Ascend The Multiverse|多元宇宙を昇る...

By damnityoufool

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"So I got isekai'd into a new universe again." The reality of the situation seems to sink in after mouthing t... More

Two| 二
Three| 三
Four| 四
Five| 五
Six| 六
Seven| 七
Eight| 八
Nine| 九
Ten| 十
Eleven| 十一
Thirteen| 十三
500+ Reads Special
Fourteen| 十四
Fifteen| 十五
Seventeen| 十七
Seventeen point five|17.5
Nineteen| 十九
Q&A Time? Yes indeed. {CLOSED}
Twenty| 二十
Twenty One| 二十一
Twenty Two| 二十二
Twenty Three|二十三
Twenty Four| 二十四
Twenty Five| 二十五
Twenty Six| 二十六
Twenty Seven| 二十七
Twenty Eight| 二十八
Twenty Nine| 二十九
ATM One Year Anniversary

Twelve| 十二

232 12 72
By damnityoufool

Where a country returns from exile

A/N: Hear me out. I know you wanna go back to the war saga and Tanjiro meeting you, but I have been neglecting the Countryhumans side of this story. You have been missing for a long time, after all.


"Enough is enough."

The country glared at the older one who looked offended by his interruption. The former did not care since his patience was running thin. He had had enough of these impromptu visits from the man who was only interested in causing trouble.

It had been roughly one and a half years since ■■■■■■ went missing. Eighty weeks for those who wanted to be accurate. At this point, more countries began to be concerned.

While it was pretty normal for the female to vanish from radar in her adventures, she never went completely silent. Especially since the last major war ended. She made it a point to visit a country at least once every three months. Even then, she was always unpredictable.

However, she had been gone for so long and whenever countries asked each other, they would get no answer. Members of Operation Recurrence made sure to give reasonable excuses in order to ease the tension. Of course, no one knew such a team existed except for its twelve members.

You might wonder, twelve? But it was nine the last time!

Well, if an influential person like her managed to befriend countries who had good relations with others, they would be more trustworthy in her search. Brazil, Egypt and India were sought out and welcomed into the secret investigation. This was beneficial since all continents were locked down and the search would be easier.

It was when Christmas passed without a word from ■■■■■■ that people began to get suspicious. She was quite vocal when it came to her favourite holiday and always made sure to visit Russia to have a party. Even though she hated the snow, she mentioned how she felt nostalgic since her first Christmas as a time traveller was spent in the mammoth country.

Russia was not worried at first when his friend suddenly went silent. He thought that she was busy going undercover for a mission or something since her abilities made her practically undetectable. When Christmas passed, however, he knew something went amiss.

And it involved the annoyed country before him.

Britain had been making frequent courtesy visits asking for his father under the guise of wanting a friendly talk with him. Obviously it was bullshit as their relationship was pretty bad even before the Cold War. Using his keen observation skills, he saw how the posh country was tense around him.

At that moment, he suspected that ■■■■■■ suddenly going quiet and UK looking for his father was connected. He was unsure, but he was going to get answers no matter what to satisfy his curiosity.

"Excuse me?" Britain asked, still trying to be civil but his mask was slowly cracking, about to reveal his anger and irrational side.

"Save the excuses, Englishman. I have already figured it out why you want to see my father." He spat, crossing his arms as they stood in his private office in his summer house located in St Petersburg.

The Russian did not expect the man to visit him there of all places. It seemed UK realised that paying visits to his government office would cause rumours to surface. While he appreciated the thought of privacy, Russia disliked the person he had to share that moment with.

"It's because ■■■■■■ has gone missing and you think he had something to do with it."

The grip on Britain's cane tightened at the mention of her name. It seemed he underestimated the Russian, who figured it out so quickly. He could deny, but his body expression already betrayed him.

Russia noticed his shift in body language and realised he hit the nail on the head. He wanted to relish in the feeling of unnerving the country, but the confirmation only served to fuel his concern. His friend was missing, and he had no idea if his father was involved.

Hell, he didn't even know where the communist was.

Sighing, the British man calmed down as his face was composed. Well, as composed as a man with eyebags and sunken eyes was. Russia noticed how tired he looked and how it got worse as the visits increased. Just how serious was the situation if the ever composed Britain looked exhausted?

"I must commend you, Russia. You really have a functioning brain under all the liquor you drink." Russia growled lowly at the insult, reminding himself why he hated the west and its pretence.

