Come Rain or Come Shine

By TheQuietHufflepuff

1.4K 66 0

When the Apocalypse is thwarted, Dean finds himself returning to a former flame. She does her best to help h... More

Season Six
Season Seven


16 2 0
By TheQuietHufflepuff

[Meet the New Boss]


"Well, all right then," Bobby said. "Is this good, or you want the whole "forehead to the carpet" thing?" He looked to Dean. "Guys?"

Dean and Sam started to kneel.

"Stop," Castiel told them. "What's the point if you don't mean it? You fear me. Not love, not respect, just fear."

"Cas..." Sam began.

"Sam, you have nothing to say to me; you stabbed me in the back." He spoke to Bobby, Dean and Michal. "Get up."

"Cas, come on, this isn't you," Dean said.

"The Castiel you knew is gone."

"So what, then? Kill us?"

"What a brave little ant you are. You know you're powerless, you wouldn't dare move against me again. So I have no need to kill you. Not now. Besides... once you were my favorite pets before you turned and bit me."

"Who are you?"

"I'm God. And if you stay in your place, you may live in my kingdom. If you rise up, I will strike you down. Not doing so well, are you Sam?"

"I'm fine..." Sam cleared his throat, "...I'm... fine."

"You said you would fix him - you promised!" Dean yelled.

"If you stood down, which you two hardly did. Be thankful for my mercy. I could have cast you back into the pit."

"Cas, come on, this is nuts! You can turn this around, please!"

"I hope for your sake, this is the last you see me."

Castiel disappeared. Bobby, Dean, Sam and Michal looked around and at each other for a few seconds, until Sam's nose began bleeding.

"Sam, you okay?" Dean asked.

Sam saw a vision of himself burning in Hell, then fell to the ground and cut his hand on some broken glass. He kept seeing glimpses of his body on fire.


"Understand," Castiel said. "If you followed Raphael, if you stood against me, punishment is certain; there is nowhere to hide. The rest of you, our Father left a long time ago, and that was hard. I thought the answer was free will. But I understand now. You need a firm hand. You need a father. And I am your father now. Be obedient, children. Or this will be your fate."

Castiel was standing, surrounded by dozens of dead angels, evident by all the scorched black wing marks.

"It is a new day. On earth and in Heaven. Rejoice."


Dean was crouched inside the Impala, seemingly upside-down, with his boots pressed against the roof.

Dean grunted. "Come on." He grunted as metal sounded while he tried to push the dented roof out with his feet. "Come on, baby!"

He was on his backs.

"So, you fixin' her or primal screamin'?" Bobby asked.

Dean extricated himself from the Impala and accepted a beer from Bobby.

"Ah, thanks," Dean said. "How's Sam?"

"He's still under. But alive. Frankie's watching over him."

"Yeah? Good. What about God part deux?"

"I got all kinds of feelers out, so far diddly."

"And what exactly are you looking for?"

"Exactly. What? Miracles, mass visions, trench coat on a tortilla? I don't know what I'm looking for."

"Ah, well, he'll surface."

"So say we do suss out where "new and improved" flew off to..."


"The hell we plan to do about it?"

"I don't know, Bobby, I got no more clue than you do."

"I don't even know what books to hit for this, Dean."

"Well, figure it out! I'm sorry. This ain't in no book. If you stick your neck out, Cas steps on it. So you know what I'm gonna do?"


"I'mma fix this car. Because that's what I can do. I can work on her 'til she's mint. And when Sam wakes up, no matter what shape he's in, we'll glue him back together too. We owe him that."

"I'm with you."

Dean laid back down in the Impala and he began pounding on the roof with a mallet.


Dean entered from the back door, wiping his hands. He got a beer from the fridge.

Sam appeared in the doorway from the living room. "Hey, Dean."

"Ah, you're walking and talking," Dean said.

"Yeah. I, uh, put on my own socks, the whole nine."

"Well, that's uh... I mean you, uh, you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah. My head hurts a little, but... basically."


"Look man, I'm as surprised as you are but, yeah, I swear."

"Good! No reason putting a gift horse under a microscope, right?"

"Yeah. So what happened with Cas?"

"Why don't you come help me with the car, I'll fill you in?"


Dean left through the back door. Sam started to follow him, but hesitated as he heard the faint sound of chains jingling. He nervously looked around, but saw nothing out of order.

Michal looked at Sam. "Are you okay?"

Sam nodded. "Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine."

