogant Bastard | Summerz

By Wolf_Zuha

9K 553 126

After being betrayed by her ex-boyfriend, the head of the law firm where she worked, Chaewon decides she need... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 2

504 31 8
By Wolf_Zuha

- Are you going to keep letting calls go to voicemail? - She squinted at her cell phone, which was vibrating on top of the console. The damn thing had been ringing every half hour, but now the interval between calls had shortened to ten minutes.

- Yes. - The handset stopped moving, and I didn't give any further explanation. I thought maybe she'd let it go.

Of course she didn't. Five minutes later, the phone vibrated again, and Kazuha picked it up before I realized what she was doing.

- Jay is calling. - She held the phone between her thumb and forefinger, swinging it back and forth until I grabbed it out of her hand.

- It's Park Jong Seong, for you. And that's none of your business.

- It's a long journey, princess. You know we'll talk about it at some point.

- Trust me, we won't.

- We'll see.

Just a few more minutes passed, and the phone vibrated again. Before I could stop her, Kazuha picked it up once again. Only this time, she pressed a button and brought it to her ear.

- Hello?

My eyes widened. I almost swerved into the road, but I remained as still as if I were mute.

- Jay. How are you, man?

Her accent, which was very clear and present, suddenly disappeared. Jay's voice increased in pitch, although I couldn't understand the words. I looked at Kazuha's arrogant face. She shrugged, smiled and leaned back in her seat, looking like she was having a great time. At that moment, I decided that our trip was over. As soon as we reached the next exit, I would kick her out of the car. That perfect mass of muscle could walk in the middle of nowhere in Nebraska and I wouldn't care.

- Yes, of course. She's here. But we're kind of busy right now.

I heard the next question loud and clear. Kazuha pulled the phone away from his ear as Jay roared:

- Who is this?

- My name is Kazuha. Nakamura Kazuha," she said, with perfect melodious intonation. I could imagine it making the vein in Jay's throat pulse a deep shade of purple.

- Give. The. Fucking. Phone. To. Chaewon. - Each word was a short burst of anger. Suddenly, I was no longer angry at Kazuha for answering the phone. I was furious that Jay had the audacity to get angry at what I was doing.

- I can't, Jay. She's... unwell at the moment.

Another grunt full of swear words sounded through the phone.

- Listen, Jay. I'm going to tell you this nicely, because you seem like a nice guy. Chaewon has been avoiding your calls to be polite. The truth is, she just doesn't want to talk to you.

My anger was quickly interspersed between the two idiots. Yet she spoke my name so slurred in her accent. I wanted to strangle Kazuha, but at the same time I really wanted her to say my name again. What the hell was wrong with me? I missed Jay's answer, busy mentally repeating the sound of my name being spoken in Kazuha's accent. The way the sound came off that asshole's tongue made my stomach knot up. Perhaps I had a momentary lapse as I imagined her whispering in my ear with a guttural strain.

I blinked and came back to reality as Kazuha let out an exaggerated sigh into the phone.

- All right then, Jay. But now you need to stop. We're on a long trip, and your constant interruptions are making our girl nervous. So be a good buddy and stop getting in the way for a while, okay?

Our girl. That vein must have been ready to explode in Jay's neck.

Kazuha didn't wait for an answer before hanging up.

For five minutes, neither of us said a word. She must have been expecting the lecture that was to come.

- Aren't you going to complain to me about my conversation with Jay?

My knuckles turned white around the steering wheel.

- I'm processing it.

- Processing it? - Her voice sounded almost amused.

- Yes. Processing.

- What does that mean?

- It means that I don't say the first thing that comes into my head. Unlike some people, I think about what I'm feeling and I'm feeling and verbalize it properly.

- You filter the shit.

- No, I don't.

- Yes, that's what you do. If you're upset, say so. Shout if you have to. But say it and get it over with. Stop acting like a saint all the time.

The road was pretty empty, so it wasn't difficult to slam on the brakes and stop on the shoulder. I crossed the three lanes and parked. It was dark, and the only light came from my headlights and the occasional passing vehicle. I got out of the car, walked to the driver's side and waited for her to join me.