"Just answer me before I lose my patience."

"Fine. You are correct. The Recurrence has been missing for a long time and USSR is one of the main suspects."

"How long has she been gone?"

"...around one and a half years." The man hesitated, his expression falling slightly to expose his worry before going back to its neutral look.

Russia flinched. He had a feeling she was gone for a while but not that long. It was unnatural for her to do so. For a brief moment, he began to think his father actually did something but dismissed the thought quickly.

"She has been missing for that long and you have kept it hidden?!" He accused, his hand banging the desk next to him as it shook from the sudden force, a crack forming at the spot it was hit.

"Well, what did you expect us to do?! If more countries found out--" Britain got interrupted once again.

"Us? So there are others who already knew?"

"That is besides the point, Russia." His eye twitched from being interrupted for the second time. His metal arm was in his pocket, hiding the fist that had formed in his frustration.

"Since you have figured it out, I might as well tell you. ■■■■■■ went missing on the day she was supposed to meet me for a personal matter with America. Her house was found intact save for the cup which held her untouched tea. We suspect the tea was laced and she was kidnapped. By who exactly, we do not know."

His eyes focus on the larger male before him, frowning at how similar he looked with his bastard of a father. "I was hoping to speak to USSR so that we can clear him from the suspect list."

Processing the information, Russia leaned against the desk and pondered on the situation. It made sense that his unwell father may have been involved in her disappearance, but he still couldn't get why he was the first suspect when he was no longer a threat.

"Even if I wanted to tell you where he was, I cannot. I have told you so many times that I don't know where he is."

Britain scoffed in dismissal. "That is what I cannot seem to believe. You promised us on the day you took power you would keep an eye on him just in case he tried something to rile up the people."

"And I have done my best in fulfilling that, however, my father is unwell!" He grit his teeth. "I do not think his beloved nation is in his mind right now, wherever he may be."

"Ah yes. The 'voices' in his head. His paranoia has evolved quite remarkably if he believes that he can simply blame all his wrongdoings on a self diagnosed mental illness and escape punishment." Britain replied sarcastically.

Pushing himself off the desk, Russia makes slow and threatening steps towards the monocle wearing man, who stood in his place unfazed. "Do not insult my father. Regardless of what he had done or what you believe, I know that he is sick and would not take ■■■■■■."

That was what he hoped, at least. He didn't want to imagine what would happen if he actually kidnapped his friend.

"And I know that he is capable of doing so, considering his history with her. Maybe his 'sickness' made his mind think that kidnapping The Recurrence of all people was a good idea. Or did you forget their history so soon?"

While the two countries stared each other down, a surprised shout was heard downstairs. They turned their heads to the oak door, hearing loud footsteps approaching as it swung open forcefully, almost hitting the shelf against it.

A country with a red and green flag with a white and red ornament pattern on the left side of her face panted heavily, her hand grasping the door know. Her face was full of disbelief, concern and slight fear and anger.

"Беларусь? В чем дело?(Belarus? What's the matter?)" Russia took in the expression on her face and knew something was wrong. Britain watched in silence, also waiting for a response.

The mentioned female pointed a finger behind her, her hand slightly trembling. "He...he...he's here." She replied in English with a heavy Belarusian accent.

'He? Who's he?' Great Britain raised an eyebrow in confusion and turned to look at Russia only to see his face drop, his skin slightly pale from shock.

Without a word, the striped country strode hastily and slightly pushed Belarus out of the way as he exited the room. After glancing briefly at the puzzled UK, she followed the Russian. The man in turn wanted to remain in the office, not eager to see what was going on. However, he could not help but be curious.

Muttering a curse, he walked out of the room, not bothering to close the door behind him.

As he stepped down the staircase, he began to theorise what was happening. His mind raced as he finally descended and his eyes processed the scene before him as his body froze. Of all the things he had imagined, he did not expect whatever this was.

'Bloody hell...' He swore as he stared at the familiar red-skinned man at the main entrance.

There in all his glory stood the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, a.k.a the infamous Soviet Union. He was clad in his brown trench coat which had seen better days, brown pants which were slightly torn and tucked in his black winter boots which were originally brown and worn out.

His iconic ushanka with the red star at its centre and light brown fluff was on his head which held a stone cold expression. His black eyepatch which held the trademark golden sickle and hammer covered his blind left eye which had the same symbol marked on his skin.