"I know you're not, but I know you'll tell us in your own time."

Sam nodded and made his way outside.


Lady of Serenity Church had a sign that said 'BELIEVE IN GOD HE WALKS AMONG US'.


A reverend was preaching about homosexuality being wrong. "Plenty speak for them and their so-called lifestyle. Media, Hollywood, Lady Gaga won't shut up for love or money." The congregation chuckled. "Yeah, funny, but that's why we raise our voices! And picket their so-called weddings, and their funerals. Someone has to speak for God."

"And who says you speak for God?" Castiel questioned, causing the congregation to look at him as he stood at the other end of the aisle. "You're wrong, I am utterly indifferent to sexual orientation. On the other hand, I cannot abide hypocrites like you, Reverend."

"Okay, fun's over friend."

"Tell your flock where your genitals have been before you speak for me."

"And who the heck are you?"

"I'm God."

The congregation murmured. A parishioner stood and tried to speak, but after a look from Castiel, he fell back unconscious and broke the church pew.

Castiel continued. "And he who lies in my name shall choke on his own false tongue, and his poisonous words shall betray him."

The reverend began choking and foamed at the mouth; he fell to his knees and collapsed to the floor, dead.

Castiel addressed the congregation. "For I am the Lord, your God." He started walking out of the church, but stopped when he heard a whispering voice in his head.

"Castiel..." the voice whispered as he grasped the back of a pew. "Cas!"

Castiel turned and looked at an image of Jesus in a stained-glass window. He collected himself and resumed walking from the church, but left a singed patch of wood on the back of the pew where he hand was, also revealing that the image of Jesus in the window had changed to that of Castiel in his trench coat.


Sam was looking through tool drawers. He heard the faint jingling of chains as well as ominous laughter. He saw nothing and went back to his task, finding the wrench he was looking for. He turned around and was shocked to find the basement bathed in an eerie red light. Many chains hung from the ceiling, as well as meathooks with bits of flesh and hair still attached.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" an evil voice laughed.

"No, no, this can't be happening," Sam said.

"Sam!" Lucifer's voice called.

"Hey Sam! What are you, taking a nap down here?" Bobby asked as he appeared. The basement was back to normal. A terrified Sam wielded the wrench like a weapon, pointing it at Bobby. "It's Cas, we think. Come on."

"Yeah. Coming."


Breaking News - CBA News

A TV announcer spoke. "The sudden deaths of some 200 religious leaders are currently under investigation. The Vatican has yet to issue a statement, but some are already calling this an act of God."

Dean, Bobby, Sam and Michal stood watching the TV news. A woman was being interviewed outside the church.

"We all saw him," the woman said. "No beard, no robe. He was young... and... and sexy. He had a raincoat."

Dean shut off the TV.


Dean was in the Impala, working on a window, while listening to a radio announcer.

"Believed to be target hits high up in white-supremacy organizations. The FBI now believes the Ku Klux Klan has been forced to disband."

"Can't argue with that one," Dean said.

The radio announcer spoke again. "A freak lightning strike on the heels of the fire that burned down the Center for Vibrational Enlightenment earlier today. Said a spokesman, "this tragedy represents the largest loss in New Age motivational speaker history"."

"Motivational speakers?" Sam questioned.

"Yeah, we're not sure new Cas gets irony better than old Cas," Dean replied. "Of course, old Cas wouldn't smite Madison Square Garden just to prove a point. He is off the deep end of the deep end. And there's no slowing down."

"So, what? Try to talk to him again?"


"Dean, all we can do is talk to the guy."

"He's not a guy. He's God. And pissed. And when God gets righteous, you get the hell out of the way; haven't you ever read the Bible?"

"I guess..."

"Cas is never coming back. He's lied to us, he used us, he cracked your gourd like it was nothing. No more talk; we have spent enough on him."


"Hand me that socket wrench."


Nancy Sinatra's These Boots Were Made For Walking played. There were Enochian sigils on the windows.


Crowley poured a glass of whiskey and sat in front of a TV.

A TV announcer spoke. "...since Biblical times. Leprosy was once so prevalent that colonies were found around the world. Today we are witnessing the unprecedented shutdown of India's leper colonies after what many are calling a miracle healing. Here with us, health correspondent Rob Lewinsky."

"Educate me, Lewinsky," Crowley said.

The TV suddenly went dark.

"Hello, Crowley," Castiel greeted, appearing in the demon's trailer. "You look stressed."

Crowley sighed. "Bollocks."

