Homesick | Charles Leclerc

De tonysnarky

368K 8.3K 769

❝Falling for him wasn't falling at all. It was walking into a house and suddenly knowing you're home.❞ In whi... Mais

Bonus: Archie Leclerc
Bonus: Aurelie Leclerc


1.8K 41 3
De tonysnarky

Alexandra Heroux: Shaking Up the F1 World with Style and Skill

In the heart-pounding world of Formula 1, where every race brings its own set of thrills and surprises, one newcomer has been capturing the spotlight like never before. Alexandra Heroux, the trailblazing driver for AlphaTauri, has been making waves in her debut season, smashing through expectations and proving that gender is no barrier to success in this high-speed arena.

Her journey began with a remarkable 9th place finish in the season opener in Bahrain, followed by a stellar 7th place in the Emilia Romagna Grand Prix and a solid 8th place in Portugal. With each race, she defies the odds and challenges the status quo, proving that she's not just here to compete but to excel.

Alexandra's rise to prominence is even more remarkable when you consider the tumultuous childhood she endured and her history of abuse. Her resilience and strength have not only inspired fans but have also become a symbol of hope for many who face adversity.

What sets Alexandra apart isn't just her impressive on-track performance. It's also her magnetic personality and the endearing moments she shares over the radio with her race engineer, Paddy. F1 fans have fallen head over heels for her wit, charm, and infectious laughter. The camaraderie between the two is nothing short of heartwarming, providing a refreshing glimpse into the human side of racing.

But, as the Spanish Grand Prix approaches, we've received some intriguing news that could change the dynamics in the F1 world. What could this news be? Well, dear readers, you'll have to stay tuned to find out.

For now, let's relish in some of Alexandra's best radio moments of the season so far. From her hilarious quips to her incredible defensive skills on the track, it's clear why not only the fans but also her fellow drivers seem smitten with this rising star. Whether she's overtaking rivals or cracking jokes with Paddy, Alexandra Heroux is making her mark in F1 history, one race at a time.

So, buckle up, racing enthusiasts! With Alexandra Heroux on the track, every race promises to be a thrilling adventure filled with surprises and unforgettable moments. Don't miss a beat as we continue to follow her journey through the twists and turns of the Formula 1 world. 🏁🌟 #AlexandraHeroux #F1Trailblazer #RacingPhenom




Shocking Revelation: Alexandra Heroux's Traumatic Past Exposed

In the glamorous and high-stakes world of celebrities and Formula 1, the secrets that lie beneath the surface can be both shocking and heartbreaking. Today, we bring you a heart-wrenching revelation that has recently come to light, shedding new light on Alexandra Heroux's turbulent past.

Our sources, including nurses who worked at Brexton's hospital several years ago, can now confirm a deeply distressing incident involving the talented actress and emerging F1 sensation, Alexandra Heroux. This revelation paints a vivid picture of the struggles she faced within her own family and the traumatic event that forever altered her life.

Ten years ago, Alexandra found herself hospitalized in Brexton with a fractured skull, a result of an altercation that took place within her own family. Sources reveal that she was pushed during a heated dispute and, tragically, tripped over an object, leading to a devastating fall that resulted in her striking her head on a fireplace.

What is even more shocking is the alleged cover-up that followed. Our sources indicate that Alexandra's family took extraordinary measures to ensure the incident remained hidden from the public eye. They reportedly paid off hospital staff and even managed to silence law enforcement, all to protect their family's reputation.

As we delve deeper into this troubling incident, one particular detail has caught our attention. The nurses who were on duty during Alexandra's hospitalization remember the family vividly, and their recollections paint a disturbing picture. According to one nurse, "Out of all the family members who visited, nobody seemed genuinely concerned for Alexandra's well-being. Her family was awful, but she was lucky to have a family friend who made sure she was okay. I can't remember his name, but he treated her like his own daughter, and refused to let the family near her until she wanted to see them."

This revelation begs the question: Could this male family friend be none other than the well-known F1 driver Sebastian Vettel, who was a close friend to Camille Heroux over the years? While we can't confirm this with absolute certainty, the timing and circumstances align closely with Vettel's known support for Alexandra throughout her career.

As the details of this traumatic incident continue to surface, it's evident that Alexandra Heroux's decision to sever all ties with her toxic family was a move of immense courage and strength. She deserves a life free from the shadows of her past, and her resilience both in her acting career and on the F1 circuit continues to inspire us all.