His remaining eye was shaky and showed his exhaustion, if the fact he was leaning against the door frame was not enough of a hint. He seemed close to faint. His red skin was pale and icy but could not be compared to Russia who was in shock at the surprise arrival.

" she here?" Was all he murmured in Russian as he collapsed on the wooden floor.


Noise. That was the first thing USSR heard as his eye slowly opened before closing quickly as the ceiling light blinded him. His body which was freezing was now warmed up as he felt a blanket covering him. While he was contemplating on opening his eye, his ears managed to catch onto the argument happening.

Russia and Belarus were arguing with the Englishman who wanted to interrogate their father despite his condition. Belarus sat beside USSR who was lying on a couch, covered from head to toe. Russia stood next to his sister, but farther away from the unconscious man. Britain was standing at the right side of the room, keeping distance from the three.

"You have just seen him collapse and you still want to question him when he has barely gotten any rest?!" USSR raised an eyebrow at the harsh tone in Belarus' voice towards Britain. He thought that she would still hate him for all that he did, yet she defended him.

"I understand that you are impatient and want answers as soon as possible. However, you should wait for his recovery before I can let you question him." Russia said, tugging on his ushanka which was quite similar with the communist's, only that it was blue in colour.

USSR was confused by his response. Not the part where he showed concern for his health, but the questioning part. Why was Great Britain trying to interrogate him? To his knowledge, he had done nothing wrong since he sent himself to exile.

"I have been searching for him for months and now you are telling me to leave him be?" Britain looked agitated. This was the only strong lead he had in finding The Recurrence and they were preventing him from asking the important questions.

"Whatever it is, I'm sure it can wait a few days." Belarus said dismissively, getting annoyed by his behaviour.

"'Wait a few days?'" He repeated, now pissed. "■■■■■■ might be in danger for all we know and he is the only one who might know where she it!"

Soviet's eye snapped open in shock as he sat up rigidly like the Undertaker, startling the three countries in the room. He didn't pay attention to that since his mind was racing. ' cannot be...' He thought frantically.

"What do you mean by that, UK?" His deep voice held a threatening tone which sent shivers down everyone's spines but the Englishman did not back down.

"You know very well what I'm talking about."

"No, I do not."

'What is he talking about?' The Belarusian watched in confusion, her hand gently holding onto her father's arm to keep him steady.

"Oh really? Then why don't you ask your son to enlighten you?"

Russia felt his father and sister staring at him, the former's eye sending chills down his spine him. Avoiding eye contact, he responded.

"■■■■■■ is missing, папа (dad/papa). According to UK, you are the first suspect."

Belarus covered her mouth in surprise at the news and USSR flinched. His eye stared off into space, as if he was expecting an answer from an invincible being. The three individuals watched in silence, two in worry and one in annoyance.

'As reply. I should have known.' His mind drifted off as he remembered what had happened a few months ago.

𝙵𝚕𝚊𝚜𝚑𝚋𝚊𝚌𝚔; 𝙽𝚒𝚗𝚎 𝚖𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚑𝚜 𝚊𝚐𝚘...

USSR had woken up as usual on a cold snowy morning. The flames in the fireplace had died down but radiated some warmth from the burning embers. Groggily standing up, he prepared some coffee for himself before leaving his cabin to get firewood. Then, he would go back and read a novel for leisure purposes.

It was an everyday thing for him since he exiled himself all those years ago to allow his son to rule the nation. It still puzzled many countries how he was still alive despite his government collapsing. The countries in the West, especially America, were anticipating him to die but got disappointed.

Unknowingly to them, Soviet himself was more disappointed for being alive and for good reason. His mental state was worsening and hearing the voices of his ancestors and family did not help. No matter what he did, where he went or who he was with, hearing their taunts was guaranteed. Though, they sometimes gave him advice. Only on family matters since they hated his government.

All in all, he was convinced that he could hear and even see the ghosts of the past. Specifically, his nation's past, but he saw glimpses of ghosts from other countries every now and then.

However, on that cold morning, he noticed that he had not heard a single voice. Not once. At first, he thought that they decided to leave him alone for a few hours like they usually do so he continued with his day-to-day activities.

Hours turned into days, then weeks, then months. Slowly, the Russian realised that he could no longer hear the voices of his predecessors. Not even that of his father whom he killed. He never saw anything and whenever he thought he did, it ended up being his shadow or a wild animal passing by.

