Chapter 16

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After a few days, I decided to change my itinerary. I hadn't yet ventured into Chaewon's house. Going there while she was at work would give me some clues about her life, namely whether she was living with that idiot. I'd decided that I needed as much information as possible before confronting her, even if any findings might get me down.

As I walked up to the little brown bungalow, I realized that the outside was just like Chaewon: quirky, a bit messy, but unconventional and surprisingly beautiful at the same time. The first thing that caught my eye was the grass in front. It looked like it hadn't been cut for months. What kind of fucking person lets the grass at her woman's house get almost a meter high?


Wearing my baseball cap and sunglasses, I looked around to make sure there were no nosy neighbors. Peering through the window, I saw that the inside was much tidier than the outside. The living room had cream-colored furniture and there were artificial flowers on the coffee table. Nothing indicated that a man lived there.

I almost fell into the bushes when I saw a shadow moving. It couldn't be Chaewon, because I'd waited until she'd entered her office building before coming here.

Who the hell was in her house?

Adrenaline rushed through me. Deciding to walk to the window on the other side of the house, I crossed the garden, grumbling again about the tall grass.

I was startled when I saw him, glued to the window pane. He wasn't just any guy.

- I can't believe it! - I shouted.

My voice must have scared him.

Carré?! Holy shit. Carré!

Through the window, I saw that the kid was on the ground. He had fainted. Of course he had. Shit. I kept banging on the glass to try and wake him up.

- Come on, little man. Wake up.

After a few minutes, he finally stirred and stood up. Carré kept walking around in circles and looked dazed. I had to get to him and decided to try to open the window. Then I would change it if necessary. To my surprise, it opened at the first push.

Was Chaewon crazy to leave the window open? She must have slept like that too, making it easy for any crazy person to get into her room if they wanted to.

I needed to remember that in the future.

I had already put half my body through the window. Waving my hands so that the blind goat would come to me, I spoke:

- Dude! It's me. Come here, buddy.

The animal came straight towards me and put its little face in the palm of my hand. Lightly scratching its head as I used to do, I said:

- Good boy. I can't believe you're still here.

I muttered to myself:

- You're crazy, princess. Too crazy. But I'm glad you stayed with him.

Maybe I was going crazy, but he seemed to remember me. He let out a long "bááá" and, the second time, I could have sworn it sounded like a "daaaad".

- What's going on here, eh? You're my spy. Is she happy? Does she hate me? Tell me.

- Béé.

I scratched her head harder.

- Yeah, you're not much help. - He started licking my face. - Oh my God. I never thought his horrible breath would be so welcome.

Carré wouldn't let me go. I thought that suddenly one of the neighbors might suspect me of being a thief. Being arrested was the last thing I needed right now. My eyes ran around the room and I saw a suit hanging on the closet door. My heart sank.

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