The demon looked at Castiel. "So, the jig is up. You found me."

"I never lost you." Castiel looked at the Enochian sigils scrawled all over the walls. "These scratches, they're all useless."

"Still... Can't blame a girl for trying. Fancy a drink before you smite me?"


"You like to bend them right over, do you? Let's go." He outstretched both arms and grinned.

"I'm not going to kill you. I have plans for you."

"What's it?"

"Here's our new arrangement; I let you live, you return to your post as king of Hell."


"I choose where each soul goes. I control the flow, and you take whatever I give you."

Crowley turned his back on Castiel and moved in front of the sink. "I take it you intend to keep the live share? So, what you're saying is Hell's being downsized?"

"I would have done away with it completely, but I need a threat to hold over my enemies, and we need to keep Michael and Lucifer's cage."

"Right. I gather this is not a, uh, negotiation."


"Then I graciously accept, boss." He tipped his glass to Castiel and poured another glass.

Castiel looked down and noticed boiling sore on top of his hands. "I'll be in touch."

Crowley turned to look at Castiel to see he'd already vanished.


Sam was reading a book. He was startled by a strange noise and looked behind himself.

The ceiling panel began cracking and a long chain fell through the hole and wrapped itself around Sam's neck and dragged him to the ceiling. A laughing voice sounded in the background.

Sam woke to realize he was hallucinating. "Dean... Bobby... Michal?"


Dean had the windows covered, getting ready to paint the Impala.

"She's looking good... Considering," Bobby commented, handing Dean a beer.

"Considering?" Dean repeated. "I should do this professionally."

Dean and Bobby opened their beers.

"So... Seen Sam lately?"

"Yeah, why?" Dean asked.

Bobby hesitated to answer and Dean looked at him worriedly before he said, "What? Well, spit it out."

"How is that kid even vertical? I mean, Cas broke his damn piñata."

"I know." He turned back to the Impala.

"I mean, I get how he came to help us back at the lab. Adrenaline. Sure, but now?"

Dean began taping the Impala's antenna. "Well... he says he's okay."


"I don't know. I just pray to God it's true."

"We need to come up with a new saying for that."

Sam began entering the garage, followed by Michal, but overheard Dean and Bobby's conversation.

"Seriously though, Bobby," Dean said. "Look at our lives. How many more hits can we take? So, if Sam says he's good... GOOD."

"You believe that?"

"Yeah," Dean answered, hesitating a moment. "No. You wanna know why? Because we never catch a break. So why would we this time? I just... just this one thing. You know? But I'm not dumb. We're not going to get our hopes up just to get kicked in the daddy-pills again."

Sam emerged from eavesdropping and startled Dean and Bobby. "Hey."

"Hey," Bobby greeted. "How are you feeling, sport?"

"Can't complain!"


Michal nodded. "He seems to be okay enough."

"Great," Dean replied. "What's the word?"

"Well, a publishing house literally exploded about an hour ago," Sam informed. "The guy has a body count that's really getting up there. We gotta do something."

"What we've got to do is hunt the son of a bitch," Bobby said. "Unfortunately, I lost my God guns."

"Well, I mean is there some kind of Heavenly weapon? Maybe something out of that angel arsenal that Balthazar stole? There has to be something that can hurt him."

"He's God, Sam," Dean told him. "There's nothing, but there might be someone."


Bobby lit a match and threw it into a bowl where it erupted into a huge flame. There was a Devil's Trap scrawled on the floor.

Crowley appeared inside the Devil's Trap, a glass of whiskey in hand. "No. No! NO! Come on!"

"Don't act so surprised," Bobby and Michal said.

"My new boss is going to kill me for even talking to you lads and lady."

"Well, you're lucky we're not stabbing you in your scuzzy face, you little piece..." Dean was cut off.

"Whoa, wait!" Sam yelled. "What new boss?"

"Castiel, you giraffe," Crowley answered.

Bobby frowned. "Is your new boss?"

"Is everybody's boss. What do you think he's going to do if he finds out we've been conspiring? You do want to conspire, don't you?"

"No. We want you to just stand there and look pretty."


"We need a spell to bind Death," Dean said.

"Bind? Enslave Death? You having a laugh?"

"Lucifer did it."

"That's Lucifer."

"A spell's a spell," Sam reasoned.

"You really believe you can handle that kind of horsepower? You're delusional!"

"Death is the only platter on the board left, well, Death, that has the kind of juice to take Cas," Dean said.