We stand with Alexandra as she embarks on this journey toward a brighter future, and we will continue to follow her story as it unfolds. 🌟💔 #AlexandraHeroux #UnveilingThePast #StrengthInAdversity


The dimly lit bedroom in their Monaco apartment was a sanctuary for Alexandra and Charles. The race in Portugal had taken a toll on both of them, physically and emotionally. As they lay in bed, wrapped in each other's arms, there was a palpable sense of exhaustion hanging in the air. The sound of waves gently lapping against the shoreline outside was a soothing backdrop to their quiet moment of respite.

Alexandra hadn't mentioned the blog, but Charles knew she had read it. He could see it in the way her gaze occasionally drifted to her phone, which lay on the nightstand beside them. The device kept buzzing with notifications, each one seemingly more insistent than the last.

After a while, Alexandra reached over to silence her phone, a sigh escaping her lips. Charles couldn't help but ask, his voice gentle but concerned, "Lexi, why won't you answer your father's calls?"

She hesitated, her fingers lingering over the phone's screen before she finally turned it off and set it aside. She turned her gaze towards Charles, her eyes clouded with a mixture of emotions. "I need to stay in my bubble," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper. "I'm trying to ignore the blog, Charles, and everything it's revealing. It's the only way I can protect myself from the pain of the past."

Charles tightened his embrace around her, understanding the weight of her words. He had seen the toll that the revelations in the blog had taken on her, and he knew that confronting the past was never easy. "Lexi," he said softly, "you don't have to face this alone. We have lawyers working on it, and they're closing in on the blog. We'll put a stop to this."

But instead of relief, Alexandra's expression held a hint of disbelief and sadness. "Charles," she whispered, "it's not just about the blog. It's about all the secrets, the pain, everything that's been hidden for so long. And it's not just me; it's my family too. I don't know if I'm ready to face it all."

Charles kissed her forehead tenderly, his heart aching for the turmoil she was going through. "We'll take it one step at a time, Lexi," he assured her. "You're stronger than you think, and you have people who love and support you. We'll get through this together."

As they lay in the quiet darkness, the waves outside continued their rhythmic lullaby. Alexandra clung to Charles, seeking solace in his arms. The battle with the shadows of the past was far from over, but in that moment, they found comfort in each other's presence, knowing that they were not alone in their struggle.

As they sat in the dimly lit room, the weight of their thoughts hanging in the air, Alexandra's quiet hum broke the silence. Charles turned his gaze to her, his eyes filled with curiosity and concern.

"What are you thinking about, Lexi?" he asked gently.

Alexandra offered a sad but affectionate smile, her fingers tracing patterns on the bedsheet. "I was just thinking... I wish I had a different family, Charles. Your family."

Charles blinked in surprise, his expression a mix of emotions. "Why do you say that?"

Alexandra took a deep breath, her voice barely above a whisper. "Because your family is everything mine isn't. They're loving and supportive, and they genuinely care about each other. They're everything I've always longed for but never had."

Her words hung in the air, heavy with the weight of her unspoken pain. She had carried the scars of her family's dysfunction for so long, and now, with the blog's revelations, it felt like those scars were being exposed for the world to see.

Charles reached out and gently cupped her face, his thumb brushing away a stray tear. "I know, Lexi," he said softly. "I can't change your past, but I can promise you that you're not alone anymore. You're part of my family now, and we're here for you, through thick and thin."

The room was filled with a heavy but contemplative silence as Charles's thoughts drifted toward his father and Jules. He couldn't help but wonder aloud, "Mon Ange, do you ever think about what your life would have been like if your mother were still alive?"

Alexandra's gaze turned introspective as she considered his question. After a moment of quiet contemplation, she smiled sadly, her eyes clouded with the weight of her past. "I've thought about it, Charles," she admitted. "But deep down, I think I'd still be in Brexton, trapped in a cycle of pain and addiction, just like my father and my brother."

The somberness of the moment hung in the air, and Alexandra turned the question back to Charles. "What about you, Charles? What do you think your life would be like?"

Charles hesitated for a moment, his gaze distant as he grappled with his thoughts. "I'd like to think I'd be happy," he began slowly. "But I'm not sure if I'd still be as motivated in F1. I race to honor my father and Jules. I want to win for them, to make them proud."

Alexandra nodded in understanding, a faint smile touching her lips. "That's a beautiful reason, Mon Amor." She continued, her voice soft and reflective. "If my mum were still alive, I wouldn't have auditioned with Tom for my role in Marvel, and I would have never entered Hollywood. That means I also wouldn't have had the chance to pursue my dream of racing in F1."

The weight of their thoughts lingered in the air, a profound silence enveloping Charles and Alexandra. Each of them contemplated the paths not taken, the divergent lives they might have led, and the people they might have been. Charles's heart ached as he missed his father and Jules, two individuals who had left an indelible mark on his life.

On the other side of the bed, Alexandra thought of how different her life would have been if her mother's accident hadn't served as the catalyst for her escape from Brexton. The pain of her past was still etched into her memory, but she had found a glimmer of hope and freedom in her new life.

As the minutes ticked by, exhaustion eventually claimed them both. Wrapped in each other's arms, they drifted into a deep, dreamless sleep.

Several hours later, in the quiet of the night, Charles was roused from his slumber by the soft, persistent buzzing of his phone. Gently, so as not to disturb Alexandra, he extricated himself from their embrace and made his way across the dimly lit room to where his phone lay.

The screen displayed a "No Caller ID" notification, an unusual and somewhat unsettling occurrence. Without making a sound, Charles stepped out onto the hotel's balcony, his senses alert and his heart racing. The cool night air washed over him as he answered the call, a sense of foreboding settling in his chest.

"Hello?" he whispered, his voice tinged with a mixture of curiosity and trepidation.

As Charles listened to the voice on the other end of the line reveal itself as Jacob Jenkins, a surge of emotions coursed through him. He was taken aback by the unexpected call, a mix of surprise and curiosity marking his features. He replied with a polite, albeit guarded, greeting.

"Jacob," Charles said, his voice cautious. "How did you get this number?"

Jacob's voice carried an air of sincerity and perhaps a touch of remorse as he responded, "I found your number through Lewis. I hope you don't mind that I reached out."

Charles hesitated for a moment, his thoughts racing as he considered the implications of this conversation. Finally, he replied, "What's on your mind, Jacob?"

Jacob's tone carried a sense of concern as he explained, "I'm worried about Alexandra. I wanted to check in on her, make sure she's doing okay."

Charles's brow furrowed, and he took a moment to choose his words carefully. "The truth is, she's not doing well," he admitted. "She's been trying to ignore the blog, and by extension, you. She thinks that ignoring it will make it all go away."

Jacob's concern deepened, and there was a hint of urgency in his voice as he continued, "Charles, I need you to understand something. Things are likely going to get a lot worse."

Charles couldn't hide his confusion. "Worse? What do you mean?"

Jacob let out a heavy sigh, his voice weighed down by the gravity of his words. "The blog isn't just intent on revealing issues from the past, Charles. They have plans to cause problems for the family in the present as well. I fear it won't stop with the past; it's going to affect all of us."

The weight of this revelation hung heavily in the air, leaving Charles with a sense of foreboding about what the future might hold for Alexandra and her family.

Charles absorbed Jacob's words, a growing sense of unease settling in his chest as he listened to the disturbing revelation. His mind raced with concern for Alexandra and how this intrusion could affect her already fragile state.

Jacob continued, "James has a source at the blog, and this source has tipped him off. They plan to have reporters in the paddock from now on, listening in and trying to cause drama, get the inside scoop on Lexi's life. I need you to be careful, Charles."

Charles clenched his jaw, grappling with the gravity of the situation. "Is there anything we can do to prevent this?"

Jacob's sigh was heavy with resignation. "James is the only one who has come into contact with the blog's reporters, so nobody else would recognize them. It's a tricky situation. My only suggestion, would be to have James in the Paddock too, so he can find them and tell security."

Charles sighed in defeat, realizing the potential pain this course of action could cause Alexandra. But he also knew that her safety and peace of mind were paramount. "Okay...If it's the only way-,"

Jacob didn't hesitate, understanding the necessity of the decision. "Just be prepared, Charles. Alexandra won't like the idea."

Charles nodded, though Jacob couldn't see it over the phone. "Leave it to me. I'll see what I can do."

As their conversation neared its end, Charles couldn't shake the weight of the situation. Jacob issued a final warning, one that sent a shiver down Charles's spine. "These reporters will likely try to contact your family and friends too, Charles, to get a scoop on Lexi."

Charles thanked Jacob for the warning, his heart heavy with the weight of the decisions that lay ahead. Hanging up the phone, he knew that he had a difficult conversation ahead with Alexandra, one that would challenge their relationship in ways they had never anticipated.


The following day, Charles had convened a gathering of some of Alexandra's closest friends and colleagues, a group that included Lewis Hamilton, Toto Wolff, Valtteri Bottas, Max Verstappen, Carlos Sainz, Daniel Ricciardo, Lando Norris, Kimi Räikkönen, Sebastian Vettel, Christian Horner, and George Russell. They had come together to discuss the pressing issue of the reporters from the blog infiltrating the paddock.