I put my hands on my waist.

- You're such a prick. I saved your ass, and you got into my car, ate half my food, changed the radio station and, to top it off, answered my phone.

She crossed her arms over her chest.

- You didn't save my ass, I ate a piece of chicken, your taste in music is terrible and that asshole Jay was bothering you.

I looked at her.

She stared back at me.

Oh my God. The headlight of a passing car illuminated her face and I could see it. Her eyes, when she was angry, were exactly bronze in color.

I was already a little disconcerted. And then she lost me for good.

- Chaewon. - She took a step forward.

Damn you. I kept quiet. I was busy... processing.

- I was trying to help. Jay needed it. I don't know what he was to you, but whoever he is, he's obviously wronged you. And you don't want to hear his excuses anymore. They're lies and you know it. Let him get angry, thinking that you're traveling with someone else. He should know that other people will hit on a woman like you. You shouldn't have to remind him.

A woman like me?

I tried to maintain the bored pose, but I just wasn't anymore.

- Well, don't touch my phone again.

- Yes, ma'am.

I nodded, needing that feeling of victory. I couldn't let my anger go just because she had a sexy voice and perfect light brown eyes. Right?

- How about I drive a bit?

My night vision wasn't great and it was starting to get a bit blurry.

- Okay.

She opened the door on the driver's side and waited for me to get in. She closed it and ran around to the other side. Before settling into the driver's seat, she bent down and picked up something from the street, putting it in her bag on the back seat before adjusting the seat.

- What have you got?

- Nothing. - She dodged my question. - The driver chooses the music. - We pulled away from the curb.

- You changed the station every five minutes while I was driving.

She shrugged and smiled.

- It's a new rule.

Being in the back seat gave me the opportunity to study her. God, that beautiful face she has. And her lips pleased me.

I liked it a lot. There was a good chance that she drove a lot.


Three hours later, it was almost midnight when we decided to call it a day. We had accomplished the goal I had set, even though we had to lose a few hours to buy a new tire.

The woman at the hotel reception was busy playing on her cell phone and barely looked at us when we approached.

- We'd like a room for the night, please. - said Kazuha.

- Hummm... two rooms, please. - I clarified.

- What? I was going to ask for one with two beds.

- I'm not sharing a room with you.

She shrugged.

- As you wish. - And turned her attention back to the receptionist. - She's afraid that if we stay in a room together, she won't be able to keep her hands off me. - She winked at the receptionist. The woman had dark skin, but I could still see her blush.

I rolled my eyes, too tired to fight with Kazuha again, and spoke:

- Can you give me a room facing west, that's not on the first floor and is even-numbered, if possible?

- I'd like mine with a bed, bathroom and television, if possible. - Kazuha smiled and replied.

- I can offer you rooms 217 and 218. They're right next to each other.

- That's perfect. She likes to be near me.

I wasn't sure if her megalomaniacal sense of humor was pleasing me or if it was just a wave of happiness after spending so many hours in the car. after spending so many hours in the car, but I ended up laughing a little.

She seemed satisfied.

The receptionist handed us the key along with a chocolate cookie each. On the way to the elevator, I offered her mine.

- Do you want my cookie? I'm not going to eat it.

- Right. I'll eat you.

- What did you say?

- That I'm going to eat yours.

I really needed to get some sleep. And maybe I needed a nice cold shower.

She was carrying our bags for the night, and I noticed that she let me out of the elevator first. The annoying idiot had
good manners, despite her conceit.

- Good night, princess.

- Good night, asshole.

I was glad she hadn't said my name. I was annoyed enough just having to sleep in the next room.

Fifteen minutes later, I had finished my bedtime ritual and lay down on the bed. I breathed deeply and let myself sink into the softness of the mattress.

A knock on the door made me jump.

I got out of bed huffing and stood on tiptoe to look through the peephole. Why were these things always so high up? I was surprised to see that there was no one on the other side. Perhaps I had imagined it.