"They'll mash us like peas. Why should I help with a suicide mission?" Crowley asked.

"Look!" Michal shouted. "Do you really want Cas running the universe?"

Crowley looked down and poured himself another drink.


A blind homeless man sat on the sidewalk with a tin can, asking for change.

"Some help, please," the homeless man begged. "Please. Help. So helpless." Castiel came by and dropped some coins in his can. "God bless you, sir."

"You're a true believer," Castiel said. "People say I'm wrathful, but I only punish liars and those who forsake me. I am a just God."

"Excuse me?"

Castiel touched his hand to the homeless man's head who closed his eyes. "See."

The homeless man opened his eyes and his vision was restored. "Oh my God, I can see!" He looked to see Castiel standing over him. "Your face... What's wrong with you?"


Castiel looked at himself in front of a mirror. His face was breaking out in blisters.

"A mistake," a creepy voice said. "Too late. Let us out."

Castiel unbuttoned his shirt and the monster souls, in the form of two hands under his skin, were trying to bust their way out of his vessel.

The creepy voice spoke again. "Let us out. Let us out!"

"No," Castiel replied.


Bobby walked down the stairs while flipping through his mail. He looked down in time to see a piece of paper pass under the front door.

Bobby picked the paper up and walked outside to see who'd left it.

"Hello?" Bobby called.

He looked at the paper to see that it was the spell they'd asked for.

"It's from Crowley," Bobby informed.

"Well, who feels like hogtying Death tonight?" Dean asked.

"Old age is overrated, anyhow," Bobby replied.


"Well, we've got most of this stuff, but we're going to have to make a run for a few things," Bobby said.

"Like?" Dean questioned.

"Like an act of God crystallized forever."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Sam wondered.

"That can mean an actual crystal," Michal said. "See, lightning strikes sand at the right angle - it crystallizes not the perfect shape of itself."

"Lightning. Act of God."

"Jinga," Bobby confirmed. "You got yourself a fulgurate and we're gonna need a biggie."

"And let me guess... rare," Dean said.

"Michal and I found records of an auction. Winning bidder lives about nine hours from here."


They made their way to the house and a security guard yelled, "Hey!"

"Excuse me," Dean stated. "You got any Grey Poupon?"

Sam frowned. "Grey Poupon? Seriously?"

"It's what popped in my head."

Dean made his way inside and found the crystallized salt. He was about to nab it when they heard a gun cock.

Dean smiled awkwardly. "Hi. Uh... I really don't want to hurt you. Really."

"I'm the one with the firearm, son," Mr. Weiss said.

"I get that."

Dean tied the couple up.

Bobby, Michal and Sam walked in.

Dean noticed and said, "Okay. Yeah. Good. Hey, guys. Uh, so this is Dr. and Mrs. Weiss."

"Hi. Sorry," Sam apologized.

"I found the God thingy."

"Well, let's light this candle," Bobby told them.

"You're welcome."

Bobby spoke a spell. "Te nunc invoco, mortem. Te in mea potestate defixi. Nunc et in aeternum!"

"Um... Hello? Death?" Dean questioned.

"You're joking," Death stated, frowning.

"I'm sorry, each. This isn't what it seems."

"Seems like you bound me."

"For good reason, okay? Just, uh, hear us out. Um... Fried pickle chip? They're the best in the state."

"That easy to soothe me, you think? This is about Sam's hallucinations, I assume?"


"Sorry, Sam. One wall per customer. Now unbind me."

"We can't," Sam said. "Y-yet."

"This isn't going to end well."

"We need you to kill God," Dean told him.


"Kill God," Bobby repeated. "You heard right. Your... Honor."

"What makes you think I can do that?"

"You told me," Dean reminded him.

"Why should I."

"Because... I said so, and I'm the boss of you. I mean... Respectfully."

"Amazing," Castiel commented.

"Cas," Sam and Michal called.

"I didn't want to kill you, but now..."

"You can't kill us," Dean told him.

"You've erased any nostalgia I had for you, Dean."

"Death is our bitch. We ain't gonna die, even if God pulls the trigger."

"Annoying little protozoa, aren't they?" Death questioned. ""God"? You look awfully like a mutated angel to me. Your vessel's melting. You're going to explode."

"No, I'm not," Castiel argued. "When I've finished my work, I'll repair myself."

"You think you can because you think you're simply under the weight of all those souls, yes? But that's not the worst problem. There are things much older than souls in Purgatory, and you gulped those in, too."