No one believed that he could see dead countries and hear their voices. His enemies and rivals called it a tactic to divert them from his actions. His allies saw it as a decline in mental health due to paranoia and stress as an unstable country. His own children tried to be supportive but as time went on, they too became scared and disbelieving.

Only she believed him. How couldn't she, when she could see them as well? Even though their relationship was shaky, the female tried to help him deal with it since it was a curse he could not get rid of. With her help, things got better but he still suffered from insomnia.

His days had become peaceful and his sleep was left undisturbed for the first time in a very, very long while. Surely, USSR would be happy that he could finally have some peace of mind, right?

He did not enjoy it one bit.

His anxiety grew worse as days went by. Were the ghosts playing a sick joke on him, or had he finally lost his mind? The latter was more probable because the silence was deafening. He heard no one, saw nothing, felt nothing out of the ordinary. Only silence.

It was painfully ironic that the very peace and quiet he had been hoping for for decades felt more suffocating and lonely. At least with his ghosts, he never felt alone like he did at that moment in his cabin, cut off from human communication. Sure, he still had supporters among his citizens, but he was not interested in politics. Not anymore.

Two more months passed and USSR finally had enough. He decided to leave exile and return to civilisation. Though, he had a goal in mind. He would find his son and enlist his help to contact The Recurrence. He guessed that of anyone could have a clue on what was happening, it would be her.

So, he began his long arduous journey from Siberia all the way to the populous cities of Russia. The journey was difficult as he had gotten sick many times and almost got lost in the snowy wilderness. Eventually, he would reach Moscow after three months.

Many people in his son's office building were shocked to see him after years of silence. He disregarded that feeling and used his old influence to find out where his son was. Refusing any help, he made his way to St Petersburg on foot. This brings us to the present,where the communist found out that ■■■■■■ had gone missing for a long time.

𝙵𝚕𝚊𝚜𝚑𝚋𝚊𝚌𝚔 𝚎𝚗𝚍...

Snapping back to reality, Soviet faced the three people who were waiting for his response. Ignoring the tired ache in his body from days of walking, he stood up. Belarus stood with him, trying to offer assistance but backed down when he lifted a hand. He took one step after another until he was face to face with UK.

"I do not blame you for suspecting me first," he spoke slowly, "but I can tell you that I have nothing to do with her disappearance. I came here solely for the purpose of contacting her and I'm just finding this out from you."

Russia looked at his father's back before looking away. He couldn't blame him for being concerned for the female as much as he was, but a small part of him was hurt that he cared more about her than his own son to the point he came out of hiding just for her. He made efforts to find him, yet he stopped receiving letters updating him on his father's life and health.

Britain on the other hand was now concerned. For the first time since he began visiting Russia, he was in doubt. He was quite sure the communist union had something to do with it. However, after he saw his face in that moment, he was not so confident anymore.

Don't get him wrong, he would never trust him wherever politics and ideologies are concerned, but that moment of eye contact between the two made him see sincerity and genuine concern in his golden eye which perfectly complimented the symbol on his eyepatch. As much as he hated the thought, Britain knew deep down that USSR was innocent.

Still, he had suspicions. "And why should I believe you?"

"I think we both know why, Британия(Britain)."

That statement held a lot of substance and it only fueled Britain's distaste for the country. Though, this one was based more on envy. He envied how he was the one who got to meet her first and have her attention and loyalty. It was no surprise that a sadistic part of him was elated by how their relationship deteriorated after the Russian Revolution when he betrayed her.

While this was happening, Belarus was standing with Russia in the sidelines, completely forgotten in the conversation even though it involved their friend. She turned her head to the younger ushanka wearing country with an accusing expression.

"Did you know about any of this?!" She whisper-yelled and Russia only lifted his hands in surrender.

"I just found out about this today like you!" He hissed in response, not eager to deal with a pissed off woman in addition to the two adults before him with an unsolved rivalry.

"But still, do you know how bad this is? If more people find out about ■■■■■■ going missing, папа will surely be the first suspect regardless of his sickness or not."

He realised that she had a point. As expected, he was on the side of his father and judging from Britain's expression, so was he. However, the Englishman had mentioned 'us' when responding on why the information was kept under wraps. Meaning that others knew.

'Including that American.' He thought bitterly. If there was anyone who would suspect Soviet to no end, it would be that capitalist moron.

"Oh come on, USSR." The two Slavs turned back to the conversation which seemed to have escalated in record time. "You are using the lame excuse of your 'voices' as the reason you crawled out of the hole you hid in?"