Another knock.

I turned on the lights. The sound wasn't coming from the front door, but from an internal door I hadn't noticed before.

The door communicating with Kazuha's room.

I released the top latch and opened it enough so that I could see what she wanted. And there she was.

Shirtless. Just wearing a sports top. Her spectacular abdomen showing.

Underneath, she was wearing just a pair of dark gray boxer shorts that wrapped around her like a second skin.

It took me a moment to understand what Kazuha was doing there, even though she was holding a toothbrush.

- I thought we'd come to an agreement that I wasn't a serial killer.

I opened the door wider. She smiled.

Oh, God. Stop that. Right now.

- I must have left the toothpaste in the saddlebag in the car.

I swallowed.

- Mm-hmm.

She tilted her head to the side and frowned.

- Can I take yours?

- Ah. Yes, of course.

She walked past me and into the bathroom of my room.

I waited by the door.

- You brought a lot of girly crap for one night - she said from the bathroom, her mouth full of paste. - Private Collection Tuberose Gardenia.

She was reading the bottle of my Estée Lauder perfume.

I heard her chew and spit. Then I heard a gargling sound. She'd used my mouthwash too. Of course, make yourself at home.

She left and turned off the light.

- Tuberose is a rose?

I nodded, still confused by everything that was happening.

- So that's why - she muttered.

- That's why what?

- I've been trying all day to find out what you smell like. I'm not sure I've ever smelled a tuberose before. - She shrugged and went back to her room, but not before turning around. - Even those black lace underwear smell like tuberose.

My eyes widened. I had taken off my bra and panties and left them in the bathroom sink.

- You... you...

- Relax. Just kidding. Do I look like someone who smells underwear?




- Good night, Chaewon. - She gave me a smile and disappeared.


I closed the door and checked the lock twice, unsure if it was for my own safety or hers. Her voice pronouncing my name sounded over and over in my head, getting softer and softer, like a soothing lullaby, with each breath. Lullaby, with each deep breath I took towards the world of dreams.

Until the knock sounded again.

I think I had been asleep for three seconds before I got up to open the door. One more time.

- Do you want to watch a movie?

My room was dark. Hers had all the lights on. My eyes took a minute to get used to it. And when they did, they stared straight at her boxers. Instead of saying no and closing the door, I argued with her. One more time.

- I'm not going to watch a movie with you in your boxers.

She looked down and back at me.

- Why? It's not like I have an erection.

I widened my eyes at the inappropriateness of the comment, but began to imagine her wearing the ridiculously tight boxer shorts with an erection. Suddenly, I had nowhere to look. If I looked down, I would focus on her package. If I looked at her face, she would surely see what I was thinking.

She laughed.

- I'll put some shorts on.

I had no idea why I was negotiating, since I didn't even feel like watching a movie. She disappeared and returned a minute later wearing loose shorts. I could still see a hint of the elastic in her Calvin Klein boxers. And, now that there was no underwear in sight, I realized that the shorts made everything look worse. It hung from his narrow hips, where a deep V was carved out. Covering her bulge only made me pay more attention to the details of her ridiculous abdomen.

- Your turn - she said.

My eyes showed confusion.

- If I can't stay in my boxers, you'll have to change into this nightie.

- What's wrong with my shirt? - My voice was defensive.

Her eyes fell to my breasts, and the corners of her lips curved into a deliciously mischievous smile.

- No big deal. In fact, keep it.

I looked down. I'd forgotten that I was wearing a thin white T-shirt without a bra. My nipples were erect, trying to pierce the thin fabric.

We discussed what to watch for twenty minutes before choosing a horror movie that I didn't want to see. Five minutes later, wearing a knitted sweater over my T-shirt, I fell asleep, with Kazuha sitting on the single bed next to me.

The next morning, she had already gone back to her room when I woke up. The interconnecting doors were open on both sides. I heard her on the phone telling someone about the day's plans. Clearly, all the activities were a lie, since I was sure she wouldn't be in Los Angeles County all day.



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