"Irrelevant. I control them."

"For the moment."

Dean frowned. "Wait -- uh, what older things?"

"Long before God created angel and man, he made the first beasts -- the Leviathans."


"I personally found them entertaining, but he was concerned they'd chomp the entire petri dish, so he locked them away. Why do you think he created Purgatory? To keep those clever, poisonous things out. Now Castiel has swallowed them. He's the one thin membrane between the old ones and your home. Stupid little soldier you are."

"Why? Because I dared open a door that he shut? Where is he? I did a service, taking his place."

"Service? Settling petty vendettas?"

"No. I'm cleaning up one mess after another -- selflessly."

"Quite the humanitarian."

"And how would you know? What are you, really? A flyswatter?"

"Destined to swat you, I think."

"Unless I take you first."

"Really brought his own press, this one. Please, Cas. I know God, and you, sir, are no God."

"All right, put your junk away, both of you," Dean said. "Look, call him what you want. Just kill him now!"

Death was released from his prison. "All right. Fine. Thank you. Shall we kickboxing now? I had a tingle I'd be reaping someone very, very soon. Don't worry -- not you." Castiel disappeared. "Well, he was in a hurry."


Senator Michelle Walker said, "Yes, that's exactly why I'm running again -- to save my constituents from the godless policies of my opponents. Couldn't have said it better myself."

The senator's aide noticed Castiel and asked, "Sir, can I help you?"

"I'm here to see the senator," Castiel replied.

"Um, regarding?"

"Abuse of power."

"Excuse me?"

"I am not petty. I'm punishing a woman who causes poverty and despair in my name. I put your needs first. Don't you understand?"

The aide didn't reply, but stared at him confusedly. Castiel turned to the other staff members at the desk.

Castiel continued. "All of you. I am a better God than my father. How can I make you understand?"

Castiel heard menacing voices calling his name and started laughing manically.


"Ahh," Death said.

"Um..." Dean began.

"Shut up, Dean. I'm not here to tie your shoes every time you trip. I wanted you about those souls how long ago? Long enough to stop that fool. And here we are again, with your little planet on the edge of immolation."

"Well, I'm sorry. All right? I've been trying to save this planet, so maybe you should find somebody better to tip off."

"Maybe I should spend my effort on a better planet. Well, it's been amusing."

"Wait, h-hold on, hold on," Sam said. "Just -- can you give us something? You -- you have to care a little bit about what happens to us."

"You know, I really don't. But I do find that little angel arrogant."

"Great. Let's go with that," Dean decided.

"Your only hope is to have him return it all to Purgatory. Quickly."

"We need a door," Sam stated.

"You have everything you need at that lab. Get him to return there and compel him to give up the power."

"Compel?" Dean and Michal repeated.

"Figure it out."

Bobby frowned. "But that door only opens in the eclipse, and that's over."

"I'll make another. 3:59 Sunday morning, just before dawn. Be punctual. Don't thank me. Clean up your mess. Try to bind me again, you'll die before you start. Nice pickle chips, by the way."


Castiel looked around at the bodies of everyone he'd slaughtered. "No. No. No."


Sam noticed Dean drinking and asked, "You want some coffee with that?"

"It's 6:00 p.m. somewhere," Dean replied.

Michal let out a sigh as she placed a hand on Dean's shoulder and rubbed the back of it with her thumb.

"We got to hit the road," Sam told his brother. "I mean, how are we supposed to get Cas to the lab by friggin' 3:59 a.m.?"

"We don't," Dean answered.

"What do you mean, "We don't"?"

"I mean, we can't bring the horse to water, and we can't make it drink. Why fool ourselves?"

"Dean, look, I know you think that Cas is gone-"

"It's 'cause he is."

"He's not! He's in there somewhere, Dean. I know it."

"No, you don't."

"No, I don't. But, look, I was pretty far gone sometimes myself, and you two never gave up on me."

"Yeah, and it turns out that you're about the same open book you've always been. Hallucinations? Really? We got to find out from Death?"

"What was I supposed to do?"

"How about not lie? How about you tell me that you've got crazy crap climbing those walls of yours?"

"Why? You can't help. You got a lot of pretty severe crap swinging your way lately, and -- and I thought -- what? I thought why burst the one good bubble you had left? It's under control."

"What? What, exactly, is under control?"

"I know what's real and what's not."


"Dean, look, we can debate this once we deal with Cas."

"Yeah, you know how I'm gonna deal?" Dean said. "I'm gonna stuff my piehole, I'm gonna drink, and I'm gonna watch some Asian cartoon porn and act like the world's about it explode because it is. Hey. You got to be kidding me. "Massacre at the campaign office of an incumbent senator by a trench-coated man." There's security footage." They watched it. "Well, I think reaching Cas is, uh... out of the cards."

Dean left.

Sam walked to another part of the lawn. "Hey, Castiel. Um... Maybe this is pointless. Look... I don't know if any part of you even cares, but, um, I still think you're one of us, deep down. Michal does too I think. I mean, way, way, way off the reservation, but... Look, we still have till dawn to stop this. Let us help. Please."

He walked inside and looked at Dean. "Only if you turn that off."

Dean turned the porn off as Michal entered the room.

"Sam?" Castiel called.

"Cas," Sam said, steadying him.

"I heard your call. I need help."


"We need the right blood," Castiel told the hunters. "There's a small jar -- end of the hall, s-supply closet."

"Got it," Sam said as Michal started to follow. "I can handle this. You help the others."

Michal nodded slowly. "All right."

"Dean?" Castiel called.

"What, you need something else?" Dean asked.

"No. I feel regret about you and what I did to Sam."

"Yeah, well, you should."

"If there was time, if I was strong enough, I'd -- I'd fix him now. I just wanted to make amends before I die."


"Is it working?"

"Does it make you feel better?"

"No. You?"

"Not a bit."


"I know," Lucifer said, seeing Sam's shocked expression. "It all seems so silly, doesn't it? Hi, Sam. Long time, no spooning."

"You're not here," Sam tried to reassure himself. "You're in Hell."

"Now, that you're right on."

"Meathooks... Chains... You. It's not real. It's just my brain leaking memories from the cage 'cause of the wall breaking down. That's all."

"Hmm. That's very good, your little theory. It's wrong. Sam, this isn't you going guano. Everything else is."


"Everything... From the second you sprung out of that lockbox."

"That's impossible."

"No. Escaping was impossible. I have to say, I think this is my best torture yet -- make you believe that you're free and then... Yank the wool off of your eyes. You never left, Sam. You're still in the cage... With me."


"Hang in there," Bobby said. "Just a couple of minutes. Where's Sam? It's go time."

"Sam?!" Dean called, finding the jar of blood in the hallway. "Damn it."

He returned with the blood.

"That's good enough," Bobby told him. "Okay, step right up, Cas."

Bobby spoke the spell. "Ianua magna purgatorii, clausa est ob nos lumine eius ab oculis nostris retento sed nunc stamus ad limen huius ianuae magnae et demisse fideliter perhonorifice paramus aperire eam."

"I'm sorry, Dean," Castiel apologized.

"Creaturae terrificae quarum ungulae et dentes nunquam tetigerunt carnem eius ad mundum nostrum nunc ianua magna, aperta tandem!"

"Cas?" Dean called as the angel fell still.

Bobby and Michal felt Castiel's skin. "He's cold."

"Is he breathing?"

Bobby placed a hand over Castiel's mouth. "No."

"Maybe angels don't need to breathe."

"He's gone, Dean," Michal told him gently, taking one of his hands. "I'm sorry."

"Damn it. Cas, you child. Why didn't you listen to me?" Castiel stirred. "Cas?! Hey! Hey! Okay. All right." He helped the angel sit.

"That was unpleasant," Castiel commented.

"Let's get him up. Easy, there."

They lifted Castiel who said, "I'm alive."

"Looks like," Bobby replied.

"I'm astonished. Thank you -- each of you."

"We were mostly... just trying to save the world."

"I'm ashamed. I really overreached."

"You think?" Dean shot back.

"I'm gonna find some way to redeem myself to you."

"All right, well, one thing at a time. Come on. Let's get you out of here. Come on."

"I mean it, Dean."

"Okay. All right. But let's go find Sam, okay?"

"You need to run now! I-I can't hold them back!"

"Hold who back?" Dean and Michal asked.

"They held on inside of me. Dean, they're so strong."

"Who the hell-?" Dean began.

"Leviathan! I can't fight them. Run!" He pushed them towards the door.

"Go! Go get Sam!" Dean yelled to Bobby and Michal. "Go get Sam!"

"Too late," the Leviathan said.


"Cas is -- he's gone. He's dead. We run the show now. Ah. Oh, this is going to be so much fun." He grinned manically and let out an evil laugh.

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