"It is not an excuse. She believes me and I know she can help me figure out what is wrong. My mind has never been clearer as I speak to you now. Believe it or not, my voices are gone." Soviet defended, crossing his arms which made him look more intimate.

"Her believing you? Ha! Are you trying to insinuate she is insane like you? Don't make me laugh." Sarcasm and bitterness dripped from every word that left UK's mouth. "All she feels and will only feel for you is pity, Soviet. The world will end sooner before you realise this."

Soviet's face fell as his eye gleamed in anger. "Now listen here, Britain..."

Russia decided to step in before things exploded. "What did you say, father? You can no longer hear the voices?"

The larger man turned to face his son and sighed, his anger dissipating. "For the past nine months, I have heard no single voice. It has been silent for a while...a long while. Even my nights have been quite peaceful nowadays."

Belarus stepped forward and places a gentle hand on his arm. "Doesn't that mean that you are getting better?" Her voice had a hopeful tone to it.

'Or he just stopped pretending.' UK could not help roll his eyes, earning a glare from Russia.

"I wish it were the case, but this was not supposed to happen. My люби-- I mean,■■■■■■ is aware of that as well and she would have come to me to tell me if something changed. When she didn't come by, I decided to come back and ask мой сын (my son) for his help in contacting her. However, it seems that she is missing."

Britain caught what he about to say but didn't understand it. The other two did, and one felt slight jealousy at the endearment used to refer to their crush. (He almost said 'my darling')

"So if I may understand, you say that your head is clear. Meaning you are of sound mind?" UK asked slowly, his mind working fast. Confused by the sudden change, USSR nodded in affirmation.

'I'll keep that in mind for later. For now, she is of importance. And those...visions...'

He shook his head in an effort to ignore the intrusive thought. They were just nightmares, he told himself. There was no way The Recurrence was fighting in WWI when it ended a century ago. Especially not with that six eyed creature.

Soviet observed the now quiet man and noticed the eyebags and exhausted look in his eyes. It was similar to how he looked when he woke up from nightmares.

"You look tired, Британия."

Waving him off, he switched this cane from his right hand to his left metallic one. "My current state should be of no concern to anyone. You look worse compared to me." He pointedly looked at his disheveled clothes.

Chuckling, Soviet relaxed a little bit. "This? This is nothing. I am pretty strong and big so I can handle a lot more than this."

"I hope that was not an indirect jab at the size of my mainland compared to yours." He frowned, but everyone could hear the slight joking tone in his voice.

"No it was not." The smirk on the red country proved otherwise, earning a blank expression from UK who was done with his humour.

"Agree to disagree." He shrugged, putting that conversation to rest for another day.

Somehow, that managed to ease the tension in the room. Just like humans, countryhumans were simple beings. It was natural desire to want to be in a comfortable environment, regardless of the people there. Not even long time rivals could avoid this fact.

Letting Belarus support his body, Soviet went back to sit on the couch and Russia sat in an armchair beside them. Britain sat in the couch opposite them, his legs relaxing at the pleasure of taking a rest. If only his mind was the same.

"Excuse me, Mr. Britain." Belarus spoke up and he focused on her. "I don't mean to be rude, but could you explain how the fuck my friend went missing?"

"Belarus." Russia warned.

"What? You swear all the time but when I do it, it's bad?" She crossed her arms and pouted.

Sighing at his children's antics, USSR faced Britain expectantly, hoping to get an explanation as well. And an explanation he got.

The Slavs listened keenly as he narrated all the events that took place, including the details. They were quite annoyed that they disposed of the tea instead of taking it in as evidence but realised they would have done the same if the house really smelled that bad.

It was when Britain mentioned Operation Recurrence that USSR interrupted him, infuriating him to no end since his son had been doing the same thing the entire time he was visiting.

"So Poland was the one who suggested that I was a suspect in her disappearance, just because of our shaky historical relations?"

"To be fair, you are not necessarily innocent. With all that you did during the Cold War, anyone would be suspicious." UK shrugged.

The Russian could only nod, feeling slightly hurt that Poland suspected him so easily but he could not blame the country. He still held some resentment for the Russians and their history of conquering his lands. The Pole only got along with Russia for the sake of diplomacy and a certain brown-skinned lady.