Charles, with a heavy heart, explained the potential threat posed by these reporters and suggested James Jenkins' idea of having him in the paddock to help identify and manage the situation. The room fell into a contemplative silence as everyone absorbed the gravity of the situation.

However, the silence was broken by Lewis Hamilton's anger. His voice carried a thunderous tone as he vehemently opposed the idea. "No, absolutely not!" Lewis declared, his eyes blazing with intensity. "After what James has done to Lexi, how could you even consider this?"

The others in the room exchanged puzzled glances, unable to fully grasp Lewis's vehement objection. Charles, though he agreed with Lewis on a personal level, presented a different perspective. "Lewis, I understand your anger, and I share it. But we need to consider the alternative. What if these reporters catch something more serious from us? What if they cause even more problems now, with a story that nobody can see coming?"

Charles, his frustration giving way to anger, retorted, "Lewis, I'm just trying to keep her safe! I—"

Before Charles could finish his sentence, Lewis lost control. He rushed at Charles, pinning him against a wall with a frightening intensity. His threat hung in the air like a storm cloud, casting a shadow over the room. "If you let James near Alexandra, I'll kill you."

The room was filled with a tense silence, and the atmosphere had turned volatile in an instant. Toto Wolff and Valtteri Bottas acted quickly, intervening and pulling Lewis away from Charles. Lewis stormed out of the room, his shouts echoing.

"James is a fucking monster! You can't let him near her!" 

The group left behind turned to Charles, confusion and concern etched on their faces. Charles, mortified and deeply affected by the confrontation, looked downcast and saddened by the ordeal. Sebastian Vettel stepped forward, placing a reassuring hand on Charles's shoulder.

Charles let out a weary sigh, the weight of the situation pressing down on him. He understood the group's concern and frustration, and he knew it was time to address the issue at hand.

"It's not my story to tell," Charles began, his voice steady but filled with a sense of responsibility to Alexandra. "What I can tell you is that Lexi is terrified of her brother. She doesn't want him anywhere near her, and she struggles even to hear the sound of his voice. Lewis is right—James is a bad person."

He paused for a moment, the gravity of his next words hanging in the air. "But I'm worried that if the blog gets close to Alexandra, they'll tip her over the edge. It might be safer to have a known evil, James, around Lexi, where we can monitor the situation, rather than an unknown evil like the blog, where we can't keep an eye on them and protect her."

The group absorbed his words, recognizing the complexity of the situation they were facing. They knew that their primary concern was Alexandra's well-being, and while there were no easy answers, they were determined to find a solution that would provide her with the support and protection she needed in this challenging time.

As the group contemplated the dilemma at hand, Daniel was the first to speak in agreement with Charles's rationale. "I think you have a point," he stated. "Between all of us, we could easily keep James away from Lex and ensure she's safe."

Christian nodded in agreement with Daniel's assessment, but Sebastian seemed more uncertain. "I think Lexi should know if her brother will be near her," he said slowly, his expression thoughtful. "Especially if she doesn't want him near her."

Max, who had some insight into Lexi's feelings, spoke up next. "I've spoken to Lexi about her brother," he admitted. "And look, I don't know everything, but Charles is right—she's genuinely terrified of James. If she knows he's at the paddock, she won't take it well."

Max then posed a challenging question to the group. "Do you think it's possible to keep James around but also keep Lexi away and in the dark about it? Just for one weekend?"

Valtteri, chimed in. "It should be easy enough, especially if James is in a garage like Red Bull's. Christian and Max can keep an eye on him, and we all take turns distracting Lexi. She'll never have to know."

Toto's question hung heavily in the air, casting a shadow over the room. "What about Lewis?"

The group fell into a thoughtful silence, each member contemplating how to approach this sensitive matter. George offered to talk to Lewis, attempting to convince him to agree to the plan, but Charles cut him off with a solemn expression.

"There's no way Lewis will change his mind," Charles explained. "If anything, he might try to confront James if he sees him. He's still angry about the past."

Valtteri spoke up. "I'll handle Lewis," he said resolutely. "I'll make sure he stays away."

The room fell into a heavy silence once more, the weight of the situation settling over them all. Everyone was acutely aware of the potential risks and pitfalls of the plan, but they also recognized that it was the best way to protect Alexandra from the looming threat.

The unspoken understanding among the group was that they would do whatever it took to ensure Lexi's safety and well-being, even if it meant navigating a treacherous path filled with uncertainties and challenges. The room may have been filled with uncertainty, but it was also filled with unwavering determination to protect their friend and colleague.

"Okay..." Charles whispered. 

"James Jenkins is joining Red Bull."

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