A Misty Memory


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As promised, I am here to re-post the Wednesday/Reader book that I had created in the 'Oh, Who Is She?' book... Еще

Act One - Scene 1: A haunting face
Act One - Scene 2: Across the sea of time
Act One - Scene 3: Just a dream?
Act One - Scene 4: A Mystery
Act One - Scene 5: A lost embrace
Act One - Scene 6: A love immortal such as mine
Act One - Scene 7: Come to me, Eternally
Act One - Final Scene: Immortal she, Return to me.
Intermission: Scene 1
Intermission: Final Scene

Intermission: Scene 2

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As the adjustment continues, I soon find myself in The Addams's library that was located on the main floor. Morticia caught me reading one day in her garden which was when she offered to show me their, not so secret, library and I've been here for as long as my brain can handle.

It appeared that Gomez had a love for books, something I didn't even bother to ask about. He took the liberty to introduce me to a few of his favorite novels.

"Whatever you see here that interests you, you're more than welcome to borrow it."

I remember him saying, giving me such a warm smile that I had to wonder who was kinder; him or his wife.

So now, I was on my tenth book. Sat in the leather armchair next to the fireplace. The book I had was a book on Law, it was intriguing to see all of the highlighted points and where Gomez had been to read and what he thought was important. Granted, I picked this book up by mistake and haven't been able to put it down since. That's when I learned that he was, in fact, a lawyer. I guess that's where most of his wealth has come from.

I respect this family enough not to just bluntly ask them why they're so wealthy. So I observed. And eventually I found the answer I sought out.

With the book in my hands; the bottom resting on my chest so my face was hidden behind the opened pages, I heard the cry of a string instrument above me.

"Wednesday must be upset."

I lower the book till its laying flat against my chest and see Morticia standing in the door way. Her arms are folded delicately over her chest and she's staring up at the ceiling.

"What makes you say that?" I ask.

She drops her gaze to meet mine and smiles. I will never not get enough of this family and how kindly they smile at me.

"Wednesday practices her cello every night before bed. It's a routine she has etched into her brain." When Morticia stopped I realized she was right. It was like clock work for the daunting girl.

"But when she plays during the day like this, it's because of two things. One: she's hit a snag in her writing and has developed a bad case of writers block. Or... two: something has hindered her in some way and in order to keep her from harming someone she takes her frustrations out on her cello."

Morticia pauses as her slim pale fingers touch the bottom of her chin in thought. "It's a pity she spares a vile individual for causing her such distress." Morticia says. "Hm." She then shrugged her shoulders.

I sit up from my slouched position and place the book off to the side; that was now closed.

That was something I did take notice of Wednesday. She has tortured people before, attempted to harm them, and has harmed them. But she only does it when she's provoked. Or when she feels threatened so she can assert her dominance. But not one time have I seen her lose her temper to the point that she'd hurt someone for the sake of just hurting someone.

"So she has her vices." I murmur.

"Not to sound like a normie parent but,"

I glanced over to where Morticia still stood as she spoke up, reminding me she was there.

"I much prefer she use instruments or writing as something to redirect her mind. Drugs or alcohol will only stunt her performance."


I've smoked with Ajax before and it made me feel so chill but I also didn't want to do anything. I did hear that there's different types of weed but I wasn't as interested in learning them all so I stuck to being sober. For the most part anyways.

"But what about murder?" I had asked, more so as an afterthought.

The melody that Wednesday was playing sounded offbeat but in my gut I knew that's how the song was meant to be played.

"I suppose if she doesn't get caught then it's fine." Morticia breathed in slowly before gently letting it out. "I can assure you, Wednesday meant for that boy to live. She wanted to teach him a lesson, not kill him."

I give Morticia a confused look. "What boy?"

"Dalton. The boy from her old school before she attended Nevermore." Morticia explained.

"Oh." I never did ask how she got to the academy. I've only heard the rumors.

"If Wednesday wanted him dead, he would have been."

That fact alone caused a chill to race down my spine. Even though I already knew that about Wednesday, it was still horrifying to hear her mother confirm it.

"Do you play an instrument?"

The question brought me out of my thoughts as I blink them away before answering.

"Uhm.... That was one thing I failed to pick up while under Larissa's wings."

At the mention of her old friend, Morticia allowed her face to droop slightly. The Addams were expressive if they wanted to be, you just had to look hard enough and pay attention.

"Is there an instrument you would like to play?" Morticia asked, "it's never too late to start practicing."

I thought about it and honestly, the piano sounded like a good option. My eyes shift to meet hers and I tell her as such. To which she smiles.

"Come with me."

I get up off the chair, leaving the book behind, and following the woman out of the library. She took me down a hallway that led into another set of rooms that I barely remember because, damn, this mansion was big. Bigger than I'd ever imagined it would be.

The sounds of Wednesday's cello hung behind us, just a reminder that she was still practicing.  And before I knew it, Morticia had me in the billiard room. In the middle of the room was the red and black pool table. But off in the corner, where the windows reached the top and bottom of the wall, sat a perfectly black sleek piano that had the top propped up so you could see the strings on the inside.

"I thought about placing it in the conservatory room but Gomez enjoys it when I play for him while he practices his pool table skills."

I eye the table for a moment, remembering the one and only time I had ever played, before snapping back to the piano.

"Please, sit." Morticia had said so I do. She sits next to me, leaving a few inches of space, and then unveils the ivory and black keys.

"There are 88 keys on this piano." She reaches across from me and pokes the very left end key and it makes a high pitched note. She then reached down and pressed the last key on the right hand side. It gave out a deep groan like note. "Each key holds a different tune that if you put together,"

She stops speaking to play a quick piece I had never heard before. But it showcased her piano playing ability as her long dexterous fingers flew over the keys without fail.

"They become a melody."

I was in awe. She played so flawlessly that I was intrigued. I wanted to see more. I wanted to play like that.

For the next hour, Morticia showed me what each key was for. She said we could start out easy and play a simple song. So I chose 'Pop goes the Weasel.' She seemed to like that choice, and began to play it out.

I was next but of course I was shitty. Missing the notes every so often. But each time I had, Morticia was patient enough to teach me the right way. I was thankful for her because this was still nerve-wracking.

"If you prefer, I can request an actual piano instructor." Morticia had said not long after we finished. I look up at her with a sheepish smile.

"You're a good instructor, Morticia."

"I only know the basics."

I lowered my head and thought about it. On one hand, she could teach me all she knows. But on the other hand, she did have other things she needed to take care of. Why should I bother her with my need to pick up an instrument? I suppose she picks up on my apprehension because next thing I know I feel a hand on my shoulder.

"Think about it. If you wish for an instructor then I'll set you up with the family's go to. He helped Wednesday with her lessons."

"Even though they were uncalled for, as I didn't need lessons from him. The man still has an eye for perfection."

That smooth voice had me slowly turning around to see Wednesday standing near the pool table. Morticia still sat next to me as I gawked at her daughter like an idiot. Wednesday's eyes met mine and an eyebrow lifted in question.

"If you do decide to take on the piano then allow mother to bring him in. He'll teach you everything you need to know, and then some."

I nod my head, still staring at her. "Uhm... s-sure."

"Wonderful. I'll contact him right away."

Morticia takes this time to get up and leave us alone as she swiftly leaves the room. Wednesday's gaze was solid, unwavering, as the intense stare left me frozen in my spot. Why did I feel nervous all of a sudden? Something about Wednesday seemed... different... today.

"I heard you playing. You're awful."

I can't help but to snort out a laugh; ever the pessimistic she is.

"I never did say I was good at it, Ghoul. I don't have the amount of training you do for your cello."

Wednesday said nothing. She wore another dress today, this one fully black. The sleeves were long and buttoned at the cuffs. A pair of laced high heeled boots could be seen since the dress stopped just a bit past her knees. And they looked expensive. It also made her seem taller; was that why she wore heeled boots and platforms? To seem taller?

There was just something about the way she was dressed that gave my heart palpitations. I swallow back the drool that pooled around my lips upon seeing her - calm the fuck down, she's literally just standing there.

Oh shit... now she's walking to me.

I blink a few times to rid myself of those thoughts. My head tilted, just slightly, the closer she got so I could keep her face in my eye sight.


"Mhm?" I didn't trust my voice.

"It seems that you are fitting in nicely. My family adores you."

I smile at this as an ease swoops around my body.

"To which I'm grateful. The hospitality has been wonderful."

When Wednesday comes to a stop, I let my head lift up just so I could keep eye contact and something in her eyes flash at me. But it's gone all too soon. She was so close that I could reach out and touch her face. I don't.

"Do you still feel alone?"

What I had said all that time ago must have been on her mind still if she's asking this now.

"I don't feel as lonely, no." I stopped what I was saying, leaving it open so she knew I wasn't done, before adding; "is that why you're upset?"

At the mention of her feelings, Wednesday clammed up and let the vulnerability be swept away by a stony expression.

"I am unsure of what you mean."

She was closing me out again. I noticed that she does this when she doesn't want to talk about what's bothering her. But eventually she'll always find me later in the night just to talk about it then. So I always wait for her. It's better to be patient than pushy.

I open my mouth to speak but then Gomez walks in the room with a man at his side.

He was about to conduct business which meant Wednesday and I were to leave in order to allow him to do his job.


Couple of days later I found myself descending the stairs slowly. I always enjoyed admiring the chandelier as I do. My hand would slide along the railing as I just take in my surroundings; familiarizing myself with them. I then notice a record player near the corner at the bottom of the steps and some records under it. Why hadn't I seen this before? This entire mansion was filled with antiques so it was a wonder why or how I missed this one in general.

Once I step off of the last step, I walk around the railing to inspect the record player. Not long after do I feel a presence behind me. I spin around and see Gomez there with a grin.

"See any there that you like?"

I glanced back down before picking up a tattered case that was a faded red with a woman on the front. I slip the record from its sleeve and then place it on the spindle. I then lift the stylus and gently place the needle onto the record. And not but moments later does the sweet sound of an acoustic guitar spill through the speakers. La Llorona by Ángela Aguilar begins to play.

"Excellent choice, little rabbit. It's a shame the original record I owned was destroyed years ago." Gomez explained. "Morticia found this copy and picked it up for me a year after."

"It's a beautiful song." I say with a smile.

"Haunting, filled with latin spice and the perfect song to dance to." He held his hand out and I, just like Morticia and Wednesday, felt compelled to take it.

A part of me wanted to believe that these people were indeed vampires. It was one of the many rumors about the family. Though I've met tons of vampires in my lifetime so why would this be any different if they were?

The second I slip my hand into his he pulls on me and we're set in a flawless dance. It was hard to keep up with him but I somehow managed. The man was a beast when it came to footwork. As if he had been dancing all his life.

"You can dance too?" He asked, filled with surprise and eagerness. I smile as he twirls me around.

"I took classes after Larissa took me in. She actually insisted." I let out a laugh when he dips me down before pulling me up again. "I'm happy she was persistent about it."

As Gomez spun me once more, he let go of my hand. I was left to spin on my own before bumping into someone. The moment I do, her scent fills my nose and I look to see Wednesday standing there near the bottom of the steps. My arm pressed into her chest and I was quick to pull away; just in case. Stumbling a bit as I do.

"Father." She greets, all while still looking me in the eyes. "Y/n."

"Ah! My little Viper. It seems your rabbit here knows how to dance."

I was captivated by her large brown eyes as she refused to look away from me.

"This is new information. Why didn't you tell me?" She asked me directly.

"You never asked." I retort. Wednesday's left brow slowly lifts at this before lowering as she holds her hand out to me.

"You must forgive me then. Had my mind not been solely on saving Nevermore, I would have asked you to the Rave'N instead of going along with your plan by attending with Galpin's insufferable son." She pauses as I look at her hand. "Care for a dance then? I feel as you owe me one."

I must have been dreaming because Wednesday just asked me to dance with her. But nonetheless, I took her up on her offer. I knew she wouldn't admit to it right now, but she was dying to dance with me. If the look in her eyes were anything to go by.

My hand slides into her awaited one with ease and I'm pulled into her quickly. My brain short circuits the second our chests touch. Though I was quick to take a slight stumble back so we could get into position. Her left hand on my right shoulder, while her right hand rested in my left. My right hand held her hip and before we both knew what was happening, I was slowly leading the Addams girl into a timeless dance.

The song was slow paced so I matched my movements to the beat. Our bodies swayed but somehow it still felt off. Nothing like how it was with Gomez. I was nervous and refused to meet Wednesday's eyes. I knew she was staring at me.


"Yes?" I answer without looking up.

"Stop staring at our feet and look at me."

I suck in a deep breath as we come to a stop and I'm forced to do as she says. Once I do, she holds me in that same, unwavering, stare. The world around us slips away and i'm reminded why I started liking this girl. From the freckles on the bridge of her nose to the dark irises that stared back at me with nothing but want. Even the way her lips, pillow like and soft to the touch, would slightly up turn to show it was going to be okay.

For someone who barely showed emotion, Wednesday wasn't afraid to hold every last thing she felt for me right on her face. Maybe it was a privilege thing. I felt....special. As if she were only allowing me to see this side of her and no one else.

It was so intimate that I hadn't realized that she was now leading the dance and I was effortlessly following along. As if she were ensuring I moved exactly how she wanted me to. She was the puppeteer and I, the puppet.

Maybe that's why I felt so nervous around her all of a sudden. Because the looks she started using became more intimate, more...open. I mean, she was in her comfort zone. And there were no pesky Nevermore students around to analyze her every move. No Enid. No Bianca and No cry baby boys that wanted her attention. Just her and me.

Here at home, she had no reason to hold back and a part of me, if not all of me, felt smitten that I was getting to see the more vulnerable side of Wednesday.

I can tell that the song is closing soon, much to my dismay, and the way Wednesday's hand slid down from my shoulder to hold my bicep caused my heart to pick up and pound against my ribcage. I was brought back to reality and Wednesday was there with a very unreadable look upon her face.

"May I cut in?"

We're both pulled from our fantasy world as we look over and see Morticia there. Wednesday steps back just as I reach a hand out before being whisked away by her mother. Wednesday goes to stand next to her father while they watch us dance to the remaining sounds of La Llorona.

No one's POV:

"I saw the way you held onto her." Gomez whispers for only Wednesday to hear. The girl gives her father a side eye before turning back to the two before them.

"We were merely dancing. I wanted her to go the way I needed her to go."

Gomez knew better. He's seen the looks, the fleeting touches. He knows young love from a mile away. But this was Wednesday we were talking about. She would never admit to it. So he had to wait for her to come to him. Which, to his surprise, was sooner rather than later.

Wednesday's jaw tensed slightly as she lifted her head up and watched, from the tip of her nose, as you get led around by her mother. A beautiful smile appears on your face when Morticia spun you around. That smile could literally melt even the coldest of hearts. She hated the way it made her feel but loved seeing it.

When you had asked her the other day if she was upset, she came to detest her own behavior towards you. Wanting to squash the vulnerable part of her and go back into her cold exterior mindset. But something told her not to, that her being upset was no one's fault but her own. That the reason she's been so secretive towards you is because her feelings have been eating her up. And not in the way she would have liked.


Gomez's trance was broken as he turns his head to the side and stares at his daughter.

"Yes, my little scorpion?"

Wednesday's lips press together as she thinks about how she wanted to ask this, or even speak of it. But if anyone would know how to answer her, it would be her father.

"I told mother I would never be like you or her. That I'd never be a housewife or fall in love or have a family." She stops and clasps her hands in front of her. A habit she does when she's unsure of something. "But... I guess the saying goes 'Never say never.'"

Gomez let his head lift up as he thought of a way to say what he wanted. He needed to be cautious because anything said wrong could set the teen girl off.

"Wednesday, emotions can be tricky to comprehend. But love, is so much more than that. It's not just an emotion, it's a force. The second you feel it, it won't go away. It's like a plague that clings to your entire being and slowly festers with time."

"Like a disease." Wednesday deadpan. She didn't like this already but the more she watched you, the stronger those feelings grew inside her chest.

"Exactly like a disease. Except there's no cure for this. Because once it has you, you'll become addicted by it. You'll want to know more, and since I know how you are. You won't let this go until it destroys you."

"I will say that the very thought excites me. But did it have to be love that would be the cause of my downfall?" Wednesday muttered.

"Love isn't about being a house wife or a mother to children." Gomez continues as if she hadn't said anything at all. He watches as Wednesday finally looks at him. "Love is when you can trust someone wholly. It allows you to see the best traits in people. Tell me, right now, without thinking about it, what's something you adore about Y/n. So much so that you could say you love it."

Without missing a beat, Wednesday answers. Her eyes locked with her father's.

"Her smile." Wednesday looks down briefly, a little of vulnerability showing, before she looks up again and stares at Gomez. "I find that when she smiles at me, I feel these little stabs in my chest that only get worse when she laughs or says my name."

Wednesday raises her right hand up and places the tips of her fingers against the fabric of her dress just over her heart. Her brows knit together sightly, and Gomez was close enough to see the arch they made.

"Father, this sensation... it's as if my heart has been gripped with barbed wires made of burning hot steel. It's almost... suffocating."

"Ah, the passion of love!" Gomez wraps an arm around the girl's shoulders and pulls her in for a side hug. To which Wednesday accepted, reluctantly. "What you are experiencing is normal for an Addams. You're falling in love, my deadly tormenta."

Wednesday loathed the idea of having fallen in love with someone. She still had much to do. She had plans. She had.... You. You were hers. And for very good reason. You never hindered her in any way and that's why she felt this way about you.

"Now, I wouldn't be niave and say that you love her....yet. But I can see it, clear as day, how much you feel for her. And vice versa." He releases his daughter before adding. "Love is meant for two individuals to care for the other unconditionally. You're a team, not one individual person. You build each other up. Love is so much more than just being a house wife."

When the song ended, it was a really long song apparently, Wednesday caught the tail end of your smile. You had used it for her mother but when you caught her gaze, the smile shifted to a gentler one. It matched the warmth in your eyes and the patience Wednesday knew you held for her. She lied to her father. It wasn't your smile she loved. It was your undying patience for her.

You had proved to her that she could rely on you. No matter the circumstances or the outcome. You were always at her side.

As if you understood everything and always knew what to say or do. It's why she was upset the other day. Because she couldn't figure out what she was feeling. And now that her father basically spelled it out for her, Wednesday wanted nothing more than to get as far away from you. Truth be told, she should have ran away from you when she had the chance.

But, as you walk towards her, she suddenly remembered you both were dating, you are hers. And now that she was yours, she craved you more than anything else. Just like how her father had predicted.

"Hello Y/n." She greets you once you were standing close. Your eyes blink a few times before you suddenly get nervous and look away.

"Why are you nervous?" She asked.

"Because you're giving me that look again." You say with a mumble. "The same look you gave me while we were at the cemetery."

You finally get the courage to look at her and almost regret it. "It's as if you want to.... devour me."

Wednesday unfolds her hands from in front of her and reaches her left out to cup your cheek. You stood frozen. The world melted away and all that remained was you and Wednesday. Her thumb softly grazes over your bottom lip before she tugs on it. Your breath hitches as you do your best not to look away from her gaze. What was she doing? You had wondered.

"On the contrary, rabbit, I want to torture you for the rest of your life." Wednesday had no idea what possessed her to speak like this but she couldn't stop. She stepped closer, her heeled boots keeping her at about the same height as you and gripped your chin between her thumb and index finger. "Break that nervous habit down until you're a desperate mess. Pleading for me to end your suffering."

"Wha....?" You try to say but it comes out airy. Something sharp sticks into your side.

Your eyes flick down just to see Wednesday's hand curled around something. You blink back your sudden shock before meeting those beautiful brown eyes. Wednesday just stabbed you. Wednesday Addams just stabbed you. The betrayal that started to swirl in your eyes made your fear nonexistent. But then, in a swift fashion, Wednesday pushed forward and ghosted her lips over yours. She didn't like the look you were giving her, she wanted to make you understand and if kissing you showed her intentions then she'd kiss you every day of her life.

"Heal for me." She whispered before finally pressing her lip's against yours. And just like that she ripped the knife out of your stomach. With a gasp, that Wednesday swallowed, you close your eyes and allow her to lead you. Not allowing you to watch as your shirt gets soaked with blood before the effects of your healing abilities take over.

Wednesday's lips pressed into yours demandingly, and you obeyed. You almost didn't want to kiss her back, but the moment you do, you can feel the way your healing speeds up. The sharp pain is almost gone. And then you come back to reality and push Wednesday away with a huff.

"Why the fuck did you just stab me?!"

Wednesday stared at you like you were dumb as a box of rocks. "Because my father insists that I'm-." She stops, feeling her throat constrict as she stops breathing for a second. Wednesday then clears her throat as she looks at you again. This is what she meant about patience. Even though you demanded an answer, you waited for it. Albeit angry. You still waited for her to explain her methods to you.

"It appears that I'm falling..." she stops again, trying to avoid your gaze. Then she huffs. "My feelings have changed for you. They've somehow gotten stronger without my noticing."

You go to say something before you register what she was trying to say and rapidly blink at her. Did she just... Wednesday was back in your personal space as she grabs the front of your shirt and pulls you closer to her face.

"Can you handle my love, Y/n?"

Honestly, you could do without the stabbing. You knew Wednesday could kill you if she really wanted to, she had the very chance to do so just then. But she missed the major organs.... On purpose. And if this was her form of bullying, like how a boy would a girl he's crushing on, then you'd be well out of energy by the end. As she said before all of this, she'd torture you.

"Stop stabbing me." You say with an exhausted sigh. Wednesday says nothing as she watches your face.

You wrap your arms around her waist and pull her in just as your lips cover hers. You deepened the kiss and was pleased to feel Wednesday reciprocate in kind. Her hands even let go of your shirt to wrap around your shoulders. And then, the kiss ended as you pulled away.

"I want to torture you and see how far your abilities can go." Wednesday said. She barely sounded out of breath.

"At least ask for my consent first." You say with a sigh.

Wednesday looks at you, her eyes shifting from one of your eyes to the other.

"Every night, I want to conduct torture session of sorts."

As you held Wednesday close to you, a soft humming sound emits from your throat as you look over her head in thought.

"How long will these 'sessions' last?"

Wednesday allowed her eyes to lower down your face as she thinks. You try to stare into her eyes, to detect anything, until she's looking back at you with excitement.

"However long you can stand it."

"Care to tell me why?" You ask.

Eventually Wednesday pulls out of your arms with her hands resting on your forearms.

"You got hurt because of m-"

A hand is placed over Wednesday's mouth and you give her a hard look. "I got hurt because I chose to be by your side. That wasn't your fault."

Wednesday pulls your hand away, "Let me finish."

Your arm drops, "sorry."

"You got hurt because of me. And if it weren't for your healing abilities you'd be dead. So I want to see how far your healing can go. I don't intend on killing you but I will need you to try and work with me."

Wednesday stops to let out some air. Her eyes fixated on your face.

"I need to push you past your limits. Because if someone succeeds in killing you then I will be most upset that you died."

You snort out a soft laugh. It was the closest you'd ever get to Wednesday admitting she cared if you were to parish. Though you weren't mad about it, her words did cause a flutter to happen in your stomach.

"So you aim to intensify my healing process?"

"For a lack of words, yes.."

"It makes me tired."

"Then I will train you."

You laugh at this. "I'm not a dog, Addams."

"Our best friend is."

Your eyes widened and then Wednesday stepped back a bit.

"Why must you grin like the Cheshire Cat?"

"I'm telling Enid you called her your best friend."

Wednesday's eyes narrowed as her right hand grabbed your throat. Her grip was fierce. "If you dare, I will slit your throat. And see if you can heal from that."

The look in her eyes told you she was serious and suddenly a chill raced down your spine. Your left hand reached out to squeeze her wrist before you leaned in to kiss her brow so it would soften under her fringe. Her hand had fallen away from your neck so you could do such things.

"I wouldn't have to worry about someone else killing me. You'll do that on your own."

Wednesday eyes you for a moment only to feel your arms leave her body. She would never tell you how she missed the warmth you provided. She'd sooner drop dead.

"Y/n, care to help me with dinner tonight?"

Your attention snapped to the woman next to you. "I'll be right there."

Morticia and Gomez had left way before the stabbing happened. But Morticia had come back so she could make sure her daughter didn't kill the poor girl. Thankfully, Wednesday was too attached to you to allow herself to murder you. The woman left once she got her answer and you turned back to address the homicidal teen.

"Since you got all of that off your chest, I suggest you warn me next time so I'm not wearing my favorite clothes." You chided.

You even lift up the red part of the shirt where a slit was located in the middle of the stain. A shirt that was gray.

"My apologies. I will graciously buy you another." Wednesday said, monotone and all.

You liked her answer and gave her a smile before walking out of the room to head straight for the kitchen.

Wednesday was left with her own thoughts.


A/n: This chapter has been reworked many many times. But I think I've got the right ending for it. The final chapter for these little intermission scenes is still in the works. So bear with me.

Also, I've had the idea to allow Wednesday to torture the reader for a while now. Ever since she explained her abilities to Wednesday. And yes, I will add that into the next chapter.

Until next time, dear readers. Ciao!~

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