"I see. Well, I am willing to cooperate with you in the search for ■■■■■■, even being questioned." Russia and Belarus turned to face him in shock while Britain nodded, surprised that he was being cooperative.

"But they might take advantage of you! You can't possibly trust them." Belarus protested vehemently in Russian.

"Belarus is right. Who knows what they are planning now that you say you are of sound mind." Russia added, knowing that some of his father's old enemies might take advantage of the situation, especially now that The Recurrence was not around to use her influence.

"I understand your concern, but I will be fine. As long as I can help to find her, I don't care what happens to me. Besides," his eye glanced at the man who was wondering what they were talking about, "I will not let myself lose to those capitalists."

After that, the visitor got up from the couch. "Right. I shall take my leave. Thank for having me today. I hope to meet you soon, USSR."

"Likewise, Британия." He stood and extended his hand to shake the other's out of courtesy. Just as his hand met with the cold metal of Britain's left hand, the main entrance door was opened once more.

"Russia! Belarus! We're back from the city! You won't believe what we just saw...on the...way..." The new arrival with a blue and yellow flag trailed off in shock as a white and red country stood next to them, holding a box of pastries. The other three froze in place, not expecting this development of events.

"Hey Ukraine, what's going...on..." Another person entered, the coat he was taking off hanging on his elbows as he took in the scene before him.

"" Canada asked, just entering the room. Britain fixed his gaze on the red and white country, wondering what he was doing there. Instinctively, he let go of Soviet's hand quickly but it did little to quell the rising tension.

Poland's grip on the box loosened and it fell upside down on the floor. Ukraine had frozen in place, her face blank since she was processing the scene. No words were spoken. To make matters worse, it was not yet over.

Steps were heard from the staircase as a sleepy Kazakhstan who was visiting his siblings descended into the scene. "Belarus...I'm hungry." His yellow wings fluttered as he let them stretch while yawning. He stopped when he noticed the seven people in the living room. His attention was on the large red country who was staring at Ukraine.

"Говно! (Shit!)" Russia swore under his breath and Belarus deadpanned at his blatant hypocrisy.

"...папа?" His voice whispered softly, immediately sobering up from his sleepy state. That was enough to make things explode, and it all began with Ukraine.

"What the fuck are you doing here?!"



ᴜɴɪᴠᴇʀsᴇ ɴᴀᴍᴇ: Demon Slayer/(鬼滅の刃)Kimetsu no Yaiba

ʟᴀsᴛ ᴜɴɪᴠᴇʀsᴇ: Countryhumans

ᴜɴɪᴠᴇʀsᴇ ɪɴғᴏ: A popular anime and manga series which follows the story of Kamado Tanjirou and his friends in a world where man-eating demons exist. His main goal is to turn his sister back into a human and kill the demon progenitor, Kibutsuji Muzan

ʏᴇᴀʀ: 1916

ᴡᴏʀʟᴅ ᴇᴠᴇɴᴛs: Battle of the Somme: First use of Tanks in War(Sep 15); Battle of the Somme: Adolf Hitler is wounded in the left thigh by an exploding shell but survives(Oct 5); German Emperor Wilhelm II and Austro-Hungarian Emperor Franz Joseph I establish the Kingdom of Poland(Nov 5); Battle of the Somme ends(Dec 3); Grigori Yefimovich Rasputin is assassinated(Dec 30)...more

ᴘʟᴏᴛ ᴇᴠᴇɴᴛꜱ: Kamado Tanjirou and Kamado Nezuko are about to encounter the temple demon and Urokodaki Sakonji.

ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛ ʟᴏᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ: Japan ([Name]); France (Kokushibou)




Taishō Secrets

※Great Britain has been seeing visions more frequently about [Name], hence his exhaustion
※Great Britain dislikes the creature with six eyes but cannot see his face clearly
※Great Britain also got flashbacks about the Great War in his universe and is unnerved
※USSR is hiding some information
※Russia has a crush on [Name] but is bathing in that one river in Egypt
※America will not be happy once he finds out that USSR has returned
※Kenya will enjoy the drama that will unfold the next time Operation Recurrence meets
※Nekomi will notice something strange about Demon Slayer


Well, that's that. I'm sure some of you have already realised what happened to the ghosts. Of course, it will be revealed later on ;)

Now, as things begin to escalate, the actual plot of Demon Slayer has kicked off. Though the story will not be the same one that people once knew.

Thank you so much for reading. See you in the next chapter after I play some good old CODM. Peace ✌